Purple Rain - hellsqueen - เพื่อนต้องห้าม (2024)

Chapter 1: Because The Night Belongs To Lovers

Chapter Text

"Take me now, baby, here as I am
Pull me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger, is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed"

Ray was known to be the life of the party. It was his duty after all as the child of an actress and a CEO to fulfill the role of a spoiled rich brat. No one could party or spend more money than him.

If he could, why shouldn't he?

He just wanted to enjoy his life to the fullest. Even if that meant drinking till he forgets his trauma and waking up in the unknown places.

Unknown places such as this.

Ray blinked against the sunlight filtering through the curtains, the unfamiliar room coming into focus slowly. His head throbbed from the previous night's drinking.

As much as he loved the feeling of being drunk he hated the feeling of hangover the most. The next morning would often be a pain in the ass for him. Most of the time not even the good kind, which he would gladly welcome.

The bed he woke up in has been soft. It was a sign of luxury. He would know. The young man had a similar one at home.

A mansion in the center of phu*ket is covered in white marble and gold. His mother loved over-the-top furniture. Ray would call it kitsch more than luxury.

But since his mother was no longer alive his father had a hard time parting with the things she left behind.

Not Ray though.

His father easily gave up on trying to hold what remained of their family together. It wasn't like they were actually a family before. In the public eye, they were the dream of what a perfect and wealthy family should look like.

However, the actual picture was a million times different.

The trauma his mother bestowed on him never quite left Ray. During the day he could still pretend to be a normal economics student who would hang out with his friends Mew, Cheum, and Boston. But when the nighttime came the whole facade would melt away and Ray had to have himself let go.

He didn't do drugs. Those had a bad effect on him. He did, however, drink. It was what his mother loved to do the most after all.

'He could stop anytime he wanted to.' Ray would often tell himself.

Easier said than done.

So it wasn't a complete surprise when he woke up in a soft bed dressed only in white silk sheets.

"It must've been some night." He mumbled to himself as he slowly stretched his lean body. There was a tingling sensation in his lower back.

That solved one mystery.

And as he pushed himself up from the bed, the events of the night before came rushing back. He remembered the pulsating music, the electric energy of the club, and the intoxicating charm of the man whose name he now struggled to recall.

Ray glanced over at the other side of the bed, but it was empty.

That wasn't out of the ordinary either. He would often wake up with his partners gone. They must've known he was a hassle the morning after.

Most of the time he didn't care about it but sometimes he longed for the comfort that the other person would so freely offer the night before.

He would always joke with his friends that there was no loneliest person than him. They would just laugh and he too accepted it as a joke. But to him, it was very real.

Ray yearned for a connection. One based on his heart and not money.

It was his fault sadly... He gave people enough trouble to deal with now imagine adding trauma to that.

Who in their right mind would want to waste their time on someone like him?

He couldn't even do it the way his friend Boston did it. As the self-proclaimed manwhor* once said, just dip and ditch. Don't get attached.

But to Ray, it was hard not to. When someone showed him even a little bit of affection and love reserved only for him, the young man would surrender to the feeling.

Therefore, it wasn't an entirely pleasant feeling to wake up alone when you spent the night with someone.

Ray remembered the glimpses and was loving each of them.

The man he spent the night with had been at the Yo's bar and they had somehow hit it off. At least enough to end up in an expensive hotel rolling in the sheets.

From what his memories told him the man had been taller than Ray and much stronger. Ray would melt in his arms instantly.

While he was searching for his clothes he got the feeling that the man had teased him a lot before committing to the full act.

if the bitemarks were anything to judge by. Ray loved it when they did that. It almost felt like a claim.

He would always be disappointed when they faded away.

Ray sighed, glancing around the luxurious room one last time before gathering his clothes. He pulled on his jeans and shirt, the unfamiliar scent of the hotel lingering on his skin. He couldn't help but wonder about the man he'd spent the night with. His mind replayed fragments of the previous evening, but no clear image formed. The only thing he knew for sure was the intoxicating charm and the electric connection they shared.

He was already quite drunk when the stranger noticed him at the bar and it was the other man who approached him first.

Ray could remember his warm voice. He sounded the way whiskey tasted. And when the man f*cked him into the mattress later in the night Ray loved it.

If they weren't at an expensive hotel he would've been ashamed of the sounds he knew he was making the whole night.


As Ray left the hotel room, he noticed a few people glancing his way, whispering among themselves. He ignored them, his thoughts too preoccupied with the night he couldn't fully remember.

But when he came to the lobby to pay the bill, a task he was familiar with, he was pleasantly surprised to learn that his companion already paid for the room.

Ray already liked that man much more than his usual one-night stands. He hoped to meet him again someday.

The morning sun didn't even bother him as much as he expected it to now that he had red marks and memories.

On the other side of town, Sand was preparing for his upcoming concert. It was all sold out. He was expecting a show beyond his dreams.

It took him a long time to get to where he was now.

From singing covers in dingy bars and clubs to performing at festivals and full arenas. Now everyone knew his name.


One of the most aspiring artists of his generation.

At the moment the same rockstar, whose dressing room was a mess of activity as his team fussed over every detail. It was his anniversary concert. Ten years and going strong.

Everything had to be perfect for an opening night.

The young man sat in front of the mirror, guitar in hand, strumming absentmindedly as his mind wandered back to the previous night. The image of a certain man, a striking beauty with a magnetic presence, lingered in his thoughts.

Sand had slipped out early, leaving the nameless cutie to wake up alone. Although he had a perfect night with a stranger there was always a chance his reputation could be ruined. He was an icon and that meant he represented something.

With his music and image, he represented a free life. One in which everyone can live out their dreams and fantasies. Where he could if he wanted to have a fantasy about a certain man for as long as he wanted.

It wasn't something he did frequently. He didn't even plan on going out that night but the was just too excited for his concert that he couldn't sleep.

Nonetheless, sleeping with fans wasn't his thing but as did everyone he loved having fun. And the man he met last night offered so much of it.

The fact that the man didn't have a single clue who Sand was made sand all more determined to take the man home and ravish him all while he looked at him with those seductive, big eyes.

The moans the man had let out were sinful. He had to contain himself from being too rough but it seemed that the man particularly enjoyed most of it.

If he wasn't who he was, Sand would have loved to wake up snuggling the stranger and pleading for a morning repetition of the night before.

He never experienced ecstasy like he did when he finally climaxed inside the bruised man.

But he had to leave. To both get ready for the concert and to avoid the realization the man was to have when he saw who he slept with.

It was better that way, he told himself. As a public figure, the last thing he needed was a scandal. No one should know about his private life, least of all a night spent with a stranger. His fans and the media were always watching, ready to pounce on any whiff of controversy.

However, as always the media was relentless. They were like piranhas waiting for a single drop of blood to surround their victim.

The night before the concert someone had snapped a photo of Ray and Sand entering the hotel together and another of them dancing at the bar. By midday, the photos were circulating online, fueling a storm of rumors. There was a hashtag already circulating on Instagram and TikTok #mysterylover and Sand was getting tagged in more than a thousand photos and stories. He had, as any celebrity should, his PR account which was run by his team and a private one that only a few people had.

Let it be known that paparazzi are nothing compared to the scandal-thirsty fans.

The rest of his tickets, for the V.I.P. section sold out just because of the new scandal. His phone was ringing constantly. He had messages from his colleagues and friends in the industry congratulating him and telling him to be careful. Then there were different e-mails from the reporters wanting to find out more about the fatally beautiful man.

The man he never asked the name of.

Social media was abuzz with speculation about the identity of the mysterious man seen with Sand.

He couldn't concentrate on the preparations even if he wanted to. The articles were coming out with or without his approval.

"For f*ck's sake." Sand said when he saw what one particular reporter posted.

The young man barely entered his house and greeted the staff when he noticed his phone was on silent.

