Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (2024)

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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (1)
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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER

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Postby alkaid_ »

If one word had to describe how I feel right now, it would be hopeless. I feel that it has been several hours since I left here. What little I can feel and hear with minimal movements gives me the impression that I am in a sort of garden or scrub.

I cannot see anything around me, a piece of tape covering my eyes. And even if he could remove the bandage that would keep me in the same impotence. My captor left pulled me inside this sack canvas. I can’t do much to break free. My hands are tightly tied behind my back, I tried for several hours of searching the knots and fight them now, but the effort was futile.

My ankles have the same fate, they are crossed and tied tightly. My knees are strongly linked by several turns of tape and imprisoned my arms my torso in the same way.

Yelling for help is not an option, in my mouth I have a piece of cloth and a few turns of tape over my lips prevent can do it.

Slowly begin to feel cold and damp. Apparently the grass on which I am wet and have advanced as the minutes the water has penetrated to me by the sack canvas. I also try to sit, thinking that this way could draw the attention of someone who passes the location, but the narrowness of the sack not let me.

In the distance I hear the passing cars, they move very fast. Am I near a highway? That would mean it would be very difficult for anyone to find quickly. Dammit!

I have to fight against despair, helplessness and frustration. I know I must be patient and try to keep quiet and pay attention if someone comes to where I am trying to get attention.

I also tried to find a way to untie my feet, but the way I'm tied up, and again the size of costal prevent my attempts.

Finally it seems that my salvation is coming. I begin to hear the voices of two young guys. One is a guy and the other must be a girl. It seems they argue. I wait the voices heard closer, it's my chance to be free.

They begin to approach me and I start to scream through my gag. I hope they hear me. And apparently I do it.

-Do you hear that? It seems to come from here.

I keep yelling, I try desperately to move, I hope they see the canvas sack moving through the grass.

-Get off your lantern! Help me look!

Was it at night? He started going through my head, but had no time to think about the time of day, had to get them to find me.

Moments later feel someone touches me and begins to struggle against the knot of the sack.

-Aw f*ck! It's a dead man!Aw f*ck! (in spanish, aw f*ck = “no mames”)
I'm screaming for that person to know I’m alive and needed to take me there. The sack finally opened and began to pull me out of there.

-Oh, my f*cking good, it’s a kid! Call the cops!... (original “my f*cking good” is “puta madre”)

While listening to the girl begins to call the police, his friend takes my eye tape. I try to adjust my eyes to the light but I can’t breathe hard. Nor trying to scream. I think I'm in shock, my breathing fast and don’t pay attention to what the guy tries to tell me that he just rescue me.

Within minutes I see the light of a police patrol and a few moments later an ambulance arrives, while I am lying in the grass, crying inconsolably, and finally completely untied. I see the sky and it seems that is about to dawn. I feel very cold and just hope my parents arrive soon...

My name is Axel, I have 14 years and this is my story.

The holiday season has arrived and I decided that a good way to pass time and earn money was to go to work as a volunteer packer, or “cerillo”, at a convenience store which is 15 minutes from my house. I do not live in a rich family, but my parents have enough to give us a life pleasing to me and my sister, Renata, 19.

My dad is general manager of a prestigious store, while my mom is the distribution department analyst of a chain of pharmacies.

And with the money I earn in the convenience store I would buy tickets to two concerts I wanted to go.

I must say I had a great time at work, the weeks passed and obviously the holiday had come to end. I continue to work two weeks after school start again and leave the job to devote myself to the school, just as I my parents asked me.

I left the store at about 9 pm, and began the usual route home. I had to walk one block under the tent, turn left and walk a long road to get to the point where I take the bus to my house.

However, that's the point scare me since I entered the store. During the day, the street is quite busy, is a way point of many cars and never alone, but at night is a complete ghost town. Although there are several parked cars, there is nothing that makes people walk out there.

On the left side, much of the street is the wall that overlooks the store, then it is the entrance to what seems was a winery that is almost abandoned, and after several meters of fence, is the door of a chicken storethat closes at four in the afternoon. And on that side are the four lamps that illuminate the street.

The right side is the scariest. There are no street lamps, or are broken. In that area the cars are parked, but there is only one door, the entrance to the garage of a convent, whose front door is on the street where the bus stop.

And the garage entrance is in the middle of the street, at the darkest point on the right side.

Of course I never did way back home on the right side, the fear that came over me at night prevented me. But the only day I had to walk on that side of the street, I can never forget. It seems that what happened my physics teacher calls the "Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong will go wrong", or in this case, worse than you can imagine.

I decided walk with Diana, a co-worker, to the corner street. She is my age, quite cute and nice character. She liked me very much. When we arrived the corner, we noticed that there was a person, a homelessmen, walking on the right side of the street, in our direction. Despite the rush to want to come to my house, I decided to ask him where she had to go, not thinking to leave her alone and at the mercy of that guy, saw her and try transgress with Diana.

She told me that her dad would arrive soon, and asked me where I lived. Unfortunately it turned out that we had completely opposite routes. Inwardly cursing my fate, I did not like the idea of walking down the street where I was that bum drunk, which had already sat on the sidewalk.

Diana's father arrived a few minutes later and she had no choice but to say goodbye to me, jump on his father car, and leave for home. And once again, I am complaining about my fate. I had the illusion that, at least she tell his father to divert the route to get close to the street where i should take the bus to home. Of course, she didn’t.

I was here with not another option who cross paths on the right side of the street and begin to move forward. Watched askance at homeless and drunk men, I was waiting if he try to do something and I react as quickly as possible. I didn’t want He surprise me.

I was so intent on watching that man that I didn’t notice the environment of the street, and after passing the garage door of the convent, I felt like a knife was placed at the height of the right side of my neck.

-Do not make a funny move or take the f*ck... (in mexican: take the f*ck = te lleva la chingada)

The voice was dry, hard and intimidating. I stopped instantly.

-Take what you want, but do not hurt me - I pleaded in his voice low as possible.

-Shut up and put your hands behind –he order me.

I obeyed indications and feel he handcuff my hands. Moments later he placed a pillowcase, very dark, over my head. He grabbed my left arm and made me walk up with him.

At that time I wanted the homeless man realized what was happening, or someone accidentally saw what was happening.

Meanwhile, the subject was still the threat that kept me silent. I began to breathe so hectic, I was in panic.

I heard the sound produced by a car when the alarm goes off, I heard a car door opened, and the subject got me into what looked like the back seat. He forced me to sit on the back seat of the pilot and when I sat there, made me lie down on the back seats.

The back door was closed and the next moment the driver's door opened. The subject started the engine up and start moving. The guy turned again to me the same threat.

-More you better stay well, don’t shout, don’t do something stupid, or you die right now. I hope you understood clearly.

I remained silent, only shook my head saying yes and hoping that this man had seen my reaction.

Why this happening to me?

Last edited by alkaid_ 6 years ago, edited 9 times in total.


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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (2)
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Re: Captivity

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Postby Krashnamsa »

I want more !


Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (4)
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Contact Veracity

Re: Captivity

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Postby Veracity »

Thank you for sharing your story. It is a very interesting start. Please be aware that you are required to tag your stories in the subject line. The guidelines can be found here:


Millennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (5)
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Re: Captivity

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Postby harveygasson »

Good start


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (6)
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Re: Captivity

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Postby alkaid_ »

Veracity wrote: 6 years agoThank you for sharing your story. It is a very interesting start. Please be aware that you are required to tag your stories in the subject line. The guidelines can be found here:

Thanks man.

I forgot this.


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (7)
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Captivity chapter 2 (M/m)

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Postby alkaid_ »

Definitely I was being kidnapped, that was the first thing that came to my mind while the car was moving fast.

But how could a person like me live an escenario like this? A kidnapping only happens to rich people, not people like me. My family haven't a lot of money, could not afford a millionaire rescue, and I thought and stood silently lying in the back seats of the car.

However it came to my mind something I heard days ago, before the holidays start.

My dad took me in his car to school, and suddenly we heard on the radio an interview with a lady, who spoke about the kidnappings.

She said that the kidnappers were changing the type of victims, that rich people were no longer their focus, virtually all kinds of people were vulnerable to kidnapping, especially students.

When I remembered those words I froze. I thought of the suffering of my parents when recibe the warn them they had me, they should collect "X" amount of money if they wanted to see me again. If they did not pay for me, they going to hurt me and cut off a finger or an ear. My breathing began to shake more.

I tried to keep completely silent, didn’t want my captor could I do something or hurt me. However I knew I had to find a way to take advantage of any mistakes and try to escape. The first thing I did was start fighting against the handcuffs, i had to get free of them to flee the car without problems.

I fight with the cuffs and was looking for any of my hand free out, but the effort was futile. The cuffs didn’t give away and my hands were kept imprisoned. All I got was hurt my wrists. I felt light scratches and scrapes on my skin.

Frustration began to invade me. The tears are come out with as much my eyes. At the sobs was heard by my captor, who immediately demanded me, with that aggressive tone yell me to shut up.

I tried to keep silent, to obey him and try to he lower his guard, but I was completely terrified.

I noticed that the car was beginning to slow down, spun steadily and finally stopped. The kidnapper left the vehicle and moments later opened the back door behind the driver.

The guy grabbed my ankles and pulled them together and crossed another. I tried to struggle against him, but he gave me a punch against my left thigh.

-I told you to stay still, you better you cooperate.

I only let out some tears because I knew what was about to happen.

I heard the sound of tape and felt that this tied my ankles while I was lying. When he finished, he placed several laps around my knees. I could not do anything, I felt powerless and helpless. Then he made me sit in the back seat and then went to my head and told me with a threatening tone, in my ear.

-I'll remove the hood, you'd better keep your eyes closed and do not try and talk or shout or I’ll beat you. (In mexican “beat you” = te madreo)

All I did was answer yes, shaking his head. Immediately I closed my eyes as I felt he removed the hood. The guy put me a piece of tape on my eyes and then forced me to open my mouth, he stuffed a ball of cloth in my mouth and then make sure I couldn´t spit it out with several turns of tape over my mouth and back my neck.

The subject left me sitting on the seat and then closed the car door. I did not know what to do, trying to break my bindings but could not. I heard that the trunk was opened and moments later the door to my left side became open. The guy returned to hold and placed several turns of tape to hold my arms to my torso.

I tried to beg him to let me go, but only a few groans were heard ignored by my captor.

He also began to touch me up to my legs, my waist and my thighs. He put his hands in my pants pockets and took my wallet, keys of my home, and my cell phone.

Then, he began to put me in what looked like a sack. I felt like he would sack covering my head and torso slowly, then he fall me down again and my body ended up inside. The guy closed the costal up to my feet and then I pulled the out of the car.

He carry me and then put me in the trunk. When I heard the lid trunk was closed, I broke a lot. I started screaming under my gag, hoping someone had seen what the men had done to me and called the police. Or someone hear my calls for help.

Meanwhile I kept crying desperately. I do not know where they finished draining my tears, but felt down my nose.

The car returned to get stated. I feel tired and even had a desire to sleep. But I also began to fight myself, because I had to be alert and know what my captor would do.

From the first moment when I was abducted outside the store lost track of time. All that remained was to wait for me where I was taken and what he would do with me.

I began to go through my mind at that time concern should feel my mother. I should have already come to my home. I thought she would start calling to my phone and notice that I don’t answer and after the fourth call would already be out with my dad to the store to find out what happened.

Time went on and the car began to slow down and finally stopped. I overheard that a door be opened, the car moved a few meters and the engine stopped. I also overheard a metal door closed.

Several minutes later the trunk was opened. The guy turned to hold me, got me out of the trunk and placed me on the floor. Then he took the bag where my feet were and started dragging him across the floor.

I threw several whimpers but the kidnapper seemed not to care.

After several steps and dragging meters, the guy stop it, began to untie the top of the sack and pulled me out of there. I remained lying on the marble floor several minutes. I shook my head as if trying to search and locate what was around me, but with the blindfold over my eyes was useless to know where I was.

I heard this guy steps away from where I was and left me alone in that part of what I knew or thought it was a house.

I began to call for help, hoping that if there was a window near someone could hear me. Also I tried to find a way to break free from the handcuffs and try to sit, but it was useless. I wished there was a window nearby, and if someone walk near here, heard me or saw me and called the police.

A few minutes later I heard the steps of that guy approaching me. He took me under my shoulders and made me stand on my feet. Almost immediately he lifted me off the floor and carried me over his shoulder. The guy walked several steps and began to climb up a stairs with me, and did not seem agitated or made a gesture of tired.

Although it was not a great merit carry me for several meters or stairs. I was over 1.65 tall, however it was very light. Barely exceeded the 54 kilos. My cousins bothered telling me that was my weight, with wet clothes.

When he arrived at the top floor, the guy walked several steps and then I sat back in what looked like a bed. I heard that a wooden object was dragged across the floor and then the guy carry me again, but now as when the wedding boyfiend carries his girlfriend on the moonight.

Moments later I noticed I was in a wooden box. I immediately started to complain, asked him don't do it. However, my kidnapper ignored me completely.

All he did was say "this will be your room tonight, so behave yourself and do not giveme any problems"

-No, please, no- screamed through the gag, but only out some muttering that no one will surely understand.

I heard the guy closed the box, I noticed it was a hard and heavy wood box. I fits with some comfort. I wanted to move but I could not do it, the way it was tied stopped me. Nor could start kicking the box, I could not bend my knees.

I was still crying much desperation, but could not do anything to escape. Fatigue began to beat me and I ended up asleep.


Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (9)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 2 added

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Postby cj2125 »

Fascinating story! Curious to see where this will go

Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (10)
Justin's Diary

My stories:
True Stories
M/M Stories


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (11)
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Captivity (M/m) - chapter 3 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

I don’t know how long remained asleep, but when I woke up, my situation had not changed. I still tied with that ball of cloth inside the mouth and my lips sealed by tape, unable to see and locked inside the trunk.

I began to think about what my family are feeling. My mom probably would not have stopped to cry, my dad, who had left the cigar four years ago, would be smoking like locomotive by stress, and my sister enclosed and irritable in his room, that the way how she spent the time when she is so nervous.

I wanted this guy had already begun negotiations with my parents for ransom, and hoped this captivity would end soon.

