Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Awakening


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (1)


Coming to was like resurfacing from the bottom of an icy ocean trench, the pressure slowly receding and the cold melting from his limbs. He was aware only of a loud whooshing noise as he hurdled towards a light feeling like he was being squeezed through a tube.

Then suddenly he was awake, opening his eyes to darkness and immediately trembling from the frost he felt his bones were made of. He was laying flat on cold stone in the middle of blackness, echoing drips reverberating around him. He was naked and as he went to move his arms he yelped from the grating pain of it, his yell bouncing back to him and bounding down what sounded like an open cavern in front of where he lay. His joints felt stuck, but he forced them to move as he sat up and attempted to peer into the darkness around him.

Slowly he could discern that he was in an empty cave, but how had he come to be here? He put his hand to his face and tried to remember, gripping for his memories felt like wading through sludge in his mind. He could remember flashes of images. Harrenhal. The God's Eye. Vhagar. Leaping from Caraxes to plunge Dark Sister... where? Nettles' face in the darkness. Nettles' face above his own in the flicker of firelight.

He opened his eyes again and threw his legs over the side of the stone slab he had been lain on. Where was Nettles? He looked towards the opening in the cavern he could sense and immediately saw a shift in the darkness. He tensed as a quiet shick heralded the entrance of a small flame into the cavern, held in the hand of a hallow eyed and dark haired woman wearing a deep red robe and looking at him with wonder and astonishment. Her mouth hung open and she pulled the flame closer to her, illuminating a bright red ruby held by a metal necklace tight against her throat.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, but his voice cracked and he choked on it. He put his hand on the slab to cough what felt like dust from his lungs, and the red woman took a step towards him.

"I had not thought this possible. I had not thought the magic capable of more than preserving you. R'ollor truly is the One True God for this magnificence." she crooned in a melodic voice, the flame in her hand growing to light the entire cavern. It was empty besides the exit behind her in rough stone, and the raised slab he had been laying on in the center of the room. "Daemon Targaryen rises again, for he must be The Prince Who Was Promised."

"The Prince Who Was WHAT?" He coughed. Daemon... yes, that was his name. Though the person who that name belonged to felt as far from him as whoever this Prince was. A shell of an existence he had once occupied. He remembered he was The Rogue Prince, rider of Caraxes. He didn't remember ever being called The Prince Who Was Promised. The phrase felt familiar though, and he struggled to place it. "Where is Caraxes? Where is my dragon?"

"My Prince does not remember?" She was clearly disappointed. "I suppose this was to be expected. It has been 174 years since you were last that man." Reaching into her cloak, she retrieved a large linen bag and tossed it at his feet.

174 years? This woman was mad. Clearly whatever magic she had used to bewitch his body had poisoned her mind. Without taking his eyes off of her, he kneeled and opened the bag. His riding leathers and boots. His joints warming up, he stood up and began pulling them on. "Where's Nettles? Where is my dragon?"

"The name Nettles adorns a tombstone on the grounds outside of this chamber." She said coldly as she gestured towards the cavern behind her. "I could show you." She reached into her cloak again, and tentatively pulled out a belt. Hanging from that belt was a long sword in a black scabbard, with a black grip, golden pommel and guard, and a large red ruby on the grip above the guard. Dark Sister. His sword. She placed it lightly on the slab closest to her within his reach. "There are many things we must discuss."

Yanking on his boots, he grabbed the belt and adorned it, quickly drawing Dark Sister from her scabbard and weighing her in his hands. The Red Woman flinched and took a step backwards. His hands remembered Dark Sister and for the first time he felt the familiarity of himself, felt something click into place as a confused anger overwhelmed his chest. In a quick fluid motion he strode forth and raised the tip of the sword to the woman's neck, glaring into her horrified face still shadowed in the dark. "Where the f*ck is my dragon? Tell me or we will make the floor the same color as your robes. I've no doubt the stone is thirsty for it."

In barely a breath, the woman extinguished the flame in her hand and he thrust his sword forward into nothing. Too much too soon, he stumbled and then fell as she collided into his back, his joints still too stiff to catch himself. Suddenly her weight was on him and he felt the cold sharp steel of a small dagger against the base of his throat.

"Now that's the Daemon Targaryen we were warned to expect." Her breath was hot on his ear. "But you have been frozen for nearly two centuries. Do not think to best me so quickly out of your slumber. Your dragon is dead. Caraxes lay as bones at the bottom of the God's Eye along with Vhagar after you plunged Dark Sister through the remaining eye of Aemond Targaryen. You would lay with them had you not been saved and brought here, to await when The Red God had need of you. It is time, Daemon Targaryen, for you to lead the last Targaryen in this world to fulfill the purpose of your bloodline. For you are The Prince Who Was Promised."





This first chaper was a quick introduction on what to expect! Further chapters will be longer. :)

To add: The Dany/Jon tag is included because there will be some romance there and maybe a short relationship. Let me know if you think I should remove the tag though!

Chapter 2: He Who Slumbers


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2)


Dark Sister removed from him, he followed the woman and her tiny flame down the dimly lit cavern. The air grew colder with each step and he tensed, studying the way she walked to attempt to determine how far they were from the exit. She had been much quicker than he had anticipated and he would not underestimate her again. Whatever power she had to wield flame gave her a power of speed and he could not know what else she was capable of. She was also mad, having believed 174 years to have passed, so he guessed she was likely unpredictable. Her robes hung to a thin frame but she had floored him with force past what he could have thought possible with her size.

She must have sensed his eyes on her. "I'm not your enemy, my Lord." She whispered. "If you kill me, the Burned Men won't let you leave here alive. I will be granting you your freedom, but first you must understand."

He clenched his jaw. If hearing her out was his best way out and back to Nettles and Rhaenyra, he would let her speak. "What is it that I must understand? Who are the Burned Men?"

Past their voices, the only noise was the shuffling of their feet across the stone. "The Men are the tribe that protect us, under mothers order, but mother is gone. Has been gone a long while now. I don't have the hold on them that she did. So it's best not to push them." She turned to him and gave him a serious look in the flamelight. "We are deep in the Mountains of the Moon my Lord, the Men will not let you leave without cutting your throat. I implore you not to try without my leave. You are much too important."

His heart sunk. The Mountains of the Moon. They were far into the Vale, in a labyrinth of mountains thickly scattered with wild tribes that had no masters outside of their own madness. The creeping cold began to make sense. He couldn't remember why, but he knew he hated the Vale. This was the last place he expected or would have wanted to be.

"Who was your mother? What am I meant to understand? Why am I in these f*cking forsaken mountains?" He could feel his anger beginning to rise again. This madness could not keep him from returning to the war. Somewhere out there, he was needed. Nettles had fled, but her face was one of his clearest memories. Rhaenyra had demanded him home... but he didn't go. He couldn't remember why. He raged inside of himself, reaching for images that seemed to slip from his grasp like an oiled fish. He only needed to find Caraxes. On dragonback he could be clear of these mountains in less than a day.

"You will understand soon, my Lord."

Creeping like a mirage from down the cavern, a white light began to slowly illuminate their path. They followed it around a curve where they met a wooden door, light peering brightly between it's boards. Daemon squinted, his eyes straining to adjust. In the light he could see the woman more clearly. She turned to look at him as they approached the door and he noticed she had dark olive skin, large brown eyes and full lips with round, high cheeks. He dropped to his knees. She looked exactly like...

"Nettles." He reached for her hand, but she jerked it away sharply. "Nettles, where did you go? Why am I here?"

"I am not Nettles." She said softly, looking down to the floor appearing ashamed. "Please, my Prince. You are confused. It's to be expected after this long. You must wait until I can show you. Through this door."

She stepped forward and turned the handle, opening the door to reveal a larger cavern open to the world outside. Inside the cavern was a small stone hut, a fire pit currently alight, and several pens with livestock. On the far side closest to the opening was a bay horse, tied with a long lead to a fence post. Daemon guessed they must be on the side of a hill because past the lip of the cavern he could only glimpse the tops of trees, bare of any leaves. The sky was grey with clouds and snow was falling lightly.

"If I have been asleep for 174 years, it's quite a coincidence then that it is still winter like it was in my last memory." Daemon said sharply. "What proof or understanding am I to find in this bedraggled sh*tstain of a hut I'm sure you call home? What is your name if it is not Nettles?"

She frowned at him. "My name is Naetta." She walked forward slowly, towards the cavern opening and not towards the house. "This was never meant to house more than who was appointed to care for you. To watch you. We were waiting for the Lord of Light to tell us when to wake you."

"What is a cultist of Volantis doing in the Vale? I have only heard the Lord of Light and his mission being championed by his red followers in Essos. Why cross the narrow sea to hide in the Vale and kidnap me?" He asked as he followed her. He could remember vaguely hearing these fanatics preach about their R'ollor in the streets of Volantis, Pentos, Braavos, but he never listened much to their details. Religious fanatics were all dullards, easily susceptible to the beguiling lies of a higher purpose or a higher power. Too eager to believe their useless existence had meaning beyond birth and death. He learned long ago that no God could or would save you from the swift death of the sword, as proofed by the many men who whispered to their holy talismans as he brought his down upon them. No God ever raised their hand to stop him. No God ever struck him down while he burned hundreds from the back of Caraxes. What power was a metaphorical God to the blood of the dragon? Nothing. He spat on the ground.

"I was born here. The Lord of Light called my mother here." As they approached the edge of the cave, Naetta gestured over the lip of it.

Daemon walked past her and looked out over the forest. It was a sea of white and grey and they were surrounded by mountain peaks on all sides. They were several hundred feet above the main tree line, nestled into the side of a mountain with a fairly steep path going downward. The mountain side was mostly shale rock besides a few patches of dirt getting more common further down and he could smell burning wood on the air coming from the forest. The tribe men Naetta had mentioned must not be far off he decided, and he was not familiar with this particular stretch of the Mountains of the Moon.

He would need Caraxes. He studied the shale between him and the tree line and noticed several spots where great gouges had been made in the rock. The mark of dragon claws launching from the ground. He put his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud and shrill whistle that echoed over the trees and was caught by the wind, trying to call to Caraxes.

"My Lord, I wouldn't do that. The Burned Men will come to investigate and as I told you, they don't listen to me as well as they did my mother."

Daemon whirled on her. "You tell me my dragon is dead" he shouted, his voice echoing inside the chamber behind her, "yet there are claw marks in the shale. Do you think I don't know the marks a dragon leaves when it takes flight? I may have forgotten faces but I am the blood of the dragon, I would not forget that." He made to grab for her, but she took a nimble step back, avoiding his grasp.

"My Lord, those marks are from Sheepstealer, my mothers dragon who abandoned these mountains long ago after she died. You need to understand. Her grave is over there." She pointed to a patch of dirt closer to the treeline.

He froze. "Sheepstealer.... you mothers...." None of this was making any sense and his confusion was tainted with anger. Sheepstealer was Nettles' dragon. If this girl was Nettles' daughter, then how had it been 174 years? He turned to look at the patch she had pointed to. From where he was standing he could see a large carved rock standing upright in the center of it. He turned and looked at Naetta, his confusion clear on his face.

"Please, Prince. Go and see."

Balancing himself on the back of his heels, he slowly descended the slope. Still stiff he almost slipped a few times but caught himself before doing any damage. As he approached the tombstone, he marked that the dirt around it was not freshly turned and the stone was worked well into the clay beneath. This grave was not fresh or anywhere near it. As he rounded to the front of the tombstone, he read the words carved neatly into the flat front:


113 - 178

Rider of Sheepstealer, Dragonseed of Daemon Targaryen

You told me to flee where you could not find me and so I did.

His stomach bottomed out. Feeling winded, he took a knee and put his forehead to it, his silver hair cascading down to touch the rocks beneath. He recognized the words. When Rhaenyra called for Nettles head believing her to be a traitor, Daemon had told her to flee where he could never find her. At the time he worried that Rhaenyra would command him to find her and that he would not be able to deny his beloved wife or her fire. He had told Nettles this to her face, not on parchment or through a messenger. The only person who would have known that phrasing would have been Nettles.

He looked up to Naetta, who was looking at him with an expression of grief from where she perched. "What year do you claim it to be?" He asked.

"Year 304, my Lord."

He shook his head. It didn't make any sense. If it was year 304 then Nettles had been dead for over a hundred years. How could this be her daughter? How could he be alive?

Before he could propose his questions to Naetta, however, something in the brush snapped behind him. In a moment he was up and scanning the treeline. Slowly coming out from the trees were 3 men, with long facial hair and rags of fur brandishing weapons of antler and bone. The one closest to him, no more than 50 feet away now, had a grusomely burned face.

"Where did the silver man come from?" He barked in a rough form of the common tongue. "Has only ever been the fire witch's bastard on this hill. Didja spawn from her fire too?"

Unarmed, Daemon scrambled up the cliff back towards Naetta. "Give me my sword!" He commanded. She did as he asked and dropped Dark Sister on the slope in such a way that it slid right into his grasp. Buckling his belt he drew his sword and planted his feet, facing the advancing Burned Men. The one with the burned maw was hideous, his lip half gone in white stretched skin to reveal yellow and black teeth in a dirt covered face.

"Telmag!" Naetta called down to him. "The silver man is my friend. He is of upmost importance to The Lord of Light. He must not be harmed."

Telmag spat on the ground. "I think we are tired of feeding you bitch, but we did for fear of the dragon. The dragon hasn't been seen since my father's father and neither has your mother for all that. But still we held. Now you want us to feed this'n too?" He growled toward Daemon. "No, I don't think so. The winter is cold. I think we will eat him instead."

His companions grumbled in agreement. "You invoke the fire should you take one step further, Burned One." Naetta called.

"I don't think you have any fire." He snapped, and charged towards Daemon with his bone hammer over his head.

Daemon caught the hammer with his sword, the impact jarring his still cold bones and rattling his teeth, before he spun his sword and swung at Telmag's side. Telmag back stepped and swung his hammer again. Daemon deftly countered, the stylings of this hill tribe brute no match for the Rogue Prince, but his companions were quickly closing in and Daemon was more weary than he realized.

As Daemon turned to meet the swings of one of the other Burned Men after kicking Telmag in the chest and onto his rear, he felt a sudden heat at his back. Seeing the reflection of fire in the Burned Men's eyes, he turned to see Naetta, two large cuts down her forearms and blood dripping to the ground while she wielded a huge fireball in each hand. With a wail she chucked them each at Telmag's companions, erupting them into flame and warming Daemon's face as they melted to puddles of flesh in front of him. Like dragonfire. Naetta was using blood magic.

The sudden death of his companions gave Telmag pause, and as he reached for the horn strapped to his back, Daemon removed his head from his shoulders in one swift swing of Dark Sister. His body fell and his head rolled down the shale and into the trees.

Wiping his sword on his pants, Daemon turned to study Naetta carefully. She was already wiping the slices on her arms with cloths she had pulled from her robes, her blood staining the white fabric the same striking color as her robe.

Daemon had seen blood magic a few times in his life, but never a kind that allowed someone to wield dragonfire. As he approached her, he pondered what the Burned Men had said. They said her mother was a fire witch. Had Nettles taught her this craft? They said they had not seen the dragon since their grandfather's time. Did they mean Sheepstealer or Caraxes? He couldn't trust Naetta. Everything was pointing to what she said being the truth of it, but how could he have slumbered for 174 years? Blood mages were whispered about in Essos. Wielders of death who used spirits and demons to further their own ambitions. Was this the evil that had brought him here? Surely only evil could have torn him from Rhaenyra and his daughters. His sons. Anger simmered in his gut like bile in his throat. He would not accept it. Could not. They could not be dead.

As he topped the slope Naetta turned towards the stone hut. "We won't be able to stay here now. There's a way through the cavern that will lead us to a pass in the mountain. It exits the range just north of Palisade Village. I have provisions in a pack and a book that mother left that will explain -"

Her speech stopped abruptly as Daemon arced Dark Sister from one side of her neck to the other and a sickening pause before her head slid off her body, the two falling in opposite directions. The thud of her hitting the rock rounded in the cavern and Daemon stepped over her to lift up her cloak to see what else she might be carrying.

He took her small dagger, recognizing it as one he gifted to Nettles when she first came under his command as a Dragonseed. He decided to take the entire cloak as it was heavy and warm, and not knowing if there was any money in the hut and thinking there probably wasn't, he decided to take her necklace too.

He slid the metal necklace holding the large ruby from the part of her neck still attached to her body off of her with plans to sell it later. As he did, he jumped back in surprise as a hiss emanated from the necklace, the ruby dissolving as Neatta's body and face wrinkled and aged, turning from the face and body of a young woman in her prime to one much closer to her path with The Stranger. As she aged her features became more extreme, her wrinkles deeper and her cheeks more hollow before she, too, dissolved into nothingness and snaked away in the wind. More blood magic.

He needed to be away from this place now. Moving with a purpose and truly with fear, he ran into the house to grab the things she spoke of. He couldn't be sure if she would somehow revive and come for him. He couldn't be sure of anything. The inside of the hut was sparse and he quickly found what he was looking for, including a bow and a small quiver of arrows, a couple extra pelts, and the book she had mentioned that appeared to be handwritten in a barely legible scrawl. The pack of provisions didn't contain more than a few days worth of food and water in a rough waterskin so he grabbed a couple of chickens and snapped their necks as he loaded up the well cared for bay mare he had seen tied up earlier.

A few hours later he came out of the caverns on the other side of the mountain, and sure enough he quickly spotted a pathway leading sharply south. Urging the mare into a canter, he opened the book to begin his read on the road. It would be a long journey to Dragonstone and he would need to get his bearings with whatever learning he could. He could grab some news in Palisade Village but for now, he had this book.

The first few pages were in Nettles script, detailing her escape to the mountains and her discovery of a voice in the flames who taught her blood magic and spoke to her of prophecies. He recognized this prophecy from a story Rhaenyra had told him Viserys passed to her. A story that had been a dream. A story he hadn't believed.

While he thought these realizations and all they might mean turned his stomach to ice, he wasn't prepared for the line that read "and you must wait until The Lord of Light tells you that the Queen will come to shore before you wake your father who slumbers. You must not tell him he is your father for that is not his purpose and he must leave these mountains. He is The Prince Who Was Promised and must lead our Queen to victory against The Long Night..."





Don't worry, Daenerys is coming! We need a few chapters to set up Daemon at Dragonstone and then our Queen will make her entrance. She's just sailing over the ocean right now so nothing too important from her perspective yet.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3: To Dragonstone


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (3)


His hood up to shield him from the cold, he learned quickly on the road that that was the best decision. Daemon found himself overwhelmed by the changes and the new information he was having to absorb, but was keen on doing so. He would trail behind groups on his mare, not too far so that he couldn't hear them talking but far enough to not raise suspicion.

He heard them talking of the Queen Cersei who now ruled after her son, Tommen Baratheon, had thrown himself from The Red Keep. He had done so after his beloved Margery Tyrell had been killed when the Sept of Baelor was consumed in wildfire. The common people loved to speculate on who had destroyed the Sept, many believing Cersei herself responsible in a move to sieze the throne. Other speculated that the renewed faith militant had done so, but still others whispered that it was the first blow of young Daenerys Targaryen, the dragon Queen returned to claim her dynasty.

In Palisade he stopped for lodgings, grateful for the coming winter for the excuse of his hood and many others. His hair was easy enough to hide under a cap, but his violet eyes were unmistakable and the talk among the common folk did not speak well of Targaryens. Low on coin and only having the meager pouch he had pilfered off Naetta, he knew he would have to prepare here and steal a skiff in Saltpans to make it to Dragonstone. He was thankful the landscape had changed little in 174... however long it had been. He shuddered at the thought of Naetta, still ignoring most of what he had read in Nettles' journal.

According to Nettles, she had used blood magic to concieve Naetta, and had left her there to wait to revive Daemon. She had used Daemon's blood, making him some bastardized version of the cultists father, but he grimaced at the audacity of the idea. That child had been no more his daughter than Nettles had been, though with Nettles he had wished it true. How could such an intelligent and talented girl have been turned to fanaticism by looking into the fire? He stared at the fire in the hearth of his room, hoping to see some sort of image in the flames, some direction, but there was nothing.

There was a small knock at the door. "Enter" he called, and a demure maid peeked into the room.

"Pardon, sir, I've come to ask if you would be needing anything before nightfall. The kitchen will be closed after dinner and the servants will remain downstairs."

"I'll take a plate of whatever it is you're serving for supper, a grog of your darkest ale, and can someone come to fill this tub with hot water?" he gestured towards the empty basin near the hearth.

"At once." She chirped before exiting again. He waited until the last maid had filed through, placing his food at the table in the room and extinguishing the flames under the basin with a bag of sand.

"Anything else, milord?"

"No, and see to it no one else disturbs me before morning. Have my horse saddled and fed, I'll be leaving early before the sun." He tossed her a couple coins which she caught as she smiled and nodded. Before she exited the room he remembered- "Oh, and does the Inn keep any books on hand?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "I'm not sure, milord. What sort of books?"

"Anything, really. I love to read and forgot to bring anything with me. I am particularly interested in anything historical."

"I'll look right away milord and if I'm to find anything I'll leave it at the door." She replied.

"Good girl." He said and smiled with amusem*nt as her cheeks stained red and she scurried out of the room, shutting the door tightly behind her. He was surprised at a maid that could read and considered requesting her company, but knew he could not be identified so he quickly put the idea out of his head.

He strode over to the door and barred it, not wanting to be disturbed. Walking to the bed he removed his robe and his leathers, leaving them to drape over the foot of it. He pulled the thread from his hair keeping it back, his long silver tresses falling out and over his shoulders, down past his chest. He looked down at his body, still grossly unfamiliar with himself. He was fit and lithe as he had always been, but he was scattered with marks and scars he did not recognize. One gash in particular was the most concerning, running from his left shoulder all the way down to his right hip. The gash was puckered and still fairly pink against his pale skin, but that wasn't why it concerned him. This wound was a killing blow. No one alive should carry a scar like this. He made note that he should never let anyone see him shirtless, never let anyone see this scar.

As he lowered himself into the hot water of the basin, he found his mind wandering to think of Rhaenyra. They had often shared baths together, intimately cleaning one another and running water onto the floor with the movements of their love making. He remembered the feel of her skin, her hands, her soft mouth and he leaned his head back and sighed, melting his arousal at the thought of her into sadness.

He didn't know if it had been 174 years or 10, but it seemed plausible that in this world, Rhaenyra was dead. It was a fact he was fighting to accept. He was still coming back into who he was before his slumber, but the last remaining tendrils of Daemon were a Daemon that was fighting viciously for Rhaenyra. His entire identity had been consumed by protecting her, by fighting for her, by melting away any enemy who would not pledge obeisance to his Queen. He remembered how heartbroken he had been when she called for Nettles' head, allowing rumors to drive her to believe that he would ever have eyes for anyone other than her. They were supposed to burn together, but he felt little burning anymore. He felt consumed by ice and cold.

The details of the throne were unclear, just as they were in the time he came from, but one thing was solid and made him sick. The Targaryen dynasty had fallen. People spoke of this Daenerys as the last Targaryen and her dragons as the last dragons, but not with reverence. They spoke of her with hatred and loathing and fear. His family had been mostly revered, obviously with naysayers here and there but it was common knowledge that Targaryens were closer to Gods than men, and their ruling of Westeros an accepted fact of that order. The Dragon Queen as they called her was regarded as a foreign invader, how could that be? These people existed in a kingdom carved for them by his family yet his heirs were considered as foreign? He hoped he would find answers on Dragonstone.

Finished with his bath he wrapped himself in a fresh robe the maid had left and chanced a peek out of the door. A small book had been placed on the floor, leather bound and no bigger than his palm. He grabbed it and brought it inside, rebarring the door as he carried it to the bed and climbed inside.

An Accounting of the Houses of Westeros

It was a good choice, and he spent the rest of his night reading before drifting off into a fitful sleep.


He awoke just as the sun was bringing light over the horizon, later than he had intended. He bought bread and jerky for the road from the cook before he left, using the last of his coin. He found his mare tacked and ready to go, nickering into his hands as he approached her. The small book tucked in his cloak, he doubted anyone would miss it. It was almost a days journey to Saltpan, less if he hurried, so he urged the mare into a well paced gallop since she was fresh and rested.

Saltpan came into view as the sun began to drop in the early afternoon. He avoided entering the settlement and instead went around it, sure he would find a small boat unattended so close to the Trident. He was acutely aware of his proximity to The God's Eye and Harrenhal, and found himself tempted to see for himself if Caraxes' bones lay there, but pushed the temptation away. If any of his family remain in Westeros they would be on Dragonstone. Caraxes would return to Dragonstone without him. His ancestral home was his best chance at making sense of this timeline.

As he approached a small pier outside of the settlement, cloaked in fog off of the river, he turned to his horse and undid her reigns. Pulling the bit from her mouth and dropping it on the ground, he undid her saddle and hoisted the bags onto his shoulders. He placed a quick kiss on her temple, she had been good to him, and pushed her head away. "Go home, girl."

Walking carefully towards the pier, he noticed two men standing against the entrance to it, talking jovially with one another and eating through a sack of sunflower seeds. As he got closer they perked to his approach, and tilted their caps at him. He nodded back with a small hand salute and walked onto the pier. He felt their eyes on his back as he walked between several skiffs, most bigger than he could man alone, before he noticed several smaller boats at the end of the dock. Not wanting to arouse their suspicion with the light of day still on them, he sat at the edge of the pier and pulled a rope from his bag, satisfied with being confused for a crab fisherman. Looking at the men he relaxed a little when he noticed they had returned to their conversation.

"You hear about the North and their new King?" One of them asked the other, his voice mature with age.

"I heard it's the bastard Stark boy, the Snow who fled the watch. What sort of King is that?" The other mused.

"Old Coj said he's got powers like his brother. That he turns into a giant wolf at night and stalks the grounds. His sister is supposed to be there with him too, the Imp's lost wife who murdered King Joffrey."

"You don't believe in any of that magic nonsense do you? Northerners are all idiots. They f*ck their sheep with frozen co*cks and make up stories to rid themselves of the boredom of that wasteland. I doubt most of them will survive this winter. After such a long summer the maesters are saying this will be a bad one."

"Hm." Growled the elder.

"I'm thinking I'll go to the reach then soon. Prettier girls there anyways and more food. Too far north here for such a long winter."

"You can go on ahead, I'm too old and the missus would never agree to leave here. Not sure we would survive the road."

"Better be careful or maybe old Bastard Snow will come lurking in his wolf shape and eat you in the night." The younger one laughed, smacking the older man on the back of his shoulder.

"Maybe safer here than in the reach, the Dragon Queen makes for Westeros soon and with the Tyrell's so close to the crown, she could set fire to the whole damn thing. You know what Targaryens do to traitors."

As the sun fell darker in the sky, the two men eventually stalked back off towards Saltpan. Seeing the opportunity for what it was, Daemon quickly stepped into the closest boat, cutting the line tying it to the dock with Nettles' dagger and praising his good fortune that no one was around to spot him. Noticing a sheet covering something, he pulled the sheet back and praised himself more as he revealed a basket of potatoes and another of some sort of grain. Kicking his leg off the dock and putting an oar into the water, he skated silently through the coming darkness towards the Bay of Crabs and soon Dragonstone after.


The trip was slower than it would have been on a ship with sails, but it took him 3 days to reach Dragonstone. He avoided the typical trade routes that he knew and managed to keep clear of any company, though his arms burned by the end of the first day. He slept anchored under shrubs while still on the river but by the time he met the ocean he rowed through the night to reach Dragonstone as the sun rose behind him.

The castle loomed over the bay just as he remembered, tall spires and squared corners reaching towards the now grey sky, a monument of stone in the honor of old Valyria. The bay was quiet, with no ships coming or going, and he looked towards the caverns beneath the castle for signs of dragons as he approached. The black sand of the beach was smooth and bare, lonely against the cold water of the bay. Not a single sign of any living thing, human or otherwise. He knew he would want to explore the Dragonmont in search of any signs of Cannibal or anyone later, but first, the castle.

Beaching his boat on the dark sand out of the Blackwater he dragged it past the tide line, swinging his pack onto his back and tucking the baskets of potatoes and grain under his arm. He rounded the island to the gate house, expecting to be heralded by a guard or two and wondering what he might say to gain entrance.

It wasn't something he had considered yet. Dragonstone was his home and walking up to it was the most familiar thing he had done yet, but he hadn't considered what he might say to who occupied it now. He was clearly a Targaryen, but how would he explain that he was a 230 year old Targaryen come to... he couldn't even give a purpose. These worries were washed away quickly however when he approached the gate house and found the doors slightly ajar, no guards at post or in sight.

Pushing the ancient stone gate forward, they scraped against the ground as he stepped through them onto the bridge that approached the castle. Looking up towards his home his mind flashed with visions and memories. Syrax landing on the bridge with a young Rhaenyra on her back full of fire and brimstone as she called his bluff. Syrax alighting yet again on the same bridge carrying an older Rhaenyra, this time a Queen rather than a Princess, to stand by him against Otto Hightower the Lord c*nt. She had been so beautiful on that day, in full command of herself and of him, but his heart hurt as he approached the castle where they once raised their children.

He found the castle as he found the grounds: empty. Devoid of all life. Hanging in the halls were Baratheon heraldry, scattered across the Painted Table were Baratheon stags placed in what used to be his and Rhaenyra's bedroom. The halls and rooms were filled with dust and cobwebs, an eerie silence taking over where there should have been chatter and footsteps.

He found what appeared to be the Lord's solar in the room across from where the Painted Table now lay, and he made note to move the table later back to the throne room so he could sleep and read overlooking the bay. He deposited the bulk of his things in the Lord's solar, noticing the armoire full of Baratheon leathers and silks. He gathered them in his arm and threw them on the metal fire grate to burn later.

He visited the raven's tower, surprised to find a few raven's still roosted there. They clicked and clacked at his approach, so he pulled a lump of bread from his pocket and offered it to one of them. The raven happily snapped it up, and looked at him with intelligent eyes as if to say "Where has everyone gone?".

"I don't know, little one." He said stoicly. He thought briefly of writing to someone, but who would he write to? What would he say? Would he declare himself Lord of this castle? With what force? With what claim? He realized then that he likely wouldn't be able to claim his true name. No one would believe him. He had not only lost every person he had ever known, he had lost his identity. His family gone and home empty, who was he?

He climbed out to the Dragonmont. The caverns where Caraxes and Syrax and several other of their kin once rested were empty and hollow. Their void swallowing all noise and seeming to sap every bit of hope out of him as he realized dragons had not lived here for a very very long time. He found the spot where Caraxes once curled for sleep, recognizing old scrapes in the stone now nearly worn flat from time.

In this spot he fell to his knees and he wept. He pulled at his hair and called for his dragon and wailed. He wept for Caraxes, for Rhaenyra, for Viserys and Aegon and Baela and Rhaena, for Jacerys and Lucerys and Joffrey. His family who had meant more to him than life itself. This feeling was unnatural. He should not be here in the yawning of time long after they were all gone. This was not his space, he was adrift.

Back in the Lord's solar, he set torch to the Baratheon heraldry. The firelight filled the dark room and Daemon sat on the foot of the bed and stared. His face was red from weeping, his violet eyes cold and forlorn. Dark Sister in his lap, he considered jumping from the balcony in the room across the hall and onto the rocks below. He set his sword down in front of the fire and made for that room. The death would be clean and it would be quick.

Just before be touched the handle to his room, the fire cracked behind him and for a moment he thought he heard a whisper within it. He paused and turned to look at it, his silver hair a curtain over his shoulder as the fire danced. For a moment it was just fire, orange and cracking and chaotic, shifting in the air of the room. Then one of the flames was a wing, thrumming like a heartbeat, and then there was two and the fire raced across the floor towards him as if spewed from a dragon's maw. He jumped sideways in surprise, but as the flames licked up his leg he felt nothing. Looking back towards the fire, he was consumed.

A young girl with large violet eyes, puckered lips and a defined jaw sat and stared down at the mangled body of a man with molten gold encasing his head. Her silver hair fell in waves to her waist as she looked coldly at the body. "Fire cannot kill a dragon.", she said.

The same girl screamed in horror and pain as she delivered a monstrous baby with wings on his back, "Rhaego", an ethereal voice whispered. The flames danced again.

Older now, she walked into a pillar of flame and Daemon watched as her hair melted into nothing but she continued to walk, unburned. She climbed the pyre and sat astride a burning body, seeming to ride him as the fire dusted away her clothes, her breasts exposed and her back arched. Encased in smoke she emerged again, covered in soot and cradling three hatchling dragons who fed off of her chest. An older man fell to his knees in her wake and she smiled. "My Queen" he said incredulously. Her entire company dropped to their knees around her. She stood and the hatchling dragons keened.

"My reign has just begun." A woman now, her hair billowed behind her and a large black and red dragon landed beside her and she climbed him. Bareback she flew with his two brothers trailing her over an armada at war. Hovering, she commanded "dracarys" and her dragons laid waste to the entire fleet.