Once on Ray's phone buzzed incessantly with messages from friends and curious acquaintances. He ignored most of them, wanting to turn it off again.

However, curiosity got the better of him when Mew called.

"Ray, have you seen the news?" Mew's voice was breathless with excitement.

"No, what's going on?" Ray asked, already dreading the answer. His head was still throbbing with effect from the night before.

And his friend was rarely this excited about something. So either it was big news or Mew's long-term boyfriend managed to f*ck up their relationship once again.

"You're all over the internet! Someone took pictures of you with Sand! The Sand! Rockstar Sand! People are saying you two are a thing." His friend of many years shouted loud enough that Ray thought about throwing the phone into the closest wall.

"Who?" Ray didn't know a musician named Sand. Then again he didn't really listen to new music Most of the time he was content with the records his mother used to love.

"Sand." His friend repeated the name as if it would suddenly make Ray recognize it. "OMG, Ray you are really so old-fashioned. Sand had been a number-one rockstar for years now. He is having a tenth career anniversary tonight. I know because Top got us tickets months ago. And now the pictures of you and him holding each other in Yo's bar are all over the web. You, my friend, are famous."

"That's ridiculous. We just met last night. It was nothing." Ray's heart sank. This was exactly the kind of attention he didn't want.

"Well, it's something now. You should see the comments. Everyone wants to know who you are."

Ray hung up, feeling a mix of anxiety and frustration. He had no idea how to handle this situation. His first instinct was to reach for booze but it was what got him into this mess in the first place.

Sand's manager barged into the dressing room, phone in hand, while Sand continued to pace around.

"We have a huge problem," He said, showing Sand the photos.

"Damage control," His manager said. "We need to get ahead of this before it blows up even more. Any ideas?"

Sand thought for a moment, the elusive article still before him.

"It says here that I used my fame and influence to take an unwilling participant to my bed. They said that he looked young and asked about his age. He is also accusing me of sleeping with my fans." Sand frowned and looked at his manager. "These are serious allegations, P'. I can't let that scum of a reporter ruin my career. He has been trying to do that for years. "

"What if we spin this in our favor? If people already think you two are together, why not go along with it?" His manager asked suddenly. "The moment I got the call about this I put a team on the task of researching him. His name is Ray and he is twenty-three. We can still control this situation."

"You mean, pretend to be in a relationship?" Sand asked in disbelief. He didn't have time for a real relationship how could he have time for a PR stunt?

"P' how are we even sure he would accept something like this?" Sand supplied.

"Exactly. It'll keep the media off our backs, and it'll blow over eventually." His manager said. "We, well, you have to make sure he does."

"And how do you propose we do that, P'?" and sat down and sighed. "All of this because I wanted to f*ck my frustrations out for one night!"

Chapter 2: Pretend With Me

Chapter Text

Ray was having a seemingly normal day. Despite Mew telling him that his face was all over tabloids Ray didn't see one clear image. For the first week, there were plenty of articles trying to find out who he was. And during the second someone had a lead. It proved to be a false one.

And now a third week into the so-called scandal still no one knew who Ray was.

Why would he care then? It was as simple as that.

Although he still couldn't believe he slept with a famous person it made Ray feel kinda weird. He had his conquests but this was another thing. He was only lucky that people knew nothing about him.

Well, at least for those who didn't know him personally.

And now that he could put a name to a face Ray wasn't ashamed as he looked his mysterious suitor up. From what he could see on social media, Sand was very popular.

Especially, among younger people. People his age. But he also had some songs that the older generations liked.

Ray was very familiar with the songs older people liked. After all that was most of his playlist.

He also knew that Sand rose to fame ten years ago and no one could find any information on him before that. It was like he was a ghost. Many people speculate that he changed his name to a more artistic one.

Looking at the pictures of the saidman Ray had to pat himself on the back. He knew that the man was hot but to see him be this handsome in the daylight was everything. Ray loved good-looking people. They would offer him the most comfort because most of them were experienced.

And Sand was a hundred out of ten.

The young student couldn't stop thinking about the night they had.

He went out with his friends the first weekend when the rumors started. Of course, Cheum, Boston, and Mew had to know every detail.

The problem was that besides the fantastic org*sm and strong hands holding him, Ray didn't remember anything.

Boston, always the first to jump into bed with someone, congratulated Ray on being f*cked out of his mind. His friend had a way with words.

During the night Ray drank but not a lot. He tried to cut off a bit in the latest times. It was better for him. He only drank a lot when it started to get too painful.

So when a man approached him he was sober.

They chatted a bit and as things do, one thing led to another and they found themselves in the back of the man's car.

The makeout wasn't bad but for some reason, Ray just wasn't feeling it.

"Sorry, Khun..." He said breaking their kiss and going out leaving the man nursing blue balls.

Ray found himself at the same bar every weekend since then, searching for a spark that matched what he felt with Sand.

No one else seemed to come even close.

He watched faces and bodies move under the dim lights, but none of them could compare to the tall and slender stranger who took him by storm. Never had he felt such a need for somebody to touch him as he did when he remembered the night spent with Sand.

The young heir would fantasize about the rockstar often.

In a shower... At university... Even his kitchen...

He wondered how it would feel to have Sand bend him over the marble countertops and use him till his hole became swollen red.

It was frustrating. The memory of that night lingered, a tantalizing whisper at the back of his mind. None of the toys he purchased helped and he needed to find relief.

One Saturday night, Cheum noticed Ray's distant expression as they sat at their booth.

Besides New, Cheum was the first to offer help when someone needed it. In their group, she was kind of a big sister even though they were all the same age.

"Still thinking about him, huh?" she asked, leaning closer to be heard over the music. "Was it really that good?"

Ray sighed.

"Yeah." He smiled. "It was like experiencing Heaven, Cheum. Nobody had me on my toes the way that man had. In one night. One single night, my friend. It's like, I know I should move on, but I can't. Nothing feels the same."

His friend gave him a look that screamed both sympathy and sarcasm.

"Maybe it's because it wasn't just about the sex." She teased him. "Maybe you felt something more."

He had to laugh at that. Ray never fell for someone. Last time he did, things ended badly and he doesn't want to feel that pain ever again.

Ray shook his head. "I don't even know him. How can I feel something more? No. It was purely his sexual energy and skill."

"Sometimes, it's not about knowing. It's about feeling. And maybe you felt something real," She said gently before sarcastically adding. "Or maybe it was just you thinking with your dick... Or your jole rather..."

They both laughed at that. It was no secret that Ray loved getting pounded into the mattress as much as he could. That didn't mean he had no feelings. It did kinda hurt that the famous rockstar got what he wanted out of him and then completely forgot about the tantalizing man.

Later that evening Ray pondered Cheum's words as he scanned the bar again. Was it possible he felt something more? The idea unsettled him. He had always kept things casual, never letting anyone get too close. But apparently Sand had broken through his defenses without even trying.

He would never confess that to anyone.

Three weeks had passed since that night, and he was no closer to finding Sand again. He had scoured social media, looking for any sign of where Sand might be, but it was like trying to catch smoke with his bare hands. The singer's posts were sporadic and vague, offering no clues.

Ray's obsession with finding Sand was starting to worry him. It was very unlike him to be this attached to a one-night stand.

Perhaps if he stopped looking so hard for the rockstar, somehow he would find him.

Meanwhile, Sand was having problems of his own. After the concerts, wild accusations appeared in tabloids and it was taking a toll on his work.

His schedule was getting emptier and emptied with every week that passed.
The official statement they gave about him having a life besides his music career didn't sit well with the media. They wanted an explanation for sleeping with a so-called fan.

And because he couldn't find the man, he couldn't prove him to be an adult.

His publicist had been hounding him about the scandal for weeks. The mystery man from the one-night stand had caused quite a stir, and Sand's team was scrambling to manage the fallout.