However began arriving ideas in my mind that they began to play with my thoughts and made me despair. I remembered the story from my history teacher told us weeks ago, about a girl who had been kidnapped by a guy, for more than 15 years.

What if that happened to me? What if he left me tied up and locked in the trunk for long? I can’t imagine my birthday coming, which would in eight months, and I stay in this place. Rather I die before that happened.

Or if this guy was a pervert and he wanted rape me or worse, sell my organs? Oh crap! just thinking about it gave me chills. I had to keep quiet and think that this nightmare would end soon.

Try to keep silent, I wanted to be aware of anything that happened outside where it was "saved". Heard, in the distance, the sound of what appeared to be the radio or television at a fairly high volume.

So I thought the best I could do would pay the attention of my captor. With little movement my condition allowed me, I started throwing small strokes, with the tip of my feet, on the walls of the trunk.

Several minutes later I heard a loud footsteps coming to where I was locked up. Listen to some keys and the click of a lock and felt the trunk lid opened.

The guy pulled me from my shirt and helped me to sit inside the trunk. Then he took me from the hair, squeezed, and pulled me into his ear.

With that raspy, dry, aggressive and intimidating tone he said:

“I’m sure you're hungry, so I'll give you this to eat. You understand it: that this is not a restaurant and there are no menu so you must eat everything I give you, and without heistate. I'll remove the gag, but you'd better stay silent. Any bullsh*t and again put the tape over your mouth and can’t feed you anything until give me a bitch wins ... Understand it? "

I was breathing hard, and his voice and aggressive way he spoke, made me dreading. I shook my head saying yes to everything he ordered. The guy released me and left the room.

I sat there, tried to struggle, again, against handcuffs who kept me tied. I tried to open the knees to break the tape, but all my efforts were useless.

This man returned and I could hear the sound of a dish that was placed in what looked like a table. Then he approached me and began to remove the tape from my mouth. It was painful, plucked some hairs on the back of my neck. I wanted to scream, but the threat of stay gagged and unable to eat made me endure with the pain.

When my lips were free of tape I spit cloth ball. I felt that some teeth were loose because i spent biting the ball for several hours. He also felt the lips and mouth dry.

The guy was approached with a toast covered with jam. I made small bites to not show desperation and hunger to the guy. I wanted to have some quiet at lunchtime, and while my captor not rush me breakfast, I would not eat faster.

As I advanced with slice of bread, the guy gave me sips of milk into a glass. The milk was cold and I quite cooled the mouth and throat.

I felt that breakfast was over because I heard the sound of a chair to crawl on the floor and the sound of two steps away from the type where I was.

Despite the doubts and fear felt encouraged to speak of, "Please, I need to go to the bathroom".

I did not hear more, just a breath as if the rate had been angry or annoyed. He walked a few steps, he replaced the plate on the table and felt he touched my legs.

Gradually he began to cut the tape that bound my knees, my ankles, and very rudely tape that bound my arms to my torso. He returned to gag me but now with a handkerchief tied around my neck.

Moments later he helped me to stand up and get out of the trunk. It took work to keep standing, my legs were a little numb.

Then I felt something that bothered me, the guy put what looked like a leather belt that was placed around my neck. It was pretty tight, but it seemed safe for a button or something.

I felt that his left hand was assuring the belt around my neck, which tightened me, it was uncomfortable, but let me breathe smoothly. With his right hand he took me by my right arm and guided me where the toilet was.

When we entered, he made me sit on the toilet. He was tipping my chest forward and I released my left hand, then re-handcuff my hands, but in front of my chest.

"You have fifteen minutes. When listen as I close the door you can take off the tape from your eyes. Remember, any bullsh*t and I'll get you a very, verygood beating. When you finished, sat in the toilet and you're going to put on the head this hood is on the rack. I hope become clear ". (very, very good beating, in mexican means “buena madriza”)

I went to move my head saying to obey what he had told me. I heard the door closing and almost immediately I put my hands to my eyes to take off the piece of tape that had placed from the last night.

It was painful, I screamed under the handkerchief was between my teeth. I felt I was making a waxing eyebrows and eyelashes.

It took me a few minutes when my eyes adjusted to the light, and when I did noticed it was in a fairly modest bathroom. But what caught my attention was that it had no windows, only a small skylight in the ceiling.

I walked to the bathroom door waiting to open it and try to escape, but it was locked. I decided it was better to take the time to release toxins and impurities (you know what I'm talking about) and then I went to the sink to clean my hands.

I looked in the mirror and noticed that being kidnapped had already generated me consequences. My eyes were swollen so much cry, had dark circles in my eyelids, and my lips looked quite dry. II let the water run and rinse my face, I took some water to cool my mouth and my lips.

I checked if the cabinet below the sink was giving me a weapon to escape, but it was empty. However there was something sticking in the background. I found a nail as about 20 centimeters long and quite sharp. It was the perfect weaponto hurt that guy and try to escape.

But what if it does not work? Dammit! I began to doubt, and know that I the time is over, so I replaced the nail in place, hoped that this guy would not find my gun was kept there, hidden, until the moment where I had security to could escape.

The guy knocked on the door telling me I has a minute, I went to the toilet, I sat on him, I adjusted the handkerchief in my mouth and I put the hood over my head. I can’t see nothing.

The guy opened the door and put me back belt around his neck. He returned to lead me to the room and then made me stand with my back to the wall.

My wrists were released and started moving my hands as if trying to escape and break free of my captor, however he noticed my movements, he held my hands and went back to lift, then push in the chest and hit me against the wall.

The push made my head also hit the wall behind me. It hurt enough. I wanted to touch my head to try to relieve the pain, but the guy again take my hands and now with a more aggressive tone, I ordered "stand still".

I tried to resist, but when this guy noticed my movements, I ended with a slap in my face.

When he finished tie my hands, he retook the left arm, made me walk a few steps, and then returned to put myself back against the wall. Later he forced me to sit on the floor, which was hard.

The black hood was pulled from my head and after a few seconds I noticed was in what appeared to be a closet.

In front of me was the guy who had kidnapped me. It was the first time I could see him. He was wearing a gray jogging tennis, black jeans, a black sweatshirt. The hands of this kind were quite battered, he has some recent scars and bruises. I could not see his face because it came with a balaclava. The only part of her face that I could make out was his nose, and gave me the idea that his skin tone was latte. I also could not see his eyes, they are hidden behind a pair of black goggles. His mouth was also behind the ski mask, so either could see if there was a distinctive feature of his smile.

Behind the guy was open closet door, and I could see what appeared to be a room of the house. All I could make out was a bed and a night table with a lamp over.

My captor took another lenght of rope and hold my hands again. He tied one end of the rope tied to my wrists, then lifted my hands above my head, and ended up tying the other end to a ring fitted to the wall.

I turned my head up, watching my captor tying me inside that closet and I could not help launch appeals through my gag. All completely they ignored.

When the guy finished, he went to my feet, which tied with another piece of rope. A small end of that rope was adjusted to a ring that was hidden in the floor so he would not be able to move my feet.

I kept asking him to release me, even some tears had already left. But that guy ignore any complaint. He supposed below that ski masks he hide a tremendous smile. (this ignore, in mexican says “le valió madres)

The guy pulled in front of me a roll of tape and began covering my lips and the handkerchief was between my teeth. They were three laps that made me even more despair and cry.

Another piece of tape was torn off and placed it over my eyes. Again I was unable to see anything around me.

Finally, I felt that guy placed his hands around my neck. I couldn’t believe that bastard had placed me a collar. I could ear a click telling me that the necklace was insured.

"The final touch" were the last words he said before leaving the room and close the door. I wanted to move my head and neck and noticed that I was not going to move it more than centimeters. The collar was attached to a chain and this is secured to the wall that was behind me.

I began to struggle against my bonds, the position in which I was quite uncomfortable. Having raised my arms above my head I generated a lot of discomfort and began to numb. My legs felt numb to. And the fact of having the insured neck increased more my frustration. Several minutes passed and I was still crying of despair, fear and anger.

Last edited by alkaid_ 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (12)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 4 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

Maybe I was locked in that room as five days. I knew the every day routine memory. Earlier in the day the guy took away the gag and feed me. Minutes later he untied my feet and freed the chain that held my neck and took me to the toilet.

Within the WC, I checked if the nail that I found since first day I was kidnapped was found or still in place. I thought several minutes to decide whether it was time to try to escape. But doubts and fears ended up winning that battle and the nail returned to his hiding spot.

The guy returned me to the closet and where I was again tied and secured to the closet. The only positive was that after the first time, I wasn’t put me tape around the eyes again, but the bandage on my mouth continued.

The hours here were a martyrdom, had to endure the pain of that uncomfortable position, the despair of not being able to move, to think of my family and if the negotiations for the ransom had been successful.

Hours later the guy coming to feed me and take me back to WC. And I quarrel again with the idea of using the nail and try to escape, but doubts always ended up winning.

But the day where I decided it was time to take chances came. I was determined to go to the strength of the place. I took the nail and hid under the sleeve of my sweater.

When the guy had me walking from the bathroom to the room I took the opportunity to pull the nail, taking it with my hands, and hit his right leg twice. The guy started screaming and I took the time to let go. It took me a few moments to take off the black hood usually he placed me when I had taken to the toilet. I started running into the house looking for a way to escape, but suddenly I was affected by two factors: not knowing where to go, and my legs numb from the days when I was tied up and locked.

Moments later dried felt a blow on my head, at the height of my left ear. The impact force me laid on my right side and my head also hit the wall. I lost my balance and was almost knocked out.

What little I remember is that guy yelling at me quite annoying, pick me up on his shoulders, and then I lay down on a bed.

Several minutes later I restored them completely. I no longer felt dizzy, though I felt a sharp pain and headache. I could also hear clearly what was happening around me, but I could not move or know what part of the house I was.

I ended up lying on a bed, face down, with my hands and feet tied to the ends of the bed, like and "X". I still gagged with a piece of tape covering my eyes.

"You let see little bastard ... Now when you wake me you pay me asshole" (In mexican, asshole means “culero”)

The guy was quite annoying, I was heard in his voice. It was more aggressive and intimidating than in previous days. I tried to beg, to ask forgiveness, but nothing I said was understandable.

I heard the sound of a leather belt hit the edge of a wooden cabinet. I immediately knew what was going to be my destiny.

After 10 hits, I lost whatever of the blows that hit me between my back and buttocks. The guy insulted me and claimed that I was hurt him with the nail. He was pretty pissed off by the fact that would be vaccinated against tetanus new account because that was rusty nail.

The pain became unbearable, shouting for the gag, and did not stop tears out of my eyes.

The blows ended and thought that torture too. I felt he began to untie the feet, but the guy immediately tied them so that they were completely secured to the bars of the bed.

He took off my shoes (there would be no difficulty in doing so because they were loafers) and socks. I felt he put me a pincers placed in the space between the little and ring fingers (I don’t know how to call it) of both feet.

What followed was what most terrified me. I began to feel an electric shock that came into my body. They were several minutes of despair. I writhed violently in bed, trying to shake off those struggling waiting calipers my feet. My captor laughed like crazy. He enjoyed every moment of his revenge. And I do not remember when I lost consciousness.

I woke up completely sore. Being face up with my back recharged the mattress and the constant rubbing against the bed. The only thing that changed in my state is that I was now tied on my back. Maybe it was another form of torture, my hurting body rest touch bed mattress inconvenienced me even longer. (Original, my hurting body is, in Spanish “la parte madreada”).

I was tied up in like "X" position, however, and despite the pain of “belt hits”, I felt more comfortable reclining in bed, when I was closed in the trunk or locked in the closet. (belt hits in spanish, cinturonazos)

I was lying and that allowed me to relax a little and to sleep with some comfort. How much time will have passed in that position? Actually I have no idea, but the guy entered only when was time to feed me.

When he finished feed me, the guy said with annoyance "oh motherf*cker! here sucks." And the truth I didn’t blame him.

It is true that we were still in the winter months. But the house was too warm, and from the day of my abduction, to those day, I continued with my warm sweater clothed. And I hadn’t stopped sweating in several days, and I did it more then he beating my ass and electric shocks.

After several minutes, the guy untied me out of bed and he cuffed my hands in front of my chest. He did me walk to the bathroom, it was the most logical. I already knew the routine.

But when both entering the toilet, I felt like the guy let in something cold around my waist and my pants. It was pretty cold and I was very uncomfortable feeling. It seemed to me that it was a chain. Then I noticed I was right, because the guy put me on my left ankle what appeared to be a anklecuff.

"You have half an hour child. So do not waste it. When finished, get changed with the clothes it is inside the bag. "

The man took off my handcuffs hands, left the bathroom and closed the door.

I almost immediately remove the tape eyes, my mouth, and the handkerchief kept gagged me. The pain was f*cking intense.

But I also noticed that my foot was shackled to a ring placed on the wall of the shower in the bathroom, just long was to move me inside the room. Over the toilet he had a backpack when I checked I found there were clothes inside a pair of underpants, white socks, clear jeans and a red polo shirt with short sleeves.

On the sink there was a deodorant spray and a small bottle of body lotion. I did not hesitate to take my clothes off and take a shower. The water touching the skin of my hurt back, generated me a completely alive by irritation that my captor caused me when he beating me hours earlier.

It was also quite nervous about the time my captor led me. Usually whenever I entered the shower took more than half an hour. My sister taunted and annoyed by the time it took me to my bath time. "You're worse than Miss" used to claim me.

I was finishing my bath when I heard the sound of a kitchen timer that was outside the bathroom. "Damn, already it fulfilled half an hour?"

I must hurry, or this guy would kick my ass again. I closed the shower, I got a towel and wiped as quickly as I could. I was very nervous about the time it would take to get my captor arrive to the bathroom.

When I was finishing put the underpants, the door opened. The guy entered and stared at me.

"I told you had half an hour ... and I see you didn't know to take the advantage ..."

"No Please. Give me five minutes more ..." I say desperately. However the guy approached me. He took my hands and handcuffed in front of my chest. I tried to plead for more time.

The guy pulled the tape (f*ck, I have no idea where he kept and get out the tape so easily) and immediately put several laps around my mouth and neck to shut me completely.

