Newmarket Era , December 7, 1894, p. 2 (2024)

TV DEC New M A Special for ChrfitmuiV A Bmllh Iron J for CkriifcmjL Pharmacy Slur Notice to Creditor Welt NEVER LETS BUI CROCS BRIGHTER BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era la Printed nil at Horn tun F DEC tX Bra Not Sir ft baibrMa to offer for out election to bo VATjjhfcD tod wis for York booting They ire following op Federal Temperance J3 Loiter who with here died from hi 1Ma for Hon J GibMn hat ret uracil from his of to and York of North Toronto mother of come time re- wived the Queen Another who fail tendered hi at meeting this week to that tiovliocck through the ft bet The Fester cm from Cut fc if 10day and be followed by the Cane cam Election North Toronto are belter line I rftUway Iban The ion a pit- fc Of acre decided to wall iuinmrj regard thereto that the expeaief of the Tammany for the Mayoralty of York uooooted to If ft candidate cad ftfford to to sain ft eJeo- the be worth oj thai ear- iain the of Weal Oo- down and the ft It be of the are this that may op to Tki bed ft political yesterday to the effect tb and be made a and law lord and thai will meet be noouaor Alio that the election will take place Id out Of the refer to what cut I The thi of Geaie sold the with itooej Iron order to make them weigh more Alexander of and hie were ftrreeld on for the not wanting that ft Federal It not far away Cabinet are and ere work Bon Mr nominated Biding In Huron last week and for Weil York It will now be in order for North and York to more In the direction To to fooi a jadge and Mtaral wltAeasee axe It reform at At the in laat mil and Til by ft majority and made onaolinoa to the Aiding next Federal fti the part candidate date Br John for Canada been from thi to of December Be to be in London now holding daily with Topper Canada wlih Colonial Various are the for the protracted Inter tit la holding with Bit Tapper some people do not to ejprtei tbe thai bele ranging for the Dominion election a Tammany ring been oniarthedal the in Toronto before People art now wondering if the will bo by the toroper and operators will be Irani planted front City Hall to the Queens in where In- patented with ft rrglaUoo and breaking stone fa a away the monotony of year a3ber1llT3ii3l8 FORG art but at the same time we dont expect to time a person comes into our store this to be thoroughly known and under stood Knowing this everyone should as we wish them to feel at home whether they come in to rest themselves get warm look around or what not Another thing that we wish to be as thoroughly known is that we wait we ask all intending purchasers of Goods that we sell to see and test our Prices qualities and large assortment in comparison with others go where they will Come to us first or come to us last but forget us not and we will be quite satisfied with results and now a few words about some of the Goods we Sell For some reason it fait gaining credence that Ihe Domin ion elections arc about to take place and some of our leading journals are so far convinced of they have ventured to express the opinion that the present Parliament has bad its las session The Globe would not be surprised to heir that the Government bid decided to go to the country on old lilts and the Lon don Ailcertistr says it is in possession of information most reliable that an election is at hand The World too appears to consider that indications point in the direction of general election at once But most of journals which have discussed the question in expressing opinions pro and con appear to entertain some misgivings on account of the fact that the new voters lists now being re vised cannpt be made available be fore the middle of March next Hence possibility is expressed that a short session may be held be- fore the GovernorGeneral will be to dissolve the House One thing is certain if the Government docs not intend to appeal the country until after another session of parliament they are displaying more than usual activity in feeling pulse of the countryan activity which would indicate that a campaign had already been entered upon About of the Cabinet have only just returned from a political tour through the Maritime Provinces white this week Sir Charles Tupper is off to Columbia and Wood arid Wallace are holding a of meetings in Manitoba In addition to the fore- no less than three Cabinet ministers viz Hod George Tester Hon J Patterson Hon John accompanied by Dr Montague P and Ingram