"Sand, we need to get ahead of this," his publicist, Pae, said during a meeting. "The tabloids are going wild. We need to give them something."

Sand sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"What do you suggest?" He gritted through his teeth. "If you guys have any better ideas I am all ears... Otherwise, find me that guy... And maybe we can strike a deal with him..."

Now, Sand wasn't known for being the most approachable person in the business. A lot of his demeanor would change once someone got closer to him. However, during the first meetings, he could be considered quite rude.

There was no changing it. It was the professional deformation as his friend Sean called it. Before he was a celebrity, he had a life in the shadows and there was no letting people easily in your life. It would get you hurt. Or worse. Murdered.

"I know... A fake relationship," Pae said bluntly. "But do you know how hard it is to find a guy you don't even remember? It would help us immensely if you remembered his name at least. Or how he looked?"

Sand scoffed.

"Don't scoff at me, mister." She scolded him like a child and not a thirty-year-old man he was. "You got yourself in this situation. And it is on both of us t get you out of it... So I would love a bit of help or at least a bit less sarcasm from you."

Sand rolled his eyes but nodded. What was he to do, anyway? It wasn't like his team wanted him to fail... They were paid to help him and were genuinely nice people. So yeah, for them and his image, he could tone down the sarcasm and sass.

"Fine... Let's find him." The rockstar said finally.

But that was easier said than done...

It was almost five weeks later when Ray was attending the fundraiser set by his father. It was a cover for his more messy dealings. But if he gave some funds to charity the authorities tended to turn a blind eye to it.

The hypocrisy of it always made Ray angry. He knew that neither of his parents were good people or even fit to be parents. However, sometimes he did think his father loved him.

On very rare occasions he would be nice to Ray and treat him kindly. If that wasn't love then, Ray didn't know what love is.

He wished his friends would be here. Well, Boston is. His father was a high-ranking politician and it was a good thing for Ray's father that Ray was friends with Boston.

That being said, Boston spent a whole five minutes with him before chasing down some cute waiter named Nick. And if Ray had to guess his friend was very much preoccupied to hang here with him. It left a young man with no entertainment other than drinks.

He did promise himself to start drinking less and had managed to do that quite well in the last few weeks but tonight his father called him for a conversation before they went here. It was rather infuriating.

Even though, Ray had been acting like a perfect heir in the last few weeks his father just had to remind him what his behavior could damage. Their fortune at most.

So, yeah, Ray had to be prim and proper today so he wouldn't receive backlash from his devoted father.

The thought of it made the young man gag. It wasn't like his father would ever hit him or anything. No, he had a different tactic. He would very much love to shut him out. That meant that not only his father would ignore him, more than usual, but that all the staff and bodyguards would do the same. They would do their job but do their best to isolate the young heir.

Ray knew it wasn't their fault. He would never get angry with them because he knew that if they tried to talk to him, somehow his father would find out and they would not only be fired but couldn't find a new job after. As his father made sure of it.

That was the feeling Ray hated the most. Loneliness.

His mother never wanted him, so she would do anything to hide from him or avoid him. His father would sit with him or read when he was younger but when his mother died he put a distance as well.

The only ones he had were his friends. But they all had their own worries... It wouldn't be right of Ray to burden them with his problems. He did that once to Mew and would do anything to take it back. It wasn't right of him.

Many times the young heir dreamed about leaving this world. It would be easy. A few bottles of scotch and a bottle of pills.

That's how Mew found him the first time. It was the anniversary of his mother's passing and Ray felt unloved. So why would he live?

In the end, Mew did save him and he never reached for that kind of solution again. Even though he wanted to at times. His friends helped him recover but he yearned for the kind of love Mew and Top had. Or Cheum and April.

Of course, they had their problems but they stayed strong. And Ray didn't want to be like Boston. He would never judge the other for sleeping around as he did it too, a lot. But most of the time if he found someone to sleep with he would be very sad when they left him in the morning. No one ever stayed.

Not even Sand.

His mind was taking him to all those dark places now. There was no helping it. He was surrounded by people but all alone.

"Ray!" He turned his head toward the sharp sound. "Come here. Let me introduce you to Khun Saengtang."

And as a dutiful son, Ray put on a fake smile and went over to where his father stood with some of his business partners.

Sand hated these kinds of events. He was here just because he had to be. It was good for his image to be present at the charity events such as this. The singer didn't know what the charity was even for. His manager informed him that it was a charity prepared by one of the richest men in Thailand.

Sand despised people like that. But he despised this man more than anything. Tam Siriwong was a global mogul, who made his riches by tearing down old communities. Like the one his mother and he used to live in before. And the ones who had old grandmas and grandpas living there, where their children left him thinking they would be safe.

Before he was a world-famous singer he was on the first lines of defense against inequality in their country. His friends and he made sure that guilty people were put behind bars. These days he only participates when it is really necessary. Sand would have to agree that his friend was a good leader. And the right hand is less violent nowadays. It was all working out for them.

Maybe he should ask Black to find Sand's mystery lover since he had zero luck finding him for five weeks. But he would rather die than involve Black in his personal business. The things with Dan were already f*cked enough that Sand didn't need another "It told you so." from his friend.

"f*ck!" Sand said when someone bumped into him resulting in spilling red wine all over himself.

"I'm sorry, Khun." Said a soft voice. "Here let me help you."

The man started dabbing the napkin on the singer's expensive clothes but to no avail. He knew better than anyone that blood and red wine were the most difficult stains to get out of clothes. This night couldn't get any worse.

"It's okay..." Sand said and time stopped when the shorter man lifted his gaze. Those big eyes had been following him everywhere these days.

"Khun..." The man stopped his hands from wandering. "Khun Sand, right?"

To his surprise, the man knew his name. He probably knew who he was now. Maybe he had always known...

Thoughts like that appeared in his head. Why hadn't he thought of that earlier?

Maybe the man before him was a fan who wanted something from him... Something more than Sand was willing to give... That angered Sand.

The thought didn't sit right with the singer. If the other always knew then did he somehow make sure to evoke the scandal?

"Do you remember me?" The shorter man asked sweetly batting his eyelashes. "Probably not..."

He chuckled and Sand could see that the man before him had a bit too much to drink. The difference from their first meeting was that Sad was completely sober and still enamored by this beauty.

For some reason, Sand decided to lie to the man. After searching for him for a month there he was before him. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"No, Khun. I don't think we've ever met." Sand said and removed himself from the younger man.

For a moment there he thought he saw a sad and hurt look in the shorter's eyes but he must've been wrong.

"Ah, I see, Khun... Forgive me..." The man smiled sheepishly and the singer was stunned by how cute the other looked. "Here. Send me a check for dry cleaning."

The other gave him his business card and turned to walk away.

Ray Siriwong.

His name was Ray. And Sand had him right before him.

Sand recognized that name instantly. It was the same name as the person who threw this party. A person who was at fault for many of his neighbors and friends losing jobs due to a bad work environment and measle paychecks.

Sand wanted nothing more than to make the heir pay.

Without thinking he grabbed the younger man's wrist and spun him around to face him.

"What if we get reacquainted? Hmm, what do you say, pretty?" The singer asked lewdly.

It didn't take the other man a lot of thinking to give Sand a sultry look and smile.

This was going to be easy.

"I would say that I can get us a room upstairs..." He moved closer to the rockstar. "If that's something you would find agreeable, Khun..."

"Yes." Send replied simply and didn't struggle when Ray pulled him to follow.

Chapter 3: The Way You Look At Me

Chapter Text

The way to the room wasn't long but the tension was killing Ray. He wanted nothing more than to jump into a taller man's arms and devour him. But for the sake of his father, he had to stay polite.

At least until they are behind closed doors.

Ray didn't question how Sand was at his father's event. It was not important at the moment.