He placed the usual hood over my head and then I felt released my left foot from the cuff. I lugged over his shoulder and led me around the house. When I placed it on the floor, immediately I recognized where I was. Again I was in the closet. He did raise my hands above the head and returned to secure them to the ring.

The guy returned the necklace around my neck and was secured me to the wall. I started fighting with my feet, at least wanted these not finish tied. The guy began to struggle with me trying to put them together and tie them.

My struggle was useless, after several moments, the guy tied my ankles with tape. Then he tied my knees with more tape. I felt like he put a rope tied to my right ankle and the other end to the ring floor.

I begged because I will not wanna leave in that situation, half-naked, in that closet. I tried to scream, but the guy ignore me one more time. And finally let me tied up and locked up in that closet.

It was ironic how changed from time to time what round you. In the days before there were moments where heat came to die. Sweat ran my forehead, I felt my chest and back wet, and even sweaty heat that would lock himself in that house feet.

But today it seemed that life was laughing in my face. Sitting, bound and half-naked in the closet, began to feel cold. I trembled each of my limbs. I tried to shrink my legs trying to keep my heat, but the way it was tied stopped me.

Tremors cold made my upper teeth against the lower they crashed. And with the cold, the pain was unbearable, especially the way i was sat. My tight buttocks against the floor and rubbing my back with the cabinet wall produced a torture that seemed endless.

For the umpteenth time I began to cry. I kept asking me the same questions I didn´t know how to respond. I think again and my hopes with the possibility that my parents to agree to the ransom or the police entered the house, caught that son of a bitch, release me and returned me to my house.

I certainly was asleep on several times, despite the uncomfortable position that had caused my arms and legs numb.

I began to hear the sound of keys and a latch which was open to the outside of the closet.

"I hope you learned well, stupid kid. I do not hang with bullsh*ts..." (in mexican, bullsh*ts means mamadas)

At the same time, the subject began to remove the turns of tape gagged me. It was lunchtime. The guy brought me steak tacos, a bean pot, and a glass with jamaica water. I appreciated the food, it was the only decent gesture that subject since starting my captivity. (when I talking about jamaica water I mean a water flavored with jamaica flower, like a lemonade, no anything from Jamaica island).

That guy could give me only leftovers, or feed me only bread and water, but seemed he wanted me well fed and spoiled in that aspect. Despite the threat of the first day, where he said that was not on vacation (it was more than obvious) or was not in a restaurant or did not think it would buffet, the food always left me satisfied and with some comfort.

When I finished eating, the guy took off me the neck collar, I untied the legs and ankles, and freed me from the way he was handcuffed me, though still with his hands tied in front of my chest.

He picked me up and carried me over his shoulder to take me to the toilet. After sitting on the toilet, he told me with that so aggressive and drily.
"You have 15 minutes. If you know what suits you, use them well ... "And he made in special emphasis on the word take advantage of them.

To my surprise, before leaving me alone, he returned to handcuff the left foot to the chain that was in the bathroom, and uncuffed my hands. I did not understand what happened.

When the subject came out of the W.C., I immediately removed the eye tape. I could see why he reiterated the pint to use the time in the bathroom. There was the backpack containing the change of clothes: red polo short-sleeved, light jeans and white socks. In addition, near the door were my black shoes.

I quickly dressed, because hated the idea of being half-naked in a situation that I was. After several minutes, this son of a bitch returned to the room.

"Perfect child. I hope you've learned the lesson. Next time you'll not be so lucky. Right now, i'm in very good mood.

The guy handcuff my hands again, but now behind my back. Again I laid on his shoulder. I began surprised when the subject changed the route. The routine had taught me the guy walked about 15 steps to take me to the room where I was locked from day one.

But this time, the guy walked more inside his home. I worry more when we started down a set of stairs. I heard that opened a door, walked a few steps, and left me sitting on a wooden chair.

The chair was very solid and hard. I noticed it was tall, because my feet were floating in the air and didn’t feel it touch the floor.

He removed the handcuffs to take my right hand, which tied to the armrest of the chair. He did the same with my left hand. With another rope tied my chest to the back of the chair. My ankles tied them separately to each of the legs of the chair.

Additionally, secure my legs to the legs of the chair with duct tape and my forehead to the back of the chair. In case you wondered, I still blindfolded and gagged me with a piece of cloth into my mouth and tape around my lips and neck.

All I could move were my fingers. I wanted to wrestle with my body to see if he could move the chair but I realized that this was very solid and heavy. The chair no move even a centimeter. That was probably it nailed and bolted to the floor.

To be honest, I preferred to be in that chair than confinement inside the closet. I was more comfortable, and the pain of the beating previous days did not hurt so much.

However, the guy take advantage of the situation to torture me. Sometimes he got to smoke in the room and would throw cigarette smoke into my face. I ended up coughing under my jaw.

Also let cigar ashes fell on my arms tied. I felt a slight pain in the heat with some falling ash. However sometimes also he enjoyed making me his cigar-burning. And the pain was unbearable.

I also noticed that lit a candle and placed several minutes under the seat of the chair. This was heated and made me try to jump out of my seat. I felt my buttocks were going to roast.

Or with that same burning candle and he dropped the hot liquid wax on my bare arms. I screamed, I writhed and cried inconsolably.

But that would not let satisfied. He also placed on the arm a thin thread of what appeared was hot wax. He left to cool, and when that happened, he ripped it from my skin. In addition, "concerned" about my wounds, the blighter used to cure them by rubbing a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. I felt a horrible burning in my arms, which made me cry in pain.

During those days, he kept the same routine to take twice a day the toilet, time in which I could see my wounds. It made me anger to see how he left scars, the only consolation left to me is that these were not infected. However, he changed the routine to feed. During what I think it was three days, he fed me twice, as happened from the first moment of my kidnapping.

The next three days he fed me only one time, and what I think were two days left me without eating. And when that happened I began to despair even more (not sure if that was possible) .The hunger, pain from wounds, and being tied to that chair, generated me a lot of despair and frustration. I could not deal with that feeling of an empty stomach and with the tremendous thirst I felt.

My mouth was dry because it had not received water. I felt quite tired and probably spent more time asleep than awake.

One day this guy came over and asked: "Are you thirsty".

I shook my head desperately saying yes. "Well, wait a minute...”

I felt that he began removing the tape around my forehead and then the tape keep me gagged. But after spitting that piece of cloth filled with saliva, the guy put me something strange inside the mouth. It was a kind of ring that held my mouth and lips open. That thing did not let me speak out or scream.

What the hell whats up to this guy? It turned out that thanks to the ring, the subject could follow tortured me. He put in my mouth a chili and began rubbing against my mouth and my tongue. I must admit that I have much tolerance for spicy flavors, but this chili had no mother. I was disgustingly spicy. I trying coughing and obstructing the space left the ring with my tongue, but was counterproductive, because that chili was more contact and irritated me more my tongue.

He also used to put in my mouth what looked like tree chile and chili powder. This guy was completely sick with the way how tortured me, it was all I could think. My stomach rumbled desperately. For two days he didn´t received any food and the first thing that fell was chili. I also invaded the feeling of heartburn, and even think made me want barf.

However, the guy stop his game and then place, which I think was kind of rubber hose. He assured perfection so I couldn´t get away with my tongue and he began throw me water. Initially I appreciated the receiving water in my mouth after several days without a sip, and my mouth spicy, however, the water didn’t stop entering my mouth.
I felt desperate, trying to swallow as quickly as possible, and even felt that at any moment I could drown. The moment that seemed to start coughing, the subject stopped “pump me” water and waiting for my breathing returned to normal and then continue ducking water. This happened as about five times.

When he was pleased, the guy left the room and left me, again, alone. However, after several minutes, I felt an urgent need to pee. But something told me that he had caulking water had a very unpleasant intent.

I tried and struggled to put up with the desire to pee. I tried to breathe deep and profound. Not to think about the desire to go to the toilet. I expected wrong and within moments the subject entered to untie me and take me to the toilet.

The minutes passed and my need to urinate and do my desperation increased. How much will have fought against my own body? I do not remember, but in the end won the desires of my body.

I felt so humiliated. I didn’t piss myself, maybe since I was seven, the last time I wet the bed. And it was an abundant pee ended dunking from waist to ankles. And unfortunately for me, I had to do it two more times.

It was the point of greatest humiliation for me, especially when that guy returned to the room and I saw all pissed...

"What happened? Have not you could endure some more? Oh, what we do with you click escuincle meon?" (“escuincle meon” means a kid who wet his bed. We say it in Mexico).

At that time I found a different tone of voice he had used from day one. Despite his scratchy, dry timbre, now I listening to that mocking tone, which to me made me angry too. In my mind throwing my entire collection of insults against that son of a bitch, but not externe anything verbally. Only I remained silent at his words.

The guy started to untie my ankles, legs, chest and finally the wrists. When he finished, handcuffed my hands in front of me, and grabbed my left arm and made me walk upstairs into the bathroom.

When he closed the door of the toilet, the guy took my eye tape. I miss that, because usually, he get out to the bathroom when I was in. What the hell was going to happen?

"Take off your shoes, socks, pants, shorts and put this ..." He threw me what looked like a swimsuit lycra (like a speedo) ... I looked very surprised and somewhat fearful.

"I'm not gonna doing anything you're imagining… f*cking pervert kid..." f*ck, now the perv was me! However, despite the fear and fear, did the subject said.

When I finished, the guy came to me. Specifically, my ankles. He took a pair of handcuffs that had a longer chain and use in my feet. He made me walk a few steps into the shower and when I was in the place where he told me, he used a lock to secure the chain linking the handcuffs to the floor.

After that, he free my hands and told me to take off my shirt. When I did, he returned to handcuff in front of me. He took a chain that hung from the ceiling and said my hands were raised so that up to my face.

I can’t understand why he had done or wanted to do. I just wanted not to go other torture.

"I will keep you like this evenings when take a shower, and I'll save the possibility that you finish tied naked. Do not worry, it’s nothing ..."

With a toilet brush, the guy started to clean my back, my chest, my arms and legs. I must admit from now, while he shower me, his hands never touched my body, only my face and my hair.

I felt helpless, like a baby when his parents clean him in their first years of life. I did not feel comfortable.

When he finished wash me, he took a towel and covered me with it. He helped me to dry off and then took a backpack with a new change of clothes. Now there were some pants, red pants, a little tight, leaving bare my feet up to my ankles and a black long sleeve shirt (thing that I felt contented and could not return to burn my hands or "shave ". I was surprised not to leave me a pair of socks.

When I finished dressing, first thing that did guy was put me a piece of tape on my eyes, He handcuffed my hands behind my back, and then placed a kind of sponge ball between my teeth and secure behind my neck with a kind of belt (after my release I discovered that the object was called a ballgag).

He returned to carry me on his shoulder and took me to the room where I had originally locked from day one. That I lay back on the bed and tied down again as "X" with my face to the ceiling of the room.

So I spent several hours even came a time when I finished fast asleep. When I woke up again I began to struggle against my bonds. I grabbed my hands and ankles hoping that the strings give way and end up breaking.

But there was something that suddenly made me finish my struggle. I could hear the peculiar sound that makes a camera when take a picture, the shutter sound. I was silent for a moment, and suddenly, clearly heard my captor sayed.

"f*cking mother ...."

I heard the footsteps of the blighter, who then opened the bedroom door, left, and returned to left me tied up and locked.

A picture? Will it be a proof of life? What was happening?


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (13)
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Captivity (M/m) - chapter 5

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Postby alkaid_ »

I spent several hours wondering why he would have taken me a picture. And the most logical reason was that my parents, and perhaps the police had asked him for proof of life to continue negotiating the ransom.

It was probably the quietest night I spent. I was sure that my freedom was getting closer. With the photo as proof of life, my parents would move faster to pay my ransom. I think I slept better thinking about it.

However, the awakening came the negative side of that photo. And if my parents had doubts about the picture. Ultimately I was lying, tied to the four corners of the bed, gagged and blindfolded. If they distrusted I was alive ... then what was going to happen to me? What if the ransom was delayed? What if this made the guy angry?

What was certain is that from that date, the guy began to torture me more often, and as I was tortured, also heard more often the sound of a camera shutter and flash.

One of the first things he did was leave me tied to a chair, which was not as high and as solid as before. My ankles, tied to each chair leg, perfectly planted on the floor.

My hands were tied behind the back, and my chest and my abdomen linked to the back of the chair with ropes. And the guy kept me gagged and blindfolded. As I stood in that position, that guy used to constantly smoking and cigarette smoke fanning my face. I inevitably ended up coughing, but my reaction was left stuck in the tissue that was inside my mouth.

Also rather he enjoyed plugging my nose and keep me breathing. First he did it with his fingers, and then with clothespins, which was quite painful. I despaired, shaking my head trying to get my nose was liberated but it was useless.

Both with his hands and with the clothespin, the man tortured me mercilessly. Perhaps watching carefully the discolouration of my face to let me breathe again ... and on several occasions made it right at the time he felt I would lose consciousness.

However, he was a real bastard, because as soon as noticed my breathing had normalized and it seemed that I had recovered, the torture started again. I knew that guy was happy when he limited my breath. I could hear the laughter faded as someone who watches distance mischief just made.

Honestly, I think would have tolerated and endured more that guy would have laughed as if it were Guazon or traditional villains in movies or series. If his laughter out like mad scientist or mentally unbalanced I had understood more, but that very subtle and even hypocritical laughter sh*tting me at all. It anger me…

The worst of that position was what happened to me the first night. When the guy left me all alone, I began to fight once again against my bonds seeking a way to escape. Maybe I thought it was possible to reach a wall of the room and try to rub my face to the wall and thus remove the tape covering my eyes.

However, during the struggle and trying to move the chair, I ended up falling to the floor. I fell on my left side and I took a blow on the head. It was so frustrating fact feel pain, want to bring my hands to his head but could not do to have them tied. However I thought it was the opportunity to release my feet from the legs of the chair.

It was just a matter of dragging the tie until the end of the leg of the chair and be free. At first I thought that the difficulties had to try to drag the mooring and knots was because these were very tight, but as the minutes passed I began to think it was likely that the legs of the chair had a kind of hole in which they were tied ropes that held my ankles. I ended up sleeping on the floor, and tied to a chair.

The next day, when my kidnapper entered the room, I laughed out loud when he saw me lying on the floor. He was funny that I ended up in this situation likely to find a way to escape.

