THE TROY RECORD, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 19S8 The Troy Record TROY, N. OCT. 6, HOURLY TEMPERATURE '(At The Record, Off ice) 4 3 a. m. 53 4 a.
m. 50 4 a. in. 52 5 a. m.
50 5 a. m. 51 6 a. nl. 48 6 a.
m. 50 7 a. rn. 48 7 a. m.
52 a. in. 49 8 a. m. 54 9.
a. m. 53 9 a. m. 55 10 a.
m. 58 10 a. m. 55 .63 11 a. 60 1 p.
m. 62 2 p. m. 59 3 p. 57 4 p.
m. 56 5 p. m. 51 6 p. m.
48 .7 p. m. 45 8 p. m. 45 9 p.
44 10 p. 43 11 p. m. 40 12 midnight 38 Oct. 6 1 a.
m. 36 2 a. m. 34 3 a. m.
34 jlens Falls Woman billed In CMision Mrs. Gertrude, Dtibh, 48, of. Jackson Glens Falls, was lied Saturday aboul'li in a'collision involving a parked raclor-trailcr'and two the Galway in aratbga County, less than a 12 noon 1 p. m. 2 p.
m. 3'p. m. 4 p. m.
5 p. m. 6 p. m. 7 p.
m. 8 9 p. 10 p. m. 11 p.
ro. 12 midnight 55 Oct. 5 1 a. m. 55 2 a.
m. '55 70 70 69 65 65 62 59 58 57 56 Weather yesterday-- Cloudy and windy. Sunrise today, 5:58 a.m.; sunset, 5:28 p.m. Sports Chib Gives Awards For Archery Robert Beaudoin and John Genthner of Troy were award ed trophies for high achieve ment on the archery range Saturday by the Albia Fish and Same.Club which brought to close its annual archery cours and clinic begun Aug. 22.
Beaudoin won a trophy for having been the most consistent high scorer and Genthner took trophy for having shown the best progress throughout thi season. Robert Ryan received an hon orable mention award. The following Game Club members finished the archery Doufse which was offered each Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Heorge Carter, Robert Castle Dennis Carner, Frank Chase Dominic Caridi, David Reichard J. Zagurski, Anthony Wallace Peter Delamater and James Schillinger.
The Club's annual installation dinner will be held at VFW Hall of the Sullivan-Jones Post at Poestenkill, Oct. 18 at 8:30 p.m. when members and their guests will enjoy a country style roast pork dinner and a music and dancing program. Rev. Waller Grevatt Given Farewell Party A farewell dinner party was held recently at the Journey's End Hotel for Rev.
Walter Gre vatt Jr. and Mrs. Grevatt, who will leave the Sand Lake Pres hyterian Church Wednesday Oct. 15, for Cleveland, Ohio where llr Grevatt will become assistant pastor of the Church of the Covenant, Presbyterian. The party was given by the Mr.
and Mrs. Club of the Sand Lake church who presented tin couple with a sunburst cigh day clock. Mr. Sidney Gallan was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Glenn Badger was charge oi reservations.
BORN CHIIA.MOI'F At Samaritan Hoapftal. Oct. 3 195S to Mr. and Mrs. Joscpl Ctiramotf.
a daughter, Michele Marie pister to Laura and Carol. MM Chramoff is the former Thelma Kel vinston of Watervliet. O'BBIEX At St. Mary's Hospital. OcL 3 1953.
to Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Brien a daughter, Laurel Aunt O'Brien was formerly Mary slice Healy. KITING At Samaritan Hospital. Oct.
3 1958. to Mr. and Mra. Edward Riiping, ft daughter, Shirley Jean sister to Anne Marie- Mrs. Rupin was formerly Marie Warieka ot Wi tcrvliet.
CARD OF THANKS FJ1KZO.V The family of the late Walter Frezon wishes to thank friends relatives and neighbors for Xh many acts of kindness during thei recent bereavement. We also ex tend our sincere thanks to the Tro, Fire Troy Police Clu ett, Pcabotly Veterans 0 Lansinsburg. Holy Name Society St. Augustine's Church, St. Angus tine's Men's Bowline League, th Laiisingburp Schools and th Faculty and Students ot Knicker backer Jr.
