Call It What You Want - Chapter 6 - my_castlescrumbling - Harry Potter (2024)

Sighing again, James just closed his eyes and wished the couch would swallow him whole.

mountain - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 154

James noticed Regulus- really noticed him- for the first time, in the library.

He told people it was during Quidditch. When people asked, he spun a tale about a match where Regulus almost knocked him off his broom. He laughed and joked that from then on, he was a goner.

But when Regulus asked, he told a different story.

"You were doing homework," James murmured, one early morning, the sky out the window still gray with the dawn, his arms wrapped around Regulus from behind. "There was a mountain of books around you, and you were focused. So intense. But you looked...peaceful. And happy." James swallowed, eyes faraway with the memory. "I wanted to make you feel happy, like that. And then you looked up to me for a moment, and I saw how beautiful your eyes were. And," he shrugged, "I realized it could never be anyone else."

support - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 281

James had accepted that his feelings were unrequited a long time ago. He'd decided not to pursue Regulus as he'd done Lily. It had only ended in heartbreak. He knew how Regulus felt. Instead, he'd resigned himself to being friends with Regulus, to admiring him from afar. To the long, drawn-out pain of never having what he wanted most.

Everyone knew. He was horribly obvious and sometimes he even thought Regulus knew. But nobody said anything and the pining continued.

Until one day they were all hanging out by the lake, releasing all the pent-up energy leftover from exams, and Marlene brought her camera. Pictures were taken and later developed and Marlene brought one to dinner to show the boys, going on about how cute it was.

And it was. They were knee-deep in the lake, James leaning onto Peter for support as they both laughed hysterically, watching Remus splash Sirius mercilessly.

James opened his mouth to comment on it, when Marlene said something else.

"'Course, Reg is completely mooning over you in the background, isn't he?" she murmured, smirking a bit.

And James allowed himself a closer look, even as Sirius scoffed.

There Regulus was. Sitting on the shore with Barty and Evan, the shade of a large tree keeling his pale skin safe from the string sun.

And he was gazing at James. His eyes never left him, a small smile spreading across his face and his mouth moving so he lightly bit his lip as he watched, his entire face soft. He did, undeniably, look besotted.

James felt a blush form on his face and hope bubble in his stomach. Maybe, maybe, he had a chance, after all.

coward - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 174

It was a stupid reaction. He knew that, logically.

But still, when he heard his best friend ascending the stairs, yelling something to Remus, he just couldn't think.

"f*ck!" He yelled, accidentally pushing Regulus off his lap and onto the floor, scrambling to cover himself even thought he was fully clothed.

Of course, that was when Sirius and Remus entered the room, to find a swearing Regulus sprawled on the ground and a panicking James on the bed.

".....what are you doing, Prongs?" Sirius asked, though the answer was clear and his tone of voice showed that he was holding back laughter.

"Erm...homework!" James answered, bright red.

"Homework?" Remus questioned, lips quivering as well.

"Yes. Arithmancy," James nodded fervently, even as Regulus continued cursing and picked himself off the ground. "Reg was grabbing a book that fell under the bed."

"Prongs, you don't take Arithmancy, you coward," Sirius muttered, rubbing at his temples with his fingers.

Regulus snorted and nodded, before striking up a conversation with Sirius and Remus and completely ignoring James.

candy - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 376

Regulus was going mad.

Ever since the start of Hogsmeade trips this year, James had taken to carrying around a bag of hard candies. Regulus wasn't even sure where he got the damn things. They were decidedly normal, not at all magical or unique, just wrapped in colorful wrappers and always at James's fingertips.

But they didn't have to be magical. Because every time James was near Regulus, he would pop a piece into his mouth and begin to play with it. Chase it around with his tongue; roll it between his teeth and back and forth over his lips; making eye contact the entire time.

The way he would stare as his plump lips moved made Regulus's mouth water. He was going insane with the ridiculous need to connect his mouth to James's, to taste the stupid candies on his lips, to suck until they were both enjoying whatever damn flavor make James roll his tongue around his mouth so seductively.