Daemon felt himself pulled through space and time as the flames danced again and he was standing on the bow sprit of a leading ship in a massive armada. The Targaryen flag painted the mast, black and red in the fading sunlight as the woman stood facing over the water, intent and full of fire. Her eyes were a storm and her expression was pure wroth, arms and hands folded behind her back. Screeches filled the air as her three dragons, huge now, accompanied the army. Behind her stood two armored men in white cloaks, her Queensguard. "We should make landfall in a days time, your Grace" one whispered as she nodded in acknowledgment. She glared out over the water and his eyes locked with hers and he was swimming in flame once more.

Her face danced around him, her hair against his chest as a voice called out to him. "From my blood come the Prince That Was Promised, and His will be the Song of Ice and Fire." He remembered Rhaenyra reading this passage to him off of her father's dagger held to fire. Aegon's prophecy. Yet the voice did not stop. "And from my blood the Prince Who Was Promised will restore our House to glory, will restore the Dragon's Blood, and defeat the Ice with Fire". He felt the presence of something old, something ancient, something beyond all reasoning and time as the images of her face flashed before him. She was fire, she was fate. More beautiful and fair than silver but stronger than dragonglass, he reached out to touch her, and the fire fell back into the pit, returning the Lord's solar to view and to coldness once more.

Daemon stumbled back into the wall, his breath gone from him as he felt himself renewed. This woman was a Queen in every sense of the word, her power leaked from every facet of her, across the sea where he now stood. She was the blood of old Valyria and the last Targaryen, the last true dragon. Her dragons were her children, hatched from petrified eggs in a miracle she devised. Daemon was lost with himself as the last true virtues of himself were to raise Rhaenyra, but he found a new purpose now and felt the fire call to him as he closed his eyes and saw Daenerys' standing on that ship. She was a dragon lost from her people and her culture, and he was a dragon born from nothing but immersion in their culture. She needed him and the ancient presence he felt had brought him here for her.

Despite his sorrow at his loss of Rhaenyra and his family, he felt a purpose gained as he straightened himself and marched for the war room. In the war room were many tomes and a desk full of letters. Books on the histories of Westeros, the wars, the familial lines. Letters of correspondence between a Stannis Baratheon and the whole of Westeros. If he was to incense and bolster Daenerys, he needed to know what happened. What happened to the dragons? Why was Daenerys alone across the narrow sea?

To candlelight he stayed awake through the night, determined and not even a little tired as he poured through the books and letters.


Morning came and went and still he read. Books and papers sprawled across the desks and tables and floors, he read. He read of his own death in the battle above the God's Eye, and how he had managed to kill Vhagar and Aemond. He remembered now and muttered words of reverence for the great dragon lost to the Greens.

He read of how Rhaenyra was murdered, eaten by Sunfyre at the command of Aegon II and he wept that he could not have burned with her. He was pleased to learn that in the end it was his bloodline that escaped the Dance, but this news was quickly marred by the obvious fact that the dragons did not survive the war he participated in. None had been seen for hundreds of years as the last had died in The Red Keep, smaller than cats.

He understood quickly the strength of Daenerys as he read of Robert's Rebellion and murder of his house as he usurped the throne and sent her fleeing to Pentos before she even knew her home. Yet even in the wake of that tragedy, she managed to grow. Separated from her home and her culture she hatched three dragons, raised an army and was crossing the narrow sea to reconquer the seven kingdoms. She did not need to be taught how to breathe fire, she carried the fire within her and Daemon felt his entire being tugged towards her. He would feed her flames and make sure she burned hotter than the Doom.

Feeling satisfied with what he had learned, he drew himself a bath in the war room outside of the balcony overlooking the Blackwater. He washed his hair and shaved his face, donning his riding leathers with the Tagaryen sigil. He walked the castle and tore down every tapestry with a stag on them and piled them in the throne room as an offer to his Queen.

As the sun began to lower itself towards the horizon, he beamed as small figures came into view on the water. They spanned miles, a truly massive fleet of ships. Grabbing a looking glass, he pointed it towards the center, and beamed with pride at the ship there. As they drew closer the three dragons dropped out of the clouds, magnificent and stunning in the golden light as their calls to one another filled the air and hummed within the war room. They swirled around the castle, the wind off their wings sending gusts over him that blew his hair back as he stood overlooking the water off the balcony.

He could see her now with the looking glass, standing on the edge of her ship looking like the power of fire made flesh. Her ship was slowing, preparing to anchor so they could make their way ashore.

His chest alight with pride, Daemon turned and made his way to the throne room. For Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, Mother of Dragons and Queen of the seven kingdoms had come to claim her seat, and Daemon Targaryen, The Rogue Prince, would be here to recieve her and offer her the knowledge of her heritage that she so desperately needed.





I really loved writing this chapter and am so excited to show you more of when they meet.

Also, I'm not sure why there's been arguing in the comments but I want to make it clear that abusive and mean comments will be deleted. NO exceptions.

This is a story that will span many chapters, and Dany will likely have a fleeting romance with Jon as that makes sense for their characters and I'm trying to write them true to their character personalities. That said, Dany and Daemon will be the main ship.

Thanks for the support and I'm so excited to get this all posted. Anybody interested in mood boards or playlists?

Chapter 4: Not The Last Dragon Afterall


For the purpose of my story I want to make it clear that I have slightly aged up Dany and have slightly aged down Daemon. Personally I don't think it makes much difference but for the visuals in your mind... picture Dany a little older and Daemon a little younger.

That said, I have also kept Ser Barristan around as I feel he is a really important character for helping Dany connect to her heritage. Ser Jorah is also with her now, we will assume he has already come back after being cured of Greyscale

I'm also using a Valyrian translator, so if any of the translations are a little rough, please forgive me.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter and hope you enjoy reading it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (4)


Her home. Her birthright. The castle where she was born. The weight of the importance of the castle that grew larger on the horizon before her was breathtaking. The salt air whooshed past her and she inhaled, closing her eyes and spreading her arms like she was flying. Feeling her elation, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion descended from their altitude in the clouds and called to her in celebration. They quickly overtook the island and circled the castle, Drogon looking to her and letting loose a powerful jet of flame. She laughed and allowed the tears of happiness to flow.

"The castle is deserted, my Queen." Ser Jorah Mormont stated from his place behind her. "Stannis Baratheon the usurper was last seen riding north with his host and has not returned. The island is yours, as it was always meant to be."

"I only mourn that it is not readily more familiar," she said, "yet I feel as if I am coming home all the same."

"A pity that your family is not here to greet you, Your Grace." Ser Barristan Selmy said through grit teeth. "Rhaegar would have spared no expense or pleasantry to show you the magnificence of your ancestral hall."

She turned to look at her sworn sword with a soft smile. He had narrowly escaped losing his life to the Sons of the Harpy shortly before their departure, and she found herself more fond of him now than ever. He protected her father and her family and now her. He knew a family she didn't and he felt like a piece of them walking with her. "Have you been here before, Ser?"

He beamed at her. "Many times, Your Grace. Dragonstone is otherworldly and unique with its own charm. It was built in the vision of Old Valyria by the Targaryens who fled the Doom. It is the last vestige of a lost era."

She chuckled and raised an eyebrow at him. "Much like myself, wouldn't you say Ser Barristan?"

"Quite." He said. "But not nearly as beautiful."

Ser Jorah shifted uncomfortably and stepped off towards the rowboats, helping the men ready them for their arrival on the beach. Selmy gave her a knowing look. "He won't be happy to be back."

"Well, this land knows him as a slaver and a traitor, but I am their new Queen and who he is shall be up to me. Let's hope Ser Jorah can leave his past self behind as well." She looked back towards Dragonstone. "What's first to be seen, Ser?"

"The Dragonglass throne, I should think." He mused. "The War Room. Aegon's Garden. The Dragonmont. Dragonstone is a beautiful place, my Queen."

"While I am more than excited to see and settle into my home, please send Tyrion to account for our ravens as quickly as possible. I mean to claim my seat and call my banners before tomorrow's end."

"Did I hear my name?" Tyrion came bouncing up the steps to the upper deck, grinning from ear to ear. "I must say my Queen, we made record time. And look! Dragonstone is as dreary and grey as ever. Not the best introduction to Westeros, I don't think."

Daenerys scowled at him. "Does the home and glory of my forefathers not amuse you, Tyrion? Should we commission some painters to liven things up for you?"

He quickly closed and reopened his mouth. "I only meant that we could have had better weather, of course." He said, feigning sheepishness. "I wonder if Stannis left behind any barrels of dornish red!"

"Maybe he left behind some whor*s as well, and some tabacco."

"Stannis was much too serious a man to have ever entertained whor*s. An affliction I don't share." He chuckled.

"Quite." Danerys said, turning back towards the castle as the men lowered the boats. Worry began to descend.

Tyrion approached her side and looked up at her, placing a hand on her elbow. "This is your home, my Queen. You belong here. You have been fighting your entire life to be right where you are standing at this very moment. Have faith."

She gave him a small smile. She was grateful for Tyrion. He always seemed to know where she struggled and where her insecurities were. He rose where she fell and he was superb at reminding her of her own strength and ability. He was full of grace, understanding and balance. She was aware of his darker impulses and how he kept them in check, a trait she appreciated because it was a trait she shared.

"My Queen" came the soft voice of Missandei and Daenerys turned to appraise her dearest friend. "We are ready for you, when you are." She reached out a hand.

Daenerys took her friends hand and arm and allowed her to softly lead her to the side of the ship, where Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, Varys, Grey Worm, Tyrion and a small company of Unsullied waited for her. Stepping onto the row boat with Missandei, she trembled as it lowered into the water and they made for the beach. As they scraped across the sand she marveled at the castle that loomed above them and the volcano behind it. She could already see great caverns among the cliffs and imagined the dragons who used to roost there. Looking up at her own children soaring through the sky in lazy circles around the castle, she wondered if they could sense the importance of this place and somehow she knew they could.

She nodded with consent as Ser Jorah lifted her from the boat and carried her over the short stretch of muddy black sand, giving her a soft squeeze when he could feel her trembling. He set her down carefully and as her feet touched the ground for the first time she immediately dropped to one knee, touching her hand to the ground and grabbing a fistful of the sand. She lifted it and watched it trail away in the wind before placing it back again, flattening her hand to the ground and closing her eyes. To no one in particular she said "I'm home". In the sky above the castle Drogon roared.

Her men and friends beside her, she began her walk to the gate house, a few of the Unsullied along with Grey Worm patrolling ahead at a run to scout for her safety. Reaching the gate Grey Worm nodded and waved her through with a bow and a smile. She stepped through and gasped at the glory that was Dragonstone.

A large stone bridge crested the top of the precipice that zigzagged up to the castle, the mist of the sea scattered through the air and glittering rainbows in the afternoon sun. She sighed with wonder as she beheld it and reached again for Missandei's hand, her neck arching upwards and she walked forward, studying every crack and ornament on the blocky grey stone.

"You never stop dreaming of your lost home." Missandei said with admiration, the heels of her boots clicking in time with Daenerys' own steps on the bridge. "I am so glad to be here when you reclaim your own."

Daenerys squeezed her hand and looked at her friend, tears welling up in her eyes. "You will reclaim yours, I swear that to you. When I have won my thone I will take you to Naath."

Approaching the castle door, Grey Worm and another Unsullied pushed the doors open, leaving enough room for Daenerys and company to pass but skittering in first to check for intruders. She entered into the doors next with Missandei, taking in the entrance as her eyes adjusted to the dimmed light. Slightly to her left was a grand archway shaped like a triangle, sharp and cut with dragonglass over a stone door ornately carved with dragons. The doors were open and Grey Worm and the other Unsullied walked through them. To her right was a massive smooth stone staircase turning slightly left to a floor up above, a hallway trailing past the staircase on the left between it and the archway. The bannister on the staircase was carved from dragonglass and every several feet there was a grate for a fire shaped like a dragon's mouth. Above them there were windows to let in the light, dust scattered in it's beams and cobwebs illuminated in the corners of the high and vaulted ceilings.

"The Great Hall lies to your left, my Queen." Ser Barristan said as he entered through the doors with Ser Jorah, Tyrion and Varys and the rest of their guard close behind.

The sound of drawn swords came echoing to them from the Great Hall, followed quickly by fast paced and well articulated high valyrian.

"Gīda, raqirossa. Nyke nūmāzma daor ōdrikagon" came an unfamiliar voice, deep and crisp. Calm, friends. I mean no harm.

Before she could even blink, her Queensguard and the remaining Unsullied swept past her and under the archway into the throne room as she followed quickly behind. The voice came again.

"Vestan nyke nūmāzma ao daor ōdrikagon. Iā kessa ao ossēnagon vala lēda zȳhon ondos bē?" I said I mean you no harm. Or will you kill a man with his hands up?

As Daenerys swept under the archway and into the Great Hall she was not prepared for what she saw there. Grey Worm and her Queensguard stood at the ready, swords out facing a man who seemed to have just risen from the throne. In the center of the room was a massive pile of banners and clothes embossed with the Baratheon stag. That, however, was not the reason every person in the room held baited breath, every eye on the man in front of them.

For the man standing before them had straight silver hair that fell nearly to his waist, tied half up and out of his face that showed no sign of true fear. He wore well made riding leathers, stained black and stamped in grey with the three headed Targaryen sigil on his chest and each arm. A long and ornate sword on his left hip and a dagger on the other as he stood with feet squared to his shoulders and hands raised in the air, palms flat and facing them. As she entered the room he immediately looked to Daenerys, a clenched and cut jaw with wide, sharp cheekbones, a prominent brow and vivid, striking violet eyes that were fixed on her own. He was a Targaryen, unquestionable. He looked to be around 40 years old and as she stood frozen, he smiled at her. A wicked smile of which she couldn't even begin to divine meaning. Tyrion was the first to speak.

"Greetings, how are you? I'm sorry, but you are either falling victim to a terribly unfortunate case of 'wrong place, wrong time' or you are precisely where you mean to be." He said strongly, stepping to the front of their group and placing a hand on Ser Barriston's gauntlet. The stranger's eyes snapped to him. "You have the pleasure of welcoming Daenerys Stormborn of the house Targaryen to her castle. Who, may I ask, are you?"

The stranger straightened and pushed a strand of hair behind his ear. "I am Aemon Rivers of no house, but of Valyrian decent. I have come to pledge my sword and my life to the Dragon Queen, Mother of Dragons and the Unburnt, and to offer her all knowledge I can of the heritage she lost." His eyes returned to Daenerys and she felt them like a physical weight upon her and she struggled to maintain composure beneath them.

"I have tore down all signs of the usurper and false King, Stannis Baratheon and have collected them here, so we may join in the burning of our enemies as is the tradition of our ancestors." he gestured to the pile of banners in the center of the room. "I ask that my Queen allow me the honor of pledging my fealty to her cause."

Tyrion looked to her, his eyes wild with confusion. Looking back, he addressed the stranger again. "Forgive me for struggling, but you claim to be a bastard of the Riverlands while toting Targaryen leathers, a very nice sword, and all marks of being a pureblood Targaryen?"

The stranger glared slightly at Tyrion. "I do. I found the leathers here in the castle."

"And the sword?"

Before the stranger could reply, Ser Barristan cut in. "I should like to see this sword, for I am convinced my eyes do deceive me."

The stranger hesitated. "What is it that you think you see?"

"I would wish to have the sword drawn before I make my final judgement." Ser Barristan said evenly.

"Do you wish to cross swords with me, old man?" The stranger flashed, sending his hand to the hilt of the sword in question which was met with a wave of tension among the Unsullied.

"I do not, though I doubt you would prove much challenge, you know not of who I am." Ser Barristan replied, raising his sword to guard. Furling his brow, the stranger made to respond but Daenerys had had enough.

"Tell me, Lord pretender." She shouted above the heads of the Unsullied as she stepped forward and they parted for her. "You wish to pledge a sword to me that you will not draw. How does that work, exactly? Do I just trust that there lay steel beneath the scabbard from a stranger who would violate my hall and sit upon my throne? I am to trust you, for what? For pulling down some tapestries and making a pile of them? Is the work of a maid now considered the promise of fealty?"

"Violate your-" the stranger began, confused and offended, but quickly closed his mouth. Surveying her, she raised her chin and squared her shoulders and glared at him as she scraped her teeth together. Somewhere above the castle, Drogon bellowed.

"Sȳrje, ñuha dāria," the stranger whispered as he drew his blade and dropped to his knee, holding his sword above his bowed head on two raised and flat palms. "Ñuha egros iksis aōhon." Very well, my Queen. My sword is yours.

She looked to Ser Barristan, who stood frozen, pale and mouth agape. He looked to her and seemed bewitched as he said "Your Grace, this is Valyrian steel. Not just any Valyrian steel but this man carries a sword that has been lost for nearly two centuries. This sword is Dark Sister, lost ancestral blade of the house Targaryen, originally wielded by Visenya, rider of Vhagar and wife to Aegon the Conqueror. I can not account for why a bastard would be in possession of the greatest family heirloom that could exist for you in this life."

This was beginning to mystify but also anger Daenerys. Who was this man? Why was he really here? She could not help but wonder if this man was here to press his claim against hers. Would a bastard have greater claim to the Iron Throne than a woman? She would not stand for it. Striding forward quickly she made to pluck the sword from the stranger's palms.

Faster than she could have expected, the stranger rose and twirled the sword behind him, taking several steps backwards and sheathing it again before he risked being charged by her company. "Iksan vaoreznuni ñuha dāria, nyke nūmāzma mērī bona ñuha egros iksis aōhon syt nyke naejot vīlībāzma aōha qrinuntyssy lēda. Lo kostas sagon dohaertan, nyke rōvēgrī jaelagon naejot gaomagon ziry." I'm sorry my Queen, I mean only that my sword is yours for me to cut down your enemies with. If it can be helped, I greatly wish to keep it.

"Daenerys, you must back up." Came Ser Jorah quickly beside her, his hand tugging on her arm. She jerked it away sharply.

"I will not." She said, her eyes never leaving the gaze of the Targaryen pretender in front of her. "First you sit on my throne aware of my coming in insult to my claim, and now you deny me the inheritance of my family blade? When did fealty come with such malevolence, Aemon Rivers?" She spat, confusion coming out as rage as she struggled to make sense of this man.

"I'm sorry, my Queen. Do you mean to tell me that you are proficient with a blade?"

The question caught her off guard. "Well, no but-"

"Then wouldn't it be best left to someone with blood of the dragon who can use it until such a time when you have heirs who can wield it as well?"

She grit her teeth. "Interrupt me again and you will lose custody of your tongue. You are no dragon."

"I am, my Queen, but so are you. Oh, how brightly you burn. I only wish to burn with you."

She was quickly growing tired of this back and forth with him. It was becoming clear that she wouldn't have any answers immediately and he couldn't be trusted without further investigation. She needed to talk with her council and she needed to escape his piercing stare. They had other orders of business that didn't involve parsing out the motives and intent of some vagabond bastard come to pledge his stolen sword. He couldn't be released for fear of what he could be capable of and he couldn't be brought into the fold for the same reason. She had little choice.

"Escort Aemon Rivers to private quarters where he will remain until I can decide what to do with him."

He didn't fight. Simply raised his hands in surrender as a contingent of Unsullied surrounded him and followed Ser Barristan out of the throne room. On the way out, Aemon looked at her and smiled. "Iksā tolī than mirre perzys kostagon ōregon, iā drēje zaldrīzes. Olvie tolī. Gevie." he said in awe before tearing his gaze from hers. You are more than any fire can hold, a true dragon. Much more. Beautiful.

She turned to Tyrion. "This is a problem."

"I find myself suddenly grateful that this castle is made of stone. I get the distinct feeling that he would burn the entire castle to the ground and walk out of the ashes if he could." He said gravely. "One Targaryen was formidable enough. What will I do now that there's two of you?"

"He is no Targaryen." She responded quickly. "He is a bastard surely of watered down blood, his appearance is a stroke of luck. I am the last true dragon."

But as the stranger exited the throne room she felt the air grow colder around her and a stirring of something she could not place in her gut. She became less confident in her words as the seconds ticked by and her stomach bubbled with fear and a feeling she couldn't place. As much as she did not want a challenger for her rule, she found herself unexpectedly invigorated by the idea of coming home and finding not only stone walls, but a member of her kin she didn't think could exist. Previous to walking into this castle her mind had been on sending ravens and plotting conquer. Now she had to clench her trembling fists to keep from running after the stranger with silver hair and violet eyes who awoke a hotter fire in her than she had ever felt capable of.


After surveying most of the castle, Daenerys stood on the balcony of the war room overlooking the Dragonmont. Down below her children had found spots to curl up in the stone, Viserion dozing lazily while Drogon and Rhaegal shared the torn over bones of a few goats they had been brought earlier. They seemed content here and she was too, relishing in the sweet salt air and the marks of her ancestors everywhere. The wall of the war room was carved with a massive dragon mural and she walked to it now, placing her hand on the old stone and closing her eyes. She was interrupted when Tyrion walked into the room, having been sent a couple hours earlier to check the raven tower. Not even a few moments to her own thoughts, yet.

"I'm happy to report there were still enough ravens to send the most important messages, but I've sent a contingent of men into the fishing village to barter for more and to rustle up some provisions - the coffers are near empty here." He said, taking a seat at the Painted Table and reaching for the nearest wine chalice to fill. "I expect our ravens to houses Tyrell and Martell to be recieved quickly and for their emissaries to arrive within the week. I am sure their bannermen will follow. Farther houses will take somewhat longer to hear back from, but with my sister on an heirless throne I'm expecting good results."

"What of the letter you sent her?" Daenerys asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I made it clear that we were here to reclaim your throne without leniency, and that she should evacuate the capital with haste. I'm sure there will be a negative or violent response and we can work from there." He said, taking a large gulp of wine. "As it stands, apparently Jon Snow has been crowned King in the North."

"Tell me again, why shouldn't I fly Drogon straight to The Red Keep and melt it to the ground as punishment for your sisters treason and her part in the murder of my family?" She said as she approached the table and poured her own cup. Appraising the markers they had laid out earlier to account for all their forces, they greatly outnumbered and outpowered anything Cersei Lannister had at her disposal. "We have the numbers and the fire. With so many houses in open rebellion including this Jon Snow."

"Taking the capital by force won't ensure the longevity of your rule. These same people overthrew your house once, they'll seek to do it again if we don't lean into our diplomacy here." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "I've met Jon Snow. I've traveled with him. I quite liked him. He was smart and compassionate with a good head on his shoulders with an uncanny inclination to reason. I'm sure he would understand your vision. You should invite him to Dragonstone."

Daenerys considered him. She liked Tyrion and he had not led her astray thus far. He was adept with diplomacy and with the inner workings of the Westerosi houses, which was why she had named him Hand. He did not, however, understand the fire that was house Targaryen nor did he seek to bolster it. "My family before did not have dragons. I have them now. Why not use them?"

Before Tyrion could answer, the door swung open and Ser Barristan entered. "Your Grace, a word?"

"Yes, I've been meaning to speak with you. Ser Jorah will you join us as well?" She called, making sure her voice carried out of the door to where she knew Jorah stood guard. He walked in after Selmy.

She had never seen Ser Barristan look more serious. "I feel we need to discuss Aemon Rivers, or whatever his name might be." He said, taking a seat across the table from Tyrion. "I don't believe a single word he's said. It's not adding up."

"I agree, why would a bastard be carrying Dark Sister and whose bastard would he even be? Rhaegar's?" Tyrion asked.

"No, impossible." Selmy countered. "Rhaegar wouldn't have any bastards, he wasn't prone to that sort of behavior. Maybe Aerys, but he's not old enough. He looked to be late 30s, early 40s at most."

"Have we asked him?" Came Tyrion as he finished his cup and began to fill it again. Daenerys gave him a sharp look.

"He won't speak to anybody. Says he'll only talk to Daenerys." Jorah answered. "And he's asking for books."

"... books?" Tyrion laughed. "What an odd request. Why not bring him some? Ask what kind he wants?"

"So we are rewarding him now?" Daenerys asked. "Tyrion, you've had too much to drink."

"No, my Queen." Tyrion admonished jokingly. "But if he won't answer anyone and is only requesting books, maybe we can find out more about him by judging the sort of book he requests."

It wasn't a bad idea. "Very well." She nodded. "Ser Jorah, see that Aemon is provided any text he desires." Ser Jorah quickly swept out of the room. "I'd like to speak with him."

"Out of the question." Selmy cut in sharply. "We don't know how dangerous he is, or what his motivations are. Why give him anymore opportunity?"

Daenerys approached her commander of the Queensguard and put a hand on his arm. "If he wanted to harm me, he could have easily cut me down when I approached him in the throne room, correct?"

Barristan's face paled. "That was a risky move, my Queen. But yes."

"I do not think that he wants to harm me."

"Yet." Tyrion cut in. "But we can't know for sure. Let's see what sort of books he asks for. Make our decision from there. Then you can talk to him first thing in the morning if you still feel inclined."

That was agreeable. The sun was setting and she wanted to fly with Drogon before the light was gone. She finished the pitcher of wine with Tyrion, enthusing with him about the castle and their diplomatic plans for the next day before she stated her intent to fly and rose to leave.

"One more thing" He said just as she reached the door. "You didn't say. Should we -"

"Yes. Send the letter to Jon Snow and invite him to come bend the knee." She said and Tyrion smiled.

As she exited the room, she noticed Ser Jorah pushing into the door of the room next to hers with an armful of books. She waited until he came back out.

"You put him in the room right next to mine?" She asked, startling him. "What sort of books did he ask for?"

"Pardon me, Your Grace. We did. It was one of only a few rooms we had cleared at the time and besides, you won't be sleeping in the war room." He said. "But it's very strange. He wanted historical texts. Particularly texts on great swords and blades, the southern houses, and texts on great swordman of the last century. He seems to be lacking in knowledge of anything that may have happened in the past 100 years."

Her lips formed a hard line. "That is very strange." She said. "I'll think on this during my flight. Please have my chambers ready for me when I return, I shouldn't be more than an hour. Drogon and I should fly together before the day is done."

"Very well, my Queen."

Making her way down the corridor and down the grand staircase, she went behind it through the training yards filled with practicing Unsullied and Dothraki who all stopped and lowered their heads as she passed. Walking down the steps towards the clearing before the Dragonmont, she heard the resuming clash of metal and wood before spotting Viserion, still snoozing on his spot on the grass. He raised his head at her approach and extended it towards her, nuzzling into her torso. His head was larger than a horse or two of them at this point and she had to grip him tightly to keep from falling backward.

"Skorkydoso glaesā, ñuha jorrāelagon? Ñuha dōna valītsos?" How are you, my love? My sweet boy? His breath was hot as he opened his mouth and licked her from boot to head, soaking the front of her leathers and making her burst out into laughter.

Suddenly he paused and his eyes dilated and he jerked his head, looking to something behind her. She turned and followed his gaze to a dimly lit window several feet past where the war room balcony lay, where Aemon Rivers stood watching her intently. Just as before, his gaze was heavy and sent shivers down her spine. He didn't look away or smile or wave, his eyes boring in to what felt like her very soul. Viserion growled, deep and low.

"Gīda, Visērion" she said, patting him as she walked past him and down the hill towards the beginning stone of the Dragonmont, feeling her body relax as she moved out of Aemon's line of sight. There was an intensity about him that shook her to her core and she wondered if that was the fire of her bloodline within him. If that was how everyone felt around a Targaryen.

She didn't immediately spot Drogon among the crags of the sloped rock in front of her and didn't want to climb, so she called softly between cupped hands: "Drogon, māzigon sōvegon lēda nyke." Drogon, come fly with me.

There was a pause and then a sudden gust of air as Drogon came soaring from inside one of the volcano crevasses, spinning in elation as he landed behind her with a large buffer of wind that sent her hair flying back. She was glad for the tight braids around her skull that kept it from knotting in the constant air that was dealing with dragons. She approached Drogon and came to the side of his head and put her face against the space just below his eye. He closed his eyes and rumbled gently as she opened her arms and rubbed his neck and tried to rub his mouth, but she couldn't reach. He had grown so much even in just the past few weeks. With her face on his cheek she could not even reach the end of his mouth. Barristan said he was Balerion reborn. She felt her heart glow with that feeling in her chest that was her bond, and his happiness came radiating to her down their link in giant waves. He wanted to fly with her in their home. The home he had helped her take back.

Separating from him, she walked towards his shoulder which he lowered so she could mount. As she seated herself at the apex of his neck just before his shoulder joints, he rose up like a rearing horse and let out a giant stream of flame. She gripped his neck spikes tightly and laughed, a joyous and true belly laugh. If she could spend her entire life on his back, she would. Without a word, he took a few quick steps and leapt into the sky, his wings coming down and vaulting them through the air and over the castle in a matter of seconds. The wind whipped past her as the world melted into nothingness, only her and Drogon existing in this moment.

Nothing made her feel like flying did. Not drinking, not f*cking, not winning a city after bloodshed and war. Nothing cleared her head and gave her the ability to think, so truly herself in the air with her bonded dragon. Her mind wandered immediately to Aemon Rivers and his violet eyes and she tried to parse how she felt about this man who had appeared so randomly in her castle.

Tyrion and Barristan were right, his story made no sense. There was something he wasn't admitting to, something he wasn't sharing. Her initial reaction of being worried he had come to press his claim felt like a reaction from her past harm and not one rooted in reality, but she wasn't dismissing it as a possibility altogether. He had said he wanted to share with her the heritage she had lost, but what knowledge could a bastard offer her that she didn't already have? Still - the last person she had seen that looked like her had been her brother Viserys and that ended badly because Viserys wanted to rule and own her. Maybe that was why she worried the way she did about Aemon and his intentions. If she shed the inhibitions Viserys had impressed upon her, how did she feel?

In that space she had to admit that she had longed badly for what her family before her had possessed. The feeling of walking into a room with other Targaryen's, other dragons who understood the chaos and the fire. She so deeply wanted to confide in someone who wasn't always trying to extinguish her fire, but who shared and who relished in it. She had surrounded herself with people who checked her Targaryen intuition and while she knew she needed that, how could she have ever installed someone who was also so like her at her core that she also respected who she was as well? That was an opportunity that had never been afforded to her before.

She spent the next hour flying the coastline with Drogon, surveying the fields and hills and small villages and relishing in her revelation. If Aemon proved worthy, she would allow him what he asked. She would take his fealty and make him her advisor of self. Someone who could keep her from losing who she was in the thick of this war. She hoped he was capable of that.

Getting closer to Dragonstone, she noticed Viserion was not in his snoozing spot anymore. Allowing Drogon to take the lead, he rounded the volcano and entered a large crevass she assumed held Rhaegal and Viserion. She was interested to see more of the dragon's perspective on this place and would greet her other children before having Drogon fly her back up to the castle. The sun had set and the blue light of dusk was fading when she spotted Rhaegal and Viserion in the crevass before the top of it closed to the sky, on a massive raised stone platform covered in claw marks and still illuminated by the light.

Down the bond came a feeling of concern from Drogon but also curiosity as he landed and sitting on his back she followed his eyes. She looked up to Viserion and her stomach bottomed out, her heart pounding in her throat. For there in front of her, contrasted black against the cream and gold of Viserion's scales sat Aemon Rivers on Viserion's back, smiling that wicked smile at her as he confidently pat the scales in front of where he sat.

"Rytsas, ñuha dāria. Nyke pāsagon aōha sōvegon istan sȳrī?" Hello, my Queen. I trust your flight went well?





Ahhhhhh he's such a sneak. Truly the ROGUE prince. Their dynamic is working out to be really fun to write and I'm so excited to see it develop more over time.

Thanks so much for all the positive comments. I've loved writing my whole life and I'm happy to put something out there that you guys are enjoying. Don't forget to follow me on TikTok @BookishBabs if you haven't already and Twitter @Bookish_Babs

Next chapter coming soon, from Daemon's perspective this time. I will likely switch occasionally. It won't be the same events but rather their experiences chronologically.

Chapter 5: A Dragon's Bargain


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (5)


She was magnificent. She was beautiful. She was... consuming. Daemon's mind raced as he was escorted by the Unsullied to whatever chamber they would be bringing him back to. She had not balked under him in the slightest, had threatened him and even met his gaze without blinking. She had approached him past the ranks of her guards, something he was glad had happened with him and not some other intruder and something he would be sure that she never did again. A full grown dragon in the flesh, she spit fire at him and he burned. He burned willingly and was looking forward to being burned again.

As they walked past the entrance to the war room Daemon turned to the Queensgaurd that had spotted Dark Sister. "Could I have any books to read while in confinement, Ser?"

The old man glared at him and stopped in front of the door next door to the war room. "You'll stay in here for the time being until we can find a better hole to stuff you in."

"Forget the books, we're stuffing holes?" Daemon laughed as he entered the room and they slammed the door behind him.

He looked around the room and was disappointed quickly. No books. Only a few chairs and a couple windows on the far side. He strode over to them and looked down. The rocks surrounding the castle were higher up here, but still a bit too low to risk jumping. The war room balcony was a good 10 feet away, maybe a little more. If only he could get to it.

Turning back to the room, he studied the chairs. Solid wood with several support brackets for decoration through the back and cushions made of burlap. He could dismantle the chairs, cut the burlap into linking ribbons and use hunks of wood to hurl the makeshift rope over to the railing of the war room balcony. There was a secret passage in the room that Daenerys or her guards likely didn't know about. It was a solid plan.