What was important at the moment is that the young heir gets that huge co*ck he had been dreaming about for weeks. This man had been plaguing his dreams and nights with images of strong hands, skilled mouth, and that...

He felt himself blush just at the thought of it.

Ray was lucky that he didn't drink too much tonight. He was going to remember every single thing this time.

At first, he was a bit hurt that the singer didn't remember him, but when the other offered one more night of pleasure who was Ray to refuse?

After all that would be a dream come true for him...

Sand couldn't wait for the room doors to close before he had Ray pinned to the wall attacking his plump lips.

"Cherry?" He asked while he continued to kiss the shorter man.

"Hmm..." Ray responded and moaned when Sand bit his earlobe. "You like?"

Sand smiled to himself as his lips continued to trail the younger's neck.

He didn't respond just began kissing the other man again.

Their kisses were hot and hard. He needed to have this beauty sprawled before him all ready for taking... Fast.

"Bed..." Ray mumbled between the kisses and the moans. "Agh..."

With little to no effort, Sand picked the other up. Ray immediately hooked his legs on the taller's waist.

The bed wasn't far but the singer loved the feeling of the other in his hold. He didn't put the man down for a minute or two more.

"Sand... na...." Ray moaned and nothing could stop Sand from devouring this man.

He put him down on the bed and climbed on top of him giving him no room to breathe.

The clothes flew around the room in the next few moments and they were both naked before each other.

Ray seemed shy while looking at Sand's muscular body.

"Like what you see, kitten?" Sand asked and began to trail his tongue down Ray's body. From his neck all the way down to the tattoo on his hip.

The beauty under him trembled with lust. It was the same for Sand. He just couldn't wait to have the man fully.

"Sand..." Ray moaned loudly when the singer bit one of his perky nipples. "Na... Sand, please..."

"Please, what, kitten?" The taller man got so much satisfaction from teasing Ray. He was going to make sure that the younger man remembered his every touch.

"Please, your..." Ray was a mess before him. Their dicks were rubbing against each other and Sand didn't know how much more he could take. However, he needed to be inside this man.


Ray felt something wet against his puckering hole. From his half-shut eyes, he saw a mop of black hair between his spread legs before he felt the protruding.

"Sand! Ahg!" He buckled his hips at that. "Don't do that... It's... agh... It's dir-"

The man reappeared and smirked at Ray.

"Don't worry, kitten." He said and honest to God, Ray could come from that nickname alone. "It's delicious. Just like the rest of you."

Giving Ray no more room to talk the man returned to his previous task. It was agonizing how much the younger man loved what Sand did.

He could see that the singer's tongue was skilled when they kissed earlier but this was a whole new level.

Before he could think more about it he felt a slight pain in his lower body.

"Shh, kitten..." Sand kissed him again and inserted a second finger. "You are so tight, kitten... Let me loosen you up. Just relax and tell me to stop if you need to."

Ray put so much of his strength in nodding before the other continued to open him up.

His dick was leaking precum and the man didn't know how much more he could take.

"Sand... Na..." He moaned when the other man put the third finger in. "Please, I need you..."

The taller man smiled at him and Ray loved the dimples that appeared.

"Your wish is my command, kitten." He said and positioned himself on his knees right in front of Ray's spread thighs. "It might sting a bit, kitten. Tell me to stop."

Ray felt only the tip and it was too much for him. However, he didn't let Sand know that. the other continued his movement.

There was a thin veil between pain and pleasure and Ray was bathing in both. Sand was bigger than any man he slept with. It created a certain heat in his stomach when he thought just how big the other was.

"Are you okay?" Sand asked him when he settled fully. "Kitten?"

Ray moaned so loud that he was glad they were in the privacy of the hotel room.

"Yea- San-! Move!" The young heir moaned. The pleasure was unmeasurable. "Na... Sand..."

It was all confirmation Sand needed before he started to pummel the younger man into the soft mattress. Ray's moans echoed through the room and it was making Sand more and more excited.

"Faster... Sand..." Ray kept moaning and who was Sand to refuse his wishes?

The singer sped up the pace. Both of them were now moaning mess and mix of sweaty bodies.

"I'm close..." Sand said in Ray's ear and tugged on the younger's earring.

"Me too..." Ray shivered at the gesture.

He loved the younger's reaction. Sand wanted to tease him a bit more. He slowed down his movement pulling out his co*ck all the way and then slamming it back into Ray.

The shorter man groaned at that and came all over himself.

Ray was shaking with the org*sm as Sand continued to push into him.

"Where do you want it, kitten?" He asked seductively.

"Ins- Inside..." The younger man moaned. "Inside, na..."

And the singer was more than happy to oblige. With a few more thrusts, he came inside the tight heat Ray was offering.

They were blissfully unaware of the time as they lay on the bed covered with nothing but white sheets.

"That was... Amazing..." Ray breathed out.

He could see the other trying to catch his breath too. Ray had never had such fulfilling sex before. Even if it was slow and tender it could not hold a candle to the passion he felt from the singer while he kept Ray glued to the mattress.

Sand hadn't said a word since he came and it was making Ray worry a bit.

"San-" The younger man was about to touch the other man when he recoiled.

"sh*t." He heard the singer say. "I should not have done this."

The man stood from the bed and went around to pick up his scattered clothes.

"Sand... What do you mean?" Ray wanted to follow him but his back was hurting and he felt his legs wobble.

"This was a mistake... As was the first time..." The singer said.

the first time? So he remembered?! But he made Ray feel bad because he was the only one who had memories of their night of passion a few weeks ago...

Now the young heir was pissed.

He jumped out of the bed ignoring the pain that spread through his body and the liquid that slowly crept down his legs.

"You remember?!" Ray was no longer calm. "Why would you pretend you didn't? And then get me into bed once again?"

Sand pulled on his wine-stained shirt and smirked at Ray.

"Like you would refuse." The younger man hated the feeling he was getting inside. It was like he was just used when he thought it was somewhat genuine. "I know fans like you. Disgusting."

The younger man was now fully mad.

"What the f*ck are you talking about?" He came close to the dressed man. "I didn't know who you were the first time. And I could care less."

Sand dared to scoff.

"Yeah, right." He said and came closer to Ray gripping his shoulder hard. The pressure was nothing like a few minutes ago when Sand held him in his arms. "Like you hadn't seen an opportunity to get your five minutes of fame. Well, good for you, kitten. It worked."

"What worked?" The singer's grip on Ray's shoulder hardened. "Ouch, that hurts... Sand..."

But the other wasn't letting go. He was just looking at Ray with spite in his eyes. And the younger man knew that look well. His parents looked at him like that his whole life. Especially, his mother.

"Don't address me like we are friends." The other man said harshly. "We had one hook-up and I bet I am your senior at that."

Ray could feel the tears forming in the corner of his eyes. This hurt much more than if the man simply slept with him and then ditched him.

"I won't pretend you don't understand." Sand said. "I don't have a contract here with me. But I can have it e-mailed."

Ray looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about, Khun?" Ray asked curiously trying to keep his voice even. For some reason, this man was resenting him. And he didn't know why? "I can assure you that I didn't know who you were when we slept together. My friends told me when the tabloid came out."

"Ah, so you know about the scandal? Maybe because it was you who caused it in the first place." The singer said mockingly. "Well, you got what you wanted. Now, if you have any guilt left you will be able to make it up to me."

"I literally don't know what you are talking about. For your information, I didn't know who you were and even then I had to google you. I just thought we had a fun night... Tonight again... But here you are, accusing me of things I would never do... And here I thought..."

"What did you think, Ray?" Sand snickered. "That it was more than a one-night stand? Oh, please... Don't try to kid yourself. You are one in the sea of many... But you are the only one who made trouble for me."

Sand gripped Ray tighter uncaring that he was hurting the other.

"Khun, please, it isn't like that... Let me explain..." Ray tried but the man only scoffed.