High School. INMEMORIAM DE VOE In loving memory of our dear so a brother. Pfc. Paul K. DcVoe who was killed in action in Holland Oct.
6. 19M. MOTHER, FATHER AND SISTER HOUSB In loving memory of Helen House. who passed away Oct. 5, 1955.
From the dawning ot the morning Until the setting ot the sun, We dearly do remember her. Her light still shines on. OSCAR. SHIRLEY AND CHILDREN. KASI'AR In loving memory of our dea dad.
Peter P. Kaspar, who passe away five years ago today. Oct. 6 1953. His helping hand was always first To render any aid lie could: Ilia voice- was always raised I praise, His words wore wise and good.
"Pop" fllnce you've gone awa The ones you loved so.true. Try hard to carry on the way we know you'd want ng to. RITA and STELLA SON-IN-LAW, JOHN. 1.1NBY In loving memory of mv faliie Motorcycle Officer Jamtn w. un) who was killed Got.
5, 1833. I havo only dea To remember iny whole llfo Illi'oUKl But tho sweetness will linger fo As I treasure the Imago of yon. DAUOTITBR HI3LEN. MJ.CK In lovlne son an brother, 2nd Joseph W. Luc U.S.M.C.R., wlio waa killed Oct.
10M. Though alisent you are always nen Still loved, Mill missed, ntlll v( In our h'earls you will alwnys ila Loved, remembered every dny. FATHER, JIOTIIB jmOTHEK, SISTBR iusband Kilkd, Wife Dies The. tragic death Saturday orning of a Town of Fort Ann raier reaped a double conse- uence Saturday night his wife of a heart attack caused the shocking news of her usband's death. Mrs.
Thomas A. Ward, 59, of ewey's Bridge, Town of Fort nn, died just before midnight alurday, after a day of ponder- ig the fate of her husband-'who as pinned beneath a tractor their farm about six miles vay from the Ward home, at 30 a.m. Dr. Waller.S. Bennett, Wash- County coroner, said tat Mrs.
Ward's death was di- caused by shock result- ig from her husband's death. Mr. Ward's body remained nned in the seat of the tractor ir some time before it was dis- ivered by the victim's son, Ira 'ard, 28, who had been work- ig some distance away. The unger Ward Police had noticed a stream moke rising from behind a noil and, upon investigating, found his father.dead. Dr.
Bennett ordered the body Glens Falls Hospital for utopsy he declared last ighj. that death was accidental, aus'ed by suffocation from the eight of the vehicle on Mr. Yard's body. A double funeral service, will held for Mr. and Mrs.
Ward omorrow at 2 p.m. from the lien Funeral Home in Fort nn where Rev. Allen F. Bain, astor of United Protestant hurch of Fort Ann, will of- ciate. Burial will be in Hill- ide Cemetery, Foultney, Vt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward are sur- ived by five sons, Thomas A. Vard of Middle Granville and ra, Hiram, William and John Vard of Fort Ann. Mr.
Ward survived by two sisters, Mrs. amuel Lape of Mass, nd Mrs. Arthur Parady of thol, and three brothers, harles Ward of Chittenango: 'iram Ward of Fort Ann, and hancey Ward of Hartford. Mrs, Vard is survived by three sis- ers, Mrs. Forrest G.
Briggs of irattleboro, Sirs. Joseph L. Hunt Jr. of Cleveland, 0. nd Mrs.
Corliss Senecal of lastleton, and two brothers Chadwick Philips of Pawlet, Vt. nd Percy Philips of Tinmouth, t't alf mile Irom the Fulton ourity line. Her husband and driver of the iath car, Emmanuel Dubb 53, as taken to Saratoga Hospital' lere he is being treated for a acturo of (he'right hip. His ndition was' described as fair st night. The Town of Galway mishap as three Troy qbile A one car col- sion at Mechanicville about 18 p.m.' 'Saturday, hospitalized "illiam Van Volkenberg, 53, of 2nd Mechanicville, whose 'ndilion was reported as good st night at Leonard Hospital.