He held out for a long time. He was proud of his self-control, really. Until one day, James passed him in the hall, both of them alone, and hazel eyes met gray. Kissable lips parted to allow a red candy entrance and Regulus just pounced.

It was an explosion of flavor and emotion as soon as their lips collided. James grabbed at him, moaning and tangling his fingers through his hair, their bodies melding together like they were meant to be so close. Regulus bit at his lip and his knees nearly gave out from the feeling, James's tongue dancing with his own, the tension that had been building burning to flames.

He was in heaven. He would gladly stay there forever, snogging James Potter, skating his fingers up the taller boy's chest and making horribly needy noises into his mouth but all of a sudden life took over and the sounds of hundreds of footsteps shocked them both, making them pull apart.

Chest heaving, eyes wide and dark, James stared at him as the hall flooded with students switching classes, but Regulus wasn't sure what to think or say, so he just turned and walked away.

It was only after he began walking that he realized-

He had a candy in his mouth.

eyeliner - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 440 - NSFW but not explicit (stripper!Regulus, anyone?)

James wasn't sure how he'd ended up here. Somehow, Marlene's entire bachelorette party had migrated to the strip club, where scantily-clad dancers moved suggestively, and Peter had already taken three shots of tequila.

James stared around, eyes a bit glazed from the alcohol, not looking for anything in particular, contemplating challenging Pete to take another shot when he saw him-

An angel.

He moved across the room like he was floating, dark hair falling in loose waves over his kohl-covered eyes, matching black satin lingerie covering perfectly slim milky-white skin scrawled with tattoos.

James reached out to slap his hand against whoever was sitting next to him, hardly daring to look away.

"Ow! James, what?" Dorcas's voice yelped.

"Something to write with. Quick," James muttered, voice rough, eyes still glued.

"Erm...I only have-"

"Whatever you have," James nodded, still craning his neck to stare.

Not bothering to look at the pencil in his hand, he began to move as soon as he closed it in his fingers, chasing the man he set his sights on.

And with absolutely no finesse, he tapped him on the shoulder, nearly choking on his own spit when he realized that he had the most beautiful grey eyes on the planet.

After an awkward moment of silence, during which the piercing eyes looked him up and down, the man asked in a low, bored voice, "Want to dance? It'll cost you."

"No-no. Just a date," James forced out, still begging his brain to catch up.

The man scoffed. "What kind of person do you think I-"

Realizing how it sounded, James corrected himself. "A real date. Dinner. A movie. You- you're lovely."

Thin fingers pushed a strand of black hair away from eyes that stared at him suspiciously. "Yeah?"

"Yes. Please," James nodded. "Can I have your number?" He held up the pencil as he asked.

But the man smirked. "Eyeliner?"

Doing a double-take, he looked at the pencil only to realize it was eyeliner. "f*ck. Sorry, I-"

"No problem," the man replied softly, snatching the pencil from him and holding his hand firmly.

How was it so sensual? Suddenly, the man was carefully, slowly writing on his arm with the dark pencil, the sensation of it drawing goosebumps and fire from James's skin. He almost drooled, watching the way the man bit his lip in concentration as he drew letters and numbers across his skin.

"Call me," the man whispered after a moment, handing the pencil back. He turned before James could say a word, giving him a wonderful view of the g-string he wore.

"f*ck," James murmured, looking down at his skin.

Edit: Marlene and Dorcas are having a joint Bachelorette party, guys. Sorry for the confusion!

Transfiguration - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 237

Regulus Black did not skip class.

No matter how ill he felt, he had missed a grand total of four lessons in his entire Hogwarts career, and that was only because he'd been out cold, following a Quidditch incident.

So when James Potter suggested he skip Transfiguration to go on a walk with him, he nearly fainted at the idea.

"I have class, Potter," he scoffed, straightening the collar of his perfectly pressed shirt.

They'd been doing this for weeks, now. Sneaking around in secret passageways. Kissing behind closed doors. Moaning into each other's mouths in the dead of night, hidden in old, forgotten classrooms.

But Regulus never stayed. He never lingered long enough to exchange more than a few sentences with Potter, let alone go on a walk with him.