"Explain... He would like to explain..." Sand said to himself. "I know people like you, Ray. I have known a version at any point in my life. And rich, entitled brats like you care for nothing but themselves. You don't care that you are going to ruin my career and with that my life..."

"Please, trust me, I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even remember who you were." Ray was on the verge of tears. "I am sorry that happened, Khun, and if I can somehow prove it to you and..."

"You can." The singer agreed with Ray. "There is a way to prove your innocence to me. And to make this whole situation disappear."

Honestly, Ray wanted nothing more than to run, hide and cry. He had never been hurt like this before and he only met the man twice.

But he was a man of his word after all. The younger man would see how he could help the other.

"Khun?" He asked.

The way that Ray looked at Sand, feigning hurt and bewilderment, shouldn't make the singer horny. His eyes shouldn't be so sinful. It was like he was calling the other to make a mistake.

"Khun?" And what Sand wouldn't give to have the naked man under him begging so sweetly again. But he made that mistake twice already.

It cost a lot.

Sand shouldn't let the other man get away with this.

"My PR team has a solution." Sand said seriously. "To prove to everyone that I am not dating my fan and that you are hopefully an adult."

The other man looked confused at the last part.

"I am not a fan, Khun. I haven't heard any of your songs, ever. And I am an adult." Sand had to stop himself from visibly sighing in relief. Of course, he would have to check the man's age for himself, just to be sure. "But I don't know how any of that has any connection to me."

"Listen here." Sand was slowly losing his patience with this man. "You said you would do anything to prove yourself to me. Then do this with me."

The younger man still looked confused.

"My manager thinks it would be a good idea to pretend we are in a relationship." Sand said. "That way you would be famous and I can get back to my career."

For the first time that evening, Sand saw the other man irritated

"What the f*ck are you thinking?" Ray scoffed. "That after all of this I would help you? Yeah, I don't think so, Khun."

The younger man started to pick up his things from the floor as Sand waited.

"I can offer you a large sum of money." The singer offered. "Maybe even a contact if you want to get famous...."

He heard the other man laugh.

"Are you crazy?" Ray asked him. "There is nothing you can offer me that would make me accept this idea. If you haven't noticed already, I have money, a lot of it. And I have a future career... Nothing you can do about that..."

Sand would beg to differ. This only confirmed his previous suspicion of Ray being a spoiled, rich kid.

Now, Sand is a rockstar, a path that he loved but it wouldn't take him much to make sure that Ray never receives a dime from his parents ever again.

"I would say that it was nice meeting you, Khun, but I would be lying." He heard the younger man greet him as he was leaving the room.

There was a zero chance that Snd would let that arrogant bastard walk away like this. He would ruin his life.

No one ever crosses him. And one spoiled brat was not going to be a start to it.

Chapter 4: Lies We Tell

Chapter Text

"I didn't think I would be hearing from you any time soon." Sand heard his friend laugh at the receiver of the phone. "How long has it been, popstar? Since the wedding right? So four months ago..."

The singer hated that nickname. He would tell his best friend for years when he became the singer to stop calling him that but somehow it stuck. He assumes because of Black.

"Shut up, asshole and put your husband on the phone." He heard others laughing in the background.


That meant that they were all together now. And that everyone will know.

"Does this have to do with your recent scandal, popstar?"

"Shut it, Gram, let the man speak." Sand heard their older brother Gumpha say. "What do you need Yok?"

"Thank you, P'." Sand smiled when he heard his old name. "Do you guys know of Pakon Siriwong? A son of the Stardust CEO?"

"Oh, I know him... He goes by Ray?" He heard his friend White ask.

"Yes." Sand nodded even though they couldn't see him. "That's him. Can you guys find out more about him?"

"Sure, dude... But will you tell us what this is about?" Gram asked.

The singer took a deep breath and focused on the monitor in front of him.

"Do you know that saying Eat the rich?" Sans replied calmly and smirked.

Over the next few days, Sand's friends and allies worked tirelessly to gather every piece of information they could about Pakon Siriwong and his father. They mapped out his business interests, investments, and financial dependencies. Both legal and the other kind.

It was on Sand to pay back the debt they had towards the community. Ray's father was an evil man and Sand was sure his son was no different than him. Judging by his refusal to help Sand and disperse the scandal, Sand could imagine that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Sand remained silent as they relayed their findings, his jaw set in determination.

He had to ruin Ray. The singer had every right to do so.

Now, the man wasn't usually this revengeful. Not like Sean. But he learned the hard way that the rich always find a way to destroy lives. The exact example right in front of his eyes.

The talk show he had to be on, managed to make the scandal even a bigger thing than it already was.

The host, known for meddling in people's lives began to list fans and celebrities that Sand must've slept with. Some people even came forward saying that they too had a one-night stand with the man. Those were easily dispersed but not the Ray scandal.

It was dragging his career down and the young heir didn't care. He refused to return any of Sand's messages or calls. He would even accept the man coming to one of these shows and giving the public an explanation but that would also give a bad look to Sand.

The singer didn't know what more to do. He didn't know that ruining Ray's father would take this long. They ruined one of the wealthiest men in Thailand in a matter of months.

But no one could tell him that the CEO of Stardust Corp. didn't have any dirt behind his ears.

Meanwhile, Ray couldn't shake the memory of that night. The fundraiser had been a whirlwind of emotions and, and against his better judgment, he'd let himself fall for Sand's charms. But the accusations that followed left him bewildered and hurt. What did Sand think he had done?

The younger man couldn't focus on his studies at all. His thoughts have been preoccupied by the tall singer.

The same man who gave him nothing but insults... After he gave him the most mindblowing org*sm Ray had in his life.

How did he ruin Sand's life? It wasn't like he planned on sleeping with him... It just happened... And it was wonderful...

Both times.

The second the older man called him kitten Ray felt like he could melt. It took every cell in his body not to share those thoughts with his friends.

He didn't want to drag them into his mess. They've already done too much for him.

Ray's thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of his phone.

A message from his father appeared on the screen, short and demanding.

Pa: Come home. Now.

His heart sank.

They might not be close but Ray was well versed in the duality of his father. He knew the man well enough to recognize the tone of the message.

It didn't take him long to get into his car and drive to their cold mansion.

When Ray arrived home, the atmosphere was tense. Even more than usual.

His father was pacing in his study, his wrinkly face revealing years of stress and anger.

"We lost everything," The older man spat out, his eyes darting to Ray standing in the doorway.

"What are you talking about, Pa?" Ray would never imagine that his father would call him over for something like this.

It wasn't like him at all. They were wealthy enough that his father didn't have to work one day in his life till retirement. Or Ray for that matter. How was it that suddenly they were losing everything?

"I was just contacted by my lawyers. Someone had revealed our illegal businesses. All of it. the casinos, the drugs, sh*t... Even the horses." Ray was beyond confused. He didn't know much about what his father did for work other than being the CEO of Stardust Crop. his mother started when they got married. He wanted to ask his father more about that but was stopped by the glass hitting a wall near him and shattering into a million pieces. "The business, the house, it's all slipping away, Pakon. Someone is orchestrating a financial assault on us."

Ray felt a chill run down his spine. He had never seen his father so vulnerable, so powerless.

The older man sat in one of his leather chairs and put his head in his hands.

"What can we do?" Ray asked carefully, trying to keep his voice steady. "Pa..."

His father shook his head.

"I don't know, son. I'll think about something." The man stood up and did one thing that Ray hadn't seen him do since his mother died.

He smiled.

A genuine smile at that.

Ray was so confused that he stood there, frozen, when his father came and hugged him close. The man never once did that since the day his son was born.

"Everything will be fine, son. I will take care of it." The older man whispered.

Sand's friends delivered their findings quickly. It didn't take long for them to discover the weak points in Tam Siriwong's financial empire. They attacked his investments methodically, creating a chain reaction that led to a significant loss.