But that accident gave him new ideas to f*ck me. Occasionally, the guy kicked the chair so hard that I ended up falling to the ground helplessly. Falling left, right, or the most painful was when my hands and arms were crushed by the chair and my back. A damn not care that my pain, only heard that chuckle click and the sound of the camera. (f*ck me in mexican means “joderme”).

"My parents had to suffer too much when you see those pictures," was all I could think.

Days after he freed me from the chair, the next thing he did was tie my ankles so that flexing my knees and my feet were tied around my back and my buttocks to my wrists. It was a damned awkward position in which I was for several days.

My legs was numb faster than me when I was tied in the closet. Also my arms and wrists suffered a lot because forced to be stretched ended up on my back. And the hallmark of the house ... the take a number of photographs which always lost count.

I was starting to miss me and to feel bad that my parents could see what he was doing with me and torture me. I knew that with each photo, each video (was sure he did) that came into his hands, his heart was beating desperately trying to reach an agreement that this money was asking this son of a bitch.

When I was tied in that position, the guy leaned me face down on what I imagined was a small wooden table. In addition, with other ropes secured my arms up to my armpits and my knees and my waist, at various points of the table, so I could not move.

Among strong spank, the take my breath, some electric shocks with what looked like a teser, pickets with pins (I hoped) or cigarette burns, he tortured me for a few more days.

Even that had my tight chest against the table came to me to create some breathing problems. There were moments where I was breathing very heavily, and sometimes woke up coughing (or what might cough behind the jaw) and breathing difficulties.

The last night in that position was a real hell. After returning from the usual break to go to the bathroom, this son of a bitch finally put a rope with what I felt was the hangman's knot on my neck. I began to get nervous. Could it be that perhaps this guy wants to hang neck, wants to kill me? I began to tremble with fear.

However I was lying with chest to the table and with some parts of my body secure to it. I felt he flexed my knees to my back and I knew that hell would do. The other end of the rope was tied around my neck end tied to my ankles.

This guy was a f*cking genius for torture ... His f*cking mother! (in mexican “his f*cking mother” is a usual wonder or bother phrase)

My hands and arms were not so free, because they were tied the other end of the rope to my knees. I risked hang myself if it was not able to maintain some willpower to control the movement of my legs and knees.

There were times where I sacrificed the "comfort" of my hands to stretch my legs, or sometimes did the opposite, forcing my legs to give comfort to my arms and wrists.

However, this time had to be aware of my legs or could suffocate "myself". It was a long night. I tried to concentrate, to let my legs in one place, trying not make false moves. There were occasions where a slight movement, a slight cramp, were causing the rope tense back and I started to get into trouble.

There were times when my legs did not want to respond to my brain and took to arrange them in a position not finish me hanged. It was a disgustingly long night. In the earlier days, in which he had been tied up in other circ*mstances, despite how uncomfortable I could sleep for a few minutes (maybe so I thought).

However, this time I knew that if I fell asleep, probably would not wake up. The guy who had me captive had made his cruelest torture so far ... played with my life to end.

It was maddening that night, there were times where the dream was already beating me, I began to lose consciousness, but suddenly shortness of breath made me breathe. I had never been through the obligation of having to stay awake. And that night I had to do. And it was exasperating.

Even come to think of falling asleep and if I died asphyxiated because that bastard f*ck. The police would be charged with murder and this bastard was going to rot in jail. But he also thought of the pain it would cause my family that recoverhis son, but died.

And as the captivity made every action you see the negative side, I also began to see the point that it was more likely that if I died that night, the blighter did something with my body, so that my family would never find my remains and I would not know what the hell happened to me.

All I could do was cry of despair once again. I was very sleepy, very tired. At least sleep helped relieve some of the discomfort of being in that position. But today I couldn’t.

I longed to hear the sound of the door of the room longing for the arrival of that subject. And when I finally entered, his words made me even angrier.

"I see you're still alive ... that gives me pleasure. It means you're strong ... and you know what they say about what doesn’t kill you ..."

He wore a mocking tone, in other circ*mstances, I would have done insult him, to tell what is going to die, and even try to beat him. But right now, with how tired I was, I not simply did nothing.

It was a relief that pause for breakfast, because I was quite thirsty. I could rest my legs because he removed the hangman's knot neck and made me sit on the table to let me sit. When I saw my eyes in the bathroom mirror, I found a tremendous dark circles that reminded me of my sister spent nights awake doing their homework.

While the guy was carrying me over his shoulder towards the bathroom to the room, I expected not continue in that awkward position, and above all, not having to deal once again, with the torture of feeling that at any moment could be hanged .

Apparently the guy read my mind...

The blighter made me stand on what I assumed was a concrete column; he untied my hands to tie them behind the column. My chest, legs and ankles tied them to the column with tape, and so did my forehead.

The next few minutes were spent squeezing my nipples with his fingers. I threw slight whimpers through my jaw. I could not do more, I was too tired to fight.

When he noticed I didn’t react, he threw several blows on my face. I was moaning and started throwing cries when the guy hit a good punch in the stomach. I almost pulled the air. I wanted flex my body, but the position stopped me.

The guy came out and left me alone in the room. I cried for several minutes, no matter who I was standing, I ended up asleep.

A few light blows on the cheeks were those who woke me up. "Finally ... I was thinking that you were dead ... It took me almost 10 minutes to wake up, f*cking kid..." (I don’t remember if I sayed earlier, but in mexican “f*cking kid” means “pinchechamaco”).
The voice of the guy was quite serious, and I think even he could tell a little worried. At that time I regained consciousness, and was certainly tired from the night before had kept me asleep for long.

After dinner break and go to the bathroom, the subject returned to tie me up, to that column inside the room. And though I felt tired legs for the long time I was standing, I still felt completely exhausted by not being able to sleep the night before and went back into a deep sleep.

I spent three days standing, sleeping standing in that room, tied to that column. My legs and feet were killing me harvest, and my fortune, pause after breakfast was to wash up.

When we’re entered to the bathroom, I can to hear that guy, who was behind me, pressed the button on a remote control. A "beep" quite strange, so I started looking up around and found something that made me very nervous and anxious was heard.

In a corner of the bathroom, just inside the shower, I saw the red light bulb on a video camera, using those people who do extreme sport. I was sure, that guy I took pictures and also made videos where he kept me tied and suffering some kind of torture.

The cold water and fear that at any time begin to hurt me made to tremble incessantly.

However, when the shower passed without further damage to me, and just at the moment where he finished it, the blighter pressed the remote control, the "beep" is heard again, and the red light of the camera turned off.

Inside the backpack of clothes there were some dark jeans and polo shirt tone pink magenta. The shirt would have been a nice touch at another time, because that tone I liked a lot ... but this time did not generate much grace me that guy knew (or had guessed it) some of my tastes.

To my fortune, he tied me to the four corners of the bed like an "X". The next few hours before lunch-dinner gave me time to reflect and think it was time to ask the subject what my situation.

I had doubts whether he had already reached an agreement with my parents for ransom, and even I would offer to do a video with me to ask my parents who already paid the ransom. I already wanted to go home...

The hours passed while I spent the most comfortable and quiet moments of my captivity. Really I thought that if he had to be tied all the time preferred to be in this condition what had touched me suffer in previous days.

When the food arrived and the subject took off the gag. I took me a light dinner, a piece of bread with cajeta, a little yogurt and a glass of milk. When I felt a little satisfied I decided to talk to my captor... (in Mexico, cajeta is a traditional caramel made with goat milk).

"Please tell me ... My parents already have the money you asked them for me ... they will pay my ransom?"

He let out a little sigh, and contrary to what came to pass through my mind, I was going to scold or I was slapped and gag me right away and throw a series of threats, he began talking to a very serious and comprehensive tone...

"So me you're taking pictures me, right? Is a life proof my parents are asking you to negotiate, right?... "I spoke with some anguished tone.

"Oh kid ... is not what it seems ..."

The guy began to tell a long story. That since he was my age was bondage fan, which made games where he or his friends ended tied, and according grew, that taste followed with him. But he never had who practice it and just watch movies or photos found on the internet, especially children and teenagers, bound and gagged.

What followed left me cold ... One day he entered a convenience store, and suddenly, when he was in the checkout zone, he watch and marveled with me.

"Indeed, when I saw you, I felt you were the perfect person to stay tied. You're cute, surely the girls form your scholl die for you? Am right? "I did not answer anything.

"You're too skinny and your height helps make guys like me can easily submit you ... really you're the right person to be kidnapped and keep you bound, gagged and blindfolded".

He said that from the first moment felt that I must be tied. It was a fantasy arming in his mind, and that fantasy was becoming gradually in obsession. He is visiting the supermarket more often, sometimes he bought a little things or to enter the bathroom. And sometimes I took photos without I noticing it.

I put more and more nervous with what tell me.

"I wanted to try to get out of my mind the idea, to have you under my power and subdued, but couldn’t, I increasingly obsessed with you and that voice inside me was becoming more insistent in telling me 'kidnap him, kidnap him' ..."

And in the end, he felt he couldn’t control their desires and ended up making everything he needed to fulfill his fantasy.

"Finaly, I felt I should take a week to prepare for kidnap you. Buy the necessary things, I made the adjustments in the house to keep you without anyone suspecting, fantasized about the various ways in which you must be tied and the way how you tortured ... everything was so methodical ... "

He said he had planned to abduct me on a Monday, but the obsession for take me did advance their plans.

"I had come to my house and he was fixing the room where you've been. As did the adjustments that voice was more insistent and say, 'Bring him already, why do you wait?', So I take the car keys and went toward the street you’re walking to take the bus, this was the place indicated to take you. "

In my mind I thought, dammit! If there was something to mark this captivity was my bad luck. He said he didn’t know my name and never knew where I lived until the day he kidnapped me. He knew that information until the time checked my wallet when I was already strapped in his car.

And more details of my life also met that night because he checked my facebook from my phone, and as obviously discarded and destroyed since that night, and then entered in my account at his home, and without leaving any trace, because he was a "f*cking computing genius".

Hell, if you had kept your original plan, you had never kidnapped me, you f*cking bastard. That Friday (I was kidnapped on Thursday) was going to be my last day in the store. whor* f*cking Luck!

"I just had to wait for you to come out, and when I saw that car parked I thought my plan fell down. But fortunately, only that little girl climbed and you ought walking toward the other street. And you know What was the best of that day? The drunken bum that which you were afraid facilitated me everything to abduct. He led you through the dark side of the street, did you worry that forget by watch around you and that gave me a great opportunity. You don’t know how to thank that guy the day that have appeared in the street ..."

I was completely frozen ... I could not believe what was happening to me. I was a victim of the fantasies of a sick and miserable. I feared the worst for my life. Inside I wanted to scream, throw a lot of insults, but I had to know more, so I do not know how but I controlled myself and kept asking.

"But then ... if you asked him for ransom?"

The guy denied it again, told me that my kidnapping was not for ransom, and also with me in his power was getting more money than my parents could afford.

He told me that for many years, when they had to settle for videos and photos of bound children found several partners who shared their material on the Internet, specifically in the Deep Web. From the first day he took me photos and videos, but had tried to turn off the shutter sound and flash.

"That day was bullsh*t ... I met with some friends in the afternoon and took some photos. One of them, without I realizing it, reset the machine and activated again the shutter sound and flash ... and when I returned to the house and take that picture ... I realized what had happened. I didn’t know how to react and go out the room ... I thought several times and decided that it didn´t matter if you realized that I was photographing, so if you notice it or not, isn’t my f*cking problem…” (isn’t my f*cking problem, in mexican maybe means “me vale madres”).

"But then, how is it that has made more money than my parents could pay you?" I asked and a little distressed.

"I posted some photos on the web Deep web, I put together a little story of how had been your kidnapping. So to speak, if I take 15 photos, only up three to the web. Suddenly, to my mail started arriving requests to upload more photos, there were even people began offering money if I sent photos and videos, and even made me suggestions on how to tie you and torture you ... some do are very rude and really is that I will not do, would kill my golden eggs hen".

I can’t say anything ... I had become an object of demand on the Internet. I felt used.

"But then ... when will you release me? Please let me go and ..."

"Sorry kid, I earned good money with you, even in dollars and euros ... What you think! So any ransom your family can pay, I'm not interested ... I'll keep you with me longer, until I get tired of you…"

I tried to ask and beg him to let me return to my family, but again I felt he put that kind of rubber ball in my mouth and strap behind the head. I began to mourn to feel he gagged me again.

"Sleep tight kiddo, because we'll travel tomorrow ... I need a little more space and privacy ... and more requests from eager customers who want see you tied up and tortured ... see you tomorrow".

The guy left the room and closed the door ... And once again cry of inconsolable way until I was completely asleep.

Last edited by alkaid_ 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (14)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 5 added

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Postby Scottstud94 »

Love it


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (15)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 5 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

Scottstud94 wrote: 6 years agoLove it

thanks for your comment.


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (16)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 6 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

That night I suffered a lot. I had too many nightmares and I most remember, I was lying in bed, attached to the four points of the bed like an "X" but was not gagged and blindfolded.

I shouted desperately for help. The room was small, dark, the windows were covered with wooden boards and a black curtain. Suddenly I heard the front door opened violently.

Far away I heard someone shouting my name. I recognized the voices immediately ... They were my parents!

I screamed telling them where I was. I start to cry with joy because finally they found me. I going to be free.

But my parents were still screaming in anguish looking for me, and I despaired because they don’t coming to the door.

"Keep looking, you check over down, I'm up," my dad shouted.

"Yes Dad ... I'm up here," I was more than upset.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened. My father had found me. He stood outside the door, his eyes reflected anxiety and some hint of frustration. I looked at him straight in the face, hoping to tell me something.

Suddenly her hand to her face and snapped completely ... Moments later, my mother appeared beside him. She also put her hands to her face and then hugged my dad.

I was happy to see them again ... "Dad ... Mom ..." I wanted to hug them but still tied to the bed ...

"It can’t be ... he is not here ..." my dad began to sob. My mother entered the room, began checking every corner, under the bed, and opened the two doors of the closet ... around forehead gave my father and said in a voice between cut ... "He isn’t here..."