But the look in his eyes at that moment. The mixture of hope, fear, adoration, and genuine caring. It made Regulus falter.

"Why...why do you want to go on a walk, anyway?" he asked, wishing he'd put more malice into the question, detesting how vulnerable he sounded.

"I just...want to spend time with you," Potter shrugged, a tiny half-smile forming on his lips. "I want to get to know you, Reg."

He thought about it. They were reviewing in class today. He didn't technically need the help...

"Alright," he agreed, nodding stiffly. "Just this once, mind."

And James's eyes lit up like the sun.

birthday - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 306

James's birthday might as well have been a school holiday. It meant a huge scene at breakfast, a catastrophic prank, and a gigantic, alcohol-filled party, the entire room giving James everything he asked for.

And Regulus in the corner, looking on.

Girls fawned over the birthday boy, leaning on his shoulder like he was their only means of balance, whispering in his ear in a way that Regulus assumed they though was seductive but was actually hard to watch, giggling and laughing and blushing as James politely spoke to all of them.

Lily and Pandora sat on either side of him, trying to engage him in conversation, even as he clutched his plastic cup and ignored them both.

But after a few minutes, his stomach lurched. Because James was watching him. And carefully, always so polite, he separated himself from the crowd surrounding him, apologetically shrugging and grinning good-naturedly, before walking toward Regulus with purpose.

And damn, maybe Regulus shouldn't have had a drink, because his stomach felt all bubbly.

"Reg! What're you doing over here?" James asked, face a bit red from drink.

"Letting you have your moment," Regulus responded, trying to smile, even as jealousy coursed through him.

But James frowned, and said sincerely, "But...I don't want my moment. I want to spend my birthday with you."

Affection flowed through Regulus's body at the words, and Pandora nudged his side with her elbow, looking at him expectantly.

"I..." he sighed, knowing he would regret asking, but he always did cave when it came to James. "D'you want to dance, James?"

The birthday boy's face lit up. "Yes! Oi, Moony! Start the music!"

And, allowing himself to be dragged into the crowd and pulled into James's embrace, Regulus smirked despite himself.

Because even as all eyes were on James, James's eyes were on him.

skinny dip - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 333 - NSFW but not explicit

Regulus looked about half a second away from killing someone. As the entire group stood around the edge of the small lake by the building, the half-full moon reflecting beautifully off the dark surface, his entire face was pulled into the most beautiful scowl.

"Let's go, Reg! The sooner you start, the sooner you finish!" Barty grinned, pushing the man toward the water.

"I know where you sleep," Regulus grumbled, reaching for his trousers. "Now turn, all of you!"

Obediently, the entire group turned around facing away from Regulus as the sounds of moving fabric accosted James's ears.

Skinny dipping. That had been Barty's dare. They'd been drinking into the late hours of the night, entertaining themselves in their hotel rooms after the bar closed, partying after Sirius and Remus's wedding. Sirius and Remus, of course, were busy doing god knew what.

James curled his fingers into his palms softly, trying to ignore the clear sounds of Regulus slowly moving into the water. Naked, his drunk brain helpfully supplied. He's naked.

"We have to turn to make sure you've actually done it!" Barty called, his voice saccharine.

"Fine!" Regulus responded, sounding furious.

James turned, eyes roving.

And Regulus was like art. He was facing away from the group, ten feet into the water. His bare back was almost illuminated in the light of the moon, jet-black tattoos contrasting beautifully on pale skin. The water flowed calmly, just caressing over the curve of his lower back, the curve of his spine drawing James's hungry eyes up to the dark, curly hair on his head. James wanted to pull it, to turn Regulus around and connect their lips together. To take.

Perfect, his brain allowed. He's perfect.

"Can I get out now?" Regulus called. "I have a murder to attend to!"

Barty chuckled. "Alright. But if I were you I'd focus on other members of the group. Potter here looks like he's about to die already."

James felt himself turn red and looked away quickly.

Inspired by a prompt from @hedgehog-troops

The room was quiet, the flickering of the TV low as the credits rolled on the screen.

Peter slept on the couch, stretched out, socked foot hanging off the edge and low snores emanating from his unconscious form.

