The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (2024)

The monk is one of Fifth Edition's more unique classes. It's not an entirely mundane martial class, but neither is it a spellcaster like the wizard. Instead, they occupy a unique role, both mechanically and in the lore. D&D monks supplement their martial arts with mystical Ki, which gives them a versatile bag of battlefield tricks, with a variety of ways to specialize once they get higher leveled.

The monk is also one of D&D 5e's more contentious classes. They act as a skirmisher and secondary combatant, which gives them a niche, but they also have their own resource system. A monk's abilities come with harsh restrictions, making them to multiclass. This doesn't mean it's impossible, however. Some monk multiclass combinations can be very effective as long as it is done with plenty of forethought.

Updated on August 5, 2024, by Natasha Elder: D&D is fun to play because of the almost limitless possibilities as far as the story goes. Additionally, multiclassing broadens the already impressive array of ways to customize characters. The Monk class is already powerful on its own, given its ability to attack more than once and move quicker than other classes. By combining this class with another, it becomes even more impressive. We wanted to update the information included in this article to better encapsulate the benefits and deficits of different monk multiclasses, as well as added images.

12 Sorcerer And Monk Offer Each Other Almost Nothing

The Two Classes Have Conflicting Battle Mentalities

Main Benefits of Monk/Sorcerer Multiclass



With 11 Monastic Traditions to choose from, there is plenty of variety for creating the perfect Monk player character in Dungeons & Dragons.

The sorcerer can be one of Dungeons and Dragons 5e's most effective spellcasters. To manage this, however, they need to be built well. To build a good sorcerer, class rewards need to focus on a specific area while ignoring others. The monk is a similarly specialized class in D&D 5e, but the sorcerer offers it almost nothing given that the monk is focused on mobility and targeting vulnerable foes as opposed to creating mass damage.

to avoid running up and punching their foes directly. Most monk abilities are vastly less effective over distance. The sorcerer's spellcasting can give the monk some tricks, but not enough to offset the loss of monk levels. The sheer lack of anything resembling synergy between them puts the sorcerer among the least optimal D&D 5e monk multiclass builds.

11 Wizard Relies On Non-Synergistic Multiclassing

Wizard and Monk Have Differing Ability Score Needs

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (2)

Main Benefits of Monk/Wizard Multiclass

Cantrips, Defensive Spells

The most effective multiclass combinations in D&D 5e have synergy. Two classes occupying identical roles can be problematic, as they won’t benefit each other in a significant way, but some overlap is often helpful as it won’t split the ability points too much. This is where a wizard multiclass for a monk falls short. The two classes lack mechanics that can help the other in any meaningful way.

Wizards, even wizards with D&D 5e’s more martial subclass Bladesinger Arcane Tradition, are fragile combatants who fight best by protecting the rest of their party from a distance. The monk wants to be in the enemy's back line, hitting their vulnerable targets. The wizard doesn't supplement the monk's martial capabilities, and levels in monk weaken the wizard's spellcasting. Their very different ability scores only add to this incompatibility.

10 Artificer's Equipment Focus Presents A Direct Clash

Given That Monks Favor Unarmed Strikes, the Artificer Class Doesn't Have Much to Offer

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (3)

Main Benefits of Monk/Artificer Multiclass

Ranged Cantrips, Improved Weaponry

The D&D 5e monk and artificer differ thematically as well as mechanically. Although they can use weapons, monks tend to be self-sufficient and fight with nothing but their bare hands to benefit from unarmed strike bonuses. Artificers aren't helpless by themselves, but they are support characters who buff allies and rely on upgraded equipment rather than their own firepower.

Neither the themes nor the mechanics of the monk and artificer go well together, even though on the surface it might seem like they bulk up each other’s weaknesses. A monk may appreciate an improved weapon, but their un-buffed unarmed strikes will always occupy a significant part of their turn. Furthermore, a for everything, whereas a monk needs to focus on Dexterity and Wisdom.

9 Bard Requires Too Much Investment The Monk Can't Afford

To Improve Ki, Monks Need to Focus on Levelling Themselves Instead of Other Classes

Main Benefits of Monk/Bard Multiclass

Ranged Damage Spells, Bardic Inspiration, Cantrips


The Way of Shadow monk combines utility and stealth features to create one of the best subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

The monk's unique resources are one of its most significant barriers to multiclassing. Most of a monk's best features use Ki points, the number of which increases at certain level markers. To make multiclassing worth it, a monk needs significant improvements from the other classes’ levels to compensate for the fact that they lose out on the ability to use their class features more often.

well with several classes, but the benefits are limited for a monk. A handful of bard levels won't give anything valuable. To make the most of the bard's diverse spellcasting and Bardic Inspiration, a character would need five levels and reasonable Charisma. This is a tall order for a monk who wants to enjoy their class features, especially given that they receive very little payoff for a more shallow investment.