But did he want to escape? Returning to the window he looked down at Daenerys' dragons who had settled on the grass field between the castle and the start of the volcano that housed the Dragonmont. The largest one was black with red wings and spikes and he was absolutely incredible. He assumed that he was the one Daenerys rode and bonded with. The other two were much smaller but no less formidable in their own right. One was green and bronze and reminded him of Vhagar, the other a pale cream and gold looking nearly white in certain lights. He wondered about their parentage and realized the spike pattern and shape of their heads reminded him heavily of Dreamfyre and wondered if their eggs were among the batch stolen before he was born. If they were the eggs had to have been long petrified but Daenerys hatched them anyways. He longed to speak with her.

A knock at the door heralded the entry of another of her Queensguard, the other old man. He made note to question her on her choices of guards, but would need to know who these men were first. The guard spoke before he could.

"Who are you, really?" he asked, hand on the hilt of his sword.

Daemon narrowed his eyes. "Come Ser, your company did not disarm me. Surely you do not wish to spar here of all places." He turned and sat in one of the chairs, grateful he had not decided to hack them to pieces yet. "If you wish to speak, come and speak with me man to man. I am not your subjugate."

The knight considered him for a moment before stalking forward and grabbing the other chair, pulling it significantly closer to the door and taking a seat. "Okay, I'm sitting. Now, who are you?"

"I'm Aemon Rivers."

"How do you expect anyone to believe that?" The knight grimaced.

"Because it's the truth. Who are you?"

"I'm Ser Jorah Mormont and I have been with Daenerys since the beginning. Before her dragons, before Ser Barristan, before all else. I will never allow any harm to come to her." He said rigidly.

"On that we are in agreement." Daemon nodded, noting that the other knight was a Ser Barristan. "A Mormont, eh? Your house is supposed to be quite tough."

"We are. Which is why I tell you now. You will not harm my Queen."

"Maybe you didn't hear me, maybe your ears aren't working as well as they used to." Daemon snapped. "I'm quite positive I told you we are in agreement. I'm here to pledge my sword to her not to hurt her."

"Then tell us where did you come from?" Jorah asked.

Daemon stood and walked back towards the window. Jorah was fishing and he had no interest in appeasing him. He was here to serve Daenerys, not her c*nt-struck old guard. "I'll speak to Daenerys and Daenerys only. Until then, I request something to read."

Jorah stood and returned the chair to the center of the room. "Silence will not win you the favor of my Queen. I'll ask about the books." and he left, closing the door behind him.

In the silence that followed, Daemon studied the dragons below. Watched how they behaved, how they interacted, especially when a few Unsullied brought them a small group of goats. The large black one was immediately on the goats with fire and then with teeth, the green one mimicking his movements and eating habits. The cream one however stood and watched, observed. When the black and green dragons snatched up the same goat on accident and began sparring over it the cream one moved in and dragged off two under their noses. He ate them quickly and curled up for a nap before the other two returned to the pile. Smart dragon.

He could spot the training yard partially from where he was and he could see figures spreading out inside it, sparing with one another and practicing formations. Her army consisted of Unsullied and Dothraki, a pairing that was both formidable and ironic. He remembered Viserys telling him about the Three Thousand of Qohor, a group of Unsullied who defended the free city against a group of Dothraki screamers 25,000 strong. The Unsullied had killed 12,000 of them before the Dothraki surrendered, passing in front of the remaining six hundred Unsullied and throwing down their cut braids in respect. These armies Daenerys had collected would cut through any standing army in Westeros. His heart ached at the recalled history, he missed his older brother very much.

Deep in his reminiscing he was brought back by the faint sound of voices on the wind. Shoving his head past the lip of the window he quickly ducked back in when Daenerys came to stand on the balcony of the war room. She was chatting with someone, their voices barely audible over the wind and noise outside. Grabbing one of the chairs he put it in the corner by the window, shielding himself from view and from the whistling wind. He recognized the other voice as the dwarf who had spoken first in the throne room. Her hand. That was a decision he had no questions about, he was quick of tongue and wit and seemed capable enough, but he would need to find out more. He closed his eyes and concentrated to try to discern what they were saying.

They were discussing troop movements, the state of the capital, a few other voices were involved. Daenerys asked the dwarf to go and send ravens and then his voice was gone. He made note that her Queensguard had many suggestions on how to handle battle tactics and movements and another voice he would have to place to a face later was more knowledgeable on the people and their thoughts and opinions and the gossip surrounding the Lords of Westeros. Master of Whispers, she called him and he automatically disliked him. He couldn't think of a single whisper master he had ever known that wasn't manipulative and secretive. He hoped Deanerys had chosen well.

After awhile the voices stopped and he chanced a look out of the window. Daenerys was standing on the balcony looking down to the dragons below. Or, well, dragon. It appeared the other two had moved off, leaving the snoozing one to his nap.

"Viserion!" She called sweetly to him and he did not respond. Daemon felt his heart soar. Probably unknowingly, but she had named a dragon for both his brother and his son. He wanted so badly to know more of her choices, of her mind. What had led her to name him that? He chanced another peek at her. Her eyes were closed, head tilted back, the salt air pushing her hair behind her and dancing in the wind. Her face, her hair, her shape... she was so distinctly beautiful he felt on fire with the urge to be closer to her. To give her anything she could want.

He stood quickly and strode to the door, pounding on it. "I wish to speak to Daenerys." he demanded. "Is Ser Jorah going to bring me anymore books?"

"Quiet, bastard." Came a sharp voice from the other side. His first instinct was to fling the door open and let them taste his blade, but he reigned in his reflex. The Daemon 200 years ago would not have taken a breath to think again. But that Daemon had contributed to the crumbling of a dynasty. He must be better than that version of himself. So he sighed and returned to his chair, content for the moment to exist in this cage she placed him in.

After a moment he heard her voice again, this time from inside the war room and her hand had returned as well. Then her Queensguard. And then he heard his name. Well, his almost name. It was quite easy to answer to Aemon when it was only one letter off of Daemon. He knew he couldn't claim his true identity if he wanted her to listen to him. They would immediately write him off as some lunatic as he had of Naetta. Even worse, if they believed him, would they want him to answer for his crimes and violence from before?

Abruptly the old Mormont knight came walking into his room again. "Our Queen has felt gracious enough to grant your request of books. What sort of tomes would you be interested in?" He asked.


Later, Daemon sat reviewing a book about the Kingsguard of the last century while he listened to Daenerys laugh talking with her hand, he had learned was named Tyrion. Ser Jorah had gone to retrieve more books and he had found Ser Barristan in the book he was currently reading. He had learned there would be no need to question her at all for her appointment of him as Commander of her guard, he was likely one of the best swordsman in all of Westeros. He had defended her family before her and knew Targaryens. No wonder he had recognized Dark Sister. A talented killer with love for the tools of his craft. He would have to ask to train with him. His strengths lied in his cunning and bravery but he could always improve his skills with the sword.

A commotion signaled the knight again, this time with another armful of books. He set them down on the other chair closest to the door with a nod and exited the room. As Daemon approached the stacks to see what he had brought he heard Daenerys' voice on the other side of the door. He rushed quietly to press his ear to the wood.

"You put him in the room right next to mine?" She asked Ser Jorah. "What sort of books did he ask for?"

Daemon couldn't help but grin. She was asking about him. Talking with her advisors about him. A Queen of the seven kingdoms and the last dragon and his name was on her lips. Maybe even in her head.

"Pardon me, Your Grace. We did. It was one of only a few rooms we had cleared at the time and besides, you won't be sleeping in the war room." Came the knight. "But it's very strange. He wanted historical texts. Particularly texts on great swords and blades, the southern houses, and texts on great swordman of the last century. He seems to be lacking in knowledge of anything that may have happened in the past 100 years."

An apt observation. He would have to be more careful about what he asked for in the future.

"That is very strange." Daenerys said. "I'll think on this during my flight. Please have my chambers ready for me when I return, I shouldn't be more than an hour. Drogon and I should fly together before the day is done."

His heart skipped a beat. Flying. Oh, how he missed flying. The only thing that had compared was the taste of Rhaenyra's skin, the taste of her pleasure on his tongue the only rival to the magnificence that was soaring above the clouds on Caraxes. He returned to his chair by the window and put his face in his hands, the memories once again torturing him into sorrow. Would he ever feel anything other than longing for these feelings of the past?

He was broken out of his stupor by the sudden loss of noise outside. The cacophony of swords clashing had stopped. Looking through the window he noticed that the Dothraki and Unsullied had stopped practicing and Daenerys was passing through their ranks. Every man bowed their head and paid their respects. As they should, he thought. He watched her walk to the snoozing dragon who perked up when she got close and she held his face. That longing feeling returned to him.

He hadn't noticed how obvious he must be peering out of the window at her until Viserion locked eyes with him and it felt like a gut punch. The dragon moved into a defensive position and he watched as Daenerys followed Viserion's gaze and then she was looking at him, too. He couldn't discern her expression from so far away, but he didn't want to drop his eyes. Didn't want to sever that connection even for a moment. She was the first to turn her head as she walked behind Viserion and disappeared behind the hill before the Dragonmont, moments before the giant black and red dragon came erupting in twirls from the main crevass in the stone, the one that housed the exit door of the secret passageway in the war room. He watched her mount him and fly off, bareback. While the bareback was impressive, he wondered if the knights might bring him the materials to make her a saddle.

Leaning out of the window he noticed that there were no more voices coming from the war room and Viserion had returned to his slumber. Daenerys had disappeared into the clouds with her bonded dragon. He might not get another chance like this.

At a lightning pace he took his dagger and began slicing the burlap seats into ribbons, tying them together end to end to form a rope. He managed to get one around 20 feet long before he took one of the chairs and leaned into the joint quietly, breaking off the legs one by one. He tied the legs to either end of the rope and made for the window.

Putting his arm and the rope out of the window, he twirled the wood on one end and aimed for the railing of the balcony. It took a few tries, but he eventually managed to get it to loop several times around the railing. He tugged hard to check it's stability and looked to make sure Viserion was still sleeping. It was stable enough, and he was.

Putting his arms and torso through the window, he hopped through and sat on the windows edge, holding the wood on his side of the rope in his hand and wrapping it around his waist. "f*ck, I hope this works." He said as he closed his eyes and jumped. The makeshift rope caught him but the wood leg on the railing side was quickly splitting under his weight as it wedged between two bars of the balcony, keeping the rope from slipping. Fast as he could and not quietly he scrambled up the rope and managed to grip the edge of the balcony floor. He lifted himself up and over, his arms burning as he fell onto the floor in a crumpled heap. Looking up, he breathed a sigh of relief. The war room was empty. He looked to Viserion then and realized he had not been so lucky in that regard.

The dragon was staring at him intently, raised up on his legs to peer at him as if about to bugle an alarm. Daemon shook his head at him and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh, valītsos. Rhaenagon nyke isse se ripo lēda aōha lēkia. Dohaeragon nyke. Gīda." Shhh, boy. Meet me in the pit with your brother. Serve me. Calm.

He wasn't sure if Viserion had heard him, but it was a good sign that the dragon then turned and made his way down the hill towards the crevass. No time to waste Daemon ran to the dragon mural in the wall, pressed his thumb into it's eye, and pushed the secret door back and to the side exposing the thin corridor beyond. He heard voices in the hall as he slipped inside and slid the door back into place.

He quickly moved through the secret corridors behind and under the walls of the castle occasionally brushing a spiderweb from his hair as it was apparent no one had moved through these in quite some time. The air and the stone got warmer and wetter the further down he went and his heart was in his stomach when he reached the long and wide corridor that was the rough stone of a cave, the last passage leading into the deep crevass where even Caraxes used to roost. He sprinted at this point not wanting to lose any time. He would never escape the island on foot, he only had one chance and he had a small window of time to do it.

Emerging into the cave he was immediately assaulted with a jet of flame which he slid and dodged, standing quickly with his legs splayed in front of the green and bronze dragon who rested on the raised stone platform where many dragons before him would sleep and mate. He found it intriguing that they had intuitively found this space but the thought left him quickly as the green dragon reared his head up again, his mouth open and throat glowing.

"Sagon gīda, zaldrīzes. Iksā hae nēdenka hae vhagar se perzys. Nyke māzigon naejot dohaeragon aōha muña." Be calm, dragon. You are as fierce as Vhagar and fire itself. I come to serve your mother.

The dragon paused and lowered its head, considering him. There was another scrape on stone behind him as Daemon turned and discovered Viserion materializing from the darkness of an inner cavern, flame leaking from his mouth as he glared at him. He came creeping forward, the heat from his maw slapping Daemon in the face. Daemon held his hands out and lowered to a knee.

"Visērion, emi keskydoso gaomilaksir. Jaeli aōha muña va se Dēmalion Āegenko. Dohaeragon nyke naejot dohaeragon zirȳla. Iksan aōha ānogar. Dohaeragon nyke, Visērion." Viserion, we have the same mission. We want your mother on the Iron Throne. Help me to help her. I am your blood. Serve me, Viserion.

Viserion paused and the fire in his mouth lessened, so Daemon approached him slowly, hand outstretched as he began to sing in high valyrian:

"Fire breather / Winged leader / But two heads / To a third sing

From my voice / The fires have spoken / And the price has been paid / With blood magic"

He was only a few feet away now, he could see his reflection in Viserion's eyes as he continued the song:

"With words of flame / With clear eyes / To bind the three / To you I sing

As one we gather / And with three heads / We shall fly as we were destined / Beautifully, freely"

His hand made connection with Viserion's snout and the dragon blinked. The green one behind him seemed to have settled as well.

"Issa vējes bona emā issare brōstan syt both ñuha lēkia se ñuha tresy. Īlin meant naejot sōvegon hēnkirī, Visērion." It is fate that you have been named for both my brother and my son. We were meant to fly together, Viserion.

At the mention of flight, the dragon softened. He leaned into Daemon's hand and let his shoulder down, inviting Daemon to climb him. Slowly, considering every step and keeping his eye on the green beast who seemed content to watch from afar, he approached Viserion's lowered shoulder and stepped onto it, reaching up to grip the spikes on his neck. Automatically Viserion then rose his shoulder, allowing Daemon to throw a leg over him and sit astride him. It was a good sign that Daenerys had not mounted him and that Viserion would not shirk him off in flight. He thought of Joffrey and shuddered.

But his time had ran out. A dark shadow covered the cavern as the large black dragon ascended, slowing and alighting just short of the huge stone platform. As he landed he spotted Daemon, his eyes curious as he appraised his brother. Daenerys, windswept and beautiful on his back sensed his curiosity and looked up towards Viserion, then her eyes met Daemon's again. He thought for a second time that he had not been able to look upon her enough and he smiled. He saw the shock on her face morph into rage and he smiled wider. He doubted anyone had ever even touched her dragons before this, much less mounted one. She was frozen for a moment so he spoke to break the silence. He couldn't stay here, staring at her frozen face. He must fly to seal the bond.

"Rytsas, ñuha dāria. Nyke pāsagon aōha sōvegon istan sȳrī?" Hello, my Queen. I trust your flight went well?

Her eyes flashed and she bared her teeth and her dragon rumbled beneath her. "Skoros iksis bona ao pendagon iksā bē naejot, Aemon?" What is that you think you are doing, Aemon? She didn't bother to ask how he escaped.

"Gūrogon iā zaldrīzes, ñuha jorrāelagon Dāria." Claiming a dragon, my dear Queen.

She leaned forward and gripping the spikes in front of her as Drogon gurgled fire behinds it's teeth. "Se zaldrīzoti emagon issare brōztagon." These dragons have been claimed.

Daemon laughed and he thought he could feel the knives in her gaze. "No, my magnificent Dragon Queen." He continued in the common tongue. "They have not been. I know part of you knows this which is why you ride only that massive black beast. These other two are open for conquest as is the way of our people."

"Get off of my child now and I will make your death a quick one." She spat as her dragon reared his neck, prepared to exhale his fire.

"And kill Viserion? His name is quite ironic, you couldn't know. But no, Daenerys. I won't come down. In fact..." He leaned forward and grabbed Viserion's neck spikes and felt the dragons muscles bunch in anticipation, the bond already setting in. "Sōves." Fly.

"Viserion, no!" Daenerys screamed but it was too late. The dragon, white now in the near darkness, curled his hind legs and launched himself into the air, flapping his wings and flying right over Daenerys and his brother. Daemon leaned into his ascent, laughing as the wind whipped his hair free of his tie and sent it into chaos behind him.

"Eglikta, Viserion!" Higher, Viserion!

Viserion flapped his wings harder in large, air swallowing swaths that made the ground disappear under them. Daemon chanced a look behind him and delighted in the sight of Daenerys giving chase, her dragon turning upwards to catch them as she lay flat and tight against him for speed. She would catch up quickly on her larger mount, Daemon needed to use his knowledge of the caverns to keep his lead.

Leaning to his left he led Viserion towards a cavern he knew appeared closed from the entrance, but that opened up into a hole just small enough for him to pass through and not Daenerys. Viserion responded diligently to his directions and Daemon felt an excitement radiating from him. He was happy to be bonded, happy to be directed and to be flying with him. Daenerys may be angry with him but she could not possess these dragons forever and deny them the joy of a bonded rider. He hoped he could explain that to her.

Entering the cavern it was pitch black and made worse as soon as Daenerys entered behind them, blocking out all moonlight. He felt Viserion tense. "Lykiri" he commanded. Calm. He cooled under his touch as Daemon led him upwards, into pitch blackness that he hoped Daenerys would not follow. His hopes were answered as he watched her slow, unsure of the depth of the ceiling. Following his intuition Daemon led Viserion up and then forward, up into the ceiling cavern that opened a bit further down and sure enough the soft light of the exit became visible as they did. Seeing the exit Viserion flapped harder and Daemon heard Drogon roar as he turned back. "Adere noq, Viserion, adere!" Daemon yelled. Fast now, Viserion, fast!

With surprising speed Viserion popped out of the top exit, miles from the castle on the far side of Dragonstone closest to a small bunch of islands clustered there. In the darkness he directed Viserion to the island farthest from Dragonstone covered thickly with trees. He landed him on the beach there and encouraged him into the cover of the trees, so as not to be spotted.

Moments later Daenerys could be seen flying over Dragonstone, in circles around the large island that housed the castle. Daemon considered what he should do. He didn't actually want to leave. He wanted to be free from a locked room, but he didn't want to be away from Daenerys. He wanted to help her, talk to her, know her. He wanted her to look upon him with something besides discontent or fury. He walked towards Viserion and put a hand on his neck, considering a plan. A moment later he heard Daenerys yell, followed by a loud and mournful keen from her mount. Viserion whined quietly into his hand and he knew he must relent. "Dracarys".

Viserion released a jet of flame into the sky, hot and bright and visible. He watched Daenerys bank her dragon sideways and head for them, the dragon calling in excitement to his brother. He shook the earth with a hard and fast landing on the beach outside of the tree line and Daenerys quickly dismounted, her rage clear on her face.

"How f*cking DARE you?" She shrieked, coming straight towards him in a determined walk. "Viserion is MINE! And you mean to try to STEAL him?" And then she was upon him, hand raised as she smacked him hard across the face. The first time she had ever touched him and it scorched like dragonfire across his cheek.

He allowed her her fury and simply stated "If I was trying to steal him I could have flown off. Yet here I stand."

"You will get away from him this instance. Get away!" She screamed again as she shoved his chest as hard as she could. She was stronger than he thought she would be and he stumbled a little in the soft sand. He tried to grab her wrists and she snatched her hands away, striking him repeatedly in his chest, face and arms.

"I won't, my Queen." He said with arms raised to protect his face.

She turned from him. "Move Viserion! Move away! Go!" She shooed at the white dragon, who looked at her mournfully but did not move. She pointed viciously at Daemon. "Dracarys, Viserion! Dracarys!"

Viserion moved forward and pushed his muzzle into her chest, licking her lightly before whining softly and pushing her towards Daemon. When she yelled in frustration and walked back towards her black dragon, Viserion sniffed at Daemon's face, inspecting him for wounds. "I'm okay, boy. I'm okay." Daemon reassured him, patting his snout lightly.

"Oh, for f*cks sake!" Daenerys yelled as she rounded Viserion and made to mount him. In a flash Daemon was on her, grabbing her arms and pulling her away from Viserion though she thrashed.

"Unhand me! Get off of me! You have stolen my dragon and so I will fly him home!" She struggled as he pulled her back towards her black mount. Her hair was coming free of her braids and she looked truly wild. "Drogon! Dracarys!"

Daemon looked towards Drogon who tilted his head sideways. "He will throw you if you mount him, my Queen. I have no wish for you to die."

"Dracarys!" Daenerys screeched but Drogon looked dismayed. He could not burn Daemon without hurting his mother or his brother, something he seemed to understand.

Suddenly Daenerys stopped thrashing. She stopped yelling and screaming and struggling. She went limp in Daemon's arms and he set her softly on the ground in a sitting position before moving around to face her, hands on her shoulders to steady her. She was breathing hard, chest heaving up and down and looking blankly down at the sand.

"I don't understand." She said, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't understand."

"I'm sorry," Daemon conceded. "I shouldn't have done it this way. I should have waited."

"You mean you should have waited longer before stealing my dragon? What else do you mean to steal from me Aemon Rivers?" She spat his fake name like a curse. "I was hoping for more from you. I was hoping for solidarity. This is a betrayal. I was hopeful for one of my kin but what have you offered me besides deceit and now THIS?"

He kneeled in front of her and bowed his head. "If you feel like I have stolen anything from you, I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to do that. You need only look to Viserion, he was elated to be mounted and to fly with a rider. He craved the bond I have made with him. No Targaryen has ever taken more than one mount at a time."

Daenerys looked at him, her eyes sorrowful and glistening. He wanted to bury himself in the sand for his guilt and shame. "My dragons are my children, they are the only children I'll ever have. I thought you had taken him from me. I thought I would never see him again." A tear slid down her cheek, shining in the moonlight as her lip trembled. She was a Queen, stronger than steel, but in this she was like porcelain. He should have known. What sort of man was he to go at her weakest point without even realizing it? He would need to be more considerate in the future. This wasn't who he wanted to be.

"You will continue to have them. I am not taking Viserion from you." He promised as he reached a hand towards her.

"What do you want, Aemon?" She asked as she snatched herself backwards, out of his grip and she roughly swiped the tear away. She looked at him seriously, brows furrowed.

"Exactly what I told you. I want to serve you. I want to offer you the heritage of your people that you lost. I want to pledge my sword to you and help you win this war." He said as he stood and offered her a hand to rise.

She took it and stood as well, shuddering from the rush of emotion and brushing the sand from her leathers. "Why?" It wasn't angry, it wasn't sad. It was truly incredulous. "I don't believe you are who you say you are, but what choice do I have now? How can I kill you when you have bound yourself to one of my children?"

"Before I came here..." He started slowly, but stopped himself, looking at his feet. "You won't believe me." He wasn't sure what parts he could tell. What parts he should tell. Maybe he could tell her of his visions in the fire, but he wasn't sure he could ever wield his true name again.

"I already don't believe you." She snapped. "But I can tell you this. Belief and faith is not a foreign concept to me. I walked into a fire with three petrified eggs and hatched my children based on belief. I did not know that I would not burn. The world was convinced the dragons were gone and I brought them back. With my own magic I brought them back. I stood against a sorcerer in Qarth and saw my future, saw my throne in a vision. There are many things that have happened to me that with words you would not believe but you can not deny the dragons who now stand among us." Her gaze softened and she walked to a fallen log and took a seat, hands folded in her lap as she looked out over the water.

He followed her but did not sit as he faced her. "Before I came here I saw your face in the flames of a fire. I had lost everything and was considering taking my own life." He looked away from her, towards the reflection of the moon on the ocean. He took a deep shuddering breath and felt her eyes on him. "I had nothing to live for. Then I looked in those flames and saw you. I didn't know what you were, I didn't know that you were the last dragon and that you possessed the power that you have. I watched you step into that fire. I watched your people kneel. I watched you birth a winged child to the Stranger. I watched you stand over a body with a molten gold crown. I watched you burn an entire fleet of ships to save your people. I watched a Queen dance in the flames and I saw my purpose again. I saw it in you. I didn't take my life that night because of your face in the flames."

For a moment there was silence between them and only the sound of the waves crashing against the beach and the call of seabirds in the trees. Daemon began to regret being so open and honest with her. His stomach flipped at the idea of her turning him away.

And then "I believe you" she said. "I believe you saw me in the fire. You couldn't have known those things happened without seeing them." She sighed and stood and approached him, looking up at him with those violet eyes from just below his shoulder. He felt his breath hitch at the way her face looked in the moonlight, her hair wild and her cheeks flushed. "I also believe you have no wish to harm me. You have had so many opportunities to kill me. Even now you could slice through me with your sword and be done with it."

"Not without Drogon frying me to a crisp, I don't think." He attempted. "I want to discuss making sure these vulnerabilities don't ever happen again. It shouldn't be this easy to possibly kill you." He said and she smiled softly. He thought about reaching up to touch her arm.

In the distance the sound of bells carried to them on the wind. The castle bells to warn of an attack. They must have been worried for Daenerys and then noticed Daemon missing. They would be searching. They would be furious.

Daenerys looked to Drogon. "I will release you from your confinement on three conditions."

"Anything, my Queen."

"You do not leave with my child. You do not have my permission to leave Dragonstone with Viserion."

"Of course." He responded quickly.

"Secondly, you must respect my advisors. We will have more discussions in the future about this."

"I'll do my best." He chuckled.

"Thirdly..." She paused, looking longingly at Drogon and then at Viserion. She grabbed the small three headed dragon made of silver on the chain across her chest. "Aemon Rivers you must promise to make me a true Targaryen. You must hold me to the standards of our people and encourage me to be the dragon that I am. That you are. You claim to be a bastard but I know it in my heart that you are more. You must make me more, too."

He dropped to his knee and grabbed her hand, brushing a light kiss on her knuckles. He reveled in the blush that stained her cheeks as he looked up to her. "You are already the fiercest dragon in all of the world, my Queen, but I swear it."

She smiled. "Then mount your dragon and follow me home, Aemon. They're going to want your head on a spike."

"Yes, my Queen."


Daenerys landed first while he circled above, watching as a contingent of Dothraki approached her. She gave orders and they ran back up towards the castle as she turned upwards and waved him down. "Tegun, Viserion. Kirimvose." Land, Viserion. Thank you.

As he dismounted she turned to him, wilder now than on the island as the wind had pulled her hair from her braids. She was covered in sand and her eyes were red from crying. "I've sent for my Queensguard, apparently they're out looking for me."

"I'm sure they saw us fly in and will be here momentarily." He said. "Have you got an explanation in mind?"

"No, I don't." She said shortly. "Anyways I'm not in the habit of lying to my advisors. I'm going to tell them the truth."

"You're going to tell them I saw you in flames?" He asked. "They're going to want to lock me up again."

"Remind me, Aemon. Who is the Queen?"

"Undoubtedly you, Mother of Dragons. But until just now we were sure you had been carried off by this bastard to my sister to be drawn and quartered before all of King's Landing." Came Tyrion's booming voice and he descended the stairs from the training yard into the grassy valley they had landed in. "Though I'm pleased to see that's not the case, I do wish you would have notified someone that you intended to take a moonlight stroll with a Mystery Lord that could have easily cut your throat and disappeared, leaving us none the wiser."

"I would never do such a thing." Daemon said, sizing up the dwarf as he strode closer. "We are on the same side, I already told you this."

"And you thought this would somehow ease our suspicion? Tell me are you simple naturally or were you dropped on your head as a child?"

Daemon tensed and he heard Viserion growl behind him, coming up to hover his head over Daemon's shoulder. Tyrion froze in place and looked to Daenerys with shock.

"As your Lord Hand I demand an explanation. How am I to serve a dead Queen?" He side eyed Viserion and Daemon, fear clear in his expression.

"Aemon Rivers has claimed Viserion as his own, though it was not with my permission." Daenerys said, shooting daggers at Daemon with her eyes. "And since Viserion is my child, it leaves me little choice."

"He's done WHAT?" Ser Barristan boomed as he entered the clearing from the Dragonmont behind them, Ser Jorah and Grey Worm and a dozen or so Unsullied hot on his heels. "Sieze him." He ordered.

As the Unsullied swept past Viserion he roared and with an unexpected swing of his tail he sent the group flying a good thirty feet, sounds of anguish escaping them as some of them fell on their spears. Grey Worm rushed to them as Barristan charged past their ranks. Viserion opened his mouth but Daemon put up his left hand as he drew his sword with his right. "Daor, Visērion. Gaomagon daor ōdrikagon Ser Barristan." No, Viserion. Do not harm Ser Barristan.

Just as Viserion's mouth closed, Selmy closed the distance between them and flourished his sword, Daemon barely catching his attack with his own as steel clashed. Ser Barristan slid his sword down Dark Sister in such a way that Daemon nearly lost hold of her and had to leap backwards to avoid his next swing. Ser Barristans blade slashing just barely into his leathers, exposing his stomach beneath.

"Ser Barristan, stand down." Daenerys ordered, approaching the two of them to stand in front of Daemon. "You can't hurt him without hurting Viserion, and I've made a decision."

Ser Barristan sheathed his sword as Jorah came up behind him, both men clearly angry. "And what decision is that, my Queen?" Ser Barristan asked with contempt.

"I am taking Aemon on as one of my advisors." Daenerys said confidently. "He has proven he has no will to hurt me and after speaking with him I have deemed his input valuable to my reign."

"As one of those advisors myself, may I advise against this?" Tyrion asked, coming to stand beside Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah. "We don't truly know who he is. How could his input be valuable?"

Daenerys squared her shoulders. Daemon could feel her fire igniting as she held her ground. "None of you know what it's like." She said viciously. "None of you. You all grew up with your family around you. Tyrion your family may have hated you but you grew up knowing what it meant to be a Lannister, you watched your family leave a legacy for you to trail behind. Jorah and Barristan, you had the same. Your house wasn't put to the sword when you were just a baby."

"My Queen, we don't know-" Tyrion began.

"SILENCE." Daenerys snapped. "You will not speak. The only example I had of my house was my brother, who beat me and molested me and thought of me as no better than a whor* to be bartered. He said he would let every Dothraki in Drogo's Khalasar f*ck me and their horses too if it brought him closer to winning his throne. But he was no dragon and he was no King, twisted by his ambition he never imprinted upon me the glory that it was to be a Targaryen. I had to find that for myself, within myself."

The gazes of the men in front of her softened as she continued. "It is not up to you to determine the validity of Aemon, bastard or not. He climbed upon Viserion and faced my wrath, an act so Targaryen it's unquestionable. He is the blood of the dragon same as me and I need that in my corner so I don't lose myself in this war. I have chosen each of you to help balance me, to guide me when needed, I choose him for the same. While each of you tries to quell my fire I need someone to help me keep it intact. I have wanted a confidant of my kin for as long as I can remember. The fire brought Aemon here today and by fire and blood I demand that he stay."

She turned to Grey Worm. "I am sorry about your men. Please take whatever time you need to tend to their wounds and bury any who were gravely injured. Aemon will help you with their preparations." Then to Jorah. "You will prepare a Lord's solar for Aemon immediately. Come see me when it is done."

She sighed and closed her eyes, straightening her dress. "Tyrion and Barristan, please escort me to my quarters. Tyrion go and fetch Varys. I wish to speak with him." As she turned to leave she looked at Aemon, her eyes glazed with an emotion he couldn't quite place. "I'll come and speak to you before I lay my head down for the night. Await me."

"Yes, my Queen." He obliged as she walked away with Tyrion and Barristan close behind her, the latter of which shot him a warning glare if he had ever seen one. Looking to Grey Worm, he followed him to the group of men who had been thrown as Drogon and Viserion headed back towards the Dragonmont.


Two of the men had passed. Daemon helped Grey Worm build their pyres and burn them in silence, aside from the words of respect Daemon had whispered in high valyrian as they lit the flames. As he watched the flames intently, hoping to see more signs from whatever God had sent him the visions of Daenerys, Ser Jorah came for him.

"Your solar is prepared and ready for you by the Queen's request." He said, and Daemon could tell he made sure to throw in the Queen's request bit so he knew that he didn't approve. It didn't matter. Daenerys did and her word was law. He followed the knight back up to the castle.

"Can I ask you something?" Daemon asked as they entered the castle and made for the staircase.

"I'd prefer if you didn't, but I have a feeling you're going to ask anyways." The knight responded.

"What was she like? Before her dragons?"

Jorah was quiet for a moment. No doubt deciding how much he wanted to divulge. They ascended the stairs. "She was quiet." He said finally. "Unsure of herself or her place in the word. Viserys was very unkind to her."

Daemon balked. So her brother had been named Viserys, too.

"Marrying Khal Drogo was hard for her at first but it was him that originally gave her the strength she has now. She was a fierce Khaleesi and it was Drogo that eventually killed Viserys at her command, her strength no longer allowing for him to abuse her anymore."

As they reached the door to a solar a few rooms down from the war room, Jorah stopped and gestured inside. "There's clothes in the armoire and food on your table. Ring the bell if you need a servant. I've also had the books you were brought earlier retrieved and they're here as well."

"Aren't you thoughtful." Daemon goaded as the knight scoffed and walked back down the hall. Daemon called back to him "What happened to Khal Drogo?"

The knight said without turning "He died." and he was gone.