P are announced to make a stumping lour through Western On tario covering a of at least two weeks this part of the campaign opened at St Thomas Wednes day With indications so marked as the above it is little won der that a general suspicion prevails that an election is at hand The is reasonable it seems incredible that the Premier would dare go to the country on ft raters list four years old are free to admit that the actions of Cab inet unmistakably point to a dis solution of the present parliament Under any circ*mstances the duty of the people is plain An election will be held at the furthest during now is the time to prepare for the contest made tat presenting odd I rib a Ion ft from of Smith of formerly of Ibis nd Im ft Mrs lb Isle ftod Mr better to reader of GhU been with RTki As ft Cftosdifto for the journal re A Dec states bat a ftrticlo In Mom ing aaurls of of become pftrtocr in ft firm of how decorators tog in work will now bold ftnd crowd dont a fit or fill will bo ft proof of degeneracy while if worth will think any leu of eoainUw for bT- decided lo go lata rather than fool away bis time are soma changes In office of Toronto Em- and ftro the effect that the owner- the paieing from the heads of COO finAnciftlly Strong of abont ft dozen prominent men in Coaservatife circles the already it and seems to think no for it politicians put up their money In starting concern feel in making a present their to new it la most of tbem ready to band over their Interest and be from further liability Cbangej are to made in the and he manager will bo a freer hand ban baa accorded In To those an interallied In good farming Shi four beaming quite a boon prices and times make the greatest cars in order to the proper for labor and Lin Fam contain he to them in work The dollar a year and an in thai should The address it Street ToroolO A made ft Toronto evening paper last week to he effect A bad for from Chamber lain of the per in the Winnipeg rhich got from her from Hod Clarke Walleco and John Small to before going to Winnipeg In an io- tec view by correspondent of above paper Mr Wei I so elated I did not hat Mr Chamberlain going to and tbereforo not have given him any letter I know nothing what Mr done hot I not haw offered to bay a letter I never gave Mr Wallace left ftlong with Sir Tapper end Hon Daly for Winnipeg Sir to be ban- at Winnipeg on bis from the in he United principle In regard to officials the Is not lory The Chicago British at lading to Mr contention are fit to of Par liament are to elect local offictra declares ha advocating of the most principles thai ever a people nnder a constitutional form of government The same paper goes on thai experience of America that the coaotry ha by the practical harden of elective officers ever since the begin ning of her Institutions and then adds 4 Those who live in United States have long realized thai system- elective officer Is the root of most of the municipal end rascality under which people suffer without a pros pect relief in sight If Ibis is so why dont they change system BOOTS AND SHOES This Da part merit lis fact or in our whole never bid nicer or bet ter we hive doing in a borough Boo and Shoe man whor* knowledge it at your senice J Co Goodi ax a leading feature in the better Value Qual ity Style or Finwb MANTLES FURS If you are in need of anything la tbb line see enough MENS BOYS CLOTHING We hare into a number of case of Winter Clothing making this a nowhere better department This is a good line to compare prices If you want a Suit of Clothes or anything in Clothing dont forget to sea our goods and prices For a Home made Suit or Pair of Pants we bare a heavy Tweed that KiUpi per yard This is sold retail where at a yard EUvin patterns from if io- ask to see It GROCERIES Are goods that will stand a lot of price comparing Christmas is draw ing near and Groceries now bought of Raisins in Ave qualities Currant and Peels are new goods newly with us also Nuts Figs Dates Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons Bananas Bloaters etc We are still selling Coal Oil at Imp Gallon Have you bought any since it was reduced If so do you give us credit for saving you some money You know we were the first to reduce the price aod it is only right to give honor to whom honor is doe- Roche CASH AND ONE PRICE NEWMARKET ALWAYS BUSY BECAUSE We have the goods the people want at the they want to pay Because we sell goods at the same price every day and use