8 Paladin Is Too Exclusive A Multiclass To Be Reasonable

Both Monk and Paladin Require Two Different Ability Scores to Be 13 Each

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (5)

Main Benefits of Monk/Paladin Multiclass

Lay on Hands Ability, Divine Smite (with weaponry), Divine Favor

Multiclassing has some limitations in D&D 5e. One is that a character has to have specific ability scores of 13 or more to take new levels in another class. Most classes require a single stat, and monk and paladin each require two with no overlap. To even create a monk and paladin multiclass in D&D 5e, a character needs a 13 in Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma, which is a significant requirement.

This requires either good rolls or a player funneling everything into the multiclass but even then, it's a mixed bag. Paladins benefit from wearing armor, while monks lose most of their features if they do. Specific builds might use both classes, but those builds are rare. These combinations often exploit odd mechanical interactions or fill particular niches. As a final nail in the coffin, a paladin cannot Divine Smite on Unarmed Strikes per D&D 5e rules, an anti-synergy that keeps many other multiclass combos greater than this one.

7 Warlock And Monk Both Enjoy Short Rests

Additionally, Some Warlock Spells Increase Striking Damage

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (6)

Main Benefits of Monk/Warlock Multiclass

Hex Spell, Cantrips, Hexblade's Curse, Eldritch Invocations

Monks and warlocks have little in common besides being two of D&D 5e's more unique classes. Their party roles and favored ability scores lack any particular overlap, although they both recover key class-specific features through a short rest, such as Ki points and spell slots, which is very beneficial. Additionally, a few levels of D&D 5e warlock can provide some specific boons for a monk. In particular, warlocks have spells and features that deal bonus damage on each strike.

A monk using Flurry of Blows attacks more than most other builds in D&D 5e can. Inflicting the Hex spell and Hexblade's Curse on a single creature and then attacking four times can rack up devastating damage. Eldritch Invocations can also add to a monk's bag of tricks without eating into their Ki points, but these benefits may not compensate for the lack of focus that this multiclass causes.

6 Cleric Relies On The Same Ability Scores

This Multiclass is Particularly Helpful for the Way of the Astral Self Monk Subclass

Main Benefits of Monk/Cleric Multiclass

Ranged Cantrips, Shield of Faith, Domain-Specific Boosts to Monk Abilities

Giving a D&D 5e character some spellcasting is an excellent way to increase their versatility, but ability scores can make this a challenge. If the spellcasting uses an ability score that the character doesn't want to improve, it'll always be of limited use. This makes the cleric a better monk multiclass than many other spellcasters since it uses Wisdom to cast. This is why the cleric ranks midway through the monk's best multiclass options.

A D&D 5e monk wants to build their Dexterity, but focusing on their Wisdom can be effective. Cleric spellcasting and domain features can let a monk do things the base class never could. In particular, the Way of the Astral Self monk already wants its Wisdom as high as possible. With the right choice in the Cleric's Domain, a player could focus heavily on their Wisdom and come out with a dangerous spellcasting monk.

5 Druid Pays Off The Monk's Wisdom Investment

The Monk's Features Largely Work Well With the Druid's Wild Shape Ability

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (7)

Main Benefits of Monk/Druid Multiclass

Combine Wild Shape and Monk-Specific Class Benefits to Increase Damage


There are a wide array of magic items that can make a monk a formidable Dungeons & Dragons power-player.

The druid is another D&D 5e spellcaster that emphasizes Wisdom. As such, the druid class can let a monk cast spells in a way that is synergistic with Astral Self monk’s subclass abilities. On top of that, there are specific builds that make use of the two. A Circle of the Moon Druid in D&D 5e has plenty of use for monk features. Per the rules, a druid using Wild Shape can use any class features they have, so long as they have the required anatomy.