Remus and Sirius had already turned in about twenty minutes ago, Remus half-carrying Sirius, a small, doting smile on his face.

Which left one armchair each for James and Regulus, both of whom were shifting awkwardly.

It was late. So late it was early, and Regulus hated the idea of driving home when he was dead on his feet. But he didn't have any other choice, as Peter was a log when asleep, and Sirius and James didn't have a guest room.

"Stay," came James's voice, making Regulus jump.

He sighed. He loved the idea of a soft bed. Cuddling with James. Sleeping in his arms. But he wasn't sure what would be...expected. If he stayed.

They'd been flirting back and forth for months, now. Exchanged heated glances and trailed fingers over shoulders and waists as they passed each other. The tension was palpable on most days, and Regulus couldn't deny that he wanted James.

But he was tired. "I...I can't James," he murmured, glad the dark of the room hid his blushing. "I just...I need to sleep."

"That is what most beds are used for," James replied, smirking. "Or did you think I was propositioning you?"

Now Regulus was sure James could see the blush on his cheeks. "Wh-what? No, I-"

"I'm joking, Reg. Come sleep. I'll properly proposition you tomorrow," James grinned, offering his hand to help Regulus up from the chair.

Hesitantly, Regulus stood, allowing James to lead him from the room, and together they fell into James's soft sheets. Suppressing a sigh, he allowed James to pull him closer, muscled arms wrapping around his waist, his back flush against James's chest.

"Goodnight, Regulus. Sweet dreams," James's velvety voice whispered into his ear, making him smile softly and move closer to the warmth of the man behind him.

It had been eating at him. Consuming his every thought. Keeping him up and weighing him down with guilt. The shame was literally making him nauseous. He had to say something. He had to confess.

"I think I'm hom*ophobic," James muttered into the still morning air, knowing that his friends would hear.

Sirius's pale hand curled around the curtains of Remus's bed, revealing both of their shocked faces. "Erm...what?" Sirius asked, sitting up and pulling Remus up with him.

"I...I think I'm hom*ophobic," James repeated, looking down with embarrassment. Gods, how had this happened?

"Mate..." Remus started, gesturing at himself and Sirius, "....are you....what?"

"No, I know," James agreed, nodding. He had no problem with Remus and Sirius and their obnoxiously physical relationship. In fact, he thought they were cute! It was sweet, to see them so happy.

But Regulus on the other hand..."It's just...I see them kissing and I want to throw up," he murmured, half to himself.

Sirius and Remus exchanged a glance, looking worried, and James' heart sank. He was horrible. Terrible.

"Erm. Them, who?" Peter piped up from his own bed.

"R-Regulus. And the bloke he's with," James admitted, dropping his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Sirius, I'm horrible, I don't know what's wrong with me, I-"

But Remus interrupted, looking thoughtful. "Let me get this straight," he said slowly. "You don't mind seeing Sirius and I kiss?"

"Of course not!" James exclaimed, throwing his hands up exasperatedly. "You're my best friends! I think it's just people I don't know well, maybe? Or-"

"But when it's Regulus, you get upset?" Remus continued, a smile spreading across his face.

"Yes! Yes, I want to- to punch something, it's-"

"What about McKinnon and Meadowes?" Sirius asked, a peculiar expression spreading on his own face. Like he'd been hit over the head with a hammer.

James contemplated that. ", that's..." A horrifying thought occurred to him. "D'you think I just hate gay boys? Oh, Merlin, d'you think I'm like...sexualizing lesbians?"

"You're an idiot," Sirius replied, rolling his eyes and laying back on the bed. "Actually, you're more than an idiot. Gods, how the hell d'you even have a crush on Reggie?"

"I don't have a crush-" James started arguing after stunned silence, but cut himself off as he began to think about it.

And oh.

It made much more sense.

He was jealous.

"Sorted, then?" Peter asked, getting up from his bed. "Because I want breakfast."


They had been sitting in the cafe for only a few minutes when Regulus waved at Barty to get his attention.

'What?' Barty asked, raising his eyebrows at him. He'd been in the middle of writing his English paper, and was not in the best of moods.