no catchpenny methods to draw trade Because we make your interests ours and never try to sell you goods that you will afterwards he sorry for buy ing Because we do business on the square and treat all alike EVERY DAY WE SELL Grey Flannel worth at Very Wide Flannelette worth 13c at 10c All Wool Blankets at per pound The Best Blanket in Canada at 276 6 Yards All Wool Dress Serge for Mens Sealette Gaps worth for 90c Mens All Wool Shirts and Drawers for Mens Tweed Suits at would be cheap at Mens Overcoats very fair at 5 Mens Beaver Overcoats worth 10 for Our Overcoat Stook is the largest best and cheapest in town We are selling piles of Boots Shoes Rubbers and Overshoes these days People come here because they know they can rely on getting value Have you bought Shpes from us yet The E Maddock Co Mill idj with of Toronto who has tiking Cfrr of two left for Mr bar ibid to fiH up In day or Id to in a Mr inch a thing hi not Appointed tblflf thore wad do At Editor would rom joking it CASieJ bid Friday Mr got a OUawa AauoADoiag Mr a ma In drown id while was And la Mm- ford for It a of a Mr OH of Toronto In ftad a Ho that gallon cat on oil bo a partly fight Market have seen what they think The Free Method its will hold their next Meeting in the i M- Church it beginning on Friday of the Dec holding over Sunday Special will follow for some Free and a lull salvation ed I There arc so many things happen- just now that it our little burg quite lively Mr Wilder and Mr Frank Bain led on Monday for to pursue their interests as woodsmen in that vicinity It is rumored we need a force of policemen means of protecting our lives We hope the village will not get a bad name Miss Bain returned hom*o on Saturday evening Mr S Stogdill has been on the sick list this week Mr had the to loose a fine young mare on Sunday There was a largely attended busi ness meeting in the new hall on Mon day Some of tbe inhabitants of Fish central Cm Oaf rani Cur If A CANADAS GREATEST endorsed Mtroelxad Mil toichfln In oiUloui for and mention piper TO RENT Stow No Block cupltJ by aliddock Co- will portion or whole part also Plat over moJtrtc JO JOBBHllallLbAIlD FURNITURE FOR CASH voted ad Apptoprfatioo for of raoaameoti At Cbryitcri And lo At- with Ifoo no a Militia tho for work a AWArdei contract to Mo- of Toroato Tho Cana dian Imtltato anil Lino Hit- torlcU to for having in map prop ton from to Dili pur- will granite or iO firct with gum And A tollable a record of Aotlon At each of placet will each UK WHITE Tut at Atn eighty of wheAt avail- bio lor export in And has oat- will bo Fort natil otolojt Ox lat Warden and County and Scott viiltcJ the new and formally It con haul Commit In every way And declare 1 it open for Tut friends of Col for will grct to tie was bit by tbo aoimtl on tho bead chock and ihtgh Althoajb badly not that any of wounds will of a Application to iftc election tlooAgainit Col for About three doz en protect had f what local of Ibo In which to enter will blip core evil and If a tain of the At time the term of other Time- llrall force In from Ihi Medicine Hat the made by Mr Drown of Weal Mounted Police And how he would them Brown itady of peace and in not bo rattlebrained to the lili recent cam- ntkranMf fact that the atven or eight honored men which com pote tbli force bold of Indians check area menace to outlawry peace which a deep on of Canadian and for a good to 61 a tea Aonlh the the It Abont correct of at know very little tbo clrcomttAncci Aod of a new had letter Dot venture give Advice Tur Act Section tab enact of every town and Incorporated village hold a meeting on 16th day of Dec In each year or If Auch to be then on following and a I immediately thereafter a of receipt and for portion of year ending on day of together with a of at and and uncollected tuee A detail ball bo Attached thereto the Jut flitcn day of the preceding year and the Act go on to elate how for the Information of ratepayer Conn- Ate faetttAtiog Abont doing work and there no At tached Council in Ontario that tha are not only by Combat be Indicted under of and for a eipreti will aod partially to my knowledge and Ability the to which I hare been elected do The aq- or the January the for to both the lone ot recently ia the Sft later the Federal Government faal decided to pre pattonig port nut election up the order to placAte any feeling of which may been nderedby recent of Mr It Ton delegation of of the given prompt that will do for proposed Day