Mrs. Dubb was killed almost istantly as the car in which she as riding crashed into the rear a disabled tractor-trailer arked to the side of Roue 29. police said the Dubb car, striking.the heavy vehicle, ounced back into the road and to the path of an oncoming ast-bound vehicle driven by iss Joan Cichocki, 18, of-333 erry Schenectady. Neither. Miss Cichocki nor ifford Steves, 37, of Bakers ills, operator the disabled actor-trailer, were injured.
Mr. ubtr'was taken to the hospital I an independent ambulance irvice of Broadalbin. Dr. John G. Butkus.of Broadbin, physician for Coroner Wilam Hickey of Saratoga County, aid death Mrs.
Dubb was as- dental. Troopers Richard A. renzki of the Saratoga BCI, A. Brown of Glenville and H. F.
aulin of the Mayville substa- on, investigated. Mechanicville police said Mr. an Volkenberg suffered facial cerations the car in hich he was riding crashed ito a power pole in Hill street, Mechanicville. Edwin McFar- (Continued on Page 20) KILLED DIED BELL--Entered into rest. Oct.
1955. at the Shaver Nursing Home Nina D. Mickel Abell. wife of the late WeHon K. Abell: sister of Mrs.
Floyd'L. Foster. West Sand Lake. Hoy Mickel. Utlca.
and Mrs George E. Hoffman, North Greenbush. Funeral services at the Bowen Funeral Home, corner Sixth St and Fifth Watervliet. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Sami Lake Cemetery.
BLKTT--Oct. 3 1958, at Oxford N.Y.. Mrs. Alma Ablctt, widow ol the late Harold Ablctt; 'sister ol Mrs. Gilbert A.
Clark of Troy Mrs. Wilfred Curry of Conges and Frank Mayo of Cohoes. Funeral Monday aftern-jon at 2 o'clock from the W. J. Duffy Funeral Home.
229 Columbia St. Cohoes. Interment Albany Rura Cemetery. IBAIMM--James 61 Columbia St. the Leonard Hos pital, Oct.
3. 195S. husband of the former Mildred Smith; father. 0 Mrs. William Patnode.
Favreau, Georse Brahamr brother of Mrs. LouU Trombley and Frank Braham. Funeral Monday morning at o'clock from Dufresne Funera Home, 216 Columbia thenc to Sacred Heart Church where a Requiem High Mass will be of fered at 10:30 o'clock. Intermen St. Agnes' Cemetery.
Cohoes nlBXS--At Leonard Hospital, Oct 4. 195S. Alice F. Burns, daughtc of the late Margaret Kelledy am Peter Burns: sister of Patrick Burns of Waterford, N.Y. Mrs Robert F.
O'Hare of Watervliet Mrs. Christopher J. Clinton, Mrs Patrick J. Mackey and Alfred Burns of Troy; also survived several nieces and nephews. Funeral from the residence her sister.
Mrs. Christopher Clinton. 556 First St. (between Polk and Main Streets), Tuesda; morning at 9 o'clock, thence St. Joseph's Church where at 9:3 o'clock, a Solemn Requiem Hig! Maps will be sung.
Friends ar invited. 3ASTKACAXI--At Samaritan Hospl tal, Oct. 2. 195S, Castracani husband of the late Maria Gau denzi: father of Morris Castracan of Cohoes and Mrs. Louis Manon of Cohoes.
Funeral Monday at 9 a.m. fron the Marra Funeral Home. Colum bla and Remsen Streets, Cohow and at 9:30 from St. Rita's churc where a Solemn Requiem Mass will be offered. Interment St.
An thoriy's Cemetery, Schenectadj CUKRDOK At Samaritan Hos pital, OcL 4. 195S. Mary L. Rilcy wife of T. Joseph Guerdon mother of Edward Josep John and Alfred R.
Cuer don; sister of Hugh, John David and Frank V. Riley an the late James, Thomas Catherine Rllcy. Funeral. Wednesday .9:15 o'clock from the McLoughll Funeral Home, corner of Glen and Sixth thence to Augustine's Church where a Re i i Mass will be offere at 30:15 o'clock. Friends are In vlted and may call Monday eve nlng and Tuesday afternoon nn evening.
Interment St. Peter' Cemetery. DKltBY--Suddenly, Oct. 4, 195 John Raymond Derby, 6-nioulti old son of Earl Derby Jr. art the former Beverly glockwel R.D.