The news hit the financial world hard. Tam Siriwong, once a towering figure in the business community, was on the brink of ruin.

Sand couldn't keep the smile off his face. Neither could any of his friends.

They all decided to have a celebratory dinner when the news hit of the older man's ruin. And if Ray wouldn't help him, now he would learn how it is to have everything you know crumble around you. There was a weird feeling around Sand's heart when he saw the ruined man crying on the TV as government officials kept seizing their stuff and home. All this happened the moment that the police showed up to find only Pakon in their multimillion-dollar mansion.

Apparently, Ray's father fled the country with the first rays of sunlight. No one was able to find him yet.

The only person in their group who was even remotely sorry for Ray was, as usual, White.

"I didn't think that this would hurt the young man as much." White said as Sean continued to grill the meat. "maybe he didn't know about his father's dealings. Do you guys see his face on the TV? He looks utterly heartbroken. I thought that if his father had an intention to flee he would at least take his son with him..."

Honestly, and thought that too. They were always counting on a chance that Tam Siriwong would be escaping. He wondered why was the heir left stranded.

"What do you think they are going to do now? Arrest Pakon?" Gram asked as he and his husband began to cuddle in front of the barbecue.

"You guys are disgusting." Sand chuckled.

"Shut up, Yok. You are just jealous of our blooming relationship!" Gram put his tongue out and winked back.

"Yeah, babe. Tell him." Black smirked. "Also don't ever say blooming if you want to taste this ass again."

The whole group laughed but Sand already had a plan forming in his head.

"You guys eat without me. I will join you later." He said and took off.

Ray's father, desperate and out of options, fled the country under the cover of night, leaving the young man to deal with the fallout.

Early in the morning people began banging on his doors. Usually, the staff would open the door however his father gave them all an early night so that they could solve the situation. The young heir came downstairs and opened it to see police officers.

"Tam Siriwong?" One of the officers asked.

Ray shook his head.

"Pakon then?" The officers seemed nice enough when dealing with a child of a criminal. Because that was what he now was. Or has always been. "Could we speak with your father?"

Ray nodded his head and moved from the door to let them pass.

He expected one or two men, not an entire station. They all came inside some trying to find his father and others moving around the house and marking things.

The younger man was confused as to what they were doing. He was walking behind them and seeing them take his things moved his mind into a frenzy.

It wasn't until they tried to seize his mother's gramophone that Ray exploded.

"You can't take that!" The young heir grabbed the music device and tugged it from the officer's hands. "It's not yours. Why are you doing this? My father will explain everything, please..."

He kept on begging but the men simply took the device with a bit more force. It made Ry fall to the ground and it was then that he saw the camera crew and about a dozen of reporters. They kept filming as the younger man's eyes filled with tears.

"Khun Pakon?" He heard the first officer speak to him. "Where is our father?"

And before the younger man could utter a word another officer approached them.

"Sir. It seems that Tam Siriwong fled the country. He was spotted at the airport this morning and we've lost every trace of him after that."

Ray's world collapsed then.

He knew that his father being vulnerable and sincere would have consequences later on.

That bastard had left him. He had left him with every single debt and crime he had done.

His own son!

He couldn't hold it in anymore. the young man fell to his knees and started bawling as the camera crew kept filming and as police continued to take all of their stuff.

"Khun, we will have to take you in." One of the officers said and he sounded sincerely sad for the young man. "but don't worry, the charges for the crimes are not yours. During the investigation, we found no relations between you and the illegal dealings."

Ray couldn't really hear them but was glad that his father never included him in this.

"However, we have a financial agent with us. Since you are of age, Khun, you will need to settle the debt." Ray knew that if they were seizing their assets all of his accounts were either empty, done by their father, or frozen by the banks.

He didn't have a dime on him, except what little cash he had in his wallet.

They didn't let him calm down before the police started putting handcuffs on him. Everyone stood there and watched the young man have a mental breakdown while all of this kept happening.

What did he do to deserve this?

Ray couldn't even stay uptight as they interrogated him. Publicly and in front of the media.

Who does that?

They just wanted to humiliate him. And the young man didn't know the real reasons as to why. What has his father done?

When Ray learned of his father's departure, he felt a mix of betrayal and panic. He had always known his father was ruthless, but this abandonment was a new level of cold.

But this was a whole new level, even for him.

"Ray!" Suddenly, he heard a voice call to him. From what he could see before him stood the infamous singer.

Without thinking, needing comfort from anyone willing to give so, Ray escaped the hold of the police officers and launched himself into Sand's arms.

"Khun Pakon!" One of the officers ran after him. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Shh, kitten, everything will be okay..." Ray heard the singer console him before turning to talk to the officers. "I am his husband. Would you be so kind as to explain everything to me?"

Now, what has Sand got himself into, he doesn't know... What he does know is that around fifteen camera crews and about thirty officers heard him call himself Ray's husband. In truth, he wanted to say partner but for some reason, husband was the word he chose in the end.

Ray was still pliant in his arms, even though he was frozen at the words.

"Excuse me, Khun, this is a matter for the police." The officer said. "Can you prove to be this man's spouse? As you know it is not legal to marry same sex here in Thailand."

"We didn't get married in Thailand but in the United States. And if my husband is going somewhere I will be going with you." Sand was determined.

"As you wish, Khun." the leading officer said as they tried to peal Ray off of the taller man.

But the younger man wasn't budging.

"It's alright, kitten. I will be right there with you." Sand said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Promise?" Ray looked at Sand with those big eyes and the other thought he would melt.

"Of course, kitten." He said and kissed Ray's forehead as the officers took him to their patrol car. The younger man's eyes never left Sand's.

Quickly he avoided the swarm of reporters that headed his way and got on his bike fully intending to follow the police car.

They didn't bother with a cell for Ray.

He was brought to the interrogation room the moment he stepped into the precinct.

Seeing Sand there was like a breath of fresh air for the young man. He didn't know why the singer was there or why he had done what he did in the first place. But somehow he felt grateful to the other.

When he called him his husband, Ray couldn't help but blush despite the severity of the situation they were in.

"Khun Pakon... The finance department is willing to settle your debts right now." Like he had that kind of money. "Everything else will be on your father's charges when he gets caught."

And now, Ray wasn't sure he would be okay with his father staying free. He was a criminal of course, but he was first and foremost his father.

Even if the man hated it so much he left his son to take care of this whole mess.

Before he could answer that question there was yelling from the outside of the room.

"I demand to see my husband! You said he is not on trial then why is he being interrogated?" It was Sand's voice. He really followed them to the station.

Ray doubted that he would.

In a matter of seconds, the room's doors were slammed open and the singer waltzed in.

"What does he need to do the get out of here?" Sand asked the officer.

"Khun, you keep disturbing the investigation. I would like to ask you to leave this room so we can settle this matter. Otherwise, I would have to take you in." Ray didn't want that to happen but Sand stood there unmoving.

"No, officer, please, he isn't the part of this," Ray said. "I would love to pay the money back but I have none."

He had to stop the tears from flowing.

"I didn't know what dealings my father had nor his intentions of fleeing. But I will deal with the consequences on my own." Ray sighed.

"I am glad to hear that Ray but it's quite a hefty sum to pay." The officer sounded sad for him. "If you can't pay we will have to arrest you and serve jail time. I don't know for how long either."

"How much is the sum, Khun?" Sand asked the officer before Ray could break down, again.

"It is a lot of money, Khun." Sand only scoffed at that response.

"That wasn't what I asked, Khun. Since we are married I can cover my husband's expenses." The singer said.

"No, Sand!" Ray was fast to reply instead of the officer. He wanted to slap himself for forgetting the honorifics. The last time Sand's words hurt him so much that he reminded himself never to forget them, with anyone. Just to be safe.