railway neat AimrAnco alone will more Act any mAnAQVAiivoepeechei Without topping to remark tbo not way made to the Lead er wo direct attention to tho method at policy to election In London week the bait preicnled to that by tbe of the Liberal It would of a Provincial Normal School In that city Wo arc to any inch befog offered to by any Government Grit or Tory Bribing electorate with their own money for a big there of our debt today Another Nor mal School I not in Ontario Wo have a whole army of cow who cant find employment to what going on between dealer lie he the Canada and are alwaya 00 the for each nape they of It Wo by the Mr P Man ner formerly of bad a very enjoyable Golden Two tone and one daughter are all that remain of a family of nine Mr A Manner Mr And Mr- Webb to which can bo flf teen grandchildren and ureal grandchild Mr been to the for over 0 The of tell the follow ing In the work of a late of Mr of night to Lombard it hall to preach firemen A good of the men gathered In Mr Odiry had op In hi themen down the polo end the preacher la a twinkling left alone Ho had not heard gong and for a minute did not what wa wrong several during fttdjllfi a wildcat last week The blacksmiths arc reaping a harvest this week and they are the only ones the village that have smiling facet The usual excitement election matters being seen in the distance and a hot time is The boys are beginning to hunt up skates and look around for ice Embalming A SPECIALTY IP What is Doing Mis ST was At Horn with ft frlcodj Toog- Brown of Mr left for Vcspra for Mr apd Mr J Robertson of To were joesle at The Willow Sunday Dr Webb and of Waterloo wer here week his brother Mr Webb Mr A Stevenson of Toronto former- editor of Aurora spent Wednesday fa town Mr John ArmUtce of Cblcigo here of the hie mother of St try is Mist Sarah Rot home Friday after spending three months with AtUfCaje and Mrs Id Michigan Mrs Armluge with Mr writes from le Prairie tbey are having a floe fall Hit cold It he wrote and he looked for day Dr It Patterson of call fog on friend town and vicinity The lr has finished hia 0 year of practice and la apparently good for many Aldertntn tba wadding of brother Mr Prank Roche away In last week Mr got Saturday night Mr Roche la for a couple of at Ohio Around Us In SHARON The young of Sr Church Intend Holding one of popular cntedalnraanti In the Tem perance Hall on Friday ening the nit for the of railing fundi for church A good pro gram will be rendered after which re freshment will be and hope all who attend will endeavor to make the evening what Ihe young people with it to be truly Program to begin at Our genial Min Kavanigh once more our She returned from Sat urday Miss WilUon apent week flitt ing In West Three young detparadott rt from Queentville Invaded our village Friday night and cauted a good deal QUEENSVILLE Our Mr G If Wight who ha been 111 for the past few is improving slowly and able to be out again Quite a number of our Sunday School workers are attending the Convention at Mount Albert No doubt much benefit can be derived from such convention but we would like to tec those new and grand prin ciples In Sunday School woik made me of the Sunday Schools of the instead of going again In the tame old ruts The Methodist Church Is holding prayer meetings this week prepara tory to opening revival services the coming week We wish them success at there is great need of such in our A time was spent at the residence of our and DeputyReeve on Tuesday last being the celebration of the 8olh birthday of his father- Mr David Peregrine We join In good wishes and hope that he may see many more happy and prosper ous years The appearance of Laddie teems to nave stirred up the Interest in our little town but on teeing that our village was likely to be minus a scribe to our local paper after the de parture of Know All and the of KnowNothing we have taken up the pen once more and hope to be able to give our readers all valuable news even if tome do a little to hearing the truth told Our village has been very quiet the past week In fact three of the boys thinking It too quiet visited our neigh boring village and after partaking of Telephone radio At stoat- Hoe the wife of lUTCLtrrCttHptKlttaIa Toronto Hit Hon a ft WftlUot lb At- Charob both of Young at ho Of fthr Jill Mr- JttCObj0AD08tOUfffm fll0BpOp tflttitUAytdrJf tikukit Jan It J a of bar lkDrBitAlbtj ITU Qboigt Uodflh aim men intt tiAtnuel cd UooitKOo Nor ax Q07d And It