1. Mechonlcvllle; brother Earl III and David: grandson Mr. and Mra. Karl Derby Sr R.D. and Mcrl Stockwell, Bnllston gren grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Sainu Welch of Harris Avenue, Median Icvlllc. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. fro the home of Frederick Do 1 Roan. Pruyn't Hill, Meehnnlcvlll Interment will be at Cemetery, Burnt Hills.
mVVKlt-- Suddenly at Si. Mary Hospital, Oct. 1 1058, Cnpt. Jam Dwyer of the Troy Poll. hnshiind of Charlotte En Huh; a Mrs.
Mary Murrn brother Mnry LJwyer nn Mrs. Margaret Kfrchhoff ni a a of Charles Mil funeral will be held from Joseph O'Bryan Funeral Horn 3212 Sixth.Avc., at a lime ID announced. IVTI Names )fficers 2 Classes Officers of the junior and 'trior classes of Hudson Valley echnical Institute were elected a recent convocation. Elected to head the senior ass are Harold E. Brady 245 Broadway, Albany, presi- ent; Robert J.
Bracken, 111 ongress Cohoes, vice presi- ent; William C. Ziegler, Sau- erties, secretary, and Frank J. uflaline, 562 Hoosick Troy, easurer. Officers of the junior class re Richard A. Warenchak, 158 th Troy, president; Carl Prince, 25 Academy Road, AI- any, vice president; Kichard Hill, 617 Myrtle Al- any, secretary, and Gerald P.
orgento, Metuchen, K. jeasurer. Troy Registration Shows 653 Drop The first two days of the four-day personal registration eriod in Troy, Friday and Saturday, brought out a total 1,153 voters; 653 fewer than, the two-day total of 11,806 last ear and 1,720 less than the 73 for the same period in 1954, st gubernatorial election year. two-day totals in Cohoes id Watervliet both showed incases over 1957 but decreases om 1954. Cohoes had 3,598 gistcr as compared to 2,965 in 57 and 3,998 in 1954, while 956 registered in Watervliet compared to 1,654 last year id 2,004 in 1954.
Albany had 32,121 register uring the first two days as ompared to 29,366 last year nd 32,632 in the last guberna- rial year. In Rensselaer, 1,689 gistered as compared to 2,263 st year. The flth Ward of Troy with two-day registration total of 07, surpassed the 383 regis- ation of 1957 and of 380 in WAREHOUSE BLAZE--Fire Saturday afternoon damaged the Grimm Supply Co. warehouse on Front street at the Congress street bridge. The photo above shows firemen and fire apparatus at work just as the flames an billowing black smoke break through the roof.
2 Area Men Have Part In Setting Of Undenvater Record By Seaivolf DIED A.LPIN--At Northstda Convalei- cent Home, Waiunu.d. 1958. Agnes M. Halpin of 77 Dl- vision Waterford. Survived by several nieces and nephews, i Funeral from the Finn Funeral Home, 103 Third Waterford.
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and S-3G o'clock Erom St. ilary's Church where, a Requiem High Mass will be celebrated. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Waterford. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday afternoon and evening.
KSS--Saturday, OcL 4. 195S, Miss Cora Hess ol 1169 Phoenix Schenectady, formerly of Troy. N. Y. Survived by four nieces and one A graveside service will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the Mt.
Ida Cemetery, Troy, N. Y. OI-TMAX--At Cohoes Hospital. Oct. 5.
195S, Eugene F. Hoffman, husband of Josephine Mitchell. Funeral fronu Fonda's Funeral Home, 837 River Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Friends are invited and may call Tuasday afternoon and evening. lASl'ER At the residence 50 Trull Cohoes, Oct.
3. 195S Frank Kasper. husband of Katherine Stopera; brother of Mrs Emerson Bridgewater, Mrs Frank Purcell and Alex Kasper, ail Troy, and Mrs. Frank of Green Island, Joseph Kasper of Watervliet and Mrs. OHie Collins of Chatham.
Funeral services will be held Monday morning from the Gorski Funeral Home, 172 Ontario echoes. a.t and at 9 o'clock from St. Michael's Church wheru a Reauiem Mass will be offered Interment in St. Agnes' Cemetery, CohocJi LA FLKUR--Mary Etta Crandale of IS Weaver Prospect Hill, Waterford. at Leonard Hospital, Oct.