Most of a monk's features work well in animal form. Unarmoured Defense and Unarmoured Movement can both be invaluable for a Circle of the Moon Druid. Martial Arts is less impressive, however, as most beasts don't make Unarmed Strikes. Another downside is that this monk multiclass emphasizes levels in druid, which doesn't suit players who want a monk first and foremost. As a result, the druid and monk multiclass in D&D 5e falls short of several more monk-favoring multiclass possibilities.

4 Ranger Adds Martial Benefits And Spellcasting

Combining Monk and Ranger Simultaneously Improves Two of the Weakest Classes

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (9)

Main Benefits of Monk/Ranger Multiclass

Hunter's Mark, Tracking Abilities

Monks and rangers are considered two of the weakest classes in D&D 5e as they are useful at the beginning of the game but lose their efficacy in long-term campaigns. Together, however, they have some surprising potential. One notable aspect is that they share multiclassing requirements—a Dexterity and Wisdom of 13 or more. The monk and ranger classes are thus a well-suited match from the start, as both classes prioritize the same ability scores.

A ranger's main contribution to the build is damage. Spells like Hunter's Mark reward a monk for hitting as often as possible, and most ranger subclasses add some way of dealing more damage with basic attacks. In addition, a ranger can give a monk some spellcasting. It's unlikely to be much, but even a weak heal at the right time can change the tide of battle.

3 Rogue Adds Damage To Many Monk Weapons

The Monk and Rogue Subclasses Are Very Synergistic

Main Benefits of Monk/Rogue Multiclass

Sneak Attack (with weaponry), Expertise, Cunning Action

Rogues are one of D&D 5e's most versatile classes. Additionally, they share some of the monk's role as a secondary martial warrior which means that the playstyle of these classes mesh well. Neither class is well-suited for the frontline, and both work well as skirmishers who target specific enemies. These synergistic elements have delineated rogue as one of the best multiclass options for the monk.

A monk can't Sneak Attack with their Unarmed Strikes, but nothing stops them from using a short sword as a monk weapon. This can elevate their damage beyond what the monk class is usually able to achieve. In addition, the rogue's Cunning Action can replace Step of the Wind, giving a monk more mobility without the Ki cost. Specific D&D 5e monk subclasses like the Way of Shadows also synergize with many rogue features.

2 Fighter Provides Significant Early-Game Benefits

Action Surge is Valuable for Any Class, But Especially for Monks

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (10)

Main Benefits of Monk/Fighter Multiclass

Second Wind, Action Surge, Unarmed Fighting

Thematically, the fighter and monk often represent very different forms of combat. A D&D 5e fighter benefits from access to all weapons and armor, while the monk fights best unarmored and makes many Unarmed Strikes. However, the first few levels of the fighter class can give a monk a serious combat edge, making an early investment in the class worth it.

Firstly, Action Surge is invaluable for any class, as it lets the monk make even more attacks or use even more of its tricks. In addition to Action Surge, several subclasses provide concrete benefits. In particular, Battle Master maneuvers' saving throw DCs can use Dexterity, giving a monk many more options. Most significantly, boosts a monk's unarmed strikes to d8 damage — something they don't otherwise get until 11th level.

1 Barbarian Adds Damage And Durability With Significant Trade-Offs

The Sacrifice in One Class is Worth the Gain in the Other

Main Benefits of Monk/Barbarian Multiclass

Rage, Different Totems Offer Equally Good Advantages, Mobility Increase


The Way of the Drunken Master is the most martial and skirmish-oriented monk subclass in D&D 5e, perfect for anyone who wants to be in the thick of it

The formidable barbarian class is one of the most popular candidates for a D&D 5e monk multiclass. The two classes have a combat focus, a tendency to fight unarmored, and some supernatural tricks. The barbarian's Rage gives bonus damage on every hit, and monks make several attacks each round. Rage also halves a lot of incoming damage, helping the monk's fragile survivability. Both classes also get significant mobility bonuses.

However, the build also has its flaws. Most of the barbarian's features rely on Strength, which monks typically neglect in favor of Dexterity. As such, the multiclass likely has to sacrifice either Armor Class or damage. The character must be ruthless in distributing their levels, choosing between more Rages or Ki points. For players who can stomach the trade-off, however, the result is a fast and hard-hitting combatant who can focus down almost any enemy. As a result, the barbarian becomes the best D&D 5e monk multiclass.

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (12)
Dungeons and Dragons

A fantasy roleplaying tabletop game designed for adventure-seekers, the original incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons was created by Gary Gygax in 1974.

The Best Monk Multiclass Combos In D&D, Ranked (2024)


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