Daemon had managed a bath and to redress in loose nightclothes, his hair still wet when she came. A soft knock on the door and a creak as it opened before she peeked her head inside. "Can I come in?"

"Of course, my Queen." He responded as she walked into his room, seemingly uncomfortable. She had brushed her hair down from the braids and had washed her face, the silver tresses falling in loose curls around her round cheeks and down to her lower back. "I was just reading one of the books Ser Jorah brought to me earlier. I'm impressed with Barristan. Do you think he would agree to spar with me?"

Daemon's room consisted of a large bed against the far wall, an armoire next to it with a room divider hiding them both, and he sat on the side of the room closest to the door and to the fireplace where two cushioned benches sat facing each other with a large table between them. The wash basin sat in front of the fire place on the opposite end of the room from the bed, closest to them. Daenerys came and sat on the bench across the table from him, plucking a grape from the food tray he had barely touched and popping it into her mouth.

"He isn't very fond of you at the moment. I could ask but it seems unfair for me to. You should earn that from him." She said.

"Hm. I can give it a shot." He responded.

There was a moment of silence as she turned and looked at the fire crackling in the fireplace, a pensive look on her face.

"What can I do for you my Queen?"

She leaned back in her seat and folded her hands on her lap. "What else did you see in the flames?"

So he explained to her what he saw. She listened intently and when he was done she shuddered.

"The man with the molten crown was my brother, Viserys. For which Viserion was named. I don't think he meant to be cruel but he was. We carried the trauma of our lost family very differently. You said earlier that the name held meaning for you as well. How so?"

Daemon hadn't realized that he had let that one slip. His lie was quick. "Growing up I was always interested in the Targaryen histories, particularly surrounding the Dance of Dragons. Viserys I and Viserys II were two Kings I admired greatly."

She nodded, accepting that answer. "Yet you don't seem to know much of what's happened recently, based on the books you've asked for."

He chose not to answer, leaning forward to grab a piece of bread off the dinner tray instead. He looked up at her as he did, his wet hair falling down to brush the table and his shirt flowing open to expose part of his chest as he smiled at her. She blushed and turned away. He would never get over seeing her react that way. He wondered if it was from fear or something else, but he wasn't going to push his luck as he sat back up and took a bite from the bread.

"Very well then." She said. "I suppose I'll find out more for myself. My Master of Whispers is already researching about silver haired Riverlands bastards."

"And if they turn up nothing?"

"I'll have more questions for you." She responded.

"And if I won't answer?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What will it take to get you to answer?"

He didn't hesitate. "Let me teach you how to wield a blade."

She frowned. "Why would I need to know how to wield a blade when I have Drogon?"

"Because there are instances in which you might not always have him and I would sleep better knowing you could handle one if the time ever called for it."

"I'll think about it." She conceded.

"Thank you, Daenerys."

She blushed again and rose to leave, hesitating as she appraised him. "I have one last request."


"I need you to avoid the war room and the throne room for the next few days while I lay preparations for my conquest. I know you want to advise me, but I must smooth things over first. I can't do what I came here to do with you arguing with my Queensguard and everyone else the entire time. I'm expecting Lords to start arriving later this week to bend the knee, I'm hoping you can join me by then."

"So I'm guessing now wouldn't be a good time to bring up my concerns about the allegiances of your confidants, the Hand in particular being-" he started but she sighed sharply and dropped it. "When will I see you, then?" Daemon asked, suddenly bereft at the idea of having to avoid her for any length of time, much less a few days.

She looked at him as she seemed to mull it over. Her gave her a begging smile and she laughed, shaking her head at him. "How about we fly together at dusk? You can show me more of Dragonstone. I'm still mad about that maneuver you pulled with the dark crag. You would think you've flown before."

"As you wish, Mother of Dragons." He said as he stood and bowed, his shirt falling open again. But when he looked up, she was gone.

It took him a long time to fall asleep that night. He decided tomorrow he would make them both saddles if he could get the materials. There were likely still plans for them in the library. He would also ask Barristan to train him and try to find a couple sparring blades to convince Daenerys to use with him. He imagined her face, red and wild after working with a sword, her chest heaving as she measured her breathing and he turned over, groaning into his pillow. He would have to control that side of himself, too. The Daemon from before wasn't the Daemon he still wanted to be and she was likely still angry at him for his brash behavior with Viserion. Besides, she was a Queen and he was a bastard in this life. He had no room to be selfish if he wanted to imbue her for the throne she was meant to rule.

But that night, despite his best efforts, he dreamt of Daenerys Targaryen and her lips and her breath, whispering to him of their bargain as her hands tangled in his hair.





Finally finally finally their dance begins. Queen of Thorns coming soon as well, then Jon Snow. These dynamics are so much fun to write. I think you guys will be beyond pleased with how this goes. I know you guys are apprehensive about Jon, but trust me. Trust the process.

As always thanks so much for your encouragement. I've added images to the tops of the chapters because why not.

Chapter 6: Fire In Your Touch


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (6)


That night Daenerys Stormborn dreamt of the Iron Throne. Much like her vision in the House of the Undying, it was snowing in the throne room of the Red Keep and the roof was broken, showing the ribbing in the ceiling underneath. She was approaching the throne when suddenly her dragons screamed in the sky above. Looking up, she watched as Viserion smashed into Rhaegal, ripping his throat open with his teeth as they crashed into the Red Keep, tumbling into the throne room spraying it with blood as their bodies rolled over her and she awoke with a start.

Through her window she could see the sun barely cresting the horizon, the sky a pale blue as birds in the garden began to sing. She still had time to sleep. She tried not to think about the dream she had left and instead sunk into a peaceful sleep in which Rhaegar sang to her in high valyrian to the tune of the birds chirping outside.

She awoke hours later to Missandei gently waking her with a hand stroking her hair. Opening her eyes she saw her friend staring down at her while sitting on the edge of her bed, the golden morning sun shining through her hair at the edges like a halo.

"You're so beautiful." Daenerys said as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Can you still wake me like this when we're old and grey?"

Missandei smiled. Wide and beautiful the smile lit up her honey colored eyes. "Of course, my Queen. I hope to be around long enough to see it."

Missandei handed her a hot cup of tea and Daenerys took it thankfully, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed and going to her window. She sighed in disappointment at the view. Her window faced the castle internally, so all she saw out of it was the grey wall of the next tower and the inner courtyard which held no decoration or life. "Missandei, can you see to it today that my chambers are changed to the war room?" She asked. "We can move the table down into the throne room. I much prefer the view."

"Of course, a wise choice. You can see the training yards from the war room balcony." Missandei said with a mischievous grin.

"Missandei!" Daenerys playfully chastised her. "Who are you looking at in the training yard?"

"Grey Worm has quite a beautiful form. They move like dancers. It's enticing to watch."

Daenerys moved towards the platter of breakfast that Missandei had brought in and poured her friend a cup of tea as well, handing it to her. "You seem fond of Grey Worm lately."

"I am, he's grown on me."

"I am pleased that you are making friends." Daenerys said, sitting in front of her mirror and beginning to comb through her hair. Missandei came to stand behind her, took the brush and started combing Daenerys' hair back to braid.

"Maybe you can watch Aemon, if you wished?" Missandei said quizzically, avoiding Daenerys' eyes in the mirror.

Unbidden to her mind came the image of Aemon training in the yard, swinging a sword and dancing like Missandei had described. As he moved through an upwards arc of his sword his shirt melted away, his hair wet like it had been last night, and Daenerys had to shake her head and close her mouth to push the image from her mind. She noticed in the mirror that she was blushing and Missandei gave her a knowing smile.

"He's quite handsome, in the way that all Targaryen's are." Said Daenerys. "But he's a bastard of unknown origin and I've too much on my plate to consider much else. I have a kingdom to win."

"We were quite busy in Essos as well, my Queen." Missandei said, her deft fingers quickly creating a circlet of braids on the crown of Daenerys' head. "But that did not stop you from taking pleasure with Daario Naharis."

Daenerys waved the idea away. "That was different. That was purely for the pleasure. I knew we would not be in Essos forever. Westeros is my home and I'm here to stay."

Missandei said nothing more as she finished Daenerys' braids.


Several hours later Daenerys was standing in the throne room, leaned over the Painted Table with Tyrion, Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, Grey Worm, Varys and Missandei while Tyrion was discussing what their next move should be. Missandei and Grey Worm were sitting on the steps before the throne listening intently while Varys stood by Tyrion across the table from Daenerys. They had so many options and so many different personalities that they were having a hard time agreeing.

"My little birds tell me that the city is not faithful to Cersei, the guard even less so. They will turn on her if given the opportunity." Varys argued.

"Which is why taking Casterly Rock and laying siege to King's Landing is our best bet to avoid bloodshed. We have a strong naval position here on Dragonstone. We starve them out and they will cough up my sister on their own. In the meantime we gather our banners." Tyrion added, nodding at Varys and looking to Daenerys.

"And why shouldn't I just fly my dragons to the Red Keep now and pluck your sister from my throne? If we have the advantage now, why not use it?" Daenerys argued.

"Because you need the support of the people, and if you start that way you won't earn it. Your father ruled on fear alone and you see where that got him." Tyrion said, looking seriously at Daenerys and wiping his brow with his hand. "Show the people of Westeros that you are different from him and the old Targaryen's they pushed out."

"Very well, who among the houses have we heard back from?"

"We received return ravens from Martell and Tyrell, like I suspected. Nothing from Tarly which is concerning as they're pledged to House Tyrell, so we need to be prepared for infighting. Lord Randall Tarly is a stubborn man that turned on the Targaryens and strongly backed the Baratheon rule." Tyrion stated.

"Lord Tarly is currently at King's Landing, seen visiting the Red Keep. So I think we can guarantee he isn't going to pledge for Queen Daenerys." Varys ended.

"Lady Olenna Tyrell, Ellaria Sand and Yara Greyjoy should arrive in two or three weeks, however. Having agreed to bend the knee. Once they're here we can move forward with siege plans and with taking Casterly Rock." Tyrion shared as everyone nodded in agreement.

"And with burning Lord Tarly for being a traitor, I hope." Daenerys said sternly.

Daenerys felt confident in their plans when they left the war room that day and slightly nervous for the arrival of the heads of houses meant to pledge their obeisance. Not a fearful nervous, but a nervous borne of excitement as each day she grew closer to her birthright. Each day she made more progress towards what she had been fighting her whole life to gain. She wondered how differently things would be going if Viserys was there with them and she was sure he would council her to fly to the Red Keep as was her first instinct. The Targaryen instinct. She was once again reminded how important it was to occasionally curb that instinct because Tyrion was right, fear alone did not serve the Targaryen's before and she did not want to rely on that now. After growing accustomed to the love she felt from her people in Essos after liberating slavers bay, she craved that sort of following here. She dreamt of it.

As the discussion regarding troop movements and the houses came to a close, Daenerys broached the topic of Aemon. She knew he would have different input and it needed to be discussed now. While she didn't think he would have the same brash violence about him that Viserys did, she knew he would be a dissenting voice in the mix of her advisors more often than not. It was strange, how little they had spoken but how easily she felt she already knew his intent.

"We need to discuss Aemon Rivers." Daenerys said and was met with an exaggerated eye roll from Tyrion and a stiff back from Ser Barristan. Jorah and Varys did not seem to react negatively. "Varys have you heard anything from anyone in the Riverlands about ever seeing a silver haired bastard?"

"No, my Queen." Varys responded. "Quite frankly after you and your brother fled to Essos and the rest of your family was murdered, me and my associates worked very hard to find anyone with possible Valyrian or Targaryen blood. We found no one then I doubt we will find anyone now."

"Very well." Daenerys said solemnly.

"It's clear that nothing he has told us has been truth. Yet you have allowed him to walk free among us even after he stole your dragon, admittedly against your will." Said Tyrion sharply. "He is a liar and a thief and you want us to welcome him to this table without issue?"

Daenerys frowned at her Hand and took a moment to walk back up the steps in front of the throne and position herself in front of it. She folded her hands at her stomach and looked sternly at her advisors. "Careful, Lord Tyrion. To question the Queen is treason." She said and Tyrion gulped. "I believe he has reasons to not be forthcoming with us. You are going to have to trust me. That said, you've heard the reports about Viserion today. He dances in the skies. He has moved his roosting spot to the rocks just outside of Aemon's quarters. As angry as I was at first, I've realized Aemon had purpose. Viserion has never been happier. Somehow, the man knows dragons."

"How could he, my Queen?" Ser Jorah asked with concern. "How could he truly know dragons? They haven't existed for over a hundred years."

"He knows many things it doesn't make sense for him to know." Daenerys responded. "But know them he does, and I trust his judgment. Regardless of the origin of the knowledge, it's knowledge I need."

This time, it was Ser Barristan who stepped forward. "Your brother Rhaegar often knew things none of us could explain. His intuition about people was impeccable. He always knew when someone was lying or telling a half-truth. It was unlike anything I had ever seen." He addressed the room. "If my Queen says I should trust Aemon or follow her in this regard, I will do it."

"Thank you, Commander." Daenerys beamed. "It's good of you to say so, because he's asked me to request of you to train him in your ways of the blade."

Barristan whitened. "If you command it of me, I will."

"I told him the choice is up to you. That he should need to prove himself first."

Ser Barristan nodded, stepping back towards the Painted Table and among the other advisors.

"When the house leaders begin to arrive, I want Aemon in this room with us. He may not agree with you all. In much the same way you don't always agree with each other. I expect the same level of decorum that you would have with one another." Daenerys commanded.

"What of his lies? His thievery?" Tyrion asked again. Less confident than his previous speeches.

"Who among you has not lied?" Daenerys asked. "Ser Jorah was a slaver. Tyrion you murdered your father on the way out of King's Landing and are a self-proclaimed whor*monger. No one is this room is perfect and that's fine, preferable even. I don't want perfect. I want experienced and valuable. Sometimes experience requires imperfect people."

Tyrion closed his mouth as everyone in the room nodded. Aemon would be accepted at council.


She found herself walking fairly quickly to her chambers after all of her meetings for the day had concluded and it was time to fly with Drogon. Missandei had to half jog to keep up.

"My Queen, are we rushing for a specific reason or did you just have too much wine?" Missandei asked jokingly.

"I'm just excited to fly with Drogon this evening." Daenerys said, slightly breathless after reaching the top of the great stone staircase.

"I have a feeling that's not the only dragon you're excited to see."

Daenerys rolled her eyes at her friend, but she knew that Missandei wasn't far off the mark. "He's going to teach me about the land, he seems to know Dragonstone really well and I'm excited to learn."

Walking into her room with her friend behind her, Daenerys began to undo the throat buckles on the heavy black leather dress tunic she wore. Handing it to Missandei who shuffled it into one of her three large armoirs, Daenerys reached into a separate one and grabbed a soft linen tunic and a heavy black overcoat. It was getting cold quickly at Dragonstone with the impending winter and flying in it could even get so cold to form icicles on clothing and in hair, especially after dark. She didn't plan to stay out after dark, but figured she needed to be prepared anyways.

"Isn't it concerning that he knows so much about Dragonstone? There's no explanation for it." Missandei said with a worried tone as she handed Daenerys a set of felt lined leather pants.

Daenerys slipped them under her overcoat and was pushing her legs into them and said "Do you trust me, Missandei?"

"With my life, my Queen."

"Then trust me when I tell you, I know this is a good thing. I know he's meant to be here. I know he's something I need in this war and that the explanation is a good one."

"How do you know that?" Missandei asked as Daenerys went and sat in front of her vanity and began to undo her braids. She went to stand behind her friend and to help her tie up the hair that was left out into a more suitable braid set for flying.

"Ever since I was a child I've had feelings about things. The same feeling that told me to step into the fire with those eggs tells me that Aemon is meant to be here. He feels familiar." Daenerys said, surprised the words were coming out of her mouth about someone who both infuriated and confounded her. But they were true nonetheless.

"Is it possible he just reminds you of your brothers?"

"I never even met Rhaegar. He died before I was born. I grew up being told by Viserys that him and Rhaegar were the last dragons, but I knew that wasn't true. I didn't say anything because Viserys was petulant and cruel. He was externally egotistical but internally insecure which created who he was. Aemon is nothing like that." Daenerys explained.

"He sounds like he's complicated." Missandei observed. Subtly, she grabbed a small tin of red pigment from a drawer in the vanity. She offered it to Daenerys. "It'll help you keep your color after the cold wind of flying."

Daenerys grinned and nodded, tipping her chin up and allowing her friend to apply the pigment lightly to her cheeks and with a coy smile, her lips.


As she was exiting her solar a short time later, she ran into Ser Barristan in the hall before the stairs. "My Queen." He paused and gave a short bow. "I was just coming to stand outside of your quarters for the evening." There was a question in his look.

"I'm going to fly with Drogon, I'm going to make this a scheduled activity while here."

"I just left the training yards where Aemon left and headed towards the Dragonmont as well. Is this nightly activity going to be in his company?" Ser Barristan asked.

"It is." Daenerys said curtly, already annoyed at the threat of having to defend her position again. She was surprised when Ser Barristan smiled.

"I spoke with him some, just now." He said. "He reminds me a lot of your brother. Not in the way they behave because your brother was all confidence and charisma and sun, whereas Aemon is more of a silent strength. But in their fire. Rhaegar was quite a determined and driven young man. It appears this Aemon is as well."

"Oh?" Daenerys asked. "Why do you say that?"

"You'll see when you meet him downstairs. I've agreed to his training request as well."

Daenerys beamed. She almost threw her arms around the old man, but she just gave him the brightest smile she could muster. He laughed and walked towards her door. "I'll see you when you return, my Queen."


She was walking at that same quick clip through the training yard when she spotted him. The sun was still dipping on the horizon, sitting just above the ocean in the distance making the rippled water reflective and bright. It shone in Aemon's silver hair making it almost pearlescent while he stood leaned against a boulder on the far side of the grassy landing area, picking at his nails with his dagger. He had braided the hair on the sides of his head in tight braids against his skull, running into the rest of his hair in a high ponytail. He was wearing different leathers this time, not embossed with the Targaryen symbols, and Daenerys recognized them as the winter leathers of the Unsullied, dark grey and very form fitting.

He must have felt her eyes on him as she approached because he looked up when she was still around fifty yards from him. He immediately sheathed his dagger and straightened to meet her, bowing deeply as she closed the distance. As he righted himself again he smiled at her and it met his eyes which looked nearly lilac in this position of the sun.

"My Queen." He said. "How was your day?"

"As expected." She responded, nodding to him and giving a soft returning smile. She took note as he reached behind him and picked up and large length of rope he had coiled on the ground. "We are expecting the ambassadors of houses Tyrell, Martell and Greyjoy to visit soon and bend the knee. Tarly has notably not responded and Lord Tarly is expected of treason and conspiracy with Cersei Lannister in King's Landing."

"Will we execute Lord Tarly when he returns from King's Landing or will you be sending a force to retrieve him?" Aemon asked without blinking, looping the generous amount of rope over his shoulder.

"That was my first instinct as well." Daenerys said. "We wanted to speak to Lady Olenna of house Tyrell first since he is her bannerman."

"Hm." Aemon said. "That's probably wisest. Am I to be involved when these ambassadors arrive?"

"Yes, if you can behave." Daenerys said. "What's the rope for?"

"I make no promises." Aemon said, wagging a finger at her playfully. "I'll show you, but first would you like to see a much easier way down into the main Dragonmont cavern?"

"I would."

"Follow me."

Aemon turned and stalked off towards the eastern end of the landing field where it began to slope down into the base of the volcano that housed the Dragonmont. It sloped ever downwards, the reflection of the sun on the ocean disappearing behind the smaller rock outcroppings to their northwest. Approaching a large outcropping on their own end, Aemon rounded it to the west and brought Daenerys to roughly carved stone steps that led downwards through a smaller crag. The steps in the slope downwards eventually became a small tunnel that turned westward to where Daenerys couldn't see further down.

"It's not completely dark, it joins up with where the dragons are roosting in a part of the cavern that's uncovered and bright." Aemon said, seeming to sense her apprehension. As they descended the rough stairs and became enclosed, he turned around and offered her his hand. She gladly took it, surprised by the warmth she felt through her gloves and the strength at which he gripped her. He had told the truth of it, as they rounded the westward turn she could see light at the end of the passageway, only about 100 yards downward. She kept ahold of Aemon's hand as he led her all the way down and out into the open crevass that was the main roosting area for the dragons on the island.

Drogon and Rhaegal sat perched on the raised stone slab in the center of the cavern, whereas Viserion sat closer to the opening and entrance, ropes dangling from his wings and his neck that joined to a rope tied around his chest right behind the larger spikes at the start of his shoulders. He seemed pleased with himself. Next to him sat another pile of rope and a large hide contraption that Daenerys couldn't make sense of.

Before she could ask, Aemon explained. "I spent the day gathering materials for a rough saddle. The fishing village was only capable of making me metal rods which I hammered into shape myself and formed the hide over." He said, walking over to the hide structure on the cavern floor and turning it upright. "I was only able to make this one for now, but I gave plans to the Dothraki tradesmen and they were more than excited to work on a more permanent version. I figured you would enjoy it being made in their style anyways."

Daenerys approached the saddle and took in the amount of work he must have put in. The part that she sat on alone was quite large, with a large dipped area for her legs and a hump in the front for her to lean over with her chest. In front of the hump were metal handles for her to grip that attached to the metal frame underneath. Also attached to the metal frame were several lengths of belt that formed buckles that she assumed were meant to hold her legs to the saddle. The seat was attached the a wide swath of leather meant to blanket it against a dragon's back, and thick belts that looked like the parts meant to wrap around the dragons neck and middle. Overall it was a huge undertaking and Daenerys marveled at how he was able to get it done in a day.

"How did you manage this?" She said, approaching the saddle and putting a hand on the metal frame handles. He had wrapped them with leather strips for a more comfortable grip. Pulling on it, she realized she couldn't move the saddle at all. It was quite heavy. "You hammered the frame into shape and worked all this leather?"

Aemon smiled at her. "Will you use it?" He asked. "I tried earlier to get it on Drogon, but he won't cooperate with me and it requires that."

"Why do I need it? I've always ridden bareback just fine."

"This saddle keeps you in place with the leg straps." Aemon explained, reaching down to grab the buckles and show them to her with a strong tug. They didn't budge. "Which allows for more complicated aerial maneuvers since you won't be at risk of falling off. Drogon will be able to go upside down, spiral and many other evasive techniques that could be useful to you in the future. I want you as safe as possible and Drogon can ensure that safety if he has access to his full range of motion."

Daenerys turned to look at Drogon on the stone slab, who stood eyeing her suspiciously with his snout turned away. She laughed. "He didn't cooperate with you?"

"More like he wouldn't even look at me. Just stuck his head high up in the air and pretended I wasn't even speaking to him." Aemon said with a hand on the back of his head in embarrassment.

Daenerys laughed again and turned back to Aemon. "What do you need him to do?"

"I need him to press his stomach close to the floor and lean as far to one side as possible so I can slide this up and into place." Aemon said showing with his hands how he needed Drogon to lay. "It's too heavy and he's too big for me to climb onto him with it. So he'll need to do it over here by this ledge so I can put it on him without having to climb. Then he'll need to allow me to buckle the neck and chest straps."

Daenerys considered her dragon. What Aemon said was true, Drogon did have to he considerate when flying with her in a way she preferred he didn't have to be. The saddle would offer advantages in the sky. "Very well, I'll see what I can do." She said as she approached Drogon.

At first he attempted to ignore her too. She called his name and waved her hands but he kept his head raised like some long necked bird without turning an eye towards her. So she started to climb him. Usually when she did this, he would slope his shoulder to allow her easier access. Gone were the days when she could swing a leg over him more like a horse. He was huge now and getting to his neck required cooperation or a good grip. As she climbed she nearly slipped and he reacted quickly, bringing his snout down to catch her feet and push her closer as he leaned his shoulder down, allowing her to be able to reach up and grab his neck spikes and hoist herself into seat.

"Lo ao ivestragī īlva dīnagon bisa va ao, ziry'll dohaeragon gaomagon nyke hen māzis hen hen ao isse se jēdar." If you let us put this on you, it'll help keep me from coming off of you in the sky. Drogon considered her for a moment with a side eye, seeming not to desire getting that close and personal with Aemon. She laughed again at his behavior. "Kessa gaomagon nyke ȳgha. Kostilus, ñuha jorrāelagon." It will keep me safe. Please, my love.

With a dramatic sigh and a glare at Aemon, Drogon moved towards the place Aemon had pointed to and turned himself on his side towards it while flattening his legs and bringing his stomach as close to the floor as possible. Daenerys marveled at his understanding of their previous conversation and once again reminded herself of the intelligence of dragons. Recognizing Drogon's cooperation Aemon reached down and grabbed the saddle at two points in the frame, crouched and lifted the saddle off the ground. Daenerys was stunned. She had not even been able to wiggle the saddle on the ground and Aemon had been able to lift it off the ground. She made a mental note to not underestimate his strength despite his body being more lithe and sculpted versus bulky.

Aemon carried the saddle with the straps and buckles dragging up the incline of the raised stone platform that Drogon had brought to his side. Coming up to Daenerys on his back he was level with her calves when he set the saddle down again. He looked up at her with a grin. "Are you going to gawk at me or are you going to move so I can get this up there?"

Realizing she had been staring at him with her mouth open, she quickly shut it and shuffled herself backwards, further down Drogon's back and out of the way as Aemon put the flat of the saddle against Drogon's side and pushed it upwards into place. It fit well in the subtle bend at the base of Drogon's neck. Aemon reached for her. "Give me your hand, come sit while I adjust the straps. Please ask him not to bite me in half."

Taking his hand for the second time this night she pulled herself over the back of the saddle and into the low part for her bottom, bending her knees into the hollows lower down meant for them and leaning forward to rest her chest on the forward hump. It wasn't the most comfortable thing, but it was well planned. She reached forward and grabbed the handles, feeling very secure. She looked to Aemon. "This is marvelous. Truly."

He smiled. "I have to secure it, my Queen. First I need to cinch the belt around his chest. If you could get him to stand?"

She didn't even need to command him when Drogon stood abruptly, ripping Daenerys upwards and her hand out of Aemon's that she hadn't realized she had still been holding. Drogon blew smoke out of his nose and turned to look at Aemon, almost as if to say "Well?". Daenerys found herself laughing again. "Please excuse Drogon, he has a flare for the dramatic."

"Clearly." Aemon said as he made his way under Drogon and fixed the chest strap and subsequently the neck strap. Standing back, he asked Drogon to flex a few appendages which he did and Aemon seemed pleased with the fit.

"Now my Queen, you'll want to tighten the leg belts around your thighs and the belts meant for your calves, they're two separate sets." Aemon said as he pointed. Daenerys looked at the straps hanging by her legs and was immediately confused. There were belts and straps galore, along with loose ropes. "After you've made sure those fit well you'll need to undo them and fit the lead ropes onto Drogon's spikes at four points so you can communicate direction to him."

"There's too many straps, I can't make sense of them. Would you mind showing me?" Daenerys asked, grabbing a random buckle and seeing if it might fit around her thigh but it wouldn't reach. Coming up the raised stone platform, Drogon leaned again as Aemon climbed him and kneeled on his back behind the saddle. Leaning to one side of Daenerys, she felt his hand holding the lip of the seat behind her, his fingers brushing her back as he looped one of the belts around her thigh and fastened it tightly. He gave her a look she couldn't recognize as he did it that sent shivers up her spine. He flexed his fingers and they stroked her back lightly as he cinched the other straps.

"And those other ropes?" She asked as he finished tightening the last belt.

"You'll attach those to different points. Or here, I'll do it." He climbed past her and attached the ropes to a spike on Drogon's spine closest to her and to another further down his neck. Then he attached a rope to a spike just before his left wing, mirroring the attachment on the right. The ropes formed two loops, which he handed to her. "If you put the top on that one, it'll communicate to him that he should turn his head up. If you put the bottom it'll communicate to go down or to slow." He said, pointing to the top rope and then to the bottom before explaining further "And if you pull left or right on that one, well I'm sure you can guess."

Daenerys practiced pulling on them and noticed Drogon's head move in response. It would take some practice.

"If you'll follow me, my Queen. You can practice with the saddle and I can show you the first part of the island I wanted to show you."

"Won't you need to show me how these work in the air?" Daenerys asked, worried she would send Drogon careening into a cliff and lamenting their even momentary separation. She wasn't sure why it made her feel that way, but it did. Aemon made her forget that she was at war, and she wanted to bask in it.

"There's not enough room on that saddle for two, my Queen. But there will be on the one I commissioned." Aemon answered as he gave her a dashing smile and walked off towards Viserion who bugled as he approached. Daenerys was beyond pleased to see Viserion so alight with energy and excitement. It made her wish for it for Rhaegal as well.

Aemon took off down the cavern, quickly gaining altitude and Drogon launched himself after them, the saddle leaning but holding fast to it's spot. She could hear the leather creak and flex as Drogon flapped his wings and shifted his body. She tried the directional ropes and found him very sensitive to her direction. When they cleared the cavern and the sky burst out around them, a darkening purple and pink in the dusklight, Daenerys pulled on the upward direction and continued pulling. Drogon did a sickening midair backflip and Daenerys squealed. She had always wanted to try that.

They followed Aemon and Viserion around the volcano, to a far side where a massive cliff drop off gave birth to a partial trench running half the span of the volcano. Small creeks that ran off the ocean and looped back to it emptied over the cliff and into nothingness and mist before the ocean below. Aemon lowered Viserion towards this mist but not in it as a large cave opened up on the cliffside, a swath of stone providing a floor going into it as waves slapped against it's face. The cave opened towards the setting sun and was well lit as Drogon followed Viserion into it. Inside it was much higher than the opening appeared, more pockets of water in the stone opening high above to spray the floor on either side, leaving the middle dry. The cavern echoed with the sounds of water in all forms of movement. Viserion landed inside this cavern towards the left, where falling water wet a set of raised stone boulders, flat on top and slick. Drogon landed behind him.

Unbuckling her straps Daenerys watched as Aemon waved Viserion off, and he took off leaving Aemon waiting for Daenerys in front of the row of boulders alone. Drogon lowered her to the ground and she waved him off as well, but he refused to fly off and simply stalked towards the lip on the outside of the cavern, content to keep one eye on her and one eye over the ocean. She turned to Aemon.

"What is this place?" She asked.

"This is where I'm going to teach you how to dance." He responded.

She felt herself flush. "To dance?" She asked incredulously. Surely he was joking.

Aemon turned away from her and stepped up onto the first wet stone platform, immediately stepping into a twirl that he finished by lowering himself down into a crouch with one leg out. He stood again quickly and jumped up, coming back down into a crouch and spinning before starting a feigned and partnerless carole dance. He was very graceful on his feet and as he finished the dance he came back down off the platform and approached her. He grabbed her hand and put it on the leather of his arm, which Daenerys noted was only slightly misted from the water.

"Being a good swordsman isn't about brute strength. It's partly about knowing how to move your sword." He said as he put his other hand on hers, stroking her knuckles with his thumb. "But with defensive swordplay you are going to rely heavily on your ability to move. You need to be light and quick on your feet. Learning to dance on these rocks will provide you with that skill before you even need to touch a sword."

Daenerys looked up into his face, his violet eyes intense as he held her hand in his. She knew she was blushing. "And if I fall?" She asked.

Swiftly he took both her hands in his and swung her away from him, pulling one hand above her head and twirling her into him as she gasped, her back flush against his chest. He wrapped both arms around her tightly and lifted her, spinning her in a playful circle with his breath in her ear: "Never." He said quietly.

He did not part from her immediately and she closed her eyes as her heart pounded in her chest, his arms like bars of stone around her abdomen that made her feel safer than her own ribcage. She felt him sigh as she leaned her head back on his shoulder, his breath on her neck as he brought a hand up to frame her face, his thumb stroking her jaw. "When do we start?" She asked, unable to hide the tremble in her voice.

He quickly tensed and untangled himself from her, taking a few steps backwards while she turned to look at him. He was visibly flustered as he walked back towards the stones, trying to get as much space between them as fast as possible. He sat on the nearest boulder and crossed his legs while avoiding her gaze as he looked out at Drogon past the opening of the cavern. The light of the sun was almost gone as the gold of it turned to the blue of the moon.

"Not tonight." Aemon said, and she felt her heart drop. He seemed to notice without any external cues and quickly elaborated. "You aren't wearing the right clothing. With a cloth overcoat it'll soak through even though it's only mist. I'm sure Ser Barristan would have my head if I brought you back with blue lips from the cold."

Daenerys smiled. So it wasn't because he didn't want to. "He informed me that he agreed to train you. How did you manage that?"

"When he saw that I'd made you a saddle and when I informed him of my desire to teach you basic swordplay, he acquiesced. Your safety is a common goal, it seems." Aemon said as he looked up at her again and smiled softly, sorrowfully. "We can come here again tomorrow and I can teach you if we get you leathers similar to my own. They're felt lined and will keep you warm without soaking and provide a full range of movement."

"I'll ask Grey Worm."

"Don't bother, I'll make that my task tomorrow. I'll meet you with them in hand, same place past the training yard."

"And you'll dance with me?" Daenerys asked, hopeful for more of his touch and for more of that feeling of safety. For more of forgetting the war, forgetting she was a Queen recapturing a kingdom. To be only a Targaryen learning how to be a Targaryen with a man who made her feel like a brilliant and shining version of herself.