5, 1958, wife ol John B. Fleur; mother of Clinton J. Crandall and the late Burton E. Crandall: s'later" ol Burton E. Newton of Northfletd, Elmer E.
Newton, Center Brunswick; William C. Newton, of Westlakc. Mrs. Mabel Smith, Turner Falls, Mrs. Gertrude Chrlstensen of North- hnnipton.
and Leslie J. Newton ot Troy. Funeral at the residence Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Eagle Mills Cemetery, Friends may call at the residence Tuesday evening. May Moore Kenton, at the residence, 2S5 Broadway.
Menands, OcU 2 135S, widow o( Frederick B. Linen; mother of Edward Kenton; sister of Thomas Moore; grandmother of Judith and Jeffrey-Kenton. Funeral Monday morning at o'clock from tlie Dufresne Funeral Home, 216 Columbia Cohoes, thence to St, Bernard's Church whcro a Requiem High Mass will be, offered at 9:30 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Waterford.
MAKUfiA At Leonard Hospital, Oct. 4, 1358; Wilford Mazula of Knos husbimt of Anna Kamxzala; father of chad, John ami IcrMrcl; Edward and Albert Mnxula, Platls- Mrs. John Kownnsly, Wa- tet-vllct: hoft.i; MIVJ. Kcniiotli Cunningham Albany and Mra. Adolph Donlnl Wrttftrfoi'dj ono fltatfir, Mra.
sopli Jaroz Of Wfttcrford, Also grandchildren aui Funeral from In ft Finn Funera Home, 102 Third Wnterford Wednesday morning it o'clod and (1:30 o'clock from Sis. Pete anil's Cinireh, Cohoca, whori it Requiem High Mas? i celebrated, Interment Pelo and Pniil'fl Omdery, Wnterford Frieiid.1 nrc invltp.d and wny cal tho funeral home Monday and Ttieadny afternoon nn evening, By JOHN J. SCANLON Mrs. Anna Manoogian of 307 4th who has been holding in proud suspense ever since her son, Joseph Manoogian Jr. told her "not to expect any letters" more than 60 days ago, will be watching, more eagerly lhan most, for news of the surfacing of the atomic submarine Seawolf at New London, Conn, today.
Equally anxious about homecoming of the sub which stayed submerged 60 traveling days--more than double previous underwater record-will he Mr. and Mrs. Clark LaPointe of 12 Summer Glens Falls. Their son, Clark E. is chief interior com munications technician aboard the, When the sub docks will climax four days excitement for Mrs.
Manoogian, who said she became overjoyed last Thursday when she heard that the Seawolf had set a new record. It was then she knew why her son had told ber "don't expect any letters for some time." She said he was a member of the Seawolf crew and hat "they must be up to Completes Course Navy Ens. Richard G. Blass, on of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry R. Jlass of School street, Chatham, and husband of the former Miss Alary Haig of High street, Chatham, completed the limited duty course Sept. 12 at Newport, R. I. Slides To Be Members of Alpha Chapter, Upha Beta Gamma Fraternity if Troy High School, will view tlm slides taken in Israel at a meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m.
the Jewish Community Cen- Joseph of Wa- of San Pedro omething." Sharing her interest today JOSEPH MANOOGIAN will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown of 134 Winter parents of Patricia.Brown, wife of Joseph Manoogian. Patricia called her mother-in-law recently to say that she had been informed that the docking wil take place about 4 p.m. anc that she hopes that the event will be televised.
Mrs. Manoogian did a lot of reminiscing last night on the eve of the big event. She re- called thai her son joined the Troy YMCA at the age of nine and he Was an enthusiastic member of the swim team. He graduated from School 10 and from Troy High School in 1951. Joseph was a naval re servist at the age of and has been in active service since he was 18.
He's 25 now and has a rating of sonarman. Joseph has two sisters, Mrs Mary Pasjian of Albany and Mrs. Rosann Moukerian of La thani. Their father died when Joseph was eight years old Joseph and Patricia Manoogian are the parents'of two children Deborah, 3, and J. Joseph, 1.