"I can have you talk with the finance department and come to a solution?" The officer ignored Ray's cold stare and Sand only nodded before coming to crouch before Ray.

"I will be back, kitten. Don't worry." The taller man pecked him and then they both left the room.

Ray was left to ponder just why was Sand, a man who insulted him just last week, playing a doing husband in front of the government officials.

The sum was as big as Sand thought it would be. But the money he paid it with was like a daily allowance to him. And that day instead of spending it on a new guitar he bought a debt.

Since he became a famous singer money just kept coming and Sand had more than enough for a comfortable life for him and his mom.

The woman he should probably tell about this whole scheme he thought in five minutes and then proceeded to do so. But she would be sleeping in the early morning hours as she was working late nights. Even though he gave her enough money that she wouldn't need to work ever, the woman still loved to manage that damn go-go bar. It made her feel alive she would often say.

So of course, that money meant nothing to him. He would usually spend it to help some charities but today Ray was that charity.

Somehow that thought made Sand smile a bit. He couldn't wait to have the man dependent on him.

After settling the bill the officers praised him for taking care of his husband and how they knew Ray hadn't deserved all of this.

Sand wasn't so sure that the other man was as innocent as he claimed to be. However, he needed Ray and this was the only way for him to eat his words and agree to their deal.

"You are free to go, Khun Pakon." The officer said to the crying man. His eyes were bigger and filled with tears. Sand wondered how they would look while he had the man under him in a different setting. He had to move that thought away before he became hotter than he already was.

"What? But my debt? My father?" Ray started mumbling.

"Don't worry, Khun. Your husband here paid everything off. And as I said you won't be charged for your father's crimes. But I am sorry to inform you that you won't be getting your assets back." The officer said.

"That is quite alright, officer. Ray doesn't usually live in that mansion anyway. He just went because his father called him over saying that it was urgent. That's why I was worried when he hadn't come home in the morning." Sand stood before the other man lying through his teeth while Ray looked at him with what seemed suspicion and adoration combined in both.

"Ah, I am glad to hear that. We will be in touch, Khun." The officer shook both Sand's and Ray's hands before letting them go.

Without a word, Ray just followed Sand out of the police station.

The moment they were off the bike Ray turned to look at Sand.

"What the hell was that?" He was furious. "Why did you do that? How did you even know where to find me?"

Sand just smirked at the man and moved to put the helmets back.

"Oh, but kitten, as your husband how would I not know?" He sounded smug.

"Don't mess with me!" Ray yelled. "Why did you do all of this? You know there is going to be more of a scandal now?!"

The taller man approached Ray and pulled him closer.

"Because, kitten, now you owe me."

"What do you mean?" Ray suddenly remembered the contract. "Are you still on about that fake relationship bullsh*t?"

"That would be correct, kitten." Sand whispered seductively.

The singer's expression was cold, a stark contrast to the warmth Ray remembered.

"Here's the deal," Sand said still holding the younger man close. "You’re going to be my husband. Publicly. For the next seven months. After that, we will publicly divorce and go our separate ways. As friends. I will allow you to finish university and will even pay for it. You’re going to live with me and will receive a weekly allowance so you don't bother me with those things. I considered giving you nothing but I can't have you looking like a beggar when I am famous worldwide."

Ray's eyes widened. "What? Why would I do that?"

Sand’s gaze was unyielding. "Because if you don't, your father's debt will crush you. This contract is your only way out. This is your way of paying me back."

Ray didn't know what to do. Against his better judgement, he started crying again.

"Don't cry, kitten."The singer said and wiped Ray's tears. "I promise to take good care of you. The only thing you have to do is be a dutiful husband to me. I promise not to touch you if we aren't in public. As a matter of fact, I won't even look at you when we are alone, kitten."

And the younger man couldn't think of a worse fate for him. But it wasn't like he could borrow from his friends. No one had this much money, and even if they did, he could drag them into this. Not even Boston had this kind of money. His father would never lend it to him. Ray expected the older man to be bribing people left and right so he wouldn't get dragged into this mess because of the connections he had with Ray's father.

He couldn't believe Sand even had that kind of money. He was only a singer after all.

There was something very wrong with this situation.

"What do you say, kitten? It is only seven months... Maybe your father even returns by then..." Sand smirked and his hot breath ghosted over Ray's earlobe.

The other didn't stop his lips from trailing on Ray's body. It was giving him flashbacks of their steamy nights but he had to be strong.

Ray took a deep breath, the weight of his father’s failure pressing down on him.

"Fine. But why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?" He continued to fight tears.

Sand's eyes flickered with a mixture of pain and anger.

"This isn't about you, Ray. It's about what you represent. And you’re going to learn that the world isn’t as kind and forgiving as you think it is."

Chapter 5: I Cannot Express Just How Much I Hate You

Chapter Text

The first days of living together were tense.

When they first walked into Sand's penthouse he was shown around as if he were a maid. The house was spacious and clean. It looked modern and vintage at the same time. The walls were painted a warm peach color but decorated with Sand's platinum and gold records and different band posters. Ray didn't recognize anyone except The Smiths. There were some shelves that held all of his awards.

If the situation was different Ray would stop to admire them all. However, he had to follow his supposed husband like a puppy while Sand radiated coldness as they continued the tour.

"This will be your room, kitten." Sand showed him a simple white bedroom lacking any personal touch. It reminded Ray that he had a very small amount of his belongings. The things the police and finance department were happy to give him were 20% of his clothes, his phone, charger, laptop, make-up, and two of the necklaces his mother left him.

Oh, and books for school, since he was required to attend the university till he graduated. And Sand promised to pay for it so Ray couldn't do anything but rely on that. On Sand's seemingly forced kindness.

"But feel free to come to my room if you cannot sleep. Just because we hate each other doesn't mean we need to be celibate, kitten. It is going to be hard seven months otherwise." And the fool dared to wink at him.

Ray would never confess to anyone how hot he was at that moment. Like he was ever going to fall into the bed with this man again. Hell, he would!

He would be crazy to do so. And desperate.

"You have to go to university since I am paying for it and it will keep you occupied. Other than that I expect you to clean the house and have things in order here. I hope you can cook, kitten, because when I come home from work I want to eat homemade meals."

As if!

What did this man think he was?

"I hope we can agree on this, kitten. I would hate to go to the police to report you for theft and blackmail since you and your father dragged me into your schemes. An innocent man like me, who was tricked into helping you in exchange for my music career."

Ray wanted to punch the taller man. More than anything.

"But don't worry you I will not keep you locked in here. You will accompany me when I have a shared schedule and need your appearance and of course, you can go and meet your friends. However, I forbid you to meet them in clubs and bars. Those are not places for a married man. Be aware that if you say a word of our deal to any of them I can bring them as much or even more pain than you. Is that clear?" The older man looked at Ray who stood there defiantly. "I need a verbal answer, kitten?"

"Fine." Gritted the shorter man through his teeth.

"Wonderful, kitten. And I know I don't need to tell you not to sleep around. At least for the next seven months. We don't need the public to suspect on how promiscuous you are. Right?" And he dared to slap Ray's butt.

Ray nodded stiffly.

If anyone was a slu*t here, it would be Sand. But he kept it in. There was no use in fighting with the other man anymore. The situation was grave enough.

"Great! I am glad we settled this! Be ready to sign our contract tomorrow morning. And feel free to hire a lawyer to help you with going over it... Oh, wait..."

With that and a smirk, Sand left the apartment.

Ray couldn't hold it in anymore. He slid down the wall and began bawling.

He didn't deserve this. Of course, he wasn't perfect but nobody was. There was no way for him to know about his father's dealings. Why did he need to be punished for them?

He just lived his life and never wanted for others to get hurt. That was the last thing he wanted. The younger man didn't know what to do. He knew that the news of what happened with his father and then Sand's public confession would be everywhere by now.