I was surprised ... my parents did not see me ... "Mom, Dad ... I'm here ... untie me please ... I'm here ... don’t you see me?"

"Don’t worry ... we will find him... I know that Axel is well ..." my dad tried to console my mother, though he couldn’t hold back tears.

"No, please ... I'm here ... don’t go ... Help! ..."

I didn’t understand what was happening... my parents didn’t see me.

Suddenly that guy entered to the room... He stopped and stood in front of my parents. He looked and even leaned his neck to see the face of my mother who was still hugging my dad.

"No, let them in peace damn bastard ... Do not you dare touch them son of a bitch..." I shouted with all my strength.

The guy approached me, pulled out a knife. I shooed, I thought he would kill me right here in front my parents. However, the guy cut the ropes that tied me to the bed. I tried to get up and escape from there but couldn’t, I was completely motionless.

The blighter sat me on the bed, and then I laid me over his shoulder. He walked right in front of my parents. I watched and shouted them for help.

"Please help me ... Mom ... Dad ... I'm here .... Don’t let him take me ... Help! "But my parents don’t saw me or heard me.

The guy opened the trunk of his car and shoved me inside. The car engine startand moved forward and didn´t know where he was going.

I knew I wanted to wake up, but for some reason couldn’t. I was completely desperate. When finally did, I felt my heart pounding intensely, my breathing was too hectic. I thought I had control, I knew it had all been a nightmare, but I kept feeling despair at what the man had told me hours earlier.

I would kidnapped as he wanted, under any amount of torture to satisfy their "friends" of the Internet. And in a few hours he would take me to a completely unknown place. That very thought caused me terror.

I started to fight my bondsagain. I started to pull my legs and arms tied, the ropes and sought to break free, but all I got was hurting my wrists and ankles.

I couldn’t get back to sleep again. I was very nervous about what would happen within several hours. I just spent the hours lying, trying to stay calm, and waiting for something to make me come back again with my parents.
When the door opened, the guy began to speak with a mocking tone.
"I hope you had a good night, you've rested well ... going to be a long journey ..."

But then he changed to a more serious tone and even threatening, told me I was going to have breakfast, but if I knew what was better for me, I should keep quiet. Today he wouldn’t be so lenient with me and if I said one word, he would gag me and wouldn’t eat any food at a good time.

I shook my head telling him that I understood what he had told me. I ate and after the break to go to the bathroom, the blighter hit me back against the wall and removed the handcuffs. I tried to take a step forward, but immediately with his right arm pushed me hard back and hit my back against the wall. He slapped me twice with his right hand and then raised his index finger. The signal was clear: "Do not do anything stupid."

That outfit, with black ski masks, black goggles and "polarized" and his hands full of wounds and scars were truly threatening. "

He made me put my chest against the wall, he took my hands and tied them behind my back. Then took a roll of gray tape, took off a piece and put it on my eyes. He carried me over his shoulder at the room and lay down on the bed. While I was lying, the guy took my ankles, crossed each other, and began to tie me. The moorings were firm and even tight.

Then I heard the sound of the tape peel off the roll and began to tie my knees. Later it was with my arms that were tied to my torso. After finishing, the guy left me lying in bed for several minutes.

When he returned, I felt he held my arms and then to introduce me, from head, to a canvas sack, as did the first day of my abduction. I returned to struggle, didn´t want to stay again in that bag.

But the efforts were futile in the end, and the guy tied the sack closed and the place where my feet were. The guy carry me on his shoulder and took me into the trunk of his car where he left me locked up.

The car was launched and started forward. I knew that was my golden opportunity to escape. If I could untie me, my escape was fully guaranteed and furthermore, that blighter probably end up languishing in prison.

Unlike last time, now he had a real chance to free my hands. The cuffs of the first day were very tight to my wrists and I couldn’t do anything to escape them, but the rope itself could do something for free myself.

But all my struggle was in vain. The knots were out of my fingertips, I couldn’t maneuver so that could loosen the bonds. No could try kicking somewhere in the trunk. My knees tied not give the impetus for could, plus I was locked in that canvas bag.

I was frustrated once again. My golden opportunity to escape was ended by spoiling. I was still struggling against my bonds, and although it was aware that the fight was lost, had the faint hope that something would help me escape.

Frustration began to beat me and mourn for the umpteenth time. I shouted hoping someone would listen to me, but the rubber ball in my mouth did not allow me that someone could hear me.
During the trip I noticed that the car sped increasingly noticed the sound of trucks and buses. I was sure we were traveling on the road. The guy was pulling me out of town. Where is he going to take me?

The weariness of not being able to sleep well last night made me sleep for several moments. Every time I woke up, I was locked in that bag, with the car moving at high speed. The heat was locked in the trunk began to make me sweat and that led me to a deep sleep. The truth is I do not know how many times I fell asleep and woke up on that trip but I knew we were to reach the new destination when we enter a dirt road.

The car was slowing down gradually and finally heard the engine stopped altogether. Later I heard the trunk of the car opened, however I spent several minutes inside. It was a bit of relief, because immediately felt the heat had locked himself escaped with open trunk. I felt a slight respite.

Minutes later he grabbed me out of the trunk, loaded me like a sack and took me to what I thought was a room. I lay on the floor and then took me out of the sack where I was the whole trip.

He left me lying on the floor of that room for several minutes. The floor felt dusty, as if it had not been clean for several days. In addition, a dry and hot atmosphere felt. I felt sweaty, hungry and thirsty. I returned to fight with my bonds, with tape covering my eyes and the rubber ball was in my mouth.

For the umpteenth time the effort was in vain. I couldn’t do anything. I heard the door of the room opened and the subject approached me. He made me sit on the floor and told me it was time to eat.

He took gag from my mouth and gave me food: one quesadilla, some refried beans and two glasses of lemon water.

Then he returned to put myself the rubber ball in my mouth, again loaded me as a girlfriend, and I fell into what I thought was a trunk.

"Sorry kiddo, but you'll have to hold her sh*t and piss, because the bathroom is not ready yet ... so I'll see you tomorrow morning."

The closed type what I heard was a metal lid, squealing betrayed him, placed a lock and left the room. But something did not fit me. Everything that had happened I heard it perfectly, then it was not a trunk. And yes it was not, then where I was "saved"?

I tried to sit up, however when making the movement of my body, my face hit a metal lid. The pain was intense, but most have power of the impotence of not rub the part that hurt me too.

I thought it was best to try to "explore" moving my body. I went over to my right side and I felt a cement wall. I moved my feet as I could and I felt a bars. I tried to commute to my left side and started feeling more bars.

I realized I was in a cage. The only comfort I had in there was that slight mattress and a small pillow that would prevent spend the night on the floor.

It seemed to me that my captivity would pass in a kind of farm, ranch or estate. And perhaps here would be a long time. And unfortunately, unable to see my parents.

The hours passed and the blighter took me out of the cage to give me my breakfast and make the break to go to the bathroom. One of the first things I noticed was that it was in a bigger place, because the guy pulled me out of a room, I felt a warm current while driving through what looked like a courtyard, and went to another building where after several steps we come to W.C.

Already in the health I could see that there was more space with respect to the house where spent the first days of my captivity. I also noticed that the furniture and the floor looked somewhat old and worn. But that passed Secondly, I wanted to know where the hell I was.

To my bad luck, a long routine of torture was about to begin. The first thing the blighter did after finishing the break of bathrom was to take me to another room in the house. In it, he tied my hands in front of my torso and left me lying on the floor. I felt another piece rope tied to my wrists and my ankles then another.

I managed to hear the sound of chains and the "click" of a bolt. Moments later began to hear a particular sound, as it is perceived when a trader opens the curtain of his business.

But this time no was a metal door that opened or closed, were my arms and legs began to rise which in the air. I felt in my limbs and my body, slowly, it was lifted off the floor. I was bound so that my body looked like a letter "U". Arms and legs suspended in the air. In addition to my ankles and wrists, neck was another part of my body started to hurt.

In that position, my back was the hardest hit. The guy threw his teaser shocks on my buttocks, or spank me with a belt, and pinched my butt. It was f*cking painful. Sometimes it made me swing like a pendulum, and that caused more pain in my hands, feet and neck.

And I spent several hours hanging, achy. It was a relief when I was down to eat and use the bathroom, but suffering again. Sometimes he placed me a medical collar around my neck, I guess it was not to hurt me so much. There were days when I left it there for what I thought was the night.

But also he started to do something that had never before done during my captivity: he take off the blindfolding. I could see where I was. It was like a cellar. There were plastic and metal drums, boxes, some tools placed on the walls. I looked at the ceiling and noticed the pulley system that kept me suspended. I turned to the right or left front and saw the cameras that recorded my suffering.

Tried not to look at them, not give them the pleasure they saw my face. Despite the pain, impotence and frustration made me mourn of disconsolate way and to throw moans behind my gag.

On other times, especially during the night, the guy I left me "rest". I got off and left me lying on the floor, but he placed a chain that bound my wrists with my ankles, and put a padlock that kept secured me to the floor.

The routine became rare. It is true that began to take off blindfolding, but when he came to feed me I turned away the chance to see. It seemed it was a "or see or talk" but not both. When he took me to the bathroom made sure that I was blindfolded and gagged, and in the bathroom and again took away the blindfold.

When he was satisfied to leave me hanging, the subject dropped me, tied my hands behind my back, and then used a rope to hold my wrists to my ankles. He placed a black bag over my head and I laid on his shoulder. It got me out of the room, walked through the courtyard of the house and took me to another room.

He deposited in what I thought was the cage in which I spent the night in that "new home". The blighter took off a small sack over my head, closed the lid of the cage, turned on a camera that was mounted on a tripod near the cage, he said goodbye, turned off the main light but left a faint lights on and left the room.

I was lying face down in an awkward position, fighting once again trying to break free. Efforts were useless. Besides trying not to look at the camera, however there were moments where the lens watched intently.

But another thing I noticed is that room where he was held was a kind of barnyard. There were bales of hay, dairy farms, and other cages around me. I kept thinking how much longer this men held me would. How long end satisfied with my suffer, stay all day bound, gagged and blindfolded?

And the worst is that my mind began to circulate that macabre idea that would remain forever with this subject, that there was no possibility of escape. My destiny was marked to be the puppet and toy like that. Everything was disheartening.

The next morning, after breakfast and break to go to the bathroom, the guy tied me in a completely different way than he had before.

I was wrapped with gray tape from ankles to shoulders, I placed in the mouth once again the sponge ball that tied my neck with a kind of leather strap. I lay on a wooden table that was in the room where I was suspended by the pulley system, and assured me at the table with a series of leather belts. He placed several live up to my shins, thighs, waist, chest and forehead.

For a few minutes I was blindfolded. But when he removed the bandage, desperately see what was happening. The guy took off my shoes and began to torture the soles of my feet. For several days I screwed up the existence of various forms: with electric shocks with the teaser, pinching my soles and fingers, and hit with blows with a wooden stick or a leather belt.

The worst was when he smeared on my feet a sticky mixture and then brought to a calf, which began to suck the liquid. I never knew how ticklish was in that area of my body until that day.

I must admit that I had not laughed out loud in my life, but I was not enjoying it at all. In fact I was pissed off by what was going on. As the calf kept licking my feet, the blighter turned to muddy the substance for the animal to continue with his "work".

The worst thing was that at times, the animal bite my fingers and some areas of my foot. It was quite painful and annoying, it felt like pinching of great intensity.
The punishment was repeated for several days, during which time the blighter respected two breaks to eat, but bathroom break was limited to one, which was after the "game" with the calf.

In addition, the guy seemed not to mind the spending a roll of tape every day to let me mummified. In addition, being in that situation was quite upset, because the film made me feel quite hot and sweaty too. However, my sweat was not enough to weaken or take off the tape and try to escape. And the table was too hard to sleep at night. In those days I would have preferred to sleep, even mummified, in the cage. At least there was that rubber-foam mattress and a small pillow.

When the punishment ended, the blighter used chains to tie me. If being tied with rope was uncomfortable and hurt the skin of my wrists and my ankles, with the chain was even worse. Tightness of the chains caused my skin is irritated and leave me bruised and bigger brands, the mere fact of trying to struggle against them burned my skin.

And the situation that left me was even more torturous. The guy hung my ankles. The moment that began to soar by my feet was f*cking painful. I felt my feet would spread my legs. I threw a terrible cry under my jaw, but did not cause any reaction on that subject.

I remained hanging from my ankles a lot of hours. Sometimes it made me swing like a pendulum, in other hit my ass with a wooden board. I also pinched the nipples or gave me some pretty severe slap. Of course, everything was recorded and photographed for his friends on the internet.

When lunchtime came I got off and left me lying on the floor about half an hour, then feed me, let me go to the bathroom, and chain me once again. Past two hours, again repeated hang and sometimes torture or torture changed.

He put a full bin of water just under my head, and I fell from my head to his chest ended up submerged in the dairy. For several seconds I remained in the water. The sensation of drowning was terrible. When he returned to hang me, I could barely catch the breath. Being gagged was more terrible to return itself.

And he repeated this procedure several times until tired. The worst was when we placed a small sack on my head. I did not know when he would start torment. And the cloth, completely soaked, clung to my face and especially my nose, making it hard plus the ability to catch my breath.

When night came, the guy dropped me to the floor and make sure I remained lying at the center of that cellar, he put me a collar around the neck and on the other end kept me chained to the floor. And as a sign of his "kindness" I put a small pillow under my head.

During those nights, there were times where I slept almost instant. In other ones, nightmares woke me constantly. And in others, anger, frustration and sadness made me struggle against my bonds. I fought against the chains, hoping to loosen a link in my wrists, but each fight hurt me more. Also was the same with the neck, sometimes almost he came to suffocate and when I took the break for the bathroomat next day, I saw the marks on the mirror.

One day, when the blighter came with breakfast, he noticed a rather unpleasant odor. "Oh f*ck, you suck good asshole".
It was obvious, it was too hot in the rooms in which I had been locked up, the tape with which I had mummified days before had made me sweat too, and had several days without bathing. It was logical, asshole, I thought in my mind.

After breakfast, the guy put me a small sack on my head and took me to the bathroom. It was the first time I cleaned up there.