Chief Clark is currently serv ing his third "hitch" in th Navy. A graduate of St. Phonse's Parochial School Glens Falls and of Glens Fall High School, he joined the Nav at 18, during, World War II His naval mance -which led brought ro to his mar riage to Marilyn L. Rotella Niagara Falls, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Louis Rotella.
Rotella met Clark while Mis serv in the WAVES. They have three children Dana, Jo Anne, 2, and Thorn as. three months. DIED IOLLOY In this city, Oct, 2, 195S Catherine Molloy. survived by several nieces and nephews.
Funeral tlie Fonda Funeral Home S37 River Monday morning at 9 o'clock, thence to St Peter's: Church where at 9:30 o'clock a Solemn High Mass will be celebrated. OWELL At Leonard Hospital, Oct. 5. 195S, Lilllam Daniels, wife ot the late John 3. Powell; mother of Mrs.
Thomaa J. Davin and Mrs. John J. Conway; aunt of Mrs Joseph Salzmann of Bradley Beach, N. also survived by nine grandchildren and two great- grandchildren.
Funeral from the Willlnm A. Toohey Funeral Home, lUth St. mid Second Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, thence to St. Atlgustme'a Church where a Requiem High Moss will -be celebrated at o'clock. Friends are Invited and may call at the funeral home Tuesday altfrnoon and evening.
Interment St. Peter's Cemetery. KOri'ELT Suddenly at Averfll Park. Oct, 5, 195S. Dewitt Bander RoppoU.
Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Larkin Funeral Home, Averill Park, N. Y. Friends may call Tuesday evening. SCHKLWE--In Watervliet, Oct. 3, 1058, Martlia Larson, wife of the late Jens Schelde; mother of Peter Schelde of Watervliet, Mrs.
Frank H. Smith of Albany and the late Ellas Schftlde; sister of Mrs. Gertrude Sorcnsen and Bodtt Marie Juhl of Denmark; also survived by one grandchild and one great-grandchild. Funeral from the funeral home of Nfialon Son, 611 Fourth Monday morning at 11. o'clock.
Interment Oakwood Ccmclcry. SISTKll MARIE--Of the Sisters of St. Joscpli of Coronde- let. nt St. Mnry'fl Hospital, Amsterdam, Oct.
3. 1958. Funeral "nt St. Joseph a Seminary Chapel Monday morning al 9:30 o'clock when a Solemn JU- qiilem.MnM will be offeroa. Interment in St.
Joseph's Cemetery, SWKDICK--In Wfltervllet. pot. 4, 1058, John Peter Swcdlck Infant son of John P. Sweillck Sr and 'Ann T. Donovan; brother Deborah Ann SwHIck; ft ram won of Mr.
nHd Mrs. Martin J. vnn nnd Mr, ntirt Mrs. Uo Bill Icr. Kuncrnl from thft residence 1525 First Tuesday niornhif at 11:30 0'elock, Relatives am frloiHls nrn Invited and Way cal Monday cvfuhyf.
2 Boys Injured At Scout Camporec Two Troy Boy Scouts were rested at Samaritan Hospital Saturday for injuries suffered while their units were attend- a camporee at Bate's Grove, near Speigletown. Edward Riddell, 15, son of Mr. and Riddell of 15 New Turnpike sus- a broken arm and George Hayner 13, son Mr. and Mrs. George Hayner Sr.
of 2309 ith injured his right foot when he stepped on a nail. Hospital staff members said the Riddell boy had slipped on wet eaves and landed on his right arm causing the break. The two youngsters were participating in the camporee sponsored by the Mohawk District of Uncle Sam Council. DIED VAX VLEC.K Suddenly at St. Mary's Hospital, Oct.
3, 1958, George J. son ol the late George and Jennie Eean Vnn Vlcck; brother of Louis F. nnd Mary R. of Troy; Margaret M. Van Vleck and Mrs R.
J. Westbrooh of Washington, D. C. Funeral from Purcell Bros. (Phllin J.
Purcell) Funeral Home, Jackson and Third Streets. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, thence to St. Joseph's Church where at 10-30 o'clock a Requiem High Mass -will be celebrated. Friends arc invited and may call Monday afternoon and evening. 'KDPKK--Mnrie on Oct.