He gave her that sorrowful smile again. "I'll show you how to move, but you won't learn balance if you're leaning into me the entire time. I'll be close by so that I can catch you if you stumble, but it defeats the purpose of teaching you how to move on your own if I frame you in my arms the entire time."

Daenerys tried to hide her look of disappointment, but it was clear he caught it as he stood. "We should head back to the castle."


She followed him on Drogon back to the cavern, surprised he wasn't alighting on the valley up above which was closer. He was lighting a torch, illuminating the blackness of the crevass as she dismounted Drogon and approached him. His face looked different in the orange light of the fire, the angles of his jaw and cheeks sharply shadowed giving him an angular and almost cat-like look. He truly was a beautiful man. Viserys had been beautiful in his own right, but not like this. Aemon's face was strength and delicate grace, dragon and cat all in one. Maybe this was what people meant when they described Rhaegar to her.

"I wanted to show you something else." He said, his violet eyes dancing with the snaking tips of the fire. "There's a secret passage at the back of the cavern that leads up through the walls of the castle and eventually into the war room through the carved dragon's face, though there are other doors in it that also empty into other rooms."

She looked at him with shock. "How is it that you could know of this passage? How did you know how to find that cavern? How did you know how to build a dragon saddle?" Her head spun with questions as she remembered again all of the mystery surrounding this man that made her feel familiar despite the shadow draped over his past.

He grabbed her hand and brought it briefly to touch his lips, the movement sending her heart into her throat as he brought it back down between them and led her forward. "In time, my Queen. I promise. For now allow me to share it all with you. You have a blood right to these secrets that you should never have been deprived of in the first place."

He led her to the back of the cavern where the dark and the walls closed in around them and a small tunnel showed it's opening as the back of the cave cornered off. "You'll want to remove your overcoat." He turned to tell her. "It gets fairly tight further in and it might be hard to pass with it on."

She let go of his hand and turned, offering him her back. He laid the torch down on the stone at their feet and pulled the heavy fur overcoat off of her shoulders, one of his hands lingering against the nape of her neck and she shuddered, turning to face him as his fingers remained in contact with her skin, now resting on her bare collar bone as he touched the pad of his thumb to the hollow of her throat. His touch was like fire against her ice cold neck. She watched as his eyes, hungry and dark, traced over her lips, her throat, and further down where her thin linen undershirt clung uselessly to her modesty. Her cheeks flamed with heat.

Sharply Aemon shook his head and reached down and picked up the torch, turning to walk into the tunnel without grabbing her hand, her coat tucked under his spare arm. She stepped into stride behind him, disappointed again at the sudden loss of contact. Internally, she reprimanded herself. Even if it melted away around him she was a Queen, he was a bastard. Beautiful as he may be, she needed to get ahold of herself. Aemon was clearly a gentleman and knew that too, but the idea of his respect and care for her made her revere him even more. She knew her gut feeling about him was right and it made it all the more difficult.

He was right when he had said that the passageway would be tight. As they inclined up into the castle, they were having to shuffle sideways. There were several turns and other door ways lined in light against the wall before they came to the end of the passageway and another door, where Aemon paused. "Here we are." He said as he shoved and with the grating sound of scraping stone, the door opened and they entered the war room.

She was surprised that they had moved her bedroom so quickly, but they'd managed it. Her large four poster feather bed was against the wall they had come out of, her armoires on the opposite wall. There was a wash basin in front of the fireplace next to a small bench and chairs and a table out by the balcony, which they had closed off with sheer curtains to block the cold and the wind. There were several candelabras lit around the room, giving it a warm and comfortable ambience. Daenerys found herself already tired.

Looking around Aemon chuckled. "You had them move your bedroom to this room?" He asked.

"I did. I liked the view here more." Daenerys responded, stepping forward and taking her overcoat from him to place in her armoire. Aemon followed her as she opened it and ran his hand among some of her other outfits. Her snow white goat skin suit with the pointed shoulders, her black leather suit with the dragon chain, her red leather dress with golden chain mail on the shoulders.

"These are beautiful." He said as he walked away from the armoire and she closed it. He walked over to the wash basin and traced his hand along the edge of it. It was made of gold and tin and painted red with an embossed dragon on the side. Very Targaryen. His posture dropped as he beheld it.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. He turned to her and she saw a look again in his eyes that she didn't recognize. "You're doing it again." She said.

"Doing what?"

"Several times since we have met you have had a far off look on your face. As if you've gone somewhere else." She answered.

"Perhaps I have." He said. "It's complicated."

She strode forward and grabbed his elbow, his eyes catching to hers with confusion and alarm. "Tell me. It won't be so complicated if you tell me."

"I can't."

"Why not?" She demanded.

This time his face wasn't far off. It was sad. This man grieved for something and he wouldn't tell her. It broke her heart. So she did the only thing she could think of to do. She reached her arms up around his neck and embraced him, holding him tightly against her as she put her face over his shoulder and into his hair, his body going rigid against her. He smelled of stone and dragon and leather. His hair was soft and light, much like her own. For a moment he stood with his arms held out and his muscles tensed.

"Daenerys..." he whispered.

"I don't know what happened." She said, stroking the back of his head with her hand. "But I'm sorry. I'm sorry it happened. I know the look of grief when I see it. I've had it my entire life. I see it every time I look in a mirror."

At that he softened somewhat and returned her embrace, wrapping his arms around her back and putting his lips against her temple. She moved to look at him.

Before she could catch his face he turned away, spinning to walk towards the door. "I should go." He said.

She reached out and grabbed his wrist tightly. She didn't understand why he seemed to be so determined to get away from her when her gut told her something different. "Are you married?" She asked before she could second guess herself.

"I was." He said as he bowed his head and shadow overtook his face. "She's dead now."

Daenerys didn't need to ask if it was true. She knew it was. She dropped his wrist. "I understand." She said.

He looked up at her again. "Daenerys, that's not -"

"No. I get it. I do." She said, holding up a hand. "I lost Drogo horribly. I wasn't the same after and I'm still not. Maybe I can tell you about it tomorrow. But you're right, I'm weary after the day and would like to retire for a bath and bed."

He gave her a soft smile. "That tub is quite comfortable. Enjoy it."

"I will." She said and he strode out the door.

Immediately following him came Ser Barristan sweeping into the room who she explained the passage to and asked for the servants to come and fill the tub. He immediately obliged her and exited to guard her door.

Later as Daenerys sat soaking in the hot tub, she felt the weight of her Queenly duties returned and longed again to be near the man that made her forget those things. She loved her place and she coveted her birthright, but the tightness that had existed in her chest being the last of her people fighting to reclaim a lost kingdom evaporated in his presence. With Aemon Rivers she wasn't alone and she knew he felt the same. Dunking herself to her neck in the water, she ran her wash cloth over her body, lamenting they were not the rough and strong hands of someone she probably shouldn't wish were touching her.





I hope you guys are ready for a slow burn with explosive moments because that's where it's headed. I am going to try to shorten chapters a bit, the last couple were pretty long, but maybe you guys like that? Let me know.

Chapter 7: Safer Than My Own Ribcage


This chapter ran a little longer than I thought it would. Lady Olenna makes her entrance soon! Spice this chapter and a big treat next chapter as well. Hope you enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (7)


Last night he had almost lost his mind and kissed the Queen. It had taken every ounce of his willpower to reign in his former self and to withstand the temptation to crush his lips to hers more than once that night. The way her body had felt against his when he danced with her and the way she seemed eager for him to touch her, so responsive when he did. The way her skin had looked in the light of the torch when he peeled her coat off of her back, pale like snow but pink in the appropriate places. So intimate when she had hugged him as he recalled the moments with Rhaenyra in that basin, both bereft and alight with the excitement of a new Queen who was as beguiling as a Goddess. The older version of himself wouldn't have hesitated, he would have captured her mouth with his own and made her writhe in ecstacy, the thought creating an uncomfortable space as his pants grew tight in the groin.

He sat up in his bed and threw the furs off, hoping the cold would shock the thoughts from his mind. She had a duty to the realm, a task she respected and gave her life to, and he had a duty to her to help her achieve that. He couldn't distract her, and even more so he couldn't allow her to convince him to. The attraction was palpable for him and he knew it was for her too by the way she responded to him. Knowing he could do such things to her was a massive ego boost that threatened to send his mind spiraling in the wrong direction again, but through his responsibility to her he would need to curb it. If they were to have any hope of defeating the enemy to the north, he would have to do as he was meant to and lead her to her full power and to the restoration of their bloodline. He had to remind himself that that did not involve f*cking her, as hard as the desire was to shake from his core.

He rose from bed and brushed his hair out of the braids he had made, tying it up again in a high bun. Donning the leathers from the previous day, he made his way to the Dothraki quarter outside of the castle to check on the progress of their saddles and to request something else be made. After he visited them, content with their progress, he went to the training yard to find Grey Worm or his underling, Red Rat. He found Red Rat and told him that the Queen wished for a set of felt lined battle leathers by end of day. His eyes widened as he left the yard, moving quickly.

As he turned to make his way back to the castle, he saw Ser Barristan entering the training yard, in full armor and regalia. The old man noticed him as well and beckoned him over.

"I would have some time after midday to work through some poses with you, if you'd like." Ser Barristan offered.

Daemon had completed his request tasks for the day, so he happily nodded. "Yes, Ser. I could have much to learn from someone who singlehandedly rescued his King the way that you did. I understand why you were appointed Commander. I also respect you for seeking Daenerys out the way that you did, it feels familiar to my own journey to her."

Ser Barristan tilted his head in acknowledgment. "I went to her out of respect for her ancestors who I served, I've stayed because I've seen her power and I believe in the world she wants to build."

Daemon gestured to the door leading into the castle. "I was just about to get a cup of wine, if you'd like to join me? I feel I have much to ask you about."

"I've got work to do now. But I'll have lunch in the hall. I can meet you then."



Before midday, Daemon spent time walking around the castle to see what everyone spent their time doing. He noticed that Daenerys stayed in the throne room along with Ser Jorah and Missandei, taking appointments with various peoples to handle a range of issues; from making decisions on whether or not they should import goats or pigs to revisions of certain damaged wings of the castle. He could hear their voices echoing from the bottom of the great stone staircase and made a point not to be seen by her.

Tyrion had started his morning inside of the throne room, but he exited after about an hour with Daenerys and following him quietly from far behind, Daemon assessed he was going to the raven tower, likely to send the days messages out. He noted that he would have to watch the comings and goings to see who all recieved the ravens and wondered how long it would be before they called a Maester from the citadel. When Tyrion came back down, Daemon followed him again up to the chambers on the opposite side of the castle where more solars lay. Tyrion entered in through a doorway and Daemon could hear him speaking to Varys in greeting just before it closed.

Thinking it time to introduce himself proper, Daemon waited an appropriate period of time before knocking lightly on the door. Varys answered it, his head turned speaking to Tyrion when he did, but when he turned his head around to greet who he must have thought a maid, his mouth dropped open.

"Oh my." He said, looking up at Daemon with dark purple, nearly blue eyes set into a head with no hair, none even on his face. He had small squinty eyes, a round belly, thin nose, and a pointed chin. "You're much taller up close."

Tyrion came to see who was at the door and frowned. "All the more reason not to let him in, it appears. He exceeds the height limits set in this room." He said, throwing his hands in the air and retreating back inside where Daemon couldn't see him.

"I only thought it time we made a proper introduction, my Lords." Daemon said, fighting the urge to keep sarcasm from his tone. "I was told you were meeting up here so I came to say hello. Since I will be joining the council soon according to our Queen."

Varys let out a small chuckle and put his hands in the air, making a dramatic show of letting go of the door as he walked back into the room. "Very well, come in. I suppose you're right and we have some questions brewing, if you wouldn't mind."

Daemon stepped into the room and realized it was an office. No bed, but a large desk on one side of the room piled with parchment, books, scolls and several quills littered about it. There was a massive and long window on one side with several plants hanging, a few colorful flowering plants and a couple ivys of some sort, their leaves falling to scrape the stone floor below them. Opposite the desk on the other side of the room was a shelf covered in books, many on histories and others on language and he made a mental note to ask about borrowing a couple of them. In the center of the room was a large sitting table with several chairs and a wine set in the center. Tyrion sat on the far side closest to the desk, filling his wine cup from the pitcher.

"What is it you would like to ask me?" Daemon asked, pulling out a chair and taking a seat, politely declining with a hand gesture when Varys offered him a goblet.

"That won't do." Varys said as he set the goblet he had offered back on the center tray and took a seat at the table in between him and Tyrion. "You first. Surely you didn't come up here with nothing in mind to say."

"Attempting to glean what you can from what information I offer up willingly, my Lord?" Daemon teased.

"Precisely, seeing as how you've given so little of it that appears to be true." Varys said sharply. He had earned his second title of Spider, Daemon thought.

"Very well, my Lord. Or are you even a Lord? What is the proper title for you?" Daemon chided again.

"That joke is old and worn out I'm afraid. You should try getting creative with the eunuch jokes. He doesn't have a co*ck or balls, either." Tyrion cut in, taking a drink from his cup. At this distance Daemon noticed that his eyes were two different colors, one green and one an inky, soulless black.

Varys looked at Tyrion and exaggerated a frown. "Must you always bring that up? You have a more potent obsession with my missing appendages than even I do."

"You could poke back with jokes about his own co*ck. A wee man with a wee pecker." Daemon offered, and Tyrion laughed again.

"You would think," he said, wagging his finger. "But you would be very wrong."

Daemon grimaced and Varys chuckled. "Do come out with it though, Aemon. Or do you prefer to be called Rivers?" He rolled his eyes. "What do you want from us?"

"In truth I don't have a speech planned. I wanted to come and assess Daenerys' other advisors to see if they were trustworthy and true to her ambition."

He didn't expect it, but Tyrion and Varys both howled with laughter, Tyrion legitimately guffawing while Varys straightened quickly and dropped his smile. "My my. You really do have some audacity." He said, face humorless. "On what authority does a lying, alleged riverlands bastard come to assess our worth to the Queen?"

"On the Queen's, apparently." Daemon quipped. "Since she felt it pertinent to name me to the council." He had to remind himself that these conversations were important and not to lose his cool. Varys and Tyrion were showing their hand. They were arrogant and felt themselves the smartest men in the room. Traits that could be exploited.

"And how did you manage that?" Tyrion asked. "I've been rather curious. She had to consider my appointment, Varys' too. Excuse my concern and surprise when she names you after only just meeting you and when you appear to be lying through your teeth."

"You ask as if I manipulated the Queen into appointing me." Daemon stated.

"You didn't?" Varys asked pointedly.

"I don't believe it appropriate for an advisor to manipulate their Queen. That's not what you're meant to be doing."

Varys sucked his teeth. "Such ignorance in the art of politics, every advisor manipulates their advised. What is your point if not to do so?" Varys explained languidly . "An advisor is always trying to convince, that's the task appointed to them. It is our job to know how to manipulate everyone around us, or else how would we argue for our advice?"

"Daenerys appointed us because she values our input." Tyrion added. "It's part of our skill set to convince her that our input is the advice that she should follow."

Daemon glared at them both. "Sounds like the cravens way of eclipsing the will of their Queen. You can convince and argue your position without manipulation. It's deceitful."

"What of manipulation is deceitful? Do we have different ideas of the word?" Varys asked, offended. "I am honest with my Queen in that I tell her my advice is what she should follow, and I'm transparent in my attempts to convince her. Where is deceit?"

"There's deceit in the ulterior motives of your advice. The desires of your ambition that would have her behave to your benefit." Daemon accused. "What is your purpose here? Your ulterior motive?"

"I serve the realm." Varys said clearly. "And all who live in it."

"I, too, wish to see Westeros restored to it's former glory." Tyrion seconded. "I believe Daenerys the right person to bring about that era. Much better a ruler and much more benevolent than my sister currently on the Iron Throne."

Daemon balked. He had not realized. "Your sister?"

"Yes, I would have thought this something you were aware of." Tyrion said, swishing his wine around in his goblet. "The Dowager Queen who now sits the throne of Westeros is my elder sister, who has wanted me dead my entire life. I hold no loyalty to her."

"Normally siblings who no longer consider each other such do not still name one 'sister'." Daemon said blankly. Tyrion made much more sense to him now. He was a Lannister.

"Daenerys appointed me because she thought my advice worth having. Without manipulation she has decided this." Daemon said.

"I'm not quite so sure that's true, Aemon Rivers. If your own definition of manipulation requires deceit, haven't you brought plenty of that with your lies about where you came from?" Varys asked, sweet as honey.

This conversation was running in circles. Each of them accusing the other of something heinous, distrust thick in the air. He did not come here with the intent to dislike these men and with his reconnaissance plans already in motion he didn't need to accuse them of anything, he would know the moment they betrayed his Queen. So he reached for a different tactic.

"The only person I have obligation to answer to is Daenerys." Daemon postured. "Her approval is the only approval I need."

"Do you expect us not to have issue with you only telling pieces of your story to our Queen?" Tyrion asked. "It's our duty to protect her as well."

"I have told her more than you have been told, it will remain that way. You need not know the content of my confessions to her, but only that I am being forthcoming with my Queen." Daemon stated. "And at the risk of offense, she wants us to get along. Maybe that would start with you leaving dragon affairs to the dragons?"

"The affairs of our Queen are all of our affairs. But I can agree to an understanding that we have a common goal, despite my issues with your appointment and moral character." said Varys.

"And your hair." Tyrion chimed in. "I never understood why Targaryen men had such long hair. Makes you all look rather like a lady, which is a hard confusion after a few pitchers of wine."

Daemon realized his attempt at lightening the mood, but had no interest in the bait. He rose to his feet as it was nearly midday. "My Lords, before I leave for an appointment I have with the Lord Commander, may I borrow a few books from your shelves here? It's quite a collection."

Varys nodded and gestured towards the bookshelf, Daemon striding over to it and selecting three large books before exiting as a servant brought food in on a tray. Good timing.


By the time he made it to the mess hall in the antichamber of the kitchens downstairs from the throne room, the sound of soldiers chattering, banging dishes and shuffling boots drowned out all ability to think. There were at least three or four hundred Unsullied and Dothraki eating and drinking in scattered groups, most walking out of the kitchens and past the entrance to exit the castle and eat outside. Daemon guessed that these were higher officers, as both the Unsullied and Dothraki encampments had their own mealtimes.

Glancing across the tables he quickly spotted Ser Barristan with his white cloak sitting among a group of Dothraki, talking intently with the one across from him, a seat open to his left. After grabbing a plate at the head table, he waded through the aisle and plopped himself down in the open seat.

Ser Barristan turned to him and clapped him on the back, his face still stuck smiling from the animated conversation he was having with the Dothraki man across from him. "Welcome, Aemon." He said warmly. "Let me introduce you to the Commander of the Dothraki forces here on Dragonstone. His name is Qhono."

Daemon nodded to Qhono who tilted his chin up in turn, which carried a thick and straight full beard combed into a tie at the tip. He had his very long dark hair tied into a braid that reached past his seat, every movement he made jingling tiny bells tied into that braid. "Well met, Qhono."

"Barristan says you wish for him to train you." Qhono said. "Why not Dothraki? We are the best fighters on this side of the water."

"I thought that title went to the Unsullied? Or do you not know the story of the Three Thousand of Qohor?" Daemon laughed.

Qhono stared at him for a moment, unlaughing so long that Daemon wondered if his joke didn't land, but then Qhono smiled. He pointed his finger at Daemon and laughed, moving to point at Ser Barristan. "You said he was fun." Qhono grabbed his plate and made to rise. "But what's it to be a good fighter if you've no co*ck to enjoy your spoils?" He nodded as he rose to his feet, leaving.

"Did I upset him?" Daemon asked Barristan.

"No, he just knows you wish to speak to me and doesn't have any interest." Selmy said, turning to face Daemon. "What have you been getting into today? As far as I know you haven't been summoned to council yet."

"I spent most of my morning introducing myself to Tyrion and Varys." Daemon answered.

Barristan raised his eyebrows. "So you walked right into the snake pit with that one?"

"Spider pit, more like."

"So things went bad with Varys?" Selmy seemed concerned.

Daemon gestured dismissively. "About as well as I expected. He's suspicious of me as are the rest of you, but we found a common goal. I don't agree with his advisory methods but it's not up to me to question the Queen's appointments just as much as it isn't up to any of you to question her about me."

Ser Barristan nodded. "Surely you understand why they're suspicious? Your story is preposterous."

"Why is it so unbelievable? Were Aerys and Rhaegar so golden that it's impossible they had bastards?" Daemon offered.

"Not impossible that they had bastards. Impossible that they had a bastard that grew into adulthood in the Riverlands that Varys had never heard of." He responded. "Not to mention a bastard carrying Dark Sister, a sword that disappeared during the Dance of the Dragons with the death of Daemon Targaryen. Men still fish the God's Eye searching for it, yet here you are with having had it for... however long. How old are you?"

Daemon gulped, feeling his face pale despite his efforts to remain composed. Selmy was so close to the mark, so close. "I'm 39."

"And where were you born?"

"In a village south of Ashemark." Daemon answered quickly. "Can you tell me what exactly your concern is? I clearly have no desire to harm Daenerys."

"Plainly?" Barristan asked.


"I am worried that you are a Blackfyre descendant come to take your place as King next to Daenerys, and supplant your own heirs to her throne."

Of course Barristan Selmy would be worried about the Blackfyres. The Blackfyres were a naturalized bastard house of house Targaryen, an issue that came about after his death but thankfully he read about it when he studied Selmy. The knight had fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings where he himself had ended the invasion and slain the last Blackfyre Pretender, Maelys the Monstrous.

"I'm not a Blackfyre." Daemon said earnestly. "But even if I was, I don't share their politics. I have no wish to rule. Rulers should be people capable of diplomacy and tact. They should care what many different people think of them, and do things that appease the masses. I've never given more than the sh*t off the bottom of my boot as to what anyone thinks of me and I don't mince words with those I don't like. I'd make a terrible ruler. We'd be at war with everyone."

"We are at war with everyone now." Ser Barristan pointed out. "Daenerys lost everyone she loves due to the kingdom turning against Targaryen violence. I'm glad it's her and not you who stands to lead us."

"Me too." Daemon said. "I'm sure you saw it first hand, being Commander during the reign of the 'Mad King'."

Ser Barristan frowned and drank from his cup, his posture sloping as he seemed exasperated by the thought of the King he once served. "He wasn't always mad. He was once just as charming and charismatic as his son, Rhaegar. He was a hero and a beacon for a Prince." He explained, looking off into the distance above the heads of the clamoring soldiers. "But he became King when his entire family besides his wife and son burned to death in a fire at Summerhall, one he barely escaped. He had to deal with that and then rule a Kingdom he had never planned to rule."

"You sound sympathetic to a man that then turned that fire on innocents, melting them with wildfire." Daemon said disappointedly.

"I am. I am sympathetic." Selmy said, turning to look at Daemon. "After the fire his wife had many miscarriages and stillbirths. His court whispered against him and he became paranoid. He would ramble about the importance of maintaining the Targaryen line, restoring the house to glory."

Daemon raised his eyebrows at the words mirrored from the flames. "Returning the house to glory?"

"Yes, I was never sure what he meant." Barristan went on. "But then he was kidnapped. They had him for six months. I don't know what all they could have done to him, but when I rescued him he was a broken man. The paranoia ate him alive. He starved himself afraid someone was going to poison him. I tried hard and often to convince him not to do the things he did, but he saw enemies everywhere. He was beyond logic swallowed wholly by irrational fear. It consumed him. And then when Brandon Stark came demanding Rhaegar he kept saying 'It's the enemy from the North, they've come at long last' over and over again. He burned them out of hatred and fear. That paranoia burned away everything that he was, in the end he was an evil craven who deserved what he got, but never did his family deserve to die the way they did. Never did Daenerys deserve the loss of her entire house over Robert Baratheon's ego and the evil deeds of her damaged father."

More words from the prophecy. Had Aerys known of the Song of Ice and Fire? Had Rhaenyra managed to tell another before she died? Why would he think that the Starks were the enemy to the North? "That's given me a lot to think about." Daemon said as he noticed some of the soldiers beginning to file out. "What makes Daenerys different from her family in your eyes?"

"Her ability to recognize her own shortcomings and her own strengths. Her ability to appoint advisors and to listen to them in such a way that it maintains a true balance. She has done well with listening and with knowing when to tell us no." He said. "Also her ambition to break the wheel. She wants to change the way things have always been done in Westeros, topple the monarchy. It's inspiring."

Daemon was surprised. He didn't know she intended to end the rule of monarchs. Did she intend not to take the throne or to name herself Queen? "How can she end a monarchy while being a monarch?"

"She has to take the Kingdoms first before she can change them." Ser Barristan responded.

"True enough."


Over the next couple hours Ser Barristan worked with him on some new poses and swings, and spent time dueling him to the point of his arms feeling like lead. He needed the refresher and to get back into the habit of swordwork, and Selmy was fantastic. Truly a master of his craft and Daemon was endlessly grateful that he had agreed to train him and help him improve.

They spent some of the time talking about Daenerys, the Unsullied and the Dothraki, and the advisors. He got a read that Ser Barristan also had issues trusting Varys and Tyrion, but that he trusted Ser Jorah implicitly. He hated Cersei for the way she had handled things in King's Landing when Robert Baratheon died, and dreamt of one day putting down her twin brother, Jamie Lannister. As their time together drew to a close and he was recalled to the throne room, Daemon was quite fond of the older man and decided he would make sure to bring him into his confidence when it mattered.

Returning to his solar, Daemon turned his attention to the many books he had accrued and began to pour over them, paying particular attention to the history of the Blackfyre rebellions and Robert's Rebellion.

During his reading Red Rat came to see him with Daenerys' armor, which he asked to be delivered to her immediately. He fought off the urge to imagine her slipping into it.


Before it was time to go and meet Daenerys he explored the empty solars on the floor above theirs, finding one with a window so perfectly placed that it faced the raven tower and the courtyard in between the largest building of the castle and the main gate on the outer walls. It allowed him to see when the advisors came and went from the raven tower or from the offices where he had met Varys and Tyrion earlier. He noticed there was a light burning in the raven tower and watched it descend the stairwell to the bottom floor and pop out of the exit attached to Tyrion. With a couple scrolls in hand, he walked towards the offices and not towards the throne room. Daemon wondered what they said and if they'd reach Daenerys or not.

He left quickly and headed towards the landing fields, noticing the throne room was empty as he passed it. She had not arrived in the fields yet, so he waited for her. It wasn't long before the sun was low in the sky and he saw her coming through the training yard, wearing the leathers he'd sent to her. He had to clench his jaw to keep his mouth shut. It fit marvelously, hugging every curve like a glove. She had wide hips that looked plush and comfortable that swayed as she walked towards him, a tapered waist going upwards into an ample chest. The way she carried herself as she strode was regal, from the swing of her hips to her straight back and strong step. Her hair was braided up and out of the way, showing her long lovely neck and cut jawline. For a moment he thought about asking her to lead the way so he could have a look at her from another angle, but put the idea away quickly.

"I see the leathers fit well." Daemon commented.

"You had Red Rat running around like a mad man looking for my measurements and materials." Daenerys commented. "How cruel." And she smiled at him.

As Daemon led her down to the crevass, they agreed that for further meetings they would meet inside of it, with the dragons. She would use the secret passage, which she had already had cleaned by a small group of discreet maids. When they got to the dragons they flew quickly to the cavern, eager to get started with their work.

Daemon was careful throughout his lessons not to touch her, at great difficulty as she seemed to attempt to find every reason to try. As he had her working through easy poses for awhile to hold and balance on rather than dancing yet, she did not fall. She listened attentively to his instructions and blushed when he asked her to do things like spread her legs or balance on her bottom. He learned quickly that she had horrible balance due to a weak core, so he figured they would likely need to do balance poses for a couple weeks at least. He found relief in the knowledge that there wouldn't be any risk of her falling for some time yet.

As they trained she brought up having difficultly with the reigns of her saddle and asked Daemon to fly with her again, something he rebuked with the same reasoning he had given her previously. They needed to wait for the new Dothraki saddle. He had also instructed the Dothraki to make something else for her, something he was both excited and scared to give to her.

He also told her of his conversations with Varys, Tyrion and Ser Barristan. She seemed pleased with his growing alliance with Selmy but unhappy with the discontent between him and Varys and Tyrion. "They're smart men who want to see me succeed. Please believe that of them." She had said, but he would be sure.

When their training was over and he dropped her off in her room through the secret passage for the night, she paused as if to say something but then hesitated and didn't.

"Are you okay?" He asked before heading towards her door.

She looked disappointed but "Yes." was her following answer.

He suspected that she sensed the shift in him from before, his avoidance to touch her, and was either disappointed or concerned about his feelings for her. He wasn't quite sure of the route he should take. Undoubtedly, though, he did not want her to think that he had no desire to touch her, so he reached forward slowly and grazed her cheek in the firelight with the back of his fingers. She leaned barely perceptive into his touch, her violet eyes glowing as she looked at him.

"Don't worry, my Queen. When your saddle is done I will take you flying down the coast and show you how to spiral on Drogon. It'll be like nothing you've ever felt before."

She smiled softly and he returned it before dropping his hand and leaving her for the night.


The next couple weeks passed quickly as Daemon kept himself busy. He spent the mornings tracking the movements of Daenerys' other advisors, mapping out a rough schedule for each of them. He found that Tyrion and Varys both came and went from the raven tower, sometimes taking scrolls to their office, other times taking it straight to Daenerys in the throne room.

Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah were either both with Daenerys throughout the day or they rotated, spending time amongst the soldiers when not with their Queen. Jorah favored the Dothraki and Selmy the Unsullied, but he often spent time with either of them in the training yard, keeping himself fit and battle-ready. He found he was about even with Ser Jorah in skill, impressed with his reputation of having killed a Dothraki blood rider in single combat. Ser Barristan however was still leagues ahead of them both, a true God among swordsman that Daemon looked up to greatly. In his attempts to lessen though not erase the impulsivity and violent nature of his past, he looked up to the old knights demeanor and composure.

After nailing down their schedules, Daemon took to taking a hike to the side of the island closest to the mainland whenever he had time to manage it and intercepted ravens both coming to and leaving Dragonstone. His first couple tries he missed his mark, but on the third try he brought the raven and the scroll it had been carrying down. He knew that taking very few of them was wisest as it was always expected that at least some ravens might be shot down in wartime. The letter he managed to shoot down was an instruction letter for a Targaryen loyalist in Fawnton where he was being told to write back when Lady Olenna and her traveling party passed through. Nothing of concern, Daemon tucked the scroll away to resend with seal unbroken in the dead of night. He missed the days when he had men loyal to him in every city, his own master of whispers. Tracking ravens would be a slow and unreliable way to be sure of Tyrion and Varys' allegiances.

Daenerys had not called him to council yet, but had brought it up multiple times during their nightly training sessions. She lamented how slow this beginning process of the war was going, waiting for Lords who were traveling by horse seemed slow progress to someone accustomed to dragonback. Her daily tasks reminded her of ruling over an easier Mereen, dealing with resource allocation and social squabbles among the people settled here.

The most marked excitement coming from the letter recieved from the North, confirming Jon Snow's acceptance of Daenerys' invitation and his impending travel to Dragonstone. Among the Lords who were visiting he was the only one who fashioned himself a King, and Daenerys was unsure of how to move forward in her attitude towards his self-coronation. Daemon remembered the Starks fondly as true oathkeepers of honor who knew well how to make war. He counciled Daenerys to reserve judgment until the arrival of the Northern King, which she agreed to.

Every evening when they trained they would talk, about everything and nothing all at once. She told him about how she'd lost Drogo to blood magic by a witch who told her she would never have children of her own. She told him of their travels across the Red Waste to Qarth and the thievery of her dragons and her vision in the House of the Undying. She slowly peeled back her history for him, including the parts of her that were scared and worried, lonely and fatigued. He knew in his heart she didn't bare herself like this for anyone else, so he allowed her to speak while he listened, offering comfort or acknowledgement when needed but overall letting her spill the vulnerable parts of herself in the safety he provided her.

Towards the end of the second week of their training, Daemon began to notice that Daenerys was holding her poses better. Where previously her body had shaken during her Lord of the Dance or Warrior held poses, she stood firmly and did not wobble. She moved through the poses fluidly without losing balance or leaning.

"I think it's time for me to test the strength of your hold." He said one day as she was standing in the Tree position, hands together and straight above her with one foot held up. She regarded him with a questioning look as he raised his hand and shoved her lightly in the ribs causing her to lose her balance and put her second foot on the floor.

"Am I truly meant to hold these positions while you push me?" She asked.

"You're meant to try." He said.

She hardened her gaze and held the pose again, Daemon watched as she clenched her jaw and tightened her whole body as he pushed her a second time. This time she went over easier than the first.

"That's not possible." She said with annoyance.

"It is," he said as he circled around behind her, placing a hand on the front of her stomach and the other on her back. "You use your core. Right here. You don't need to tighten everything. Let your legs and arms bend with the movement but hold your core to hold the pose."