'To your left,' Regulus signed, jerking his chin.

Barty looked over to see a tall man with wavy brown hair sitting at a table by himself, staring vaguely in their direction, with headphones in his ears. Judging from his expression, he looked like his thoughts were a million miles away.

'The bloke?' Barty questioned, grinning a bit.

Regulus smirked. 'Nice arse. I'd climb him like a tree.' His hands moved skillfully, even as he threw Barty a suggestive smile.

Barty looked back over at the man again, taking in his tan skin and muscular frame. 'Evan is better,' he decided.

'Evan is taken.'

'Hell yes, he is,' Barty laughed, nodding.

They continued their conversation, hands flying as they discussed the finer points of Mr. Nice Arse's body. Regulus was halfway through describing exactly how he thought the man looked without a shirt when the subject of their conversation stood up, pulling out his headphones and walking directly toward them.

Both Barty and Regulus froze and stared at the other man as he stopped at their table, unsure of what do to.

'You're welcome to come back to mine and find out,' he man signed fluently with a grin, eyes glued to Regulus's face, which turned bright red. 'You can even- what was it- climb me like a tree?'

Barty burst out laughing at Regulus's expression of horror, but as he left the cafe alone five minutes later, he was pretty sure he could deem that a positive turn of events.

Based on @pickinglilahs 's prompt

Regulus was mad. Furious, even.


Because stupid James Potter was growing on him.

He stalked into the courtyard, trying to stop himself from thinking about how yesterday, Potter had worn jeans that had looked just lovely on him, and last week, Potter had smiled at him in a way that made his stomach flop uncomfortable. He tried to stop remembering the way Potter, during the Quidditch Match two weeks ago, had stopped short in the middle of a play to make sure someone on the opposite team was okay when they'd fallen.

Because if he thought about those things, he might actually think about how he didn't hate Potter.

Of course, the world was cruel, and as soon as he exited the castle, a voice yelled out to him.

"Reg! Hey!"

"Wha- Potter! How did you get up there?" he asked desperately, shocked to see a slightly ruffled-looking James Potter on top of the roof of one of the outdoor paths, a grin on his face.

"Magic!" The other boy called, infuriatingly vague, still smiling. "A first year lost a frisbee up here, and it was stuck, couldn't summon it! Had to help!"

Regulus gaped at Potter, at the way he insisted in being so ridiculously kind and good-looking, and turned and stalked away without a response or a goodbye. Obviously, he had a lot more not-thinking to do.

Based on a TikTok I saw five minutes ago and had to write

He couldn’t breathe.

It was like a cinder block was sitting squarely in his chest.

He couldn’t move.

Everything hurt from the sobs that wracked his body, his eyes stung from the tears that flowed through him before he ran out of tears to cry, and now he lay, voice scratchy, head pounding, body dehydrated.

It couldn’t be real.

Regulus had said he would get out. Would leave. Would come back to him.

But yesterday he’d heard the news: Regulus Black found dead at 19. Drowned.

And now he was drowning. The despair consumed him and he desperately wanted to drink, or scream, or hurt someone, if only he had the energy to move.

Whenever he closed his eyes he saw him. His eyes. His voice. His smile.

And he realized any pain before now was nothing compared to the the plain of knowing that nobody would see that beautiful smile again.

He wasn’t sure how long he laid there. It had probably been days. He was shaking and disoriented and when he stood to use the bathroom he fell to his knees, crawling with lack of energy, too distraught to care.

Because Regulus was gone.

Until Sirius’s voice flowed through the haze.

James blinked and look toward the sound.

“Mate? James? Someone’s here to see you.”

He couldn’t talk. Didn’t have the ability to explain to Sirius why he was so upset. Why he couldn’t help his best friend grieve his brother. So he just lay there.

Until he heard the most beautiful sound in the entire universe.


He fell off the bed in his haste to turn, to see Regulus, his Reggie, his love standing there, alive, well, breathing.

He let out a choked gasp at the relief filling his body, grabbed for Regulus like a dying man, caring not for how stupid he probably looked.