4, 1958, at South Nynck, N. i ol Hirnm B. Vedder; sister of a aunt of Doris Spllker. Services nt the White Funeral Home, 13 South Broadway. Nyack.
N. Tuesday. Oct. 7 at 2 p.m. 'Interment Onkwood Cemetery.
Troy. N. Y. Oct. 3.
1S5S. at his residence. 297 Saratoga Cohoes. Charles Foster waters, husband of. Bertha Mny Bell; father of Reynold Smith of Albany: brother of Gcorgo-Walera 'ohn Ci of Col iv: br ihoes, Mra.
John Cooley of Schoncctady; also survived by four grandchildren and aovcral nieces and nephews Funeral services at the G. J. DalKiieault Funeral Home, White Monday mornlnp at with Rev. Vaughn o'clock Lewis, pastor of Flrat Baptist CUuvch, Cohocs, officiating. Interment Elimvoort Cemotory, Troy.
Durln the last week services were hem In the Gardner Earl Memorial nnd Crematorium in Onkwood Cemetery for the follow K. SMITH, SN M. flARVIN. DI5ATR1CIO MORTON, SAMUEL 0. HOBART A COTA HARROWS.
W. RM1NKSMITII, FHANCIR K. A I A TRANCES VV. McCKAB. Tivo Area Girls Receive Regents Fellowships Miss Baraba A.
Wehmcyer of Watervliet and Miss Martha A. Noyes of Plattsburg are among 107 recipients of the first Regents College Teaching Fellowships given by the New York State Education Dept. to students- who wish to enter (he teaching field at the college level. Dr. James E.
Allen state commissioner of education, describes the Regents College Teaching Fellowship program as an inducement to capable students to pursue graduate leading to eventual appointment to college faculties. Columbia University, Cornell, N.Y.U., Brooklyn Polytechnic, and the New School of Social Research are among the schools selected by fellowship winners. Fmieral Today At Beuuiiigton For Mrs. Holt, 85 Funeral services of Mrs. Eliza jcth Holt, 85, Bennington who died Friday at the Dun lam Nursing hom*o after a Ion llness, will be today at 2:30 p.m from the Walbridge Funera Home, Bennington.
Rev. en C. Greene, pastor of the Se ond Congregational Church, wi Burial will he in Pai Lawn Cemetery. For more than 50 years Mr Holt was proprietor of the Ba ney Gift Shop, Bennington, tiring live years ago. She ha first entered the millinery bus ness, later setting up her sho on the basis of her hobbies sewing and fancy needle wor! Mrs.
Hold was born in Bei nlngton Juno 13, 1873, 11 daughtpr of the late Martin an Carrie Hay Barney. She wa the widow, ot William Ilolt, wl died in 1053. Survivors Includ two sisters, Mrs. Bortha Bromley of East Arlington, VI. and Miss Ella Barney 1 Kcenc, N.
and a brother, Charles Barney of West Orange, N. 954. This ward exceeded its 957 and 1954 first-day regis- -ation on Friday. All of the other Troy wards how decreases, either from oth 1957 and 1954 or from ne or the other of those previ- us years. Decreases over registrations or two days in 1957 and 1954 re shown in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, th, 7th, 8th, llth, 12th.
15th, 6tti, 17th and 18th Wards. Registrations of more than ast year's two day period but ess than that of 1954 are noted the 5th and 14th Wards. The 3rd, 10th and 13th Wards howed increased registrations ver 1954 but less than for 957. Personal registration of vot rs in Troy and adjacent cities continue Friday, from 1C to 10 p.m., and on Satur- ay, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sat- rday. is the final day and ersons whose names are not the.registry books by then vill be unable to vote at the General Election, Nov. 4. Personal registration in vil (Continued on Page 30) REGISTRATION Silling -Frost Forecast Upstate Fair but quite cool weather expected in the Troy Area oday, an indication that 01( Man Winter is just around the corner and may make an ap icarance earlier lhan expected A warning that killing fros was likely over Upstate York was issued byline U.i iVeather. Bureau for early thi morning as the.
temperatur dipped drastically. The strong winds yesterda; caused discomfort to mos edestrians trying to enjoy ar otherwise pleasant autumn day Some damage was caused when a tree split in halt on 2nd an' Congress streets, damaged parked car and caused 2n street to be closed for severa hours. The high today will be abou 50. It will be fair tonight with he low about 30. Tomorroi vill be warmer with increasin; cloudiness.