She took the position again and he pushed her lightly again, this time she held it. He pushed her a second time a little harder and she lost balance again, but she seemed determined over annoyed now that she knew how to manage it. They spent some time doing that, posing and pushing, before she planted her feet and squared herself to him.

"I'm getting bored of these poses. I understand their purpose and that I need to keep doing them, but I'd enjoy a small piece of what I'm going to be doing next." She said determinedly. "What girl doesn't love to dance?"

"I'm not sure you'll love to dance if you lose your sense banging your head against the stone of this floor." He said, stomping his foot for emphasis, the sound echoing around the cave.

"At least show me the first thing I'll be learning and let me try it." She said and when he looked like he was about to object again she put a finger in the air. "Uh-uh. You said you would catch me anyhow. Your Queen commands it."

Daemon frowned. "Fine." He said. "You will try this."

Striding away from her, he stood with his feet shoulderwidth apart, stretched up on the balls of his feet and jumped. As he jumped he spun to face the opposite way, opening his legs further than they had been only to land with them shoulderwidth apart again, but this time resting on his heels. He explained the movements while he repeated them. "Do you understand?" He asked.

"That looks easy." Daenerys mused.

"It's more slippery than you think it is."

She pushed her lips together into a sharp line and positioned her feet shoulderwidth apart. Daemon came to stand near her, knees bent and arms loose ready to catch her. He was grateful he did this because as she leapt upwards she managed a half spin and coming back down onto the balls of her feet she leaned too far back and slipped backwards, her feet flying into the air above her as her head came falling to the stone. Leaping and hitting his knees below her Daemon managed to catch her and prevent her hitting her head with his arms cradled around her torso as she landed in his lap.

Looking down at her she turned pink from embarrassment and sat up straight, sitting with her knees swept to the side next to him on the stone, facing the opposite way. She had her hand on the back of her head as if to appreciate what didn't happen as she said "You were right. It was more slippery than I thought it would be."

Frustrated, Daemon reached forward and put his hand under her chin, tilting her face up to look at him. "I need you to hear me when I say this." He said sternly, her breath catching. "I understand you are the Queen. You are used to leading the way, determining the path, dictating what happens next. But that can't be the case here. You can not be the Queen of your training. You can not dictate how I teach you to move your body. You must trust me and allow me to guide you, for your own safety."

Her eyes flashed. "So if I want to try something new?"

He removed his hand from her chin. "We can talk about it. But you must accept no for an answer when it's given."

"I've never been very good at that." She said as she reached out and grabbed a strand of his hair. He tensed. They were very close, her legs touching his as they kneeled side by side on the stone. She rubbed the strand of his hair between two of her fingers. "Yours is so straight and smooth compared to my curls. The same color but so varied."

Daemon smiled. "Could hardly tell yours is curly, you have it so tightly braided."

"Isn't that easier when we need to do this?"

"It is." He said. "That doesn't mean it isn't beautiful when it's down. I've only seen it down that one time you came to my room."

Grinning, she let go of his hair and put her arms to her head, undoing the braids.

"Oh, you don't need to do that." He said.

"They're giving me a headache. I was stupid and tried to save time putting my training braids in early this morning. Shut up and help me. Or am I not allowed to be the Queen of my own hair, either?" She said as she turned the back of her head to him.

With a resigning sigh he helped her undo her braids, familiar with the pattern having done his own and having helped Rhaenyra with hers. As he untangled the locks with his fingers he noticed how her hair in particular was pure silver, like opal or moonlight. Some Targaryens had hair that shone more yellow or white but hers was ethereal as he removed the final braid and as long as her torso it fell all the way to the floor in her crouched position. She turned her face back towards him and it swept over her shoulder as she began running her fingers through it.

"Better?" She asked as she looked up at him through her lashes, a small grin on her mouth.

He bit his tongue on the inside of his mouth, drawing blood as she reached forward and grabbed his hand, pulling it to her to place in her hair. He mirrored her actions earlier and rubbed a strand of it between his fingers, marveling at how soft yet thick the individual hairs were.

"See?" She said. "It's different."

"Yes. It is."

"This is different too." She said as she grabbed his hand and turned it over, rubbing her other hand across the calluses on his palm. "Your hand is so rough."

"Surely you're not unaccustomed to the rough hands of men?" He asked, recognizing this game as an excuse to touch him. He needed to draw it to a close. "Yours will have calluses of their own before long when I put a sword in your hand."

He moved to pull his hand from hers but before he could she took one of her hands and put it behind his head, tugging at the ties on his own braids. "Daenerys..." He protested as she pulled one free.

"It's only fair."

They were shoulder to shoulder now as he undid the rest of it for her, watching her gaze as she observed it drape over his shoulders. She looked up at him again as the light of the sunset reflected in her eyes and he couldn't help himself as he grabbed a handful of her curls and brought it to his face, smelling it. Lavender and myr he smelled, along with the scent of stone that permeated everything here. He closed his eyes as she brought a hand up to hold his and her other hand touched his cheek, her eyes intense as they flickered to his lips. The arousal was like a lightning bolt through him of realization as he tensed and made to stand.

He couldn't as she gripped him tightly and held him firmly to the floor. "Why?" She asked, and he didn't need to ask for clarification.

He shuddered. Her expression was piercing as she looked at him, pleading for an explanation he didn't know how to give her. "What do you want, Daenerys?"

"An explanation." She said, her hand still on his, her other resting hooked around the back of his neck. "Why do you look at me so ravenously and then run when I touch you?"

"Because I don't know what it is you're seeking from me. I am meant to be an advisor, to support you in your journey to win the Iron Throne." He stated.

"Is an advisor all you wish to be?" She asked, lowering her hand as her eyes turned sad and she looked to the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm unaccustomed to the idea of men not wanting to be touched by me. This is... new and humbling for me."

He frowned at her assumption. "Daenerys, as I tried to tell you the other night. That isnotit."

"It's just..." She started and hesitated, her breath shaking as she looked away from him. "You make me feel safe. You make me feel like myself. I haven't felt like that in a long time, not since Drogo. I told you about him. I was greedy and foolish and lost him and that feeling went with him. I don't want to lose that feeling again. You're my advisor but you're something more. There's a sense of home with you that I've never had before." She put her hand to her mouth and to his horror he saw a tear stream down her face. "So please, if I'm being pushy, if you don't want me this close because of any reason, maybe your wife, I'll understand. But I need you to stay so I don't feel so lost in the world again."

His chest ached. He couldn't begin to imagine how she felt. The last of her people, alone in the world, surrounded by people with their own desires and motivations and while they wanted her to take back her throne they had no idea how to direct her into winning back the legacy of her ancestors. No one else was able to give her what he was giving her and because he was too afraid to distract her from fighting for her throne, he was neglecting the needs of her soul. As if a throne was all that mattered if you felt alone in sitting it. She sat in front of him, lonely and craving the familiar and he pushed her away for his drive for her to be Queen. Was he being selfish in the same way all her other advisors were being and ignoring what she knew she needed in favor of what he thought she did?

And he broke. He pulled her to him in a crushing embrace, lifting her up into his lap as he buried his face in her hair. She threw her arms around him and shuddered, putting her face into his neck while he stood with her in his grip. He carried her off of the rocks and out of the wet, setting her feet down again as he continued to hold her and brought his lips to her ear. "I'm not going anywhere, Dany. I swear it. I want to serve you in whatever way you desire."

She held him tighter and sighed as she melted into him, her body flush against his. He held her up with one arm around her waist, the other up her back with his hand tangled in her hair.

"I was afraid you didn't want to touch me in this way." She whispered into his ear as she stroked his hair and ran a hand over his chest. "I was afraid I was the only one who burned. I don't want a servant. I want a dragon." He could feel her heart pounding in her chest, mirroring his own, as she placed a hot opened mouth kiss against his neck and all rational thought fell from his mind.

With his hand tangled in her hair he gripped it at the base of her skull and gently tilted her head backwards, baring her throat. Her eyes were closed as he trailed frenzied kisses down her jaw and to her throat, where he opened his mouth and ran his tongue across her skin. She moaned and arched her back so he ground his hips against her, his co*ck hard in his pants and pressing against her stomach.

"f*ck, Daenerys..." he growled against her neck. "That's never been the issue. I didn't want to be a distraction from anything you needed to get done. I wanted to be respectful and dutiful."

She brought the hand that rubbed his chest down his stomach at the same time as she grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand to hers, pushing his hand into her breast as she brushed her knuckles against his co*ck through his clothes. Gods, he wanted her so bad, right here on this cave floor. He pulled back from her neck to behold her face, flush with eyes heavy with desire and lips parted. He hesitated to suggest that they return to the castle, talk about this before they lost all sense of one another, when a horn sounded in the distance.

They paused, frozen as they listened. It sounded again. He untangled himself from her, turning away quickly to hide the erection apparent through his leathers. She laughed. "As if I didn't feel it. What horrible timing. At least I don't have to worry about whether or not you desire me."

"What's the horn?" He asked, trying to rush the blood back to his brain.

"Someone has arrived at the castle."

Daemon looked at her sharply. "No one is expected for at least another week."

Daenerys nodded. "I'm not sure who it could be." She approached him and took his arm. "We can discuss this later. For now, Aemon, I need you by my side as we greet whoever our new visitor is."

"We haven't any time to fix our hair."

"We don't owe anyone an explanation regarding the business of dragons." She said and winked at him.

He smiled and kissed her lightly on her hair.


As they arrived at the castle and walked up through the training pit, they were met at the door by Daenerys' Queensgaurd. Daemon noticed their appraisal of their state and how Ser Jorah sneered, but remained silent.

"A visitor has come that wishes to speak with you." Ser Barristan said. "She is in the throne room with Tyrion and Varys as we speak."

"She?" Daenerys asked as they followed the knights to the throne room. "Is it Lady Olenna? At this hour?"

"No, my Queen." Ser Jorah answered. "But I know you'll want to speak to her."

As they entered the throne room Varys and Tyrion stood opposite the Painted Table of a very tall and breathtakingly beautiful woman with deep copper hair, flawless porcelain skin and unsettling red eyes set into a heart shaped face. She wore bright red robes and a metal necklace with a large ruby, like Naetta's. As they entered, the woman turned to them and smiled.

"Hello, Daenerys Stormborn of the Great House Targaryen." She said in a deep and musical voice. "My Queen, I have come to pledge my allegiance and my services to your cause. My name is Melisandre, I am a Red Priestess from Asshai and I have seen your face in the flames."





Gotta love perfectly timed interruptions. Hello Lady Melisandre! How do you think she will react to Daemon? Will she know who she is?

I'm already halfway done with the next chapter so it'll be up soon!

Chapter 8: Have Mercy On Me


Shorter chapter to keep you guys satisfied for the next. I'm sure you'll love it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (8)


Melisandre had an aura about her that nobody could deny. As she walked around the Painted Table to kneel before Daenerys, the fires in wall sconces seemed to grow as the shadows in the corners of the room shrunk. Being in her presence gave Daenerys the distinct feeling that she was not alone and that some form unseen walked with her. It was unsettling and humbling. However Melisandre's voice was like thick honey as she looked up at her.

"I have come from the North to offer you my aid, and my advice." She said.

"Send her away at once, my Queen." Came Varys, his face contorted in disgust. "She is a dangerous sorceress who once stood by Stannis and whispered into his ear. But where is Stannis now?"

Melisandre stood but kept her face on Daenerys' as she responded: "He died with his army on the battlefield at Winterfell. He was not The Prince Who Was Promised."

Daenerys recognized the phrasing from the prophecy often repeated by the Red Priests in Essos who had been a large help to them during their struggles in Mereen. Kinvara had said that Daenerys was this Promised Prince, the one meant to save them from the darkness. She didn't put much faith in it, but appreciated the followers of R'hllor all the same.

"The Red Priests of Mereen were invaluable in helping me keep the city at bay from the Sons of the Harpy. For that I am grateful and for that you are welcome, Lady Melisandre." Daenerys stated as she took the Priestesses hand in her own. "What advice do you bring me?"

Daenerys could feel Aemon close to her side, standing slightly behind her but their shoulders nearly touching. "Do be cautious, my Queen. These people are capable of more than what meets the waking eye."

Melisandre stared intensely at Aemon, her mouth opening slightly and her eyebrows pulling down in confusion. But the expression was gone quickly as she released Daenerys' hands and circled the Painted Table to stand by the North, gazing down at Winterfell. She plucked a totem from the shelf under the table, unmarked, and placed it towards the top, far above the Wall.

"An enemy lies in wait far to the North, and the Prince Who Was Promised will be the one to defeat them." She looked at Daenerys. "I once thought that Prince was you."

Daenerys expected as much. "As I told the Priestess Kinvara in Mereen, I am not a Prince."

Aemon cleared his throat. "Technically, my Queen, their prophecy originates from High Valyrian. In which the word for Prince and Princess has no gender. The exact translation would be the Prince or Princess Who Was Promised."

Melisandre considered Aemon again, turning her eyes back to Daenerys. "He is right, but I have stopped trying to guess who they are. I have been wrong before."

Tyrion stepped to the table. "What does this fanaticism have to do with us or your advice?"

Melisandre curtsied to him. "Well met, my Lord Lannister. Your reputation preceeds you." Her eyes never left Daenerys long, piercing and red. "This enemy to the north concerns us all. Every living thing in Westeros. I will elaborate no more on the enemy, but my advice is that you speak to Jon Snow. I do not know who the Prince is, but I know that you have a part to play in the coming war, and so does he."

"Jon Snow?" Daenerys asked. "He has already been invited. He has confirmed that he is traveling here now."

"That is the most wise course, my Queen. I urge you to consider his requests." Melisandre said as she looked to the servants by the entryway. "If you wouldn't mind, I've traveled far to be here and am quite tired. If I could retire for the night."

Daenerys nodded as she passed, acutely aware of the stare she aimed at Aemon. Looking at Aemon he shrugged, turning towards the totem Melisandre had placed on the table. When Melisandre had swept from the room, Tyrion picked it up.

"Prophecy or not, I agree that Jon will be a powerful ally. He has just as much reason as you do to hate my sister. We recieved correspondence earlier today that he has boarded a ship at White Harbor." He said, placing the wooden piece back under the table. "Have you thought more about your attitudes towards him?"

Daenerys frowned. "He is to come and bend the knee. My attitude regarding that has not changed."

"It appears according the Melisandre he may have a request of you, so diplomacy is important."

"I will consider his requests when he bends the knee." Daenerys said sternly. "There is no negotiation in that. The Starks had kept faith with the Targaryens for hundreds of years before his father, I will expect answers and repentance."

"You know better than any that no child should be punished for the sins of their father." Tyrion pointed out.

"What about a brother for the sins of his sister?" Aemon cut in. Daenerys gave him a calming glare. She watched him take a breath. "What I mean is that while he may not be his father, he stands in open treason against our Queen. I hope he is maliable to her cause."

Tyrion turned and walked past them towards the exit, followed by Varys. "I do not think he will disappoint." He said.

Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah approached them, with expecting looks. With her heart in her throat as the memories of the evening came to her, Daenerys looked at Aemon. "I am going to retire for the night." He gave her a soft smile, his hair wild around him in mirror image of her own as she followed her knights and left him standing in the throne room.


In her room she sat in front of her vanity and brushed her hair out while looking in the mirror. She traced her hair with her fingers, then her neck, recalling the feeling of Aemon's hands in her hair, his lips on her throat. Goosebumps prickled across her skin, face flushing red in the mirror. Nothing had ever felt like that. None of the men she had been with previously had made her breath catch the way he did or made her skin feel like fire under their fingers. Drogo has been all business and Daario had been all pleasure, but Aemon touched her like a porcelain Goddess he worshipped. She wanted more of it.

She knew she would eventually have to answer to her advisors for their time spent together. It worried her that Aemon had talked about wanting them to keep things distanced so that she would not get distracted. Her worry came from her knowing that ultimately he was right, but in the midst of this war she wasn't sure she could control herself. Duty called for her to concentrate on other things while her body called for something else. Her heart was also apprehensive as she remembered all the things she didn't know about him and the secrets he was keeping. Did he deserve this part of her if he couldn't even tell her who he really was?

As she brushed through her hair the servants filled her basin with hot water, Daenerys grateful as she finally stepped into it as it was still scalding. She loved the feeling of the heat on her skin, always had, and she leaned back in the basin and watched the flames in her hearth as she considered the tangle that was Aemon Rivers.

Before she dipped too far into her thoughts she was interrupted by a grating noise and a soft knock, followed by Aemon entering the room through the dragon carving on the other side of her bed. When he saw her his eyes went wide and he turned his back to her, making to go back into the passageway.

"My Queen, I'm sorry. I-"

"Come in, Aemon." She said. "I was just thinking about you and what happened tonight."

Without looking at her he shut the passageway and sat on the edge of her bed, his back to her. She wished she could pull him to her, but dared not ask. He had brushed through his hair as well she noticed as it streamed loosely down his back. He wore light linen clothes having changed out of his leathers.

"I was too." He said. "Do you have any particular thoughts you'd like to share?"

Daenerys sighed and leaned further back in the basin, submerging herself up to her neck. Now that he was here, she sensed an apprehensiveness about him and was worried about what he intended to come and say. She had been pushing for weeks to get him to break and he finally did, but it seemed it wasn't something he really wanted. He desired her, but was it voluntary?

"I haven't had a lot of time to do so, honestly. I just keep replaying it in my head." She responded.

He turned towards the wall at the other end of the room, allowing her to see his face but he wasn't looking at her as he leaned back on her pillows and folded his hands on his lap. His expression was sullen. "I don't think we should have done that."

Her heart sank. Was he still so distraught by his late wife? She must have been a magnificent woman. And suddenly she felt very naked and vulnerable in the hot water so she grabbed a vial of lavender oil on the stool next to her and poured it in, somewhat clouding it. "I'm sorry that I made you do something that you regret."

He turned sharply and looked at her, violet eyes blazing. "Dany, I don't mean it that way. Please stop taking my hesitation as a lack of desire. You are without a doubt the most ethereal woman alive, a fire Goddess in human shape. I behold you with awe every time I see you. Touching you was ascension, I still haven't come down."

"Then help me understand. Why shouldn't we have done that?"

He shook his head and looked back towards the wall. "I will, but can I ask you something first?" He asked and she nodded. "Why did you leave Daario Naharis in Mereen?"

She had told him briefly of her relationship with Daario, explaining that it was not a love match but rather a service of pleasure for her from a man she saw as a servant, as wonderful and as kind as he had been. Daenerys had explained that she left him behind in Mereen but did not explain why. "It did not help me or him to bring him here, our arrangement was only ever for sex."

"You clearly did not leave your desire for sex on the other side of the Narrow Sea." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I didn't."

"Then why not bring him with?"

She recounted the conversation she'd had with Tyrion before they departed in her mind. "I thought it pertinent to leave myself open for the possible benefit of a political marriage." She said. "It's not an arrangement I'm a stranger to. Drogo was originally a political marriage, my brother hoping to gain an army from selling me off. But it became more. In Mereen I married Hizdahr zo Loraq in an attempt to close the rift between the freed slaves and the Noblemen, but we were hardly even friends. I slept with Daario while I was married to Hizdahr."

Aemon closed his eyes. "So you did not bring Daario because you were afraid you may have to marry in Westeros, but yet you slept with him while married in Mereen?"

Daenerys didn't understand his line of questioning, and felt irritation flare. "What does this have to do with what happened between us tonight?"

He looked at her then, eyes dark and wistful as he got up, walked around the bed, and came to kneel beside the basin, his eyes even with hers. She felt embarrassed of her nakedness then, but was comforted when he did not look down. He kept his eyes trained on her face. "Because I am a bastard in this world, and I don't know if I could bare to see you married off and to be your Daario. I don't think you could do it either, and the last thing you need while fighting to be Queen is the scandal of an affair. Believe me, I know what things like this do to Queens and I refuse to see it happen to you. I want you to achieve your dreams of conquering your homeland and I'm worried that more with me will challenge and complicate that."

Daenerys frowned. "A political marriage doesn't have to be anything to be jealous over, it wouldn't have to mean that I love my husband."

Aemon put one hand on the edge of the basin, lifting the other up to cup Daenerys' face tenderly. He stroked his thumb across her cheekbone and she felt herself shudder, his touch was enamoring. "A long time ago, I was more than capable of that." He said. "But with you, I don't think I could handle it. If I step into this it will consume me and it will consume you too. Maybe it's best we wait until after the war, maybe we can revisit this conversation then..." He made to pull his hand away but Daenerys held it to her face.

"So you don't want to kiss me right now for fear of a future husband I don't have yet? Or for fear that your co*ck is so magical I won't even be able to be a proper Queen?" She speared at him. "Come Aemon, surely you don't think so little of my self-control."

"I think little of mine." He said as he half stood, never taking his hand from her cheek as he grabbed the stool and sat on it behind her, sliding his hand to her left shoulder and putting his other on her right as he began a light massage of her tense muscles there. She leaned back into his hands and laid her head on the back of the basin, looking up at him. "If I take you, you're mine. I wouldn't be able to watch you marry anyone else. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from killing anyone who spoke ill to you, I once beheaded a man for calling my wife a whor*. When I was fifteen I would have been satisfied with such an arrangement. Now, and with you, I could never. I don't know if you want to be owned in that way. In the precarious place you are in now, I don't know if it would be of any help to your rise to power." He slipped a hand from her shoulder and down into the water as he leaned down and she felt his breath on her neck. "So Dany, please, for me. You must be good. We must be careful with this."

His right hand trailed farther down into the hot water, down her ribs and back up as he cupped it under her right breast. She felt desire pool deep in her gut. She sighed and went to turn her head, to touch him with her mouth as his face was close to hers but he quickly took his left hand and gripped her jaw, holding her in place. She raised her hands to grab his wrist but his voice was deep and guttural in her ear: "Don't. Put your hands in the water. If you want me to touch you, it must be on my terms. Or all my resolve will snap and I promise we can't afford that right now. Please, Daenerys. My Queen."

She lowered her hands into the water. "Aemon, I want more." She said. "You said you beheaded a man for your wife. You've told me so little of your past. How can I know what you're like without knowing more? Feeling more? Give me more."

His mouth was on her neck with teeth as his right hand rubbed her breast roughly and he brought his thumb and forefinger to her nipple, squeezing it. She arched her back and moaned as he spoke. "I've had many things said about me." He said as his right hand released her breast and grabbed her own right hand. "I've been called a madman, a murderer, a bloodthirsty savage. I have been called a monster and an egotistical tyrant."

He gripped her hand and pulled it lower, catching her by surprise when he pressed it to the apex of her legs, putting his hand over hers so that his fingers lay in the same spot as hers. She arched her back and attempted to kiss him again as he pushed her fingers down with his, slipping in between her folds and over her cl*t. He held her jaw firm and put his mouth to her ear again. "It's true. I am a tyrant. I am a monster. You will heel to me or I will not touch you." His voice was deep and thick, and it took every ounce of her not to fight him and leap from the tub. "Touch yourself." He said. "I want you to make yourself reach your pleasure. Show me how you like to do it."

For a moment she hesitated and opened her mouth to to speak, but before she could he snaked his hand past hers and slipped the tip of his finger inside of her, his mouth smiling against her throat as he felt how wet she was. "Gods, Daenerys. Please. Say nothing else. Show me." She bucked her hips forward and mewled, hoping for more of his hand and he obliged her, slipping his middle finger inside of her up to the knuckle and curling it upwards and fluttering it.

"Aemon, oh my god..." She said and he kissed her neck again. "Please, Aemon."

"Show me, Dany." He said as he pulled his finger out of her and pushed her hand down again. She was panting as she took her middle finger and placed it on her cl*t, rotating it in circles around it with Aemon's hand on top of her own. "That's it, good girl." He whispered. "The things I would do to you. Show me how you do them to yourself."

She opened her legs wider as he released her jaw with his left hand and grabbed her breast, massaging and tweaking her nipple, his face buried in her neck and hair. Water was sloshing onto the floor as his arms in the tub had the water level close to the rim. She continued to rub herself, feeling her gut tighten as Aemon breathed heavily into her neck and his fingers remained on top of hers. He let out a groan as he came off the stool and dropped to his knees behind her, dipping his arm deeper into the water as he pushed his hand past hers, continuing the motions she was making with the rough part of his thumb as he put his middle finger back inside of her. She had to clap her hand to her mouth to keep from yelling.

"Like that, my Queen?" He asked as she put a hand into his hair, him turning to kiss her palm. She chanced a look at him and his eyes were dark with desire, his mouth open slack with concentration as her stroked her in the same motion she had showed him.

"Yes, Aemon, yes." She crooned as she bucked her hips upwards and he inserted a second and third finger inside of her. He took his spare hand and covered her mouth as he began to pump them in and out of her, circling his thumb over her cl*t the entire time.

"One day I will feel you, and you will feel me. In the proper way. But right now I want you to come for me. I want to sate your desire. Daenerys, please." He said into her ear as the movements of his hand brought her closer and closer, and then everything fell to pieces as he curled his fingers up inside of her, hitting a spot she had never felt before and she org*smed. She moaned raggedly into his hand and he slowed his fingers, her walls pulsating around them.

As her breathing evened out he removed his hand and pulled his arm from the water, standing up and coming to circle the basin to stand in front of her. He put his fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean, dark eyes locked on hers as he appeared amused at the way she looked in the tub.

"You're beautiful." He said and as she studied him she felt satisfied. His entire outfit was soaked with water. She could see the outline of his chest and stomach and the prominent bulge of his co*ck, hard in his pants. She sat up and reached forward to touch him.

"Please, let me return the favor." She pleaded as he took a step back out of her reach.

"No, my Queen. The first time you feel me will be inside of you." He grinned wickedly at her as he turned and grabbed her robe, offering it to her.

She stood from the tub and let him see her, his eyes glazing over as he studied her. "I am truly a lucky man to be gifted such a sight."

She smiled and stepped out, turning to slip her arms into the robe. "You are." She said as she shirked it over her shoulders. "Tell me, though. Did this resolve our issue?"

"I think it did." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed and she sat with him. "Maybe it satisfied you for a little and laid down some boundaries. If you need pleasure I can give you that, but for now I think we should be careful with much else."

Daenerys frowned at him. "Why can't I kiss you?"

"Kissing is very intimate to me. It almost arouses me more than the act of sex. I will come undone if you kiss me. Please have mercy on me for now, my Queen."

"Will you stay with me?" Daenerys asked.

"I shouldn't. And we shouldn't make this a regular thing, either. I just couldn't help myself tonight, seeing you in that tub..."

She leaned forward and kissed his shoulder. "Well, thank you Aemon. But I think for now I am going to go to bed. You're right, I'm quite satisfied."

At that he smiled at her and stalked quickly out of the room, winking at her all bedraggled and wet as he closed the passage door. Exasperated, she threw herself back onto the pillows and brought her furs over her. Before she fell asleep she brought herself to pleasure again, thinking of Aemon and his fingers and noting seriously in her mind that he was right. They must tread carefully, because this dragonfire was consuming.


The next several days passed without much incidence. Aemon now joined her often in the throne room, but said little and left by midday. Their training in the evening continued, with Aemon returning to his original plan of initiating as little touch as possible besides the occasional fall when she would slip on the rocks. Just as she felt she was falling less he would introduce a new dance and she would feel new to the training all over again. However she could feel their workouts effecting her in many ways, like in the way she walked and in the way she carried herself. She felt quicker on her feet and less fatigued by her day-to-day tasks, and noticed she was growing stronger as her body became more taut in places it wasn't before.

Her desire for Aemon didn't lessen or cease, but when she neglected to remember an appointment one day because she had spent the night before touching herself to his image in her mind, she knew he was right. This connection between the two of them was pure fire, and they needed to control it carefully or lose everything to it.

She had seen little of Lady Melisandre after her arrival, but had heard no end of Varys' objections to her presence. She learned from Tyrion and Varys that her existence was steeped in rumors of blood magic and shadowbinding and she wondered if Melisandre could tell her more of her ability to have children since it had been blood magic that took it from her. She was in the throne room after speaking to the Unsullied about their depleting food stores and was considering summoning her when she came sweeping into the room of her own accord.

"My Queen." She said as she curtsied before her and looked to Tyrion and Varys and Missandei who stood with her as well as her Queensguard. "I was wondering if I may speak to you alone."

Varys immediately objected, but Daenerys waved them all off. They left the room, Jorah looking back at her with concern. "I'll be fine, my knight. The Lady will not harm me."

When they were gone Daenerys turned to the Red Woman. "What do you need to speak to me about?"

"I need to speak to you again about Jon Snow." She said.

Daenerys was surprised. She thought they had gone over this topic too many times. The treasonous King in the North was thought to be about a week away now, and she had said all that could be said until he arrived. "Again?" Daenerys asked.

"I only want to impress upon you the importance of working with him." Melisandre said. "The two of you are vital in the coming war, as is another that I did not see until I arrived."


"The other Targaryen who you have taken among your advisors."

She meant Aemon. "Aemon is a bastard. He isn't a Targaryen."

Melisandre blinked and shook her head. "No matter, I have seen his face in the flames as well. He has extended the prophecy somehow, though I won't speculate more. Through the things I've seen, I have concern with how he will influence you to behave towards Jon Snow."

Daenerys raised an eyebrow at the Priestess. "You know, he told me that he saw me in the flames as well. Said that's why he came here."

"Interesting." Melisandre commented. "I won't pretend to know if that's true, the Lord of Light grants many the sight. But I wanted to warn you of caution again, my Queen."

"Thanks for the concern, my Lady. But I am here to take back my Kingdom and will let no man deter me from that, prophecy or not. I can handle myself." She hoped.

Melisandre bowed and exited the room, her advisors returning shortly after followed by Aemon, who surged ahead of them quickly and obviously very excited. He skipped the steps coming up to the throne in one leap and she rose as he took her hand in his, the first time he had touched her aside from catching her during training since the bath.

"The Dothraki... they finished our saddles." He said, his grin reaching from one ear to the other. "They also finished my gift for you."

"Your gift?" She asked.

He nodded quickly and turned to face the room. "We must prepare a feast tonight! A celebration!" He shouted. "For a very special occasion."

"Well there had better be some sort of celebration and a good hot meal after making an old woman travel this far to bend a knee." Came a sharp voice from the back of the chamber. Everyone turned to look as a contingency of brightly green armored soldiers marched in led by Qhono and Grey Worm. Their green breastplates were embossed with a yellow flower, the sigil of House Tyrell of Highgarden. Out of their center a small old woman came striding forward, smaller than a child with a wrinkled and hawkish face and serious eyes that shot up to Daenerys and Aemon by the throne. "If I take a knee, I shall not get back up. You'll have to take my word for it."

She approached the steps and looked to Aemon. "Well, are you going to help me up them or am I expected to fly like the roaches that infest this damned island?"

Looking wide eyed at Daenerys, Aemon immediately went and took her arm and helped her up the steps to the throne.

"Thank you, now let go of me." She said as she snatched her hand from Aemon and took Daenerys' into her own.

"Welcome, Lady Olenna." Daenerys said with a smile as the frail fingers of Olenna squeezed her own tightly, almost too tightly. "I hope your travels were peaceful enough."

"They were as well as could be expected, and we have brought several wagons of food because I have no taste for the constant fish and grains I'm sure you eat here on Dragonstone. My stomach could never handle too much fish." She said. "I do question the people I see standing in this room, however. You do realize your Hand murdered his own father who was at my impression significantly smarter than he although nearly as vile as his sister?"

Daenerys nodded and squeezed back, causing Lady Olenna to release her. "I do. He's counciled me well so far."

"Is it at his council that you're sitting here on Dragonstone, less than half a day from King's Landing with your miraculous dragons acting as statues? Useless and pretty but pointless all the same?"

"We wanted to gather our banners first."

"Well, I'm here and I'm sure I'm the most important banner you'll call. My family is all dead thanks to the c*nt who sits the throne. What can I do to convince you to fly yourchildrento her castle and melt her into her grave?"

Lady Olenna did not come to mince words, Daenerys noted and as she looked over the old woman's shoulder she caught Aemon smiling at her.





She's finally here! One thing I'm working on in my writing in Tyrion. In the last book we have he is definitely taking a villain arc and I believe he would have counseled Dany to burn King's Landing with Cersei in it if he had kept that arc in the show like the books, but D&D leaned into how charming Peter Dinklage was and nerfed his evil era. So I'm going to try to incorporate both.

Let me know if you like the peak you've gotten of Olenna so far! Wanted to write her true to character.

Chapter 9: Faces In The Fire


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (9)


He didn't know what he expected of the elderly Lady of Highgarden, but a frail looking woman no bigger than a nine year old with the mouth of a viper hadn't been it. Daenerys seemed just as surprised by the look on her face, but Daemon was impressed and amused by the fire and brimstone the woman had seemed to bring with her. He should have expected that someone whose entire family was ended by the current sitting Dowager Queen would be ready for revenge and death. If only she were of the blood of old Valyria, she would likely climb Rhaegal and get it done herself. Queen of Thorns wasn't a good enough descriptor, she did not just poke but poisoned and festered.

Shortly after her introduction the servants had brought a large table into the room along with chairs and began piling the table with food, of which they all sat around to partake. Daenerys sat at the head of the table and Tyrion to her right with Olenna to her left, Ser Barristan next to Olenna and Varys next to Tyrion. Daemon took a seat next to Ser Barristan, and listened as Olenna and Daenerys exchanged pleasantries as everybody settled. It wasn't long before Olenna turned more serious as the wine started flowing.