There were certain things that changed when I cleaned up in that house. From the beginning, the water ran warm and within minutes ran hot, so that the bathroom was nice, unlike the house where I was held hostage, where the bathwater out of ice to warm.

However, did not have a "telephone shower" so I had to connect a hose to the sink faucet by way of extension. It is true, as he had said, the bathroom of the house was bigger and roomier. And of course, no lack of cameras placed in parts of the ceiling of the room that recorded so f*cking time.

Before finishing my bath, the guy got a call on his cell phone. He saw his phone and immediately left the room. I could not move to try to escape. I was handcuffed to the ceiling and the floor, as usually happened. When he returned, he finished clean up as quickly as he could and then gave you the towel and removed the handcuffs to dress me, told me to do it faster if I knew what was good.

In the backpack of clothes was a ¾ khaki pants, a white shirt and white socks. As I was fully clothed, the guy returned to handcuff hands against my chest, my feet cuffed again, I put a piece of tape over my eyes, and I carry me on his shoulder.

He walked several meters without utter a word. Suddenly I heard the sound of keys and the car door open. The guy made me sit in the driver's seat. He took my hands, removed the handcuffs and began to tie my wrists to what was I felt the wheel of the car. Then removed the legcuffs feet and began to tie my ankles to the pedals of the car. And as he tied my chest the driver's seat, the guy started talking to me.

"Sorry my boy, but has left me something urgent, so I have to have you locked up and tied here. I do not know how long it takes to return ... I know, I'm going to miss playing with you, but hopefully not take too long. It is the best place to have and nobody sees you ..."

What the hell was going on? I couldn’t understand. Maybe the guy was going to leave me abandoned, tied up in this car.

If he was going to leave the house, he could leave me tied up very well and locked inside the cage or some of the cellar where he had been. But suddenly it crossed my mind ... "this sucker is going to have visits."

Why bring me here, perhaps the most remote place, an abandoned, closed or hidden garage ... that could suit me.

The blighter tied my chest firmly to the seat belt and held my head to the seat. The ability to move was nil. I heard that opened other doors and the squeak of what appeared to be a crank.

I do not want to smother you in here ... I heard the other doors closed as the driver's door.
"See you in a few days my kiddo." The guy walked away. I heard a door shut. I overheard some chains and padlocks... I was going to stay tied up and locked in that car for several days without being watched by that guy... it was my chance to escape.


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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 7 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

I started trying to untie myself. I did it very calmly because knew I would long time to fight and must be patient. Then there was the possibility that some curious approached this cellar, come in and see me.

If he has visits, it was very likely that the guy was aware of his guests and not to go near to this place, but there was that possibility that someone came, saw me, and help me to escape.

The minutes and hours passed, but couldn’t get loosen one of the knots that bound me to that seat. In addition, the heat was becoming oppressive. It is true that guy left open the windows of the vehicle and entered air, but being locked in within that room made me feel like a sauna.

Gradually I was feeling more tired, and my forces were going slowly. The logical result was that I fell asleep. I awoke when the heat down and felt a little cold in that room. And again I fight againt my bonds, both feet and hands. Also tried to move my head suddenly, I expected release my back and front seat head rests.

If I could do it, it can bring my head into my hands and take the tape that keep me blindfoled and gagged, try to use my teeth to untie or call for help.

That fight was the one I care, free my head. I struggling too, but couldn´t get loosen the tape. In addition, the fact being in that abandoned car, with the enclosed heat in the room, and also without food or water, began made me tired.

To form the hours and days passed, I began to dehydrate. My mouth was dry. Almost didn’t have saliva that get down to my stomach. I was dying of hunger and thirst.

Even I thought the man had brought me here to leave me and die. But the thought that that was the intention of that guy made me draw strength from somewhere to return to fight. And gradually I felt my head was separated from the tape.

It was painful, because my hair had stuck to the tape and these pulldowns caused me pain. But after many hours of struggle, fight, pain, and sacrifice, I had a small victory. My head was free!

But I was so tired by the heat and stress break free after a deep breath and deep, ended up losing consciousness for several minutes.

When I woke up, I was in the same situation in. Be aware that this was the opportunity I was looking and waiting. Besides my arms they were completely numb after spending several days extended and tied to a wheel.

But it was hard that my head approached my fingers... not pulling hands towards my body was getting. The only thing that happened was that my hands with ropes and pulled my wrists hurt more. I takes breath and rest. In addition, the fact of being strongly tied to the seat not give me much chance.

I started rubbing my face to my shoulders trying to lift the tape. It took a lot of work and gradually began to appear a little ray of light. The tape before my eyes was giving inched.

But as was clear from my face, also I pinched the skin near my eyes and some eyebrows. That happened to second term pain when my right eye began to see what was around me.

It was one of the most satisfying feelings in all the time I'd been kidnapped. The tape was giving away and in the end, I felt a great victory when that piece of tape fell on my thighs. Finally I saw what was around me.

I could see it was an old compact car, perhaps in the mid-nineties. The garments and the board were already much worn, no controls to enable safe or windows. The leather steering wheel was a bit rotten and the windshield had a small crack in the bottom. There was no mirror to tell me what was behind me.

I had to wait several minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light. For a window in front of me, I felt that I was entering the afternoon. I hoped that if night arrival the guy did not come here, would be bound in the car until the next morning. That gave me a good opportunity to try to untie me and escape.

However I was very weak. I had spent several days without food and without water. I really wanted to go to the bathroom. But only I could do it if can break free. But the feat was very complicated.

I tried to bring my head where my hands were. I am hoping to do something to take my tape in my mouth and so use my teeth to untie me. But the fact that my arms were stretched completely, they were completely numb, and little chance for movement, made me couldn’t even caressing the tape had gagged me.

I finally lay my head on the seat, trying to get some rest. Hands stretched after several days had me pretty tense. At times I felt that I slept or cramping. Finally I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I had gained some strength. So one more time I tried to bring my mouth to my hands. Gradually a nail began to be helpful. I managed to take off one end of the tape that gagged me and as they advanced the second tranche tape off from my mouth was bigger. After several minutes, a layer of tape was already up to my neck.

The victory is closer, if I could take off the tape from my mouth, the possibility to untie my hands was bigger. Fingernails trying to make a small hole in the tape up to the lips. Also I tried to move and force my mouth open.

Gradually the strength and adhesive tape were giving. My upper lip and my jaw were separating inched. Even I managed to take some gulps of air through that opening. I was so excited, so motivated. The possibility of being free was near.

But again I came to feel fatigued. I went to lay my head on the car seat and ended up asleep again. How long have happened? How many days will have been in that condition? As was the case from day one, I lost track of everything.

When I woke up I felt an overwhelming tiredness. Rest and sleep hours were not enough. I was very thirsty and hungry. My arms were numb more and more, like my feet, which were also stretched to the pedals of the car. I could not flex them if you want a little.

I began to seek ways of trying to untie that little knot in front of me, between my wrists. Although I couldn’t get too close, teeth reached that little tie. The teeth began to do their work and the rope began to wriggle.

A small tear began to come out of my eyes. I felt so hopeful. But in that situation, hope is lost in seconds. Moments later I heard a little click and felt that an object was approaching my head.

"Do not move one centimeter more, and not even think to scream, because at this moment you die"

I froze... the guy had returned ... Why not I get heard him? When he did it? Why I did not notice him?

I began to tremble with fear for the weapon that was pointed at my head. His dry, hoarse and aggressive voice caused me fear. And the fact that had entered without being able to see and hear terrified me even more.

"So you thought you could escape ... (that peculiar sound made with the tongue and mouth as" no, no, no ... ") not my kiddo, you will never leave here. So no tricks, or you know how you can go"…

The guy to take off the tape that was in my mouth and neck and I put a handkerchief between my teeth and tied behind the neck with great force. He tore a piece of tape and put it on my eyes.

Then I heard that opened the car door and walked toward my feet, which sparked off the pedals and then tie them together, and finally removed the ropes that held me to the driver's seat. I lugged over his shoulder as I sobbed helplessly again.

I was so close, cherish the chance to escape. But my life, from that f*cking day was full of bad luck. I went back to stay without the ability to see, with my mouth and sealed shouting, and with a fear that filled me completely to make any movement.

When we came out of that cellar, I felt the heat had done less. A cool air felt almost gave me the impression that it had rained. The guy came back, above me in another room. He made me sit on a chair and placed a thick leather belt, felt it was like those used by bodybuilders in the gym, to keep me tied to the chair.

He said it was time to eat, so I removed the handkerchief from my mouth. I was very hungry and thirsty, so I was the most docile and quiet at that time. I wanted to avoid the men be angry and leave me without eating not who's know how much longer.

When I finished eating, almost immediately he took me to the bathroom. Besides making my needs, I used to look at my face in the mirror. There was despair and resignation to my destiny and my future. I was so discouraged I felt I no longer worth nothing but wait for what the guy wanted to do with me. If he was going to get tiredfrom me.
When I returned to the cellar, the guy threw me on the floor. He removed the handcuffs from my wrists and placed me a kind of leather straps. Although hands were completely free, the guy warned me that intimidating tone with me not to move a single centimeter.

He untied my ankles and put leather straps on them. I heard came what felt like a metal pipe near me, to the point that I could touch it with my fingers. I felt immediately that took my ankles, hit the pipe and moments later, when I tried to move, I felt that they were tied to that piece of metal.

The same procedure repeated with my hands. The leather straps were secured to the tube and had no way to escape. I began to feel more afraid of what I sensed he was going to do. When he finished, the guy picked up the receiver on a support, so I was attached to that tube, hanging on my feet and hands.

I felt like people who are prisoners of cannibalistic or tribes in the movies. And hung in an awkward position and somewhat painful.

And whenever he could think of, tortured me. Surely, with the damned calf, he noticed that I was a very ticklish soles of the feet (I reiterate that this "weakness" didn’t even know) person, so he decided to annoy me at that point.

He take off my shoes (they were not so hard to do, since they were moccasins) and began to tickle the soles of my feet. I writhed completely, was laughing and even crying of laughter so I felt. But inside I was frustrated, annoyed. I wanted to die so that torment was over.

That was not all, also used to hit my ass, or throw me electric shocks with the teaser in my butt and in the soles of the feet and ribs. When he did that, I spent several minutes with a strange feeling of chill.

Sometimes I hovered on the tube, and that was a very painful feeling, because my ankles and my wrists constantly brushing with the tube, plus I had long been holding my weight in this situation.

The worst was when he decided to place a small lamp under me. At first I did not understand why. Even I thought it was to give more light to hisf*cking cameras and home movies. But as the hours passed, those lamps rising temperature gradually.

So the heat behind my back was increased gradually and slowly. At one point felt no discomfort, however, when the heat was building up and the temperature increase, I felt more despair.

It seemed that this idiot wanted to cook me alive. The sweat on my back and abdomen was becoming more abundant time. And I tried to bring my torso to the tube to prevent further contact with heat. More I had to force my ankles, my wrists and make a lot of strength in the abdomen. And unfortunately, under these conditions, I could not take much.

I felt the skin of my back slowly burned. Much burning and irritation in some areas.

After several days, where I also went hungry, thirsty and pee my pants should no chance to go to the bathroom, the guy dropped me in that condition to take a shower. And that day I finally explode and began to live what I felt the worst of captivity.

And maybe that huff it ended up causing ended I did bullsh*t. The clothes that the guy gave me to change was a stretchlemongreen pants, black polo shirt, and my black shoes without socks, when looking in the mirror I looked like a "Mirrey". I hate "mirreyes". (In Mexico, the “mirreyes” means “juniors”. Rich, snooty and impolite kids. In my country they began to be called as well because they usually greet his friends saying “Mí Rey” and they have a particular dress code).

There are two mates in my classroom who behave and dress like "mirreyes". They are disgustingly hateful, want to seek lawsuit with the rest of the classmates. In short, they are assholes with money.

And see me looking like that really made me angry a lot. So when the guy began to hold my shoulders to begin to tie, I threw a punch with mi elbow to his stomach and stepped on the big toe of his right foot.

As he began to complain of pain, I used to run and leave the bathroom. I went into a hallway and desperately sought a way out of that house. I wanted to scream, but the sponge ball placed in my mouth stopped me.

Unfortunately fatigue, numb legs, and not knowing where the hell out, caused the guy caught me very quickly me and began to struggle with me, I tried to fight, and although I knew he was stronger than me, and also I was weak, but not going to leave well so easy.

Suddenly I felt a needle stick in my right arm. I managed to turn and the blighter was injecting me something. Almost immediately I felt my legs and arms like rags, I wanted to stand up but lost my balance. I was lying on the floor and at the mercy of that guy. I could barely move my neck and fingers had a slight movement.

I was scared. I did not know what the hell was going on. The man began to laugh with some malice. "Poor kid ... asshole thought it would be very easy to escape. Well you saw, f*ck you". (In this case, in Mexico usually say “te la pelaste”, and this is the original phrase)

The guy carry me easily over his shoulder, I lugged like a pillow, and he began to take to the cellar where I had been locked in the past.

While walking, this men told me what the hell was going on. "Well, from your first escape attempt funny business I had to be prevented. So always I have in my bag this syringe. A friend of me made it, is a toxin used by narcos to chingarse enemies".

"This loveliness, what makes you, is that it leaves completely paralyzed, even the tongue. But the best is that it don’t leaves you lose consciousness and feel what I’m gonna do "... the guy pinched my calf and tore off a light and small hair that was on my shin and I felt pain.

"So you'll see what I'll do pendejito, because that chingadazo hurt me a lot ... you're going to sh*t ..."

We arrived at the cellar and the guyr threw me to the floor. I was lying as I watched that guy was looking for something away. I heard an object that crawled on the floor and approached where I was. Desperation was great. I was untied, but could not move a muscle. I felt the scratchy floor, that feeling of dust near my arms. I could move my toes inside my shoes. I moved my eyes back and forth trying to find out where this guy was and what was that object you dragged and dropped to my side.

Suddenly, the guy took me and put me up what looked like a wooden base. He made sure that my position on the wooden base was in line with what he wanted, he pulled me up, down ... He took my left arm first, stretched as he could, and began to tie him to the base. The same procedure done with the right arm.

Then he took my right ankle, he made sure to stretch as he could and with a rope tied him to the base. I felt my knee was secure with a kind of leather strap. So he did with my left leg. And to finish, with straps, secure my elbows on the wooden base, my waist and torso.