“f*ck, f*ck- Reg?” He asked, hardly daring believe it.

“I’m here, darling,” Regulus murmured into his shoulder, both of them sobbing into the embrace. “I could never leave you.”

"No," Regulus mutters, grabbing at James's hands which pick at cuticles, instead handing him a stress ball without even looking up from his own work.

"No," James replies sternly to Regulus's questioning of his love, always patiently reassuring him that he does not hate him.

"No," Regulus rolls his eyes as James shows him a giant stuffed animal in the store, pointing firmly at the shelf from which he took it.

"No," James shakes his head, refusing to allow Regulus to lift a finger when he is ill, fetching water and potions and food and all the books he needs.

"No," Regulus whispers to a shaking James when, after a nightmare about infidelity, he sobs in Regulus's arms, and asks if he will ever actually leave him.

"No," James laughs warmly when Regulus asks if he is annoyed with him, after he shows up at their shared apartment with more books.

"No..." Regulus gasps, shocked, as James lifts his shirt to reveal the R.A.B. tattooed across his hips.

"No," James wrinkles his nose as he looks at ring after ring, none of them being perfect enough or beautiful enough or amazing enough for the love of his life.


"Yes," Regulus cries, shaking, as James reveals the engagement ring he picked with Sirius, both of them half-sobbing as they embrace.

weapon - @jegulus-microfic - word count:

"Alright, love?"

A voice jolted Regulus violently from his thoughts. He'd been concentrating so much on his reading that he'd ended up in his own world, the story more real than the world around him. He hadn't heard anyone approaching, and the noise made him jump halfway into the air and grab at his book, holding it over his head like he was ready to throw it, eyes looking around nervously and heart beating wildly.

Of course, it was after he did all this that he registered where the voice came from.

He looked up to see a familiar smile, hazel eyes filled with adoration and amusem*nt as James Potter stood above him where he lay at the base of a tree.

"Er...lower your weapon? I come in peace," James grinned, holding his arms up in surrender.

Regulus scoffed and lowered the book in question. "f*ck off, Potter."

"Aww, but Reg! You looked so scary with your terrifying book!" James cooed, chuckling. "It was so c- OUCH!"

But James had to cut himself off with a yelp of pain, because a hardcover book to the shin was pretty scary, actually.

diamond - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 356

This was stupid. Such a horribly bad idea, born from too much alcohol and an overly-weepy Barty.

Last night when they'd all been catching up, drinking and laughing, Regulus had casually let slip that he thought James might propose soon. And of course, everyone swooned. But that was when Evan said, "You should go first. Catch him off-guard. It would be so cute."

Everyone had oohed and aahed and he'd agreed (after three shots of Firewhiskey) and now here he was, hungover, looking around the store while Dorcas chatted with a saleslady. Of course, this was the wrong thing to do, because she seemed to be under the impression that he was buying a ring for Dorcas, and Regulus was about to firmly correct her, tell her that his boyfriend would not want the gaudy ring she'd pulled out, when the door to the shop opened.


It was Sirius's voice that called to him, but James's eyes that he met. Because of course, James would choose to go to the exact same store on the exact same day, and bring his brother as support.

"What're you...what're you doing here, love?" James asked, walking toward him, looking between Regulus and Dorcas, who still held the grape-sized diamond in her hand.

He gaped, trying and failing to come up with a lie. Marlene and Dorcas were already engaged, so it wasn't like he was there to support her.

Of course, it was too late. James could see right through him anyways. Read him like nobody could. "Are you...are you here for me?" he asked Regulus softly, eyes wide.

Regulus just nodded, unsure of what to say.

But James smiled, eyes full of tears. "f*ck. well...I guess that ruins the surprise for both of us, huh?"

But Regulus finally regained his voice and said with a challenging tilt to his voice. "You still don't know when I'm going to propose, Potter. We'll see who does it better."

And James, beaming, let out a sigh. "Oh, Reg. You have no idea what I have planned for us."

Somehow, the terrifying thought only filled Regulus with happiness.

Call It What You Want - Chapter 6 - my_castlescrumbling - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6108

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.