"Lord Tyrion, I'm shocked to see you here next to the Dragon Queen. I thought you would have died in service to your family." Olenna pointed out.

"I would have, until they actually tried to make me do it." Tyrion said, half laughing.

"Your father may have been a despicable person, but he was without a doubt one of the smartest and most cunning men I've ever met and he deserved better than to be killed by his son on the sh*tter." She said sharply, meaning every word.

Daenerys leaned forward. "If he was truly the smartest and most cunning man you'd ever met, then Tyrion did me a favor by sending him to his maker on the way out of King's Landing." She said. "But he once told Tyrion that he had no plan to do anything about my existence in Essos at the time, dismissing me as a teenage girl with a savage husband. That doesn't seem very becoming of someone smart and cunning."

Olenna smiled and plucked a grape from her plate. "How could any of us have known that you would unite those savage armies and come across the Narrow Sea a vision of Aegon the Conqueror himself?" She said. "Yet you have not acted as Aegon would have. Why?"

"As I said, we need to gather our banners."

"And then what?" Olenna was quick, cutting. "You sit on this island and declare yourself Queen on Dragonstone?"

Daenerys shook her head. "Our next step is to lay siege to King's Landing. Cut off their supplies. Capture Casterly Rock. Force a surrender."

"You could force a surrender tomorrow by flying one of those beasts to the Red Keep."

"What sort of loyalty would I inspire with such an act? I didn't come here to rule with fear like my father before me. That mindset bought him a rebellion that stole his kingdom." Daenerys said pointedly.

"Your father was a madman for sure, but he didn't have dragons. You have dragons." Olenna said, scooting her chair back and wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"I haven't come to be Queen of the ashes." Daenerys said strongly, begging no question.

But Olenna did not need to beg. "If you don't act soon, that is all Cersei will leave you. You know what she did to the Sept. Innocent people. She allows the city to starve. They murdered the Starks, one of the oldest houses to exist in Westeros. It was a Lannister that put a sword through your father's back, it was on Lannister orders that your family was mutilated in death. They leave a trail of destruction in their wake and should be eradicated." Olenna looked at Tyrion. "All of them."

"I don't need educating on what happened to my family, Lady. It has been my entire reality."

Standing, Olenna turned towards Daemon. "Though it appears not all has been lost. Where did this one come from?"

Daemon stood himself, bowing. "I am Aemon Rivers, Lady Olenna. Recently appointed advisor to our Queen."

Olenna raised her eyebrows. "A riverlands bastard? Not found when the Lannisters raided the Riverlands? Surprising."

"And rider of one of my dragons, Viserion." Daenerys said.

Olenna didn't flinch. "The Targaryen dynasty rises again." She said plainly. "If you can handle a dragon, Aemon, could you handle escorting an old woman to her chambers for bed?"

Daemon looked to Daenerys. She nodded. "Yes, my Lady." He said and offered Olenna an arm that she took.

Olenna turned and acknowledged Daenerys. "My Queen." She said. "If we could meet in the morning and speak privately?"

"Of course, Lady Olenna."

"Make sure they bring cheese." She barked at a servant as Daemon escorted her from the throne room.


"So whose bastard are you?" Olenna asked as he escorted her across the entryway courtyard to the solars that didn't require for her to climb stairs to reach them. Her guard followed behind. "Rhaegar's or Aerys'? You're quite handsome like Rhaegar was, but you have the hardened malice in your eyes that Aerys possessed. So it's a toss up for me."

Daemon smiled. "Would you believe that I don't know?"

"Yes." Olenna said without hesitation. "The bastard children of royal men who shouldn't be having bastards are frequently left unknown to their parents, most won't ever know their true lineage was ever of the King's blood. You however have the unfortunate circ*mstance of having silver hair and purple eyes, the least common bastard of all."

"Many people from Lys have my complexion and eye color. Maybe my father was Lysene." Daemon objected.

Olenna looked at him seriously as he opened the door into the corridor, allowing her to step through first. "He wasn't." She said, her eyes scanning his face. "I've seen many Targaryen men in my life, I was engaged to one once. You have all the look of one, there's no doubt about that. You could advocate for the throne for yourself, you know."

Walking down the corridor, Daemon made for the solar he knew was empty, a few doors down. "I would never do that, my Lady. I serve Queen Daenerys."

As they reached the solar and Daemon opened the door for Olenna, she turned to him before closing her door. "Why?"

"In Essos people did not follow her because they were forced to. They chose her because they loved her. She is strong and capable but above all of that she is kind and diplomatic, intelligent and fearsome. She is all the things a good Queen should be and has all the qualities a strong ruler should possess."

Olenna smiled. "Most men are stupid things driven my masculine ambition that eats away at their brains and feeds their peckers." She said as she closed the door. "I'm less disappointed by you than I usually am."


Due to the festivities and the welcoming of Olenna, it was already dark and the moon high in the sky as Daemon returned to the main building. They had missed their training for the evening and could not use their new saddles yet. Daemon was positive that with the new arrivals they might not get time for quite awhile, as things were going to be moving rather quickly with new pledges filling the castle. He checked the throne room and it was empty, so he made for her solar to speak to her about her plans for tomorrow and to consult about her thoughts on Lady Olenna. He was dismayed to find Tyrion in the room with her already, his sentence ending as he entered.

"....should be here in only a few days." He was finishing.

"Who will be here in only a few days?" Daemon asked. He had managed to shoot down a few more ravens since his first, and so far nothing made him think Tyrion was doing anything other than serving Daenerys, so he was growing to trust the imp. Daenerys smiled at him as he entered and walked towards the table on the far side of the room to pour him a glass.

"Jon Snow." Tyrion answered as Daemon strode quickly and lightly past Daenerys, grabbing the cup for himself and shaking his head at her. His Queen would not serve him.

"Is he the last Lord we are waiting on before enacting our plans?" Daemon asked, eager to be underway.

"Yes, once we can confirm he isn't planning to turn the Northern armies against us, we can send the Unsullied to Casterly Rock." Tyrion stated. "The fleet of Yara Greyjoy will be here before Jon, and we can siege King's Landing then as well. The next week will be crucial."

"What is the importance again of Casterly Rock and taking it?" Daemon asked as he took a drink of his wine and sat on the edge of Daenerys' bed.

"It'll give my sister nowhere to run. It's the seat of Lannister power."

Daenerys walked to the hearth, looking into the fire with consideration. "With the Reach, the Greyjoy fleet, Dorne and the North with us, Cersei will have no hope to hold the seven kingdoms. I hope she will see the reason you are expecting her to see and will abdicate the throne voluntarily."

Daemon chuckled. "A woman who bombed the Sept in order to murder her sons new Queen seeing reason? Is this a plan we actually expect to work?"

"It's a plan we should try." Tyrion insisted. "We can discuss more serious options after diplomacy has been attempted. It's the civilized progression of war."

"What do you know of war, Lord Lannister?" Daemon asked. "Last I read about you, you used Wildfire to melt the men of Stannis' fleet at the Battle of the Blackwater, yet you preach against fire so adamantly when it comes from a dragon's mouth."

"And we almost lost that battle." Tyrion explained. "It did nothing to inspire devotion to the Lannisters. They cheered for my nephew who did not even fight. I lost my nose for their cause and yet they tried to execute me. Violence does not breed loyalty, Rivers."

"It is at your behest that I take the diplomatic route first." Daenerys said coldly at Tyrion. "If your sister refuses I will consider that your failure and we will try my way."

"Agreed, my Queen." Tyrion said as he rose from the table in the center of the room. "Would you like me present when you meet with Lady Olenna in the morning?"

"No, she said she would rather speak to me alone. I have some matters to discuss with Aemon if you wouldn't mind."

Tyrion nodded and exited the room.

Daemon looked at Daenerys who still stood in front of the fire, hands folded in front of her. She looked intently into it, face unreadable. The fire shone off of her eyes and her hair, illuminating the silver dragon pendant that sat against her chest. "What do you know of war, Aemon?" She asked without looking away from the fire. "You speak as if you have some knowledge."

"I do." He said. "I know more than your Hand." Still sitting on the bed, he leaned back on his palms.

"How could you?" She asked, turning her face towards him. "What wars have you known?"

He did not answer and instead looked away from her, towards the curtains that swayed softly in the arch before the balcony. "Lady Olenna said I look like a true Targaryen." He said, smiling.

Daenerys crossed the room to stand in front of him in four quick strides, crossing her arms and looking down at him with irritation. "No." She said firmly. "You will not deflect."

With his eyes on hers he leaned forward and grabbed both of her thighs, pulling her slowly towards him. She took a step and shuddered as her mouth went a little slack, but quickly tensed again and slapped his hands away. "No, Aemon." She said as she turned sharply and walked away from him, sitting at her vanity. She began to angrily pluck the braids from her hair. "The little I know about you has been bothering me. You said you would tell me with time."

"I have been telling you." Daemon said as he stood up and approached her. He stood behind her and helped her remove her braids. "I've been giving you knowledge of me, slowly."

"It's not enough." She frowned at him through the mirror. "Why won't you tell me all of it? Now?"

"I already told you that you won't believe me." He insisted.

As he removed her last braid, she reached up and undid the clasp on her neck, moving to undo the ties down her back. He brushed her hands away, undoing the knots for her and further down her spine as she gazed at him through the mirror. "You don't know that. You know what I've seen. Try me."

Undoing the last knot, Daemon directed her to stand and circle the chair, facing him as he pulled the leather dress apart behind her and pulled it off of her. It was thick and heavy and she wore black linen pants and a light shift underneath it. He took the leather suit and walked to her armoire, turning his back to her as he hung it inside and closed the door. When he turned back to face her, she was sitting at the foot of the bed and was removing her pants, one leg already out as she looked at him. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were glazed over as she pulled the pants completely off, leaving them on the floor as she spread her knees apart and leaned backwards on the bed in her shift. The shift was very thin and nearly translucent and he could see her hard nipples poking through as she ran a hand up her thigh pulling the cloth up a bit, nearly revealing her sex to him.

He grinned at her wickedly and approached the foot of the bed, kneeling in front of her and putting a hand on the inside of one of her thighs. She responded to his touch by barely arching her back, her lips parting as her eyes swallowed him. "Are you trying to bribe me for information, my Queen?" He asked as he put his hands behind he knees and pulled her closer, causing her to lean farther back and pulling the shift up higher, showing her glistening before him. He felt himself harden quickly at the sight of her so turned on by his touch. And once again they were playing with fire.

"No." She responded, breathily. "If you expect to remain while revealing so little, I require you to bribe me."

"Is that right?" He said as leaned forward and ran his hands down the inside of her thighs, opening her legs wider as he stared at her wetness, wishing desperately he could bury himself inside of it. He took a thumb and dragged it roughly up her opening and across her cl*t, causing her to throw her head back and scoot herself closer to him with a whimper. "What sort of bribery are you requiring?"

"I want your mouth on me." She said hotly, lifting her head to look at him as she put a hand on the back of his head, pulling him towards her. She was pounding on the door of his resolve. "Truly I wish for you to f*ck me, but you won't."

He growled and brought his mouth to her inner thigh, kissing it and nipping it as he moved closer to her. "I can't, my Queen. I f*cking can't. If you beg me I won't be able to help it. Please don't beg me. I will put you on Viserion with me and steal you away to Asshai if you beg."

Before she could respond he brought his mouth to her, dragging his tongue up her slit as she closed her thighs around his head and he felt his co*ck twitch painfully in his pants. Her taste was everything. Her fingers in his hair was everything. He could lose himself in her like this for the rest of his life and never want another thing.

Abruptly there was a knock on the door and a soft voice behind it: "My Queen I have brought you the oils for your bath." Missandei.

Daenerys' legs flew open as she shot up, looking at Daemon with a mixture of shock and anger. "Their timing is f*cking horrible, every time. Will you come back?" She asked as he stood and adjusted his too-tight pants. "One moment." She called sweetly to Missandei.

"I shouldn't." He said as he made for the passageway.

She grinned at him. "Finish yourself for me with my taste in your mouth, that's an order from your Queen."

"Well, if it's an order, I must follow it." As he closed the door. He did as he was told as soon as he got back to his solar, after all, he could not disobey his Queen.


It was the middle of the night when the weight of someone sitting on his bed woke him and he sat up quickly. Expecting Daenerys he went to his window and threw open the curtain to illuminate the room, but was surprised to find Melisandre sitting on the foot of his bed, ghostly pale with her hood up. Immediately, he went for his sword.

"I have not come to harm you, my Prince. I only wanted to have a word." She said in her deep, melodic voice.

He froze. My Prince. He looked at her just as she took a candle from his bedside table and it lit on its own, casting her eerily beautiful face in a red glow. She walked around the room and lit his other candles before taking a seat on the bench across from his sitting table. He grabbed his dagger and tied it to his belt, weary of the Red Woman who caused the flames to lean in towards her. Seeing her in the dim light, he noticed her eyes held flames of their own.

"What did you call me?" He asked without approaching her. "Why are you here?"

"I called you my Prince, is that not your title?" She asked. "Please come sit. I have much to discuss with you."

Hesitantly, he crossed the room and sat at the bench on the other side of the table from her, maintaining his weight on his feet in case he needed to rise quickly. "I haven't been a Prince for a long time." He said, not knowing how much she could know.

"You are still a Prince, Daemon Targaryen. Two hundred years has not changed that fact, even if you may have forgotten your former self."

His heart was in his throat. "No, you're mistaken, I-"

"I am not mistaken." She said and the flames shimmered around them, a pressure coming from her and engulfing the room. "You are Daemon Targaryen, the Prince lost during the Dance. It didn't happen until I arrived here but the Lord of Light showed me your face."

He glared at her, half filled with fear and half with hatred and contempt. "I can't go by that name here."

"I suppose not. Nobody would believe you and if they did, Daemon Targaryen committed acts of great violence that I'm not sure our Queen would approve of, would she?" She asked. He did not answer. "I'll keep your secret, my Prince. But I have questions for you and wisdom to share. The Lord of Light has shown me many things but he did not show me you before I saw you with Daenerys. I saw you slumber through the ages, but how? Who?"

Daemon hesitated to answer. He wasn't sure if he could trust this woman, with her blood magic and her shadow binding. She was of Asshai, a place talked about in whispers from here to the Dothraki sea, mysterious and terrifying with knowledge of magic most people couldn't fathom. Not even the citizens of Asshai could tell you how long the city had been there and it lay on the edge of the Shadow Lands, an area filled with tales of dragons, corpse cities and demons. He loathed the idea of someone who could walk those plains knowing more about him than they should, but she already knew his true name through her own visions in the fire.

"I woke up in a cavern I'd been held in, somewhere in the Mountains of the Moon in the Vale." He said apprehensively. "I only came to a few days before Daenerys landed here. Dragonstone seemed to me a good choice for travel, as I didn't understand where or when I was. The last thing I remembered was falling from the sky after killing Aemond."

"You were alone there?" She looked at him intently, shadow and flame dancing in her pupils.

"No." He said, leaning back in his chair as it creaked. "I was awoken by a girl named Naetta, who wore robes similar to yours. She looked just like the Dragonseed I had trained, Nettles. When The Burned Men came for us, she threw fire at them that she conjured after cutting her arm. I took her head before I left."

"A Red Priestess and a blood mage." She said in a hollow voice as she stood and made to look out of the window, the moonlight illuminating her face as she lowered her hood. Daemon saw again the necklace on her throat with the ruby, just like Naetta's.

"She wore a necklace like yours as well. And when I removed it from her body, she aged one hundred years in a matter of seconds and turned to dust before my eyes."

"Then she was a servant of the Lord of Light, like me, who has granted me the privilege to walk this world in service of Him for over four centuries. Only could R'hllor have given her such an ability." She said. "Is there anymore?"

"Yes." He said as he rose and walked to his bookshelf, plucking the mangled tome he had stolen from Naetta's hut off of it and opening it. "I found this... book, if that's what it could be called, in Naetta's home. It details how she was trained by Nettles, and how Nettles took my blood and created Naetta as our daughter. Nettles told her that she was instructed to find me and put me to sleep at the behest of a Lord she saw in the flames, but past that I can't read the rest. It's written in a language I don't understand."

Melisandre approached him and made to grab the book, looking to him for permission. She was very tall, nearly eye to eye with him, and he nodded. Taking the book in her arms she went to sit again, turning the pages slowly.

"The language is Asshai'i. I can read it." Her eyebrows furrowed as she flipped through the pages. "You were dead when Nettles found you, body broken and she stitched you back together. The magic of R'hllor preserved you while they waited. You did not sleep for two hundred years, you were dead. It's a wonder you have any memories of Daemon Targaryen at all."

He had suspected as much, but hearing it said out loud still made him shudder. "It didn't seem like long. Like taking a nap. Your Lord of Light has spoken to me from the flames, and while I heard his words I don't quite understand. What was the purpose of this? Why am I here to serve Daenerys? Why was this necessary?"

Melisandre spent a few more minutes flipping through the pages, her face fixed in concentration. Slowly she closed the book and looked up at him, frowning. "He is your Lord of Light, too. He gave you this gift, you should thank him for it."

"I don't even know why."

"Somehow you have extended the prophecy of Azor Ahai, the prophecy of the Prince Who Was Promised. You have not changed it, but rather fulfilled it." She said as she made for the hearth and stared down at the logs, flame erupting in it and the sound of its crackles filling the silent room.

"Azor Ahai?" He asked. "I've heard of the Prince, but never that name. There was a prophecy passed down among the Targaryen Kings, passed to Rhaenyra from her father, my brother, Viserys. From my blood come the Prince That Was Promised, and his will be the song of ice and fire. It was inscribed upon the dagger passed from ruler to ruler, created by Aegon the Conqueror after he dreamed of an enemy in the North that would darken the world unless there was a Targaryen on the throne to unite the realm against it. It was kept secret amongst the heirs, Rhaenyra telling me but no one else."

"Targaryens get their dreams from their Valyrian blood, imbued with the magic of the Shadow Lands. Azor Ahai was the original Prince, he took up his flaming sword Lightbringer and saved the world from The Long Night. Every mage from Asshai knows the story, and every Red Priest or Priestess is called by R'hllor to find and guide Azor Ahai born again." She said sullenly. "But I thought Stannis was Azor Ahai. I thought maybe Daenerys until..." She shook her head sadly and handed the book back to him, which he shelved.

"Until what?"

She sat back down and sighed. "If I keep your secrets, my Prince. You must keep mine. There's more to this world than thrones and Kings and Queens. There are forces and Gods at work here beyond all of us, and we must tread carefully."

He sat next to her and put a hand on hers, surprised that her skin was feverishly warm, as if a fire burned just under her flesh. "I swear it." He said.

"I believed Daenerys was Azor Ahai just as I had believed of Stannis until I went to the Night's Watch after Stannis died. There the Watch had mutinied against their Lord Commander Jon Snow. They'd stabbed him in the night and killed him, his body watched over by Ser Davos Seaworth and his loyal Night's Watch men and his direwolf, Ghost. I was dejected and low in belief, having seen Jon Snow fighting the darkness at Winterfell, I did not believe in my visions anymore. Ser Davos pleaded with me to try to save the Lord Commander, he said he believed in my power, had seen it do many things both terrible and great. So I asked the Lord of Light to revive Jon as he lay on the table." Her hand trembled under his. "And he woke."

Daemon couldn't help how his mouth came open. So he wasn't the only one. He had always thought of these people as fanatics, but their magic was real. Real enough to raise the dead, real enough to hold him suspended in a purgatory for two hundred years and revive him long past when even his bones would have survived. Their Lord of Light, their R'hllor, held real power and it appeared also a goal. "Why do you have this power?" He asked, astonished. "Why does your R'llor allow for this? It's unnatural. I still feel so out of place, I am not supposed to be here. I nearly took my life when I arrived here but he showed me Daenerys in the flames. She's the only thing that feels right about being here, helping her is the only natural thing I've done in weeks."

"I only have the power to enact the will of my Lord, without Him I am nothing." Melisandre said. "He wishes to see the defeat of the threatened Long Night, the enemy in the North. I only see blue eyes, an army of the dead marching on Winterfell. They will cloak the world in shadow for one thousand years if they aren't stopped. I used to think Azor Ahai was one man, but now I don't believe him to be one person at all. You are needed for this war, Daemon Targaryen. You, Daenerys, and Jon Snow."

"And Jon?"

"I told you. I have seen him fighting at Winterfell. I have seen him breathe fire like a dragon. I have seen him..." She paused and considered him carefully. "I have seen him embrace Daenerys, kiss her. I have also seen Daenerys with child."

Daemon's heart turned to lead in his chest. "His child? Are these visions always true?"

"I don't know if the child was his. The visions shift, they show partial stories. They can be hard to interpret with exactness." She said, giving him a sympathetic look. Somehow she knew. Of course she did. "But until you, I saw nothing for her past the war. The prophecy only spoke of the Long Night. In some visions I saw them swarming Winterfell and killing everyone, committing everyone to their dead army to devour the rest of the world. Now I see more."

"More how? Do you see Daenerys?"

"I see Targaryen heraldry blanketing King's Landing once again, I see Daenerys taking the throne. I see dragons in the skies, many dragons calling and keening over cities being built in the fashion of Old Valyria. With your face in my mind's eye I see the Targaryen house resurrecting from the ashes, rebuilding the blood of Old Valyria not to be lost." She rose and brushed off her robes. "So yes, I see Daenerys. I see her rebuilding glory to her house with your help. This is the Will of R'llor. But my word of caution to you is this: you must not interfere with Jon Snow. All three of you are needed. You each have a part to play."

Daemon scoffed and turned away from her. "Why would you think that would be an issue?"

"I am quite accustomed to the gaze of lust in men, my Lord." When he refused to meet her gaze she continued. "And in women."

Daemon rose with her, ready for their visit to end. He had a lot to think about and didn't want to hear anymore about Jon Snow. His mood was quickly souring and he knew he had made a mistake getting as close as he did to Daenerys if he was already reacting this way. Melisandre noticed the conflict in his eyes.

"My Prince you must keep your head. You must help her keep hers. You have a place here, I can't tell you exactly what that is. I wish I could. I don't know what Jon Snow's part is either." She said softly, trying to comfort the rising storm within him.

His venom was quick. "Apparently his place is to be kissing her, getting her pregnant. Melisandre, I think you should leave."

"Daemon you were sent here for a purpose, repentance for the mistakes you made during the Dance. You are being given a second chance, but to recieve that chance you must let go of the old Daemon Targaryen while holding on to his fire. It's your fire she needs."

He wanted to throw her from the room. Somehow she struck every nerve he had, whispering his darkest fears to him. Did she think he had not sat here and thought about all the ways in which he had failed? His malice and his hated and his deep need for revenge had fed the flames of a war that destroyed their house and ended the line of dragons. Daenerys would not be in the position she was in now if the Dance had never happened. His temper and his need to dominate had seen him a large player in that war, and here he was again dealing with it. Rhaenyra was dead because he could not separate passion and love from violence, his head lost now to anger at the idea of someone else kissing Daenerys. Had it festered in the two hundred years he lay dead, the darkness inside of him grown larger in that place, making him less aware of it's reasoning but no less immune to it's cost?

Melisandre put a hand on his shoulder and he realized that he was steeped in shadow. At her touch it dissipated, the fire in the hearth growing bright again after he had not noticed it diminish. "Daemon, to fight the darkness we must stand on the edge of it. You each have." She said warmly, her voice bolstering him. He understood how she had managed to beguile Kings. "But do not let it take you. We are the Lightbringers. We will stand against the dark and we will light the way because we are the only ones who can. Because we must."

He looked down at her and nodded, not feeling less angry but feeling more determined to control it. She was right, their fight was about more than any single one of them. In her eyes he saw flames dancing, and in those flames he saw dragons flying. Not three dragons. Dozens. Hundreds. He saw the rising steeples of Valyrian carved masonry. He saw beacons come to light on the tops of towers, heralding in a new era for Targaryens and for the world. There would be no losing it.





I have the next chapter already uploaded, going to make grammar edits and then post by tomorrow morning. I'm a night owl so I always post late. Things are going to be progressing quickly after next chapter! Let me know what you think as always. Thanks for reading. 💕

Chapter 10: The Burn Of Ice


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (10)


His sleep was restless and full of dreams, no, nightmares, of Daenerys in flashes. Kissing the bastard Stark King with classic Stark features and a Northerner face. In his mind he pictured Cregan Stark, devilishly handsome in an exaggeratedly masculine sort of way. Thick black hair and a black beard, broad shoulders and a gruff disposition, his hands roving Daenerys with the delicacy of a bull in a glass box. Despite the roughness she crooned and before the image evaporated she looked at Daemon, eyes hot with desire as Stark took her bent over a chair. He jerked awake and slapped himself in the face rapidly with both hands, trying desperately to shake the image from his mind. His dreams and his internal musings a safe haven previous to this, now a place of torture and insecurity.

The sun was just rising and he had a plan, determined to know of Daenerys' mind that she might not share with him. She was to meet with Lady Olenna, in her room, and he would use the passageway to listen. It wasn't likely to be something she would expect of him. But he needed to know if there was some plan with Jon that he didn't know of, some desire of hers that she had kept hidden. She tried so often to swallow him whole that he had to know whether or not he should let her or if he should steel his resolve against it.

Dressed quickly and out the door, he made his way down and out of the castle to the Dragonmont. With neither Daenerys nor her Queensguard in sight, he knew that she would take Olenna into her solar as he had guessed. Entering the cave as it began to illuminate in the morning sun, he smiled at the three dragons curled up with one another like cats on the raised platform. Viserion spotted him and yawned widely, raising his head as Daemon approached. He nuzzled his snout into Daemon's abdomen, making soft noises while Daemon pat him and admired the saddles. Even Drogon wore his, after being cooperative and allowing Daemon to place it.

The saddles were made well, both colored to match their dragons and to aid in camouflage. The seats were cushioned and luxurious, built in the style of the Dothraki horse saddles, not a single detail abandoned or out of place. They had attached large saddle bags and Daemon rounded Viserion's neck to reach into his.

Inside he pulled out a magnificent silver circlet, the crown he had commissioned the Dothraki to make for Daenerys. He had it made in a similar fashion to Aegon the Conqueror's crown, with white gold and silver that intertwined like vines rather than dark steel. And instead of blood red rubies in even spaces around the crown, there were large moonstones that shone the same shade as her hair, each bordered in dozens of tiny amethysts no larger than the tip of a feather. There were three stones in the center front, each to represent her children and carved with the face of a dragon. A large piece of obsidian that shone red in the right light, a polished piece of ivory bone, and a green agate pearled with bronze. Above them etched into the metal was the insignia of the Dothraki, but instead of two rearing horses touching hooves they were two rearing dragons spewing fire at one another that met to form the sigil of House Targaryen. The crown had taken careful planning and secrecy. He had brought Ser Barristan in on it's creation, using his knowledge to source the correct gemstones and his opinion on her tastes.

It had been on his mind to have a coronation for Daenerys in the fashion of their people, to crown her in her Kingdom in front of her vassals and bannermen. He now looked at the crown, concerned of its intimacy in the light of his new concerns about Jon Snow, and tucked it back into the saddle bag. Not until he was sure.

Leaving Viserion he made for the passageway quickly, half jogging up the tunnel and into the walls of the castle, making brisk time as he approached the door of the war room. It was odd to think that he had been here less than eight hours ago with all that had happened since. His conversation with Melisandre felt like days ago already with how heavy it weighed on his mind. It had dramatically shifted his mindset and by his current actions, his behavior as well.

The first voice he heard was Dany, speaking softly to Missandei who responded in turn. Missandei was asking how Daenerys had slept.

"I had that same dream of my brother, the one I also saw in the House of the Undying. It felt more urgent this time." Daenerys had answered. "It had me tossing and turning all night."

"The one where he seems as if he sees you, and he says that the dragon has three heads?" Missandei asked.

"Yes. Kinvara had also said that Azor Ahai would wake dragons from stone. My dragon eggs were petrified stone. I have hatched three. I can't help but think they are related."

"You have so much on your shoulders, my Queen." Missandei said affectionately. "Do not take take every dream and prophecy onto your back without forgetting to reprieve yourself from time to time."

Daemon heard the door open after a knock and quick steps enter, he recognized them immediately as Tyrion's. Sitting down in the corridor with his back against the wall between him and Daenerys, he settled in against the cleaned stone.

"Would you like to recieve Lady Olenna here, my Queen?" Tyrion asked.

"Yes, have breakfast brought up as well." Daenerys answered. "What do you suppose she wants to speak to me about?"

"Lady Olenna has always been a very secretive woman with a marked disdain for men. She is also clearly on the warpath in desire for revenge." Tyrion said. "I could guess that it will be more the same as last night."

There was a pause and Tyrion spoke again. "Ellaria Sand and her daughter Tyene are expected to arrive today along with Yara Greyjoy, who met with us in Mereen."

"I quite liked Yara." Daenerys said with warmth. "The Ladies of Dorne however I would prefer to have at council as little as possible. I do not enjoy breaking bread with those who murder children though we need the cooperation of Dorne."

"Agreed entirely, my Queen."

There were the footsteps of Tyrion's departure and the clatter of serving trays some time later as servants brought in breakfast. Then Tyrion's voice again as he brought the Lady of Highgarden.

"Lady Olenna, my Queen." He said and he heard the old woman shuffle into the room followed be the receding footsteps of other people, presumably servants as they left.

"I should say I slept rather well." Came Olenna's voice, crossing the room to the tables at the balcony where he was sure Daenerys likely sat. "The sounds of the ocean are pleasant for sleep."

"They are." Daenerys agreed and he heard Olenna take a chair near her. "I made sure they brought cheese for you as well. A favorite of yours?"

"A favorite of anybody with sense, I should say." Lady Olenna said. "But I did not come to talk food."

"I had wondered why you needed to speak with me privately." Daenerys mused. "Though of course I have no objections."

"I wanted to take a measurement of your character when not surrounded by your men and your advisors, to ask about what you see for the future without one of them cutting in as their egos make them prone to do." Olenna answered. He deeply appreciated her desire to know Daenerys' true self outside of her responsibilities and advisors inclinations.

"You haven't known me long, Lady Olenna, but I can tell you that I am acting on my own desires and beliefs." Daenerys said.

"Then it is your desire to sit here on Dragonstone while Cersei murders her way across Westeros?" Her hatred was palpable even through the stone.

"My desire is to take back my Kingdom and to keep it, so that I may change it. That requires bringing everyone into the fold so they feel a part of this triumph. Believe me Lady Olenna, I want Cersei to pay for what she has done and I promise you that she will." Daenerys said firmly.

"If she gives up the throne willingly, steps down, what then? What has your Lord Hand suggested you do?" Olenna asked.

"Tyrion has requested that she be allowed to retire to Casterly Rock, kept as a prisoner there until the end of her days." Daenerys answered. "I have not given him a true answer."

He felt his stomach turn the moment Olenna scoffed, something on the table clanking as she slammed down what sounded like her hand. "Preposterous."

"I agree." Daenerys said, to Daemon's surprise. "I do not intend to follow this suggestion."

"The men of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You are a dragon. Be a dragon." Olenna said strongly.

"If Cersei gives up the Red Keep willingly, she will be granted mercy in execution." Daenerys elaborated. "I have no intentions of letting her live after the atrocities she has committed."

"And the people who served her?" Olenna asked. "What do you plan to do about the people of that city, who sat idly by while my Granddaughter was imprisoned and mistreated? The same woman who walked among them, sang to them, made sure they were fed? They let Cersei put her in the ground. They will not respect you unless they fear you."

"I don't believe I need to inspire fear with brash acts of violence. There are smaller ways in which to punish the hateful. In Mereen I crucified one hundred masters, one for every child slave they had crucified on the road to my arrival." Daenerys explained. "I do not need to burn cities with dragonfire to inspire fear, and fear is unreliable. I want to inspire love."

"My Granddaughter had love." Olenna said sharply. There was a pause before she continued. "And when you take the throne? Tyrion says you desire to break the wheel, whatever that means. What does it mean?"

"I have to take the throne first. Then we can discuss it."

"And the succession of Highgarden? Cersei murdered my heirs." Olenna asked. "What is to be done with my home with you as our Queen?"

"I leave that appointment to you, Lady Olenna." Daenerys responded.

"You are going to have to answer for the Targaryen bastard you keep at your side. There will be more questions about him than you are ready for. You may have been told that your family was missed here in Westeros but your father left a bad taste here for Targaryen men and I can see the darkness within him just as clear as it was in your father." Olenna said and Daemon winced. "He seems rather loyal to you, perhaps it's best that he's a bastard so he can have no claim."

"Actually, I plan to naturalize him before we take King's Landing." Daenerys said and Daemon stopped breathing in shock. "He claimed Viserion and is the second head of the dragon, there need be no more proof that he is as Targaryen as I. He deserves the name."

"And if he stands to claim the throne out from under you?" Olenna asked.