of Iowa of Dd1iUrof J All order which was usquebaugh weeded their to say the least Their 5JJ iumImii M on In that place and there be- re will carefol been found out and we might jus add such persona never wel come In village Mrs James Hughes of Newmarket visited at Mr Amos Hughes over Sunday bright and at mosphere on Wednesday afteroMft augured well for the of the two young persons who entered the bonds of matrimony on that day The con tracting parties were Mitt Emily of this and Mr Free man Toole of Pine Orchard and tha wedding ceremony was performed at the residence of the mother by Rev Mr of Ml Albert The young couple left for that night Ira Vanderbolt a Co horse thief taken to Kingston last week to put In a two years term Herbert May Orillia chicken thief will six months In iraa Central plat bared themselves In a disgraceful manner Not content with this they made night hideous by their yells and several people tear ing their houses to pieces break ing windows and doors Surely they will take warning from the verdicts passed against the Hope and Raven- thoe dUlurbers and see the folly of their ways We would advise them to proceed as soon as possible and repair all damage done to that house on corner as they are known If the parents do not look after those boys toon the public generally will feel aa though they mutt take action in the maker and bring them to Justice A Young Liberal Club wat organ ized hereon Thursday evening last week Mr Walker being elected President and Mr Secretary They meet again on the nit when an address is ex pected on the political situation fiSbrtiselijeSa i CUT OUT COUPON LAST A lover of pictures a man of means making a tour of the Art Galleries of the world realized that the luxury of seeing all these beauties was limited to the very wealthy and to them only by wearisome expensive travelling and time Why not the present age of perfect photographic repro- duction not reproduce the most beautiful the most popular the most noted of these art treasures was the question he asked himself Why riot indeed sooner thought of than he applied his means and prestige to secure large and perfect photographs of the choice pictures fcV of Wbltchareh Port wife I tie FROM TUG ART GALLERIES of the World The original Idea to luoe the In it to boom may have It THIS MAGNIFICENT WORK the rich Such I the force enterprise ARE THB WORKS THE J Si Many of the originals sold 10000000 apiece Fifteen of these Grand Pictures are given in each part beside sketches of the lives of the artists and description of the pictures When complete the book will contain the fa BEST PICTURES IN THE WORLD HOW- TO GET IT fcoai WHY WE DO IT to a work could bay- an ex bat we tbas good It ibat at do more expense at the earn TfiEnBFORE we ask you to show your copy of Masterpieces to your friends and neighbours tell them how it may be obtained them one of your spare Coupons and start them on the right path NORTH YORK Farmers Institute borelBla tbM Aaual Mealing of Kleetleo of wUI place to TEMPERANCE NEWMARKET OK Wednesday Dec At hoar p lo will be awarded at ad- A M Ctolral a ana ROBERTSON BAKERY A Jr Notice to Creditors filvca to 110 od John Itteof UitTowattilpof la of York roer who en or of J by tt tbt let lha Of ul4 hold of iniUiiltht will proceed lg ibffa win rot lUblt or iroCaT to ny a ftOtlCO flh s sea TICKETS SOLD TO ALL POINTS IN AMERICA The Great Route offers the finest Conveniences Bread Cakes and Pastry- Fresh Every Day WEDDING AND CHRISTMAS CAKES MADE TO ORDER- Family Groceries Fresh and Reliable I New New Currants New Peels Come to and we will you clean Fruit without dill or items at lowest price Our Sensation Blend Coffee is a farfamed name Did you see that Raw Sugar Teal Tea Dont Forget that Blended Black Our Black treen Japan and Mixed are good varieties Give us call Main St A ROBERTSON J The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner Only to Winnipeg Canadian Northwest AND British Columbia Chicago San Francisco California TOURIST PULLMAN CARS HATES AWAY BELOW r Came lot the Con ui A White rqoHtd WJ aid Albert CHEEP ESTRAYf TO FARMERS BUTCHERS SPOT ANDREWS OLD tot ai at aaliftaat Deo- 0 Wheat pet 8prtaWaeatperDiuVe Wheat per Barley per I per bushel per flo Batter Bauer tab Wool ib Beet par owl pot pair I f 13 OK on SCO oto a a ON a a IS CO a a a OH a a OK a DM CO i J- MX Cedar Rails Posts lot Seat



Newmarket Era , December 7, 1894, p. 2 (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.