Somehow Ray had to face his friends. He saw their countless messages when they were at the police station and he got his phone back. But he couldn't.

He doesn't know if he is ever going to be ready to stand before them again.

Maybe it was his pride stopping him. Maybe it was the fear of rejection. And maybe it was both.

So, what he did was try to contact his father.

The young man knew that the man wouldn't answer his calls but he would be a coward if he didn't at least try.

After the third attempt, he simply stopped.

There was nothing he could do now that would make his situation better.

Sad and nauseated he sat there on a cold wooden floor when he received a message.

Unknown: I was thinking about basil and steak noodles. I will be home by six. Thank you, kitten. 🤫😉😘

Ray wanted to scream and break things but he picked himself up and went into the pastel kitchen Sand showed him earlier.

A month into their cohabitation the younger man still tried to keep his distance, sensing Sand's simmering resentment. It wasn't like it was hard. Sand would avoid him like a plague at every turn. But Ray couldn't ignore the fact that, despite everything, his feelings for Sand hadn't entirely disappeared.

He hated himself even more for that. This man was here, faking to be his savior, using him and there was still a voice in the back of his head nagging him about Sand's sweet words exchanged on those passionate encounters. And that damned nickname.

Nowadays, the most passion he got out of the man was when Sand yelled at him for turning one of his expensive silk shirts pink in the washer. Who could blame him? It wasn't like Ray was used to doing chores.

This was the first time he did everything by himself. His best solution was to ask YouTube.

And Sand wasn't even grateful to him for all the help. Ray knew that the other man hated him but he still didn't understand for what reason.

The younger man still avoided the news which was filled with images of Sand and him and Sand being on talk shows defending their love and condemning what Ray's father did, but that Ray had zero influence on it.

He couldn't look at the messages and all the missed calls from his friends. Even Top tried calling him a few days ago. The young man would turn off his phone but then Sand couldn't send him all those annoying requests he had for his dinner or laundry.

It wasn't long before Ray was required to attend his first event with Sand. the other got him a fancy suit to match his and they went there in Ray's old car.

That surprised the young man and he began questioning the singer about it. The other proudly said that he won it at the auction when the financial part of the case was finalized.

He loudly added that the gramophone was sold nicely too. For quite a sum.

It made Ray's heart hurt even more. And he hated how calm Sand was about their whole situation. The man wanted to hurt him and he made it clear to Ray. So his actions weren't that surprising anymore.

But Ray couldn't help but feel sad when he sat in his own car knowing that it belonged to others. Among a number of the things he used to call his.

"Here." Sand offered him something while they were driving to their destination.

Ray looked at the small velvet box.

"What is it?" He asked his so-called husband.

"Are you stupid?" The singer scoffed in Ray's direction. "It's a ring of course. People will make rumors if you show up without one."

Ray opened the box to see the beautiful platinum band adorned with amethyst crystals.

"Where is yours?" He asked absent-mindedly. Of course, Sand wouldn't have one. It was a stupid question.

"Where would it be? On my ring of course." Sand lifted his left hand to show off his platinum band adorned with sapphire crystals. "You better be ready for the questions they throw at us. I hope you studied the script."

"I did! Did you, asshole?" Ray would smack him if he wasn't worried about damaging his car. So he simply put a ring on his finger and pouted.

"You look so hot when you are angry, kitten. It would make my day if we were to stop now and get some action before the event. Hmm?" Ray scoffed at that and Sand returned his gaze at the road.

"Well, it was worth a try." The fool smirked and Ray already had enough of him.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day of keeping up appearances for the media, Ray finally confronted Sand.

"I know you think I'm just a spoiled brat, but this isn't easy for me either. What did I do to deserve this?" He asked when they were back in the penthouse.

His fake husband was getting ready to go out with his friends and Ray wanted to do the same. But couldn't bring himself to.

Not yet.

They would get tired of him eventually anyway. This way he could keep them from the public eye as much as possible.

Sometimes, when Sand and he waited for a certain interview he would scroll through Instagram and see how happy Mew, Cheum, and Ton were. Apparently, Ton was in a committed relationship now. Ray would've laughed with the other two of his friends as it was so unbelievable for Boston to have someone permanently. But hey, it was only a month and fifteen days. He can still find a way to f*ck it up.

Mew and Top went to cooking classes. Pastery course to be precise. They seemed happy.

Cheum and April had a fun time by the pool of a hostel they were thinking of renovating. A hostel that his father was going to give him as a start-up.

Sand looked at him, and for a moment, Ray saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

"Just stick to the plan, kitten. I told you that it's not about you. This way you might actually learn about the lives of normal people and things that actually matter." The cold mask was back on.

"Till when do you exactly expect me to be your slave?" Ray asked annoyed with the situation.

"Just until you pay me back every penny I spent on your debt." The younger man looked at him angrily. "I am sorry. I meant your father's debt. If you can pay me back sooner you will be done quicker than the seven-month mark."

Despite his initial resistance, Ray began to adapt to his new life. He took on many chores and they would always be done by the time Sand came home, smelling of a variety of different perfumes. The experience humbled him, more and more. It was like Sand was purposely trying to rub his dalliances in his face.

Why was it that the singer could go out in a bar and have fun but Ray couldn't?

It wasn't like he had someone to go with. the last message from Mew came that morning and it stated that he would be waiting for Ray but would stop putting in effort.

That had the younger man in tears than this whole situation. He refused to come out of his room for two more days before threatening him he was going to stop paying his tuition.

One night, as Ray sat in their shared apartment, staring at the contract, he made a decision. He would find a way to pay off the debt sooner and prove to Sand that he wasn't the enemy. But first, he needed to uncover the truth about the scandal that had set all of this in motion.

At the first light of day, he will go out and find some part-time jobs. That way he would be out of Sand's hair quicker and he would never have to put up with that man again.

It wasn't like Sand to be this cold. But life has burned him one too many times and it was always people like Ray who held that torch.

Now, the younger man had to pay for what he did.

His father ruined Sand's life and here his son was depending on the singer and his good graces.

It was very fun to see Ray struggle with cooking or the laundry. It might even bring him back to earth. He might finally understand what it is like to work for the things and not be given them on a silver platter.

The singer doubted that Ray had to endure a single harshness in his life. This would teach him that the world is not always sunshine and roses.

"I won't be back tonight. Be sure to clean around the TV. There was some dust left there yesterday." Sand said to the younger man while Ray cooked a stew. It actually smelled delicious.

"Oh, f*ck off!" Ray replied and turned back to look at the stove. It was a perfect opportunity for Sand to plaster himself to the other's backside.

He did promise the ex-heir that he wouldn't touch him when they were alone but it was getting harder and harder every day. And he wasn't just talking about his co*ck.

Ray had an aura that attracted people to him. Many of his fans saw it too. They seemingly approved of his life partner.

And the tabloids were eating them up.

An ex-heir whose father abandoned him and a famous rockstar who had to keep their relationship a secret so as not to anger his fans.

It was so easy for him to lie. Ray seemed uncomfortable most of the time and that made Sand very happy.


He needed to suffer more.

Even his friends agreed with him. Well, except White and Gumpha... But they were always against the craziest plans that worked in the end.

On the other hand, his mother was furious.

Not only did he keep Ray and being married a secret from her, he wasn't allowing her to meet him.

Sand was afraid that his mother would somehow bond with Ray and that would make fulfilling the singer's final plan unattainable.

The whole plan was still a work in process but Sand was sure to come on top when it came to the results.

That's why he was unmeasurable angry when he came to an empty penthouse with only a post-it on a fridge.

Found a part-time job. Be home around 6 AM. There is Tom Yum in the fridge. Heat it up, asshole.

"Where the f*ck have you gone, kitten?" Sand asked the empty room.

Purple Rain - hellsqueen - เพื่อนต้องห้าม (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.