The higu will about 60. The frost warning was issuei at 8:40 p.m. and the bureau forecast that last night's- am early this morning's weather season's coldest to date would threaten to produc tilling frost over upstate New York. A bureau official said th coldest weather would probabl in the rural low lying areas He reported the temperature a of 11:30 p.m. was 36 degrees.
Part of the tree which fell a 2nd and Congress streets struc! car of A. Barsamian of 3 North Lake which wa marked near the intersection The falling tree also damagei an ornamental light pole. Because of the falling tree 2nd street between Congres, and Ferry was closed. Centra Fire Headquarters was notifie and plans were made to bypas in case of a fire call in whic apparatus would have to travel through that section. The headquarters were notified that traffic was restored to normal flow at 7 p.m.
It was reported the tree had fell shortly after noon. The debris was cleared by crews of the city's Department of Public Works and the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Fire Guts Front St. Building Fire which sent clouds of nokc billowing skyward for everal hundred feet and kept refighters busy for four hours aturday night caused extensive amage to a five-story building- Front street, adjacent to the orth side of the Congress trect Bridge. Discovered at 6 p.m.
the ames ravaged the entire ih- erior of the concrete building, "he structure, bordering on the 'aterfront, was reported vacant nd owned by the Grimm Build- ng Material Supply Co. Firemen fighting to check the ames remained outside the uilding because of its unsafe ondition, Chief Carl A. Smith laving issued an order to the iremen banning entrance. Flames Through Roof Cause of the fire was not de- ermined. Fire headquarters 'received he call at 6:02 p.m., and within minutes of the arrival tte apparatus, flames had snot hrough the roof of struc- ure.
Converging on the scene were 'umper 1, 3 and 5, Squad Truck 1 and Ladder Trucks 2 and. 3. As darkness fell, lighting 'units vere put into service and were use for nearly three which ravaged the interior of the 100 by 200 foot juilding, were prevented from lumping across Front, street to several others bordering on Congress street by the concrete exterior of the building and the drenching of flames 'through burned-out roof by fire hoses. Normal flow of traffic over the bridge was interrupted for more than three hours and was rerouted through Green Island and Menands Bridge. An estimate of the loss was not determined.
1 Calls Answered Four calls were answered yesterday by firemen. The first, at 12:01 a.m., was answered by Pumper 11 when a back-draft caused a minor explosion in the furnace of 'the Stony Apartments at 206 2nd Ave. There was no fire. Low pressure in the sprinkler alarm system of the Union Fern Store at 269 River caused an automatic alarm to be'set off at 11:48 a.m. At 6:12 p.m., Truck 1 and Squad 2 were sent to 117th street and 3rd avenue to extinguish a pile of flaming wooden crates in a storage lot reported owned by Grenier Sheehan Co.
I- And, at 8:25 p.m., firemen were sent to extinguish a fire in a pile of papers in a vacant house a 15th and Christie streets. A single booster line was used and damage negligible. The owner of the building was unknown. William Browne To Address Area Firemen "The Meaning of Fire Prevention" will bo the topic of Deputy County Fire Coordinator William R. Browne in an address tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
at a dinner meeting of the Averill Park and Sand Lake Volunteer Fire Co. Richard Seuffert, president, will conduct the business meeting. A dinner will be served with Frank M. Hack as chairman. Mr.
Browne's talk will be about Fire Prevention Week which began yesterday. The speaker is secretary of Chemical 4 fire company, Rensselaer. a member of the Rensselaer County Fire Chiefs Association, ex-ofticio member of Fire Advisory Board. He is a member of the Editorial Department staff of The Record Newspapers. Memo to savors: DEPOSITS MADE AT NATIONAL CITY BY OCTOBER 7th WILL EARN INTEREST 1st ON BALANCES OF $100 OR MORE Latham PortH.nry Ticondtroga Third at State In TROY MIMJH FEDflAl DffOSIt INSURANCE.