The guy took the base and turned. I was upside down, supporting the great weight of that base. I heard the sound of several chains and padlocks closed. I was too nervous. What the hell was going on! What would he do?

My head was hurting me, I felt a lot of pressure on a part of the wooden base that was up to my head. Then I realized that was going to happen. I heard the guy began to pull the chains, and how they were moving through a pulley system.

Gradually, the wooden base was rising from the part where my head and my arms until finished "stopped". The guy came over to where he was bound, see at me for several seconds, even took the time to take his camera and take more photos. I think my face was a terror expression.

He began to touch my face and then said, "I hope your stupidity was worth it ..."


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (18)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - chapter 8 added

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Postby alkaid_ »

He brought his hands to my forehead and then I felt he secured that, with a leather belt to a wooden base. I was completely tied up and secured like an "X" to the wooden base ... there was no way how I could escape. I also felt a strange feeling, because despite being fully secured to the base, I felt that at any moment I was going to slide down.

The guy walked to a table and when he returned, he brought with him a roll of tape. He began to spend several laps at the height of my arms, my chest, legs and forehead. Then he went away and began to pull the chains again. Now he is beginning to rise the part where my feet so that I was face down and the front floor were i was laying.

The base continued to rise evenly until it almost reaches the ceiling of the cellar. It was separated from the floor as 2.5 meters. The guy was placed under me, began to take pictures from various angles, and a video camera placed just below me and then he walked away.

"I hope you enjoy much your stay on the high ...You’ll be there a long time" The guy turned out the light from the cellar and left the place.

The vertigo was tremendous. I knew it was stupid to struggle and fight for untie. A fall and a severe chingadazo (a very strong punch) waiting for me if I did. And the video camera taking every second of my punishment was not something that made me happy.

Gradually I was recovering mobility in every part of my body, however, as it was losing the effect of the toxin that guy injected me, an uncomfortable tingling felt in several of my joints.

The following days made me feel I was never going to escape this torment.
The guy left released the insurance system of pulleys and I was in free fall, but this stopped centimeters before hitting the floor. And this is repeated several times.

He also played with chains so that was "stopped" and took the opportunity to hit my stomach with his fist, pinching my nipples, tickle my ribs, or give me strong slaps. And while he beat me made sure to tell me to take into account if my "little joke" had paid the penalty.

Or he was responsible for that was the way how wealthy the "X" wood let me head. In those days he never fed me. Only he used a bottle with a pipette, as used by some athletes to give me water between the sponge ball in my mouth. Then he told me that the water had a medicine to inhibit the desire to defecate. Neither gave me the break to go to the bathroom and his warning was clear, if I wanted to piss, I should wet my pants.

That humiliation obviously I had to do.

Besides he not fed me as "punishment".

Also, sometimes and at night, he raising the cross, but in such a way that now had his back to the floor.

I was never freed from the cross in the days of my "punishment". And my attitude was already resigned. I became convinced that never see my family again.

Finally that guy dropped me to the floor, but still attached to the wooden cross. He began dragging it out of the cellar and continued pulling in the middle of a garden. The sun was casting its first rays of sun in the sky.

The guy pulled a knife from his bag. I thought they were the last moments of my life. And instinctively, I tried to beg under my jaw too. I tried to move my head saying no. I was sure the guy was going to stab me. However, he began to cut parts of the clothes I was wearing.

Part of the pants, the shirt and the tape that bound my chest to the wooden base. Suddenly he left and when he returned was carrying a container having a thick brown liquid. With a brush began to spread on my legs, feet, chest, arms and hands and face.

The substance was warm, a drop entered my mouth. I knew it was gravy.

I knew what the hell was going to do when the this son of a bitch returned to where I was and came with 5 dogs. The animals let go and approached to me. They sniffed and began to "cleans" with his tongue the gravy.

I always wanted a dog, but for some reason my mother has never left me care one. I don’t know if after that day the desire remains intact. The animals spent their tongue by the zones where he was smeared with gravy.

When licked the soles of my feet and my face I died laughing. But it was most exasperating.

When animals ended and they went from me, the guy over varnish juice again and the torture was repeated several times. The tongue of the dogs was not the problem, the problem came when one of them began to give me light bites. They were like very intense and painful pinches.

When the gravy ended, he took their animals and I stayed longer reclining on the floor and tied to the wooden cross.

After being licked by dogs, I should endure that sticky feeling that left the meat juice and drool dogs, as well as heat and intensity of sunlight.

I felt dehydrated, the sun burned my face and skin that was not covered by some clothes. The day was going on but the temperature was kept warm. The guy came up to me, watch me a moment and turned away.

Seconds later the water sprinklers came out. Within seconds I ended up completely soaked. However, I had to endure several minutes until the sprinklers went into hiding in the yard.

I spent the rest of the afternoon outdoors, lying on the grass in the garden. Some mosquitoes approached the place where I was imprisoned. Some took the opportunity to eat at my expense and itching began to appear in the irritated areas.

The whole night I was tied up in the yard. At times the temperature dropped and began to feel cold and shaking like jelly.

The next morning, the guy came to where I was. He brought two pairs of handcuffs. First untied my wrists and arms, and when they were free, handcuffed them. The same happened when he released my ankles and my legs. He ended up releasing straps my torso, waist, chest and forehead.

He made me sit, placed a blindfold and gag me off under the warning not to scream or do something stupid.

He made me take a pill that I initially rejected ingest. But he began to say "is not healthy to take many days the sh*t ... you take it if you like or not". With this "generous" offer I had no choice but to accept what he told me.

I was replaced the rubber ball in my mouth, he carried me on his shoulders and took me inside the house; he made me sit up and made sure handcuff hands in front and my ankles secured by a chain.

He took off my blindfold, I noticed that was in the bathroom, chained to the toilet. The situation was clear, he had given a laxative to take a sh*t what I hadn’t done in several days. After several minutes where I got rid of a lot of crap, the guy blindfolded again, returned to carry me on his shoulder and took me to another room in the house.

I sat on a wooden chair very firm and tied me to it. Before taking my gag, warned me it was time to eat not to say anything or I would regret.

He began to feed. The food, as always, was to my liking. When he finished, he returned to untie the chair, he carried me again, and when removed the blindfold I noticed I was back in the bathroom.
It was shower time. Again the feeling of helplessness and humiliation washed over me. I did not like that guy clean me as if I was his pet.

When he finished, he gave me the bag with change of clothes. What was inside surprised me a lot. It was my black pants, my white poloshirt, my gray warm sweater , white socks and identical shoes that I had (as far as I remember, my shoes had to be wet by water sprinklers, they had a particular mark on the tip of the right shoe. And they were on the side of the wooden cross before they release me).

It was the same clothes I wore on the day that guy kidnapped me. He made me sit on the toilet. He took a roll of duct tape and tied my wrists in front of my chest. Then he tied my arms to my torso. He began to tie tape to secure my thighs and then my wrists secured to the thighs.

With more tape he tied my ankles, and put more tape on my lips and covered my eyes. The amount of tape I had in my bonds made it impossible to release me. He carried me on his shoulders but it was an awkward way because my arms and elbows crushed my abdomen.

He got me out of the house, took me to another room. I heard noise as he looking for any more things. I felt he placed a thick leather belt up to my chest, and waist. I heard the click of a padlock and then I started to raise the floor.

Then I realized that the guy tied a rope around my ankles so that my knees flexed backwards. It is likely that the other end of the rope has been tied to the leather strap that was on my waist.

He removed the tape over my eyes and I could see, front, my captor. It was in another room or cellar did not know. The subject was taking pictures from all angles. I tried not to look at the camera lens. Sometimes, the guy forced me to face him when fired.

I felt began to swing and I was nervous. "Calm boy, don’t be nervous. Right now I'll take care of you're not dancing. "

He took a chain and put it up to my knees. The other extreme is secured to a ring on the floor. It was so tight and tense that the possibility of moving was nil.

The guy gave me a kiss on the forehead (dammit, how dare that!) He put the video camera with tripod in front of me. That lit red light told me he was recording. The guy left the room.

I was so inconsolably, so discouraged, I began to cry again. I tried to take my gaze camera lens.

Despite the chain that secured my knees, small involuntary movements did that anyway had a slight movement, and was more when I struggled trying to break the tape that bound my wrists to my thighs.


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (19)
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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER

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Postby alkaid_ »

After what I thought was several hours, the red light video camera was turned off. Perhaps it reached his limit recording orprobably the battery was over. What had happened did not care, the only thing that pleased I was that no longer had to hide my face from the lens.

I still watching where I was. It was a lot smaller cellar than I had been locked earlier. The floor that was underneath my bed had what looked like straw or hay. There were bales of fresh pasture and forage. Interestingly, in the days he had spent there, the only animals he had seen in that place were the dogs that licked me all the gravy and the calf which tortured my feet in the early days.

Several hours passed until the blighter reentered the cellar. I tried to evade him away. He went to a place, then started hearing how moving the chains moving and I started down from where it was hanging.

I was lifted on the floor, unable to stand up and sit. The guy came to me, he took out his camera and returned to take a series of pics. At the same time, he took my right shoe and lightly ran his index finger on my sole. I tried to take my foot of his finger but it was hard to get to be tied that way. The only thing I had left was hope that the guy would get tired and leave me alone.

What I expected was it was time to eat. The truth, at that time of day, I was too hungry. However, as the guy left to tickle my foot, I put me back my shoe, he went to the door, turned off the light, and left me there alone, and closed the door.

Lying in that "litter" I thought again about my parents and my sister. How much he would suffer because of me. I had completely lost track of how much time i spent like a hostage. It seemed ridiculous and out of place to think about it, but only wished my birthday had not arrived yet. I was too f*cked up to be "celebrated" my 15 years bound, gagged and blindfolded.

The morning came, and with it this guy again entered at the cellar. He made me sit down and placed a handkerchief over my eyes. He left several minutes and when he returned, removed the gag from my mouth and began to give me breakfast. Some eggs with beans and a glass of chocolate milk. As he finished, the guy returned to gag me, made me lie down on the floor and go away.

Minutes later he returned to the cellar, he took me in his arms and then carry me over his shoulder. It was time for the traditional toilet break. In the minutes that I could use to look in the mirror, I noticed my face with a face of resignation that never before in my life had perceived. It seemed as if I had completely given up, who had resigned myself to live as a hostage of this guy already.

The life that was in my eyes (my parents, my uncles, and my friends always told me that my eyes radiated happiness and life) had gone out. I looked sad and empty. There were dark circles on my eyelids, and my cheeks were slightly swollen from the long hours in which I was crying from the first day of my kidnapping.

My hands were again tied behind my back, my ankles tied tightly. The guy gave me a handkerchief to blindfold and then placed a ball of cloth into my mouth and gagged me with more tape. He returned to carry me on his shoulder and returned to a cellar. I knew I had returned to the place where I spent the night because when I did sit on the felt straw on the ground floor.

Moments later, he placed straps and leather belts to tie my arms to my torso, another used it to secure my wrists to my waist, and one more to secure my knees. It made me lie face down and then I heard the sound of multiple chains and click several padlocks.

Moments later I heard the sound of the chains through the pulley system and my chest began to rise. I waved my feet desperately. I caused a lot of stress being suspended in the air. The chains in the waist and chest were those that supported my weight.

Moments later, the subject came up to me and took my handkerchief from his eyes. I saw him in front and I could see his smile of satisfaction. With his right hand he touched my cheek and as I threw some moans through my jaw, the guy put me on my index finger lips sealed with tape.

I tried to lift my knees, wanted to kick that guy, but I noticed that the strap that bound my knees had a chain that went down, tied my ankles, and ended by securing the floor. I moved my body shaking like a worm. At least he wanted to stick a header that guy.

The guy continued with that smile on his face and started a new photo shoot. When he finished, he replaced his camera mounted on the tripod, facing me, and lit it. When made sure it was recording (a red light bulb lit) he went to the door and left me locked in the cellar.

I looked with hatred and rancor that camera. And I began to agitate more and more trying, miraculously, the chains were broken and let me fall. Maybe so I could have a chance to break free. But minutes later I ended up getting exhausted, to feel more fatigue and frustration. And I cried for the umpteenth time during my captivity.

I looked as tears fell from my eyes to the floor and lost in the straw. Internally I wanted this to end, regardless of the consequences for me. I do not care about anything, all I wanted was to stop suffering. I was tired of living this routine, being tied all day andbring under this perverted fetishist rituals. I had finally given up.

I missed my family a lot, my sister’s anger, the overprotection from my mom, and my dad and his ability to complicate his life ... my friends from school, Fernanda, who never could say that she liked me.

The hours passed and he reentered the room. He approached, stood in front of me and stared at me, like a hunter stalking his prey. He raised his right hand to stroke my hair. Then he ran his hand and his fingers down my face. I tried to take my face out of his hand as a gesture of repulsion, but that was not enough. He approached my ear and whispered the words, at that time, were the scariest.

"Do not worry boy, this is going to end now." I immediately began to agitate. The tone in which he had said made me think he was going to kill me. He took a piece of tape and put it on my eyes.

I heard the guy away and then the sound of the chains through the pulley system. My body started to go down and ended up leaning on the straw. I felt that it was withdrawing the leather belt of my knees, but more tape immediately tied me of that body part. After the belt that tied my wrists to my waist and finally, that tied my arms to my torso, finally, back to being tied in the same way but with countless laps of tape was released.

I was lying on the straw and tied, while the guy ran from the room. I heard later came back and then I felt my body was put in a sack, as it did when I was kidnapped and when he brought this ranch. I returned to struggle to squirm like worms, but the guy hit me a hard slap that made me lose some of my coordination. Invariably I ended up in that bag.

He returned to carry me over his shoulder, and I pulled what looked like the ranch yard. They began to spend a lot of things in my head. Was he going to kill me? Was he going to bury me alive? Was I going to shoot a river, lake or sewage canal? Or he was going to sell me some of his friends online?

I was shaking with fear inside that canvas bag. And as he walked, I heard the sound of keys and then finish what immediately recognized as a trunk, which was closed moments after I was introduced to it.

The engine car started and immediately began to move. I was nervous, terrified of what might happen. The trip became increasingly longer, and despite how tired he was there was nothing that could make me sleep. I was very afraid regarding the words of that blighter that everything would end.

I was trying to send a message to my dad, my mom and my sister. I hoped they can hear those words as parting. I hoped that if was going to die that night, they could at least find my body and not suffer because I was as a missing person who never located.

However I trying to fight once more against my bonds. They were firm, tight, and could not loosen them a bit. Meanwhile I felt as the carriage speed was increased more and more. It was likely that we were entering a road.

I tried to relax, trying to hear something around. I try to me think that, at some point, a patrol was going to stop that guy for speeding and I could use to be rescued.

But the car kept going and thought nothing happened. I was lying almost upside down. Thinking about what would happen. Time went on and the car started down his speed and finally stopped. The trunk of the car opened and the guy carried me over his shoulder.

He took several steps above me, and the guy hit as we drove up to my butt. “I hope that you've had a good time. I had so much fun with you ... do not worry, they will soon find you ..."

The guy left me on the floor and walked away. I knew was out in the open. He abandoned what I thought was a garden. What he meant by that which would soon find me? What if he meant the guy who had sold me? Now it would be another subject that would keep me kidnapped? What would they do to me?

Paramedics begin to treat me, I tremble cold and they put a blanket to help me warm up. Then they get me on a stretcher and then start asking my data ... Who are you? Do your parents, what are their names? Give us this phone to look for them?

The truth is that I didn’t understand they were saying, but knew I was free, cried inconsolably knowing that martyrdom was already finished, and I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a room of a hospital. My father sat and slept on the couch. I prefer not to make noise not to wake and see me just focus on the look of tranquility and comfort him, and the landscape of the city that I can see through the window of the room.
When my dad wakes up and sees me, he begins to drop tears of happiness. He approaches me and hugs me. I break with him. We didn’t say a word. Moments later my mother entered the room. She also cried and we melted into a big hug.

I spent two or three days in the hospital, under observation. The doctors did all kinds of tests and medical and physical assessments, the principal, to see if he had been the victim of sexual abuse and therefore if I had been transmitted disease. Obviously, the results were negative.

However I had many burn marks, sores, abrasions, scars, skin and eye irritation, dry lips and hurt caused for theducktape; chafing in the groin by the time I had to pee in my pants. A mild case of dehydration, and had even lost seven kilos of weight.

As if that were not enough, he had several limbsnumb or stiff movement, producthave been kidnapped and tied for almost three months.

The police came to the hospital to question, to wonder what had happened, how, where I had been. If I knew or could identify the blighter. And they were very insistent with that of sexual abuse. Although I denied any possibility that I would have attacked in this way, the agents asked again and again. They gave up when they were given the results of medical examinations and blood tests.

Before being discharged, they said I should go to rehab to regain mobility in some parts of my body. In addition, the area of care for victims of police dealt with my parents who receive psychological and psychiatric care after living three months in captivity.

When I returned home, the first person I saw in front of me was my sister. She came running up to me, gave me a big hug, and remained stuck for several minutes. "Ay Axel ... I missed a sh*tload ... brother! ... Where the hell were you?" She said between sobs and her voice almost under cut.

There was something special in this meeting. I knew she had worried and worried a lot for my disappearance from the fact that called my name. She always used to say me "flea", "tadpole", "tack" because I was always pretty skinny and short height. But rarely called me by my name. That made me think that she had a hard time in my absence.

Unfortunately not all was happiness after my release. At first I could not sleep. Nightmares haunted me constantly and try to sleep was a true miracle. Neither I wanted to talk about this with my parents, too much trouble and also did not want to submit to having to use sleeping pills.

I also got into a dynamic isolation. I refused to leave my room for several days. Only I did for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or attend rehabilitation or therapy. I refused to return to school.

My insulationdynamic made me lock myself in my room all day. I was watching television, or tried to sleep, or listening to music, reading a book, or entered into the computer, but didn’t connect to my social media accounts. Maybe you play but without interacting with another people.

My dad brought me a new cell phone with a different phone line that used to before my abduction. And while bringing installed applications like Facebook, twitter and whattsapp, I refused to look for my contacts. The only people who answered messages were my parents or my sister.
However, despite my position of isolation, I did not like being alone in the house. If for some reason, my parents out somewhere, I went with them. But in the street I acted like a 4 or 5 years old kid. I did not separate them for a moment. Although I was afraid to be outside, in a mall or convenience store, it gave me more fear being alone in my house.

My character also change enough. I was always irritable, nothing seemed to me. It seemed that I had become a troublemaker. To every question I answered badly, or so rude and arrogant. I must admit that my parents had a very big patience to understand that maybe it was something that I had left my captivity.

I wasn’t very happy with the way how was taking my relationship with my family. I didn’t feel neither satisfied nor comfortable to see the face of my parents every time I answered them in an unfriendly way. Inwardly I felt pretty bad.

As for rehab, this advanced very fast, in a matter of days longer. I felt tingling in certain parts of my arms, thighs and legs are gone. I regained much of the mobility and flexibility it had before spending so much time tied.

However, I did not feel much progress with psychological therapy. I talked about many things with the psychologist, who also worked on the investigation of my kidnapping. I told many details of my captivity, how was the subject that, although I never saw his face, if Isaw their hands on the street, immediately know that person was the one who kidnapped me, how were several of the rooms where I was, and in what ways he tortured me.

However there was one detail that I preferred to ignore and not talk. The fact that his kind of made me a slave of your merchandise. I didn’t say a single detail of the cause of why the blighter kidnapped me. Neither said a word the guy photographed me and took video from the first day and that was up and sold in the Deep Web.

I knew that detail would be critical to the investigation that if they had that information, the research and would be clear, however, gave me an inner shame to know that I was as a "model" of that guy. I was scared and shame that people, at some point, I knew that the pictures where I appear bound, gagged, and submitted are in some hidden internet site.

I was determined that was not going to give that information. And that’s all.

The sessions were advancing, and despite my reluctance, the therapist did not lose hope that out of my voluntary confinement. My parents also spoke with her, and logically, knew the dynamics of isolation in which I had gotten myself into.

She tried to motivate me to seek to recover the bond with my school friends and I did in the supermarket. But I refused repeatedly to it. There was an inner anger that left not approach me with whom I loved and whom I also appreciated.

The main problem is that it didn’t know who was emputado (a lot anger in mexican), couldn’t find that answer. Until that magical evening came therapy.
For some reason, the doctor found the cause of my anger. It was not to the guy who kidnapped me, or the drunk that night, or the police that didn’t know what the hell to do to find me, or my parents who did not know what to do, or depraved buying my photos and asked for new forms of torture.

... I was angry with myself. I've never been a bully or lawsuits seeking, but if I need to defend myself and fight me know how. Sometimes I had reached his fists with classmates and although not winning the fight, not ended as the most madreado (hurt, in mexican). Anyway, I know defend myself from those who want to hurt me.

However, during my captivity I couldn’t. I was always docile and was subjected easily. The guy never had to drug me to tie easily. I cooperated with him almost every time he decided to tie me up and torture in various ways. And I did nothing to prevent it, it seemed that I consented. When I told the doctor that, I broke into tears.

The doctor showed me that if my behavior during captivity was so was because my mind realized that this was the way they should behave to survive. During therapy, she reminded me of those two failed attempts to escape, and the way how it ended, with me, bound and tortured.

She did me see that was normal the way how assimilated, I faced a stronger man than me, which obviously I had everything to lose if I went to the melee with him. And what I did was something mentally smart to keep me alive.

I had a hard time understanding that the doctor was right. Practically couldn’t do anything against that guy, who from the outset instilled a fear and a huge in my terror.

And I think through that day came the breakthrough in my therapy. I started to open my Facebook account and saw many messages since the day I disappeared. I spent two days reading all the post of my friends and family where they wished and prayed I appear. He wept with emotion and how many people really loved me.

Gradually I was looking for my friends in whattsapp, and talked with them. I spoke with some of what I experienced in my captivity, with others only tell them how I was. Such was advancing out of my isolation, one morning, suddenly, I got up and managed to return to school.

However, my mom stopped my intention to return. Then she explained me that the director asked her to warn them one day in advance when I back to school, they wanted to talk to my mates about my situation to avoid any chaos or something that was bothering me.

I agreed to wait another day to return to school, and the next day, I had a very warm welcome. Many of my friends approached me, embraced me, they wished me good things and that I recover soon.

I also learned rumors of other schoolmates who I did not get along or flat had no good relationship, or gossip they said about what had happened to me, not kidnapped me, I had escaped to attract attention and become popular that was me who kidnapped a band for organ trafficking, or that the subject who kidnapped me raped me day and night and it liked me ... some were ingenious, others distasteful, and others chose to ignore them.
And although I was pleased to return to school, I had to catch up and in three weeks to recover what I lost in three months. So many afternoons spent reviewing things in special classes. Weekends were devoted to therapy with people providing care to victims, until gradually resumed the pace at school.

But there was still something internal that should take off. On the 15th birthday party of a friend from school, I took a moment to speak with Gabo, my best friend from school. A Gabo I met him since we were in third grade, we have been complicit in many pranks and adventures, so that he had the confidence to tell what happened.

He never wanted to know what had happened, nor how I survived, he told me from the first moment I saw him when I went back to school. The only thing that mattered was that I was alive and whole.

However, I told him all the details of my captivity, even if one day they he got to the Deep Web, he can find pictures of my kidnapped days. Gabo was stunned. He didn’t understand why I hadn’t told my parents or the police, but he yes.

I explained that I was the only person I trusted him, and that was something I needed to tell someone. He assured me that the secret would be kept safe with him. And I trust that he will never say anything about it.

The days and weeks going on, I felt more and more comfortable on the street. I started to leave fear to walk the path of my school to home and vice versa. I almost felt like before being kidnapped.

But one day there was something that was about to destroy me completely. I had come home after school, had taken correspondence and upon entering the room noticed I was alone in my home.

I checked each envelope, almost all were for my dad, between promotions and statements appeared an envelope whose addressee was me.

I took the envelope and went to my room. I turned on the computer to talk to some friends on a homework that we present three days later. As Skypebegan to open, I opened the envelope to see its contents.

First I got a USB stick and then a letter. When I started reading it, I froze.

"I want to tell you once again that I enjoyed the days we spent together. I hope you have done so. I'm not a selfish person, so I want to make you share in my profits and make it up a bit by the time you lost. I hope you take advantage very well.”

"I also left a small reminder of the days and fun we had together, it's a nice scrapbook. You should feel flattered, after me, you're the only person who will have full ... and free!"

"You know, if you ever want to relive the experience, you just have to do one thing, post on your Facebook wall the following message: the sky shines around me ... I know that that is the message and will seek you again".

I began to shake like jelly, was the blighteragain approached me. I went back to take the envelope and saw that inside was a smaller envelope. I pulled it out and checked inside. There was a big wad of cash. 15 thousand pesos in total.

Then I took the USB and connected it to the computer. The capacity of the device was 32 GB. There were two folders, a "photo album" read and another said "home movies". I opened the photo album and as I opened it, started out tears from my eyes.

The blighter sent me into the USB each and every one of the photos he took while I was as his hostage. With every picture I saw, I relived the pain, fear, anguish, helplessness and despair that I felt while I was kidnapped. I felt angry, provoked, that guy knew where I lived.

I began to wonder if perhaps this blighter would try to enter my home to abduct me again. I reviewed the countless photographs where I was the protagonist.

I also saw some videos that appeared on the USB, and again relive the pain and anger of those days. For a moment I thought the time I had spent in therapy had gone to waste because of that guy. I was extremely pissed off and cried inconsolably.

Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I wouldn’t let this son of a bitch overcome me. He had f*cked me up life once, and I depended on him again not to do.

The two folders copy them to my computer, in a series of hidden files within several subfolders where I only knew the location.

I took the envelope with money, the letter and also a bag that was inside the closet of my room.

I went to the yard and went to the grill using my dad in the days that organizes the roast beef. I put some coal, and put the envelope and the letter of the subject. I opened the bag to pull the closet. It was insidethe clothing and shoes I wore the day of my kidnapping and my release.

I turned coal and flung some alcohol so that caught fire. I knew no one would see me, because my parents came home from work late at night and my sister was going to go to a concert. So the house was for me alone.

The fire became more intense, and all I needed was money to burn. It took me a long time to decide what to do, as I watched my clothes cremated that day. I finally decided to keep the money. Still I don’t know what the reason was, but I decided to take it as a personal compensation for the time I lived in captivity.

Perhaps some consider that I sold my dignity for that money.The truth, I don’t care. I just know that.

In the next two months they returned to get two envelopes directed toward me. They had the same letter (omitting the detail of the album) and the same amount of money.

The letter and the envelope had the same fate, were cremated, and as for the money, 45 thousand pesos are hidden in one leg of the base of my bed. I know someday I'll use that money for something I want and desire.

And every time I feel depressed, that something doesn’t work out, I go into a defeatist dynamic and anything I get well, I open the folder where you saved the photos and videos of "scrapbook" and I see several.

"If I survived this, nothing can defeat me" ... that f*cking son of a bitch gave me the perfect weapon to motivate me every time I feel that I lose everything.

I tried to get my life back. I could go to the convenience store where I worked the day he kidnapped me. I could meet again with Diana, who told me that she felt very sorry for not asking his dad to give me ride that day. She felt guilty for what had happened to me. I told him not to feel guilty about it, it was all I could do for her.

Walking on the street with some comfort, however always I tried to see the hands of the people who could have the physique of the guy who kidnapped me. I know it's the only detail that could identify him.

It has been one year since the day I was taking away from my family, since began a nightmare and torture from three months where I was bound, gagged, blindfolded and locked. That day changed my life completely.

I know this blighter is probably watching me from afar, watching me and follow me. And that fear that one day he put in front of me and abduct me again not away from my head. He crazy and obsessed with me.

Or maybe, as happened with me, a family and a teen like me, they are being tortured by this blighter at this time.


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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (20)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER

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Postby Wernhein »

WOW Fantastic story !


Centennial Club
Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (21)
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Re: Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER

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Postby alkaid_ »

Wernhein wrote: 1 year agoWOW Fantastic story !

thanx man!!!


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Captivity (M/m) - LAST CHAPTER (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.