"He would never." Daenerys said with clear assurance. He felt relieved that she knew that and warm in the chest at her desire to naturalize him. He had been planning to name her a true Targaryen Queen in the tradition of their people and she had been planning to give him back his name. His jealousy and concern flushed away from him as he realized that despite his struggle to maintain composure over his feelings for her, they were reaching their goal. They were rebuilding the dynasty. Where there had previously been no Targaryens and no dragons, there would be two and three respectively. What did she mean though, by the second head of the dragon? Was it a reference to her dream?

Satisfied with what he'd heard, Daemon rose and silently shuffled back down the corridor, thinking the release of his worry deserved a nap under the wing of Viserion.


He felt rather rested when Viserion stirred next to him, lifting his wing to reveal the light of dusk. He snapped up in alarm at having slept the day away, but felt another shock as he caught movement in his peripheral and turned to find Daenerys standing over him.

"sh*t!" He exclaimed and she laughed heartily.

"Have you been asleep down here all this time? I sent you for you earlier. The Ladies of Dorne and the Iron Islands arrived several hours ago." She said as she kneeled next to him on the stone platform, Viserion bringing his head around for her to pet his nose. "Truthfully, I was worried you had flown off."

Daemon stood with her, Viserion completely retracting his wing and moving off the platform as Drogon came up behind Daenerys and exhaled through his nose at them. Rhaegal trumpeted in hello from beside Drogon, their forms filling the cavern behind them. "I would never, my Queen." Daemon said. "At least not without telling you first."

She looked over Drogon and Viserion, smiling. "The saddles are beautiful, truly. I am very grateful for you having them made. The Dothraki are skilled in this craft and it shows in their work here." She walked up to Drogon and ran a hand down the straps from his chest to the saddle, marveling at the ornate stitchwork and the gloss of the stain used to color the leather. Daemon looked at her with a similar marvel, she was wearing an outfit he had not seen yet. Blood red leather detailed with scales covered her chest and came to points at her shoulders, stitched together in the back and tapering to points in her front and back for a long tunic. She wore red dyed fur around her shoulders that draped down her back, and her pants were also red leather and as tight as the Unsullied training garb. She looked back at him and noticed him ogling her.

"From how quickly you left last night, I wouldn't think you interested enough to look at me that way." She remarked with a grin.

"What was I supposed to do? Feast on you with Missandei as an audience?" He asked as he approached her, mirroring her action of running her hand down the leather of the saddle.

"You were supposed to come back." She said, almost sadly.

"I've told you, my Queen. This is dangerous territory." He said as he put a hand on her arm. "However, it seems you're available tonight and our saddles are finished. Would you like me to show you how to maneuver Drogon?"

Daenerys beamed at him as she grabbed the straps on the side of the saddle and made to mount Drogon, he leaned his shoulder down and allowed her. She settled into the dip in the saddle snugly, wiggling into place with a shimmy that made Daemon ache. She reached down and offered Daemon a hand, but as she did Drogon straightened his shoulder and sighed, some flame exiting his nostrils as he refused her.

"Dohaeragon nyke, Drōgon. Rual zirȳla." Daenerys said firmly. At the command to obey Drogon lowered himself once again, and Daemon took Daenerys hand heaving himself over the saddle and behind her. She scooted up the hump of the saddle in front of her allowing him to fit tight behind her and he knew immediately this would be trouble. She was flush against him as he leaned down and grabbed the straps, belting them both in as she noticed the proximity and did that shimmy with her hips again.

He growled and put his hand on her hip, holding her still. "I won't he able to instruct you in anything if you keep doing that."

She giggled and leaned forward a little, giving him some reprieve from the pressure as she grabbed the reigns of Drogon's saddle. As he finished the last buckle she gave the command for Drogon to fly and he lept into the air, slamming Daemon's back into the seat of the saddle and Daenerys hard against him again as he beat his wings and cleared the cavern. Daemon had not appreciated before this moment the size and grace of Drogon, and he smiled as Viserion followed behind and keened in happiness.

"Direct him up. Nearly to the cloud line." Daemon instructed Daenerys and she did as he asked, Dragonstone turning into a small building beneath them as Drogon grew the distance between them and the ground. The lowering sun turned the sky shades of purple and pink, truly beautiful. As they approached the cloud line Daemon reached his arms around Daenerys, grabbing the reigns from her.

"Hold on tight." He said as he pulled hard on the left reign, causing Drogon to barrel roll to the left as they went upside down and came right side up quickly. Daenerys squealed and with her hands still on the reigns repeated the physical command herself and they went spiraling through the sky, her laughs like music in the thin air.

As Drogon evened out again Daemon pulled on the top reign this time, showing Daenerys how to scoop Drogon backwards and upside down. Her laughter was life, and he put his mouth to her ear. "This will allow you to miss any projectiles coming up behind you if you do it quick enough." He said. "I am sure Cersei has prepared and will have scorpion bolts. You must be aware of their locations and listen for their draw. They can't pierce most of Drogon's hide, it's like steel most everywhere besides his belly and even there it's strong. But they can still injure him or break bones."

For the next half an hour they soared through the skies above Dragonstone, Daemon showing Daenerys a large arsenal of aerial maneuvers to help keep her safe. Her hair windswept and voice raw from laughing as the sun dipped below the horizon, she directed Drogon up and above the clouds where the sky lay dark blue and full of stars, clear and silent. Drogon cruised on the thin air with Viserion besides him, towards the moon they could see rising in the east.

Straightening, Daenerys leaned back into his chest and held her arms out like wings, giggling with pure joy. "I thought before that nothing could make me feel like flying. But you have proven me wrong. Nothing feels like flying with you." She said breathlessly.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of the sky in front of them that he shared with her, Daemon wrapped his arms around her tightly, one hand cradling her face as he put his mouth to her jaw. He kissed her skin tenderly, softly, as he closed his eyes and embraced her. She turned in the seat somewhat and cupped his face in one of her hands, and opening his eyes Daemon felt his heart soar at her expression. Her eyes were soft and emotional, hungry and full all at once. He gazed back at her and sighed, turning his face slightly away from her as she pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth and he balled his fists to control himself.

"Daenerys, I would stay in this sky with you and never come down if it was possible. I hope you know that."

She turned back to the horizon in front of him and released her own breath before leaning forward and pushing herself backwards, grinding herself into him. He hissed through his teeth and put his hands on her hips as she swirled them, making him harden against her. Turning her head to look up at him, she moved herself up and down, stroking him through his pants as he ground himself against her, bringing a hand forward to grip her face. She moved her head in such a way that she kissed his fingers and opened her lips, pulling two of them into her mouth as she sucked. Hard.

Snapping at the sudden fire she brought to him he grabbed her shoulders and hauled her straight up again, gripping her breast through her tunic with one hand as he snaked the other down the front of her pants. His teeth to her ear he said "You are going to be the undoing of everything. You so easily unravel me." and pushed his fingers inside of her, groaning at how wet she was. She arched her back and gasped, and using what she had shown him only the night before he brought her above the clouds in a different way as Drogon made lazy circles back down towards the ground. If he could not have her, he would worship her pleasure and she would worship his hands. Her shuddering moans told him she was already there.


The next couple of days were fast paced and he saw her little as the troops made ready for departure. Melisandre remained scarce to him as he remained scarce to Daenerys, unwilling to tangle with the growing feelings he had for her. With the Tyrell and Dorne and Greyjoy armies behind them, they had all the manpower and then some that they needed to take Casterly Rock and lay siege to King's Landing. The Unsullied prepped to board the Greyjoy fleet to be ferried to the Lannister seat with Ellaria and her daughter in tow and Yara at the helm while Olenna left to return to Highgarden and call their banners. The island was a scramble of people running around to gather weapons, armor, food and other resources. All that they waited for now was Jon Snow, so that they could be sure that there wasn't a pack of wolves waiting for them around any given corner.

It was when Lord Snow's boat was spotted in the harbor in the morning of the third day after their flight that Daenerys called for him and for everyone else to the throne room to recieve the Northern Lord. He arrived quickly behind Varys, walking in to Daenerys already sitting the Dragonglass throne and Tyrion leaning into her, saying something quietly. She stood as he entered, beckoning him to her. He walked up to her and stood to her right side as she finished her conversation with Tyrion.

"Jon Snow is a reasonable man. I expect this to go well. I don't think he would have traveled all this way if he didn't intend for it to go that way as well. Too many Starks have died when they went south." Tyrion was saying, Daenerys looking towards the entrance of the room.

"The North was independent for longer than it was dependent. What if he wishes for it to be the way that it was before?" She asked. She was nervous, an emotion Daemon had not seen on her before.

"Remind him that the North remained independent until Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror, heralding one of the most prosperous eras that Westeros has ever experienced." Daemon cut in and Tyrion glared at him while Daenerys clenched her jaw.

"I'm not sure aligning her with the Conqueror is the best look here." Tyrion said sharply.

"She is a vision of him. Three dragons to unite the Kingdoms under Targaryen rule. The Starks bent the knee to avoid their downfall after Visenya and Vhagar laid the Riverlands to ash. Lord Snow would be wise to remember that." Daemon interjected.

"So we are threatening to burn them now? Do you think that's how diplomacy-" Tyrion started.

"Enough." Daenerys snarled. "One of you councils me to wrath while the other councils for submission. I will decide. His attitude will seal my decision."

As she finished her statement a few Unsullied shuffled into the room, followed by Grey Worm who stood at the door. "Lord Jon Snow, my Queen." He said and Daenerys nodded.

Daemon expected a contingent of men to enter but was surprised when only two came striding into the room, and it was immediately apparent which one was Lord Snow. The man to his left was slight with a worn, ordinary face and thinning hair with a beard peppered grey. He had a determined look in his eyes as he preceeded Snow to the steps before the throne, stopping with hands folded behind him.

Jon Snow was not as he had expected, either. He was tall, lithe and fair, with clear and pale skin and long nearly black hair that fell in tight curls past his shoulders. His jaw was set hard as he clenched his teeth, a movement of nervousness or resolve, he could not be sure. He had long limbs and well made steel armor carved with the Stark wolf on his chest with a Valyrian steel sword belted to his hips. Snow's eyes looked up to Daenerys and then scanned the room pausing only momentarily on Daemon and lingering longer on Tyrion, dark grey and crystal clear. He had all the dark features of a Stark but none of the brutality, he seemed regal and lethal with grace. Daemon squared his shoulders as he remembered that this man, like himself, had risen from the dead. He wondered if he would be forthcoming about that with him if he could get him in private to speak about it.

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains." Came Missandei's voice from the foot of the steps before the throne, loud and strong.

The man next to Jon laughed and shuffled in his spot. "This is Jon Snow." He said haphazardly as he looked to his Lord. "He's King in the North."

Daemon felt Daenerys immediately bristle. "Thank you for traveling so far, my Lord." She said, though he heard the struggle in her voice to parrot pleasantries. "I hope the seas weren't too rough."

"The winds were kind, Your Grace." Jon said, his accent very Northern but articulate and deep.

The man by Jon shuffled again. "Apologies, I have a Flea Bottom vocabulary, I know. But Jon Snow is King in the North. He isn't a Lord."

Daenerys frowned at the man with contempt. "And you are?"

"That is Ser Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight." Tyrion cut in. "Once a smuggler that turned Hand for Stannis who ironically removed the first parts of his fingers for his piracy. I'm surprised to see you standing here by Jon, Ser Davos. How did that come to be?"

"Yes." Daenerys said lethally. "Do tell me how you came to stand beside Lord Snow rather than the brother of the usurper who murdered my family."

Daemon watched Jon's eyes shoot to Daenerys, studying her. "A conversation for another time, I'm sure." He said. "There are more pressing matters at hand."

"Quite." Daenerys agreed sharply. "Forgive me, Ser Davos. I never did recieve a formal Westerosi education. But I could have sworn I read that the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen. In exchange for his life and for the life of his bannermen, Lord Stark swore fealty to Aegon and his house in perpetuity. And perpetuity means what, Lord Tyrion?"

"Forever." Tyrion said quickly.

"Forever." Daenerys said with exaggerated astonishment. "So are you telling me you traveled all this way to break faith with House Targaryen?"

Jon frowned and did not appear the least bit intimidated as he scoffed. "Break faith? Really? If we are beholding ourselves to the actions of our ancestors, did your father not break faith with House Stark when he burned by grandfather and uncle alive?"

"No more than Cersei did when her bastard son beheaded your father." Daenerys struck back.

"I am not sworn to Cersei Lannister." Jon said quickly. "I would never be sworn to a Lannister." He flashed his eyes to Tyrion.

"If you're not sworn to Cersei, and you didn't come here to bend the knee to me, then why are you here, Lord Snow?" Daenerys asked.

Jon sighed. "It would be useless to pledge the North to you. They would do you no good. If we stand here squabbling over a chair made of swords, every Northmen will be dead before the years end."

Daenerys looked puzzled. "I'm not understanding you."

"I need your help. That's why I've come. I need your help and you need mine." Jon said.

Daemon laughed. "Did you miss the dragons flying around when your ship arrived? The Dothraki and the Unsullied on the beach?"

Jon looked at him, eyes piercing as he looked at his hair, his eyes, his Targaryen embossed leathers. "They were hard to miss... Lord...?"

"Rivers." Daemon answered. "We have our circ*mstance of parentage in common." And more, but that would be shared later.

Jon nodded and turned back to Daenerys. "All of that still, you need my help."

"How?" Daenerys asked.

"Because come the fall of winter, every man, woman and child in the North will be dead and soon the world after if we don't stop fighting like children in a game that matters not against it." Jon said fiercely.

Daenerys stood and glared at Tyrion. "You told me you liked this man."

"I do." Tyrion responded.

"In the time that he's stood here, he has refused to call me Queen and he is now calling me a child."

"I believe he's calling all of us children." Tyrion pointed out.

"Your Grace." Jon said, stepping forward and looking up at Daenerys. In unison with her Queensgaurd, Daemon put his hand on his sword. Jon noticed and stepped back again. "My Queen," he said again, his voice turning to a more pleading tone. "Everyone you and I know will be dead before winter's over if we don't ban together to defeat the enemy to the North."

"How do I know that you aren't the enemy to the North?" Daenerys asked savagely.

"I'm not your enemy. The dead are the enemy."

"The dead?" Daenerys asked. "Is this another difference of vocabulary?"

"There is an Army of the Dead that marches from beyond the wall to kill us all, they've marched before and cloaked the world in darkness. They're back and if we do nothing they will do it again. Targaryens, Starks, Lannisters, all of us will be dead and the throne won't matter if we don't do something." Jon pleaded.

Daenerys froze. He knew that she had heard as well as him the prophecy whispers of the enemy to the north, but an army of the dead? He wasn't sure. He could tell on Daenerys' face that she wasn't either. Jon could see it too. He turned to Tyrion.

"My Lord, you don't know me well, but do you think I'm a liar or a madman?" Jon asked him.

"I don't think you're either of those things." Tyrion answered.

"Then believe me when I tell you I've seen it. The army of the dead. The night walkers. The Night's King. It's all real. It's all real and they're coming for each and every one of us. If we are fighting amongst ourselves when they come, we're all dead." Jon repeated.

Daenerys stepped down from the throne and Daemon followed her, keeping a few feet back as she approached Jon Snow and looked him in the eye. "What you are telling me requires faith to believe. A madman sees what he sees. I can't be sure if you're mad or telling the truth. The only faith I've ever had is the faith I've had in myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. Faith brought me to win back my birthright. The world had not seen dragons for hundreds of years until I brought my children into it. The Dothraki had never crossed a sea or fought all as one. The Unsullied have never fought as free men and yet they all stand behind me. I have made the impossible happen by having faith in myself, not in myths and in legends, Jon Snow."

"The War has already begun." Tyrion said. "You can't expect us to halt hostilities to fight for you."

Ser Davos was the one to step forward this time. "You don't believe him, I understand. I didn't either. But you were the first to bring your armies together? Jon Snow was the first to bring the wildlings together as they fled the dead. He was the first to make allies of them and the Northmen. He was named Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. He had no birth right, no fancy name or title. Just his own resiliency and will. His own type of faith. He has given everything for this cause including his own li-"

Ser Davos stopped as Jon raised a hand and shook his head, but Daemon caught it. He gave his own life. If Ser Davos spoke so openly about it even on accident, maybe Jon was more open about it in closer quarters. It hardened his resolve to ask him about it later. That is if Daenerys didn't throw him from the castle.

"If we are all dead it doesn't matter whose skeleton sits the Iron Throne." Jon said solemnly.

"Then kneel." Daemon said. "If it doesn't matter then kneel. Join us in defeating Cersei and we can help defend the North."

Jon shook his head. "There's no time for any of this. The dead will matter long before Cersei does. And if they kill us all to march in their army, you will stand no chance against them at 100,000 strong."

"Pledge your sword to her cause and your proposal will be considered." Tyrion repeated.

"Why would I do that?" Jon addressed Daenerys again, meeting her gaze. Daemon wondered how he didn't melt beneath the fire in her eyes. "No offense, Your Grace, but I don't know you. No one in Westeros does. I've heard you freed the slaves in Slavers Bay, and that they now fight beside you. That sounds like a ruler that inspires love and loyalty and one I could get behind, but the only rulers I ever knew with Targaryen names burned innocent children and my kin. I want to believe you, I want to be inspired by you."

Daenerys shifted on her feet. "I can not abandon my fight for the throne to fight this cause on faith alone. I can't."

Jon sighed. "Then I ask for your leave to mine the dragonglass underneath this mountain."

"Dragonglass? Why would you need dragonglass?" Daemon asked.

"It's potent against the dead. It kills them if you pierce them with it." Jon answered.

Daenerys turned and walked back up the steps, turning back towards Jon to look down at him from above. "Fine, Lord Snow. I give you permission to mine the dragonglass and send it back to your people. But in the meantime you will stay on dragonstone. You will promise no hostilities against us. While your people get their dragonglass, I hope you can find the inspiration you need to bend the knee."

"So I'm to be kept your prisoner?" Jon demanded.

"Call it an extended wardship, to learn to keep the faith." She answered.

Jon frowned. "But I can't leave?"

"No, Jon Snow. You can't leave. I am compromising with you. I am giving you what you need." She said as she stepped to him again, reaching her hand up to touch the wolf amulet he wore around his neck and that hung to his chest. He visibly tensed at the touch and Daemon tried hard to hide a sneer. "As much as you want to name yourself King I am still the rightful Queen and by naming yourself such you are in open rebellion. Until you repent your traitorous ways, you will remain on Dragonstone. I'll treat you better than the Lannisters treated your father, to be sure. You may move about the island."

She waved her hand as a group of Unsullied came to sweep Jon and Davos from the room. Jon made to resist, but Daenerys called to him again. "Go and find your dragonglass, Lord Snow. I will come and find you later. Don't push the opportunity I've given you."

With heat in his gaze Jon Snow turned and followed the Unsullied out, his long hair sweeping behind him as he stepped hard and angrily from the room. Ser Davos shot Tyrion a nod before disappearing under the entryway arch.

Daenerys immediately turned to Daemon and put her hand on his arm. He looked into her face and was surprised to find her eyes wild with shock and confusion. "Aemon," she said quietly. "I have seen his face in my dreams. I have seen his face but with silver hair and purple eyes, breathing fire. I know it was him. What could that mean?"

And Daemon did not have an answer. With Snow's arrival and pledge it was time to set things in motion, dreams or not. The war had begun.





And hello Jon!!! I used their meeting in the show as a base for their conversation, but added a lot and took away a lot. Things will move quickly over the next couple chapters. A lot of you have expressed concern about Jon and I'll tell you all now I'm going more book Jon here. We may even get one or two chapters in his PoV. He is very internal and I think that might be important. That said Daemon is fiercely jealous but also very intrigued.

Next chapter in the works, as always thanks for reading!

Chapter 11: Dream Or Prophecy


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (11)


Daenerys' head was swimming. Every face she had ever seen in her dreams came flashing through her mind's eye, and she was sure. His cut but narrow jaw, his clean shaven and fair face, his watchful, sad eyes and heavy brow... she had seen him before. That face in her dreams had not had black hair and grey eyes but rather silver and purple and he had opened his mouth to breath fire onto her, evaporating her senses into the next part of whatever dream she was floating through. It had been glimpses, but it had been him. She needed to speak to Melisandre.

Releasing Aemon's hand she turned to Tyrion who stood brooding back towards the dragonglass throne. "I need Melisandre. Bring her to me now."

He nodded and took a step forward but Varys cut in sharply. "She left as soon as Jon Snow landed, my Queen. Apparently they have a history and neither Lord Snow or Ser Davos are very fond of her."

"They knew her?" Daenerys asked incredulously.

"Apparently so, Your Grace." Varys answered. "Although I wasn't given details from her, I do know from my own whispers that she was banished from the North when she came here. They did not leave on happy terms."

Daenerys nodded, resolved to ask Jon about that later. She turned back to Tyrion. "In that case, now that we have a promise from the Warden of the North, give the command to the ships to depart. I want them gone before nightfall. It is time for us to enact our long laid plans."

Tyrion smiled and nodded, walking quickly from the room. Grey Worm approached Daenerys from where he stood posted in the throne room and kneeled, bowing his head.

"My Queen." He said in his heavy Valyrian accent. "I will win Casterly Rock in your name. The Lannisters will know the wrath of the Mother of Dragons. This I promise to you."

Daenerys put a hand down on his shoulder. "You honor me with your service, Grey Worm. I know you will make me proud."

The Unsullied Commander stood and nodded with pursed lips, before glancing softly at Missandei and turning to walk from the room. Daenerys tilted her head at Missandei who shrugged. "Go and say goodbye, my friend." Daenerys said sympathetically and Missandei too, exited the room.

Daenerys faced her Queensguard still standing behind her with Aemon. "Ser Jorah, since you knew his father, it would please me if you would go and make sure that Jon is comfortable and accommodated. Stay with him for the rest of the day, report back to me before nightfall."

Jorah laughed. "My Queen, his father hated me. He was the one who sentenced me to die."

"All the same... Mormont is pledged to House Stark. I think you will be better recieved." Daenerys said.

Ser Jorah nodded and shooting a glance to Ser Barristan, he left. Daenerys, Aemon and Ser Barristan remained at the foot of the throne, in front of the Painted Table while men ran across the opening of the archway, beckoning orders to one another and carrying satchels to take down to the ships.

"What can we do to help, my Queen?" Aemon asked, approaching her and looking at her with concern. He seemed to always know when her mind was chaos, and at the moment the island around her reflected the state of her internally.

"Yes." She said. "I think it's time you put a sword in my hand. You and Ser Barristan may accompany me to the training yard and start showing me. This war is underway and it's time for the next step in my training."

Both Ser Barristan and Aemon smiled at her, Aemon's smile particularly wicked as he said "I would love to, my Dragon Queen."


Several hours later she stood drenched in sweat in the training yard, sparring relentlessly with Aemon and Barristan. While one would spar with her and the other gave direction, she found she preferred sparring with Aemon as he had a lighter hand and Ser Barristan a softer voice. Her hands hurt and tingled from holding the blunt edge sword that was constantly being struck, thrumming into her fingers and she was reminded of Aemon's words "Yours will have calluses of their own before long when I put a sword in your hand.". She knew by tomorrow if not earlier she would have blisters and he would have made good on his promise. As her sword connected again in defense of one of Aemon's swings, she winced and could no longer feign strength. She dropped the sword and cradled her right hand to her chest. Aemon was there in an instant.

"Daenerys, are you hurt?" He said with concern on his face as he reached for her hand. She turned it over to him.

"It hurts even through the leather glove." She said and winced as he slipped the glove off. Her hand was puffy and red and a few broken and weeping blisters scattered across her palm just below her fingers.

Ser Barristan was behind her as well, looking over her shoulder. "My Queen, you should have said something."

Aemon frowned. "You should have. Why didn't you?"

She sighed and pulled her hand back from him, closing it and holding it against herself. "I didn't want you to make me stop. This is something I need to learn."

Aemon's eyes flashed with anger for a second and then it disappeared. He looked behind her to Barristan. "Sparring practices will go no longer than two hours from now on. Until her skin grows thicker. Agreed, Ser?"

She turned her head and saw Ser Barristan nod out of the corner of her eye. "Agreed."

Aemon turned from her with a frustrated glare and began walking back up towards the castle. "Now wait a minute!" She called. "You don't get to just decide-"

He whirled on her, turning to look her dead in the face, meeting her fire with his own. "You arenotthe Queen of your training, remember? You agreed. If I'm to train you, you do not dictate this."

She grit her teeth at him. "Fine, if you won't, Ser Barristan will." Turning to Ser Barristan, she was disappointed that he appeared to hesitate.

"My Queen, Aemon's advice is sound. There's no rush. Your hands will become tougher with time." He said sympathetically.

"I'm beginning to understand Olenna more and more everyday." She said with frustration as she pushed past Aemon and made for the castle herself. She felt the war closing in around her like a vice, and sitting and waiting for armies to move when she could fly her dragons to the Red Keep in less than a few hours was maddening. She deeply understood the need for a diplomatic approach but she was growing impatient at being denied in almost every facet of her existence.

In her frustrated stupor she hardly noticed when she walked up the stairs and nearly straight into Jon Snow, the voice of Ser Jorah snapping her to attention.

"My Queen." Came Ser Jorah from behind Jon Snow, who looked down at her from the top of the stairs with cold eyes and an impassive face. "We were going to walk the island and find the entrance to a specific cavern Jon has recorded for the location of the dragonglass." She noticed a scroll in Lord Snow's hand.

Aemon came up first, taking a defensive position beside her. "May I see that?" He asked, gesturing towards the scroll.

Snow's face was impassive still as he handed it to Aemon. Opening it, Aemon glanced at the paper for half a second before rolling it up again. "I know where this is. I can take you."

"I appreciate the offer my Lord, but I would rather find it on my own." Jon said, his voice betraying nothing. He turned to Daenerys. "After I return, may I request an audience with Your Grace?"

Daenerys paused but nodded, still struggling with his face. "You may. Return to your chambers for supper and I'll find you there."

"I'll join you." Aemon said quickly.

She looked to Aemon, still frustrated with him for holding her back at training. "I have other things I need you to tend to."

"Like what?" Aemon snapped, more irritated than he should be at her answer.

Jon swept past them with no regard for their conversation followed by Jorah. "Come, or don't, makes no difference to me. As long as I can speak to the Queen." He said as they continued walking.

Daenerys frowned at Aemon and continued her angry march to her solar, Aemon behind her the whole way. She would address him in private. Ser Barristan did not follow, sensing it best not to.


Her rage was flowing through her veins like molten lava by the time they reached her solar. The more logical side of her mind knew that this all wasn't from Aemon. She knew that her anger was a manifestation of feeling like she raced her entire life to stand still on this island, feeling frustrated at men counciling her to heel and heed when her instincts screamed something else. She must wait for the Red Keep. She must wait for the Iron Throne. She must wait for the Northern Lords to bend the knee. She must wait for Aemon to take her body, mind and soul. After waiting for the twenty six years of her life, suddenly the waiting of a few weeks felt like a hot poker into her gut. And even though this anger wasn't all from Aemon, she knew that he could take it. He brimmed with fire inside of himself and fire could not kill a dragon. So she unleashed it upon him.

As he closed the door of her solar behind her, she grabbed a metal pitcher and turned, hurling it at him. He seemed to expect it and deftly dodged it, stepping quickly to approach her.

"No!" She snarled as she rounded the wash basin away from him, dancing left and then right to keep it between them and he continued to try to get to her. "First youcommandme in front of the Commander of my Queensguard, then you question me in front of that wretched bastard King? You have grown too bold for your position, Aemon Rivers."

"And you grow too hot for yours." Aemon replied, leaning forward and bracing his hands on the edge of the tub. "You're angry. I can see that. This can't all be from me. All I want is to keep you safe."

"No, you want to consume me beneath you. I am not a child or your subjugate I am the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." She spat at him.

"You are the one who begs me to consume you, I am the only barrier between you and that leash." He said back. "Tell me, what has you so chaotic?" He stood straight and approached the bed, sitting on it and crossing his legs as she glared at him.

"You say all you want is to keep me safe. Is that really true?" Daenerys asked, taking a deep breath and trying to calm the storm within her. "I feel like you want to lock me in a room instead and never let me out."

Aemon gave her a puzzled look. "My Queen." He said softly. "I would never lock you away and take away your drive for the throne. I support you in your ambition. I just don't want you to harm yourself in your path to it. I don't want you to work your hands bloody, I don't want you to put yourself in a room alone with a traitorous Stark."

Daenerys sensed there was more to this. "You had no issues with Olenna." She retaliated. "For f*cks sake, you were asleep when the Sand Snakes who murdered a child came to our shores. Yet Jon Snow has you hovering?"

His face paused, then he sighed. "You're right." He said. "Of course you're right." Rising from the bed, he made for the table by the balcony and poured them both a glass a wine. Bringing one to her he noticed her wince when she took the cup. Walking to the door, he opened it and whispered commands to the servant outside.

"They're going to bring food and salve. May I treat your hand while you tell me more about what has you so riled?" He asked as he went back to sit on the bed.

She side eyed him as she approached the table next to her armoires, picking up a fragment of the dragon's eggs that she had kept and twirling it in the fingers of her good hand. This fragment was from Rhaegal's egg, green and speckled with bronze. "It's hard to put into words. My mouth opens and I don't want sound to come out, only fire." She said. It was the best way to describe the feeling. "I feel as if I've waited my whole life to be here, yet still my decisions are dictated by others."

"They don't have to be. You're the Mother of Dragons. Who could truly bend you to their will?" Aemon asked.

Before she could answer a servant returned, knocking before entering with a tray of food and a tin of salve that she sat on the balcony table. Daenerys took a seat at the table across from Aemon as he joined her, and he scooted his chair close enough to her to take her hand in his while the servant left. His fingers gripped her wrist lightly as she unfurled her palm and allowed him to tenderly apply the salve. As she adjusted to the sensation she spoke again.

"No one can bend me." She said. "But they have convinced me. Tyrion is right. The Targaryen dynasty fell under a rule of fear. It would not be wise to take the city with fire and blood."

Aemon raised an eyebrow to her. "Then why are you angry?"

"Because I still f*cking want to." She said savagely. "I still want to see them burn. To see them suffer. The Lannisters and the Starks and the Baratheons conspired against my family. They murdered them, they killed my niece and nephew who were only children. They raped my brothers wife and crushed her skull. I didn't have a childhood because of them, only fleeting memories of a red door and a lemon tree outside of my window and always always fear. They sent an assassin to poison me when I was pregnant with Rhaego. If that had never happened, Drogo would not have needed to pillage for ships. He would have never desired to sail across the narrow sea and may have lived. The woman who sits the Iron Throne represents a robber of life who has followed me for all of mine, stealing my happiness at every chance. Yet it makes sense to wait, to give her a chance she never would have given me. It takes patience and delegation to be a good ruler, but sometimes I wish I wasn't one. Sometimes I wish I inspired no one and had no desire to. I wish I was the Mad Queen they so badly want me to be. Maybe madness is happier."

Aemon listened attentively while she spoke, carefully applying the salve and letting her unbundle the chaos in her mind. Every word of it was true, but she felt it making more sense to even her as she pulled the thread of thought from her head and laid it bare in front of her, no longer a tangled web and instead a line of sense. She had never been able to enact revenge, she had always had to make decisions to move forward and grow an empire rather than to burn it all down. Now her responsibilities lay with more than her anger, but with the thousands who followed her and believed in her. But no one would acknowledge that without her crown she had every right to want the blood of her enemies in the most violent way possible, because the way forward only existed with her as Queen. The concept of her without those duties did not exist.

"I admire your ability to rationalize what you want to do versus what you should do." Aemon said. "I greatly respect that you can lean into the balance of your advisors to check your worst impulses."

She'd heard it before, but it didn't help calm her anger to know that she was good and would not act on her impulse because of it. That struggle within her was the whole point behind her rage. But Aemon released her hand and with a light touch, lifted her chin up to meet his gaze. "You are true to your blood to feel the way you are feeling. You have been robbed of a life, thrown into a war you didn't start from the day you were born. Now you feel you are being denied your right to revenge because of the responsibility you bare." He said as his eyes bore into hers. "But I promise you, Daenerys Stormborn, with every fiber of my being and every beat of my heart, those who took your life from you will die screaming. That responsibility doesn't have to be yours. Let it be mine. Let me hold and keep the parts of you that aren't suited for duty, aren't suited for honor, I don't give a f*ck about those things anyway. Be a Queen out there, and I'll never again question you. But here, with me? You are Daenerys. You are a woman of fire and moonlight and I carry it with me on dragonback, even when you can't. I swear this to you."

At his words she felt every piece of anger fall from her, deflating her as her muscles released from their tense position. She did not hate her duty, she loved her success in taking back her birth right, but until Aemon she did not realize how badly she needed a reprieve. She had not realized how much she tempered herself to be Queen, to make the right decisions for all did not always align with the right decisions for her. But with Aemon all that mattered was her and she knew it. She closed her eyes as Aemon cupped her cheek.

"Aemon..." She whispered. "You say these things but still deny me the simple pleasures of your body on mine. You sing perfect words and understand my soul but still reject to hold me truly. You still won't tell me who you really are."

Opening her eyes to look at him again she saw the struggle on his face. "In this I must temper myself. It is not because of you. But know I'm working on it." He looked to the sky outside of the balcony. "I am sure Jon Snow will be returning soon and you will need to meet with him."

"More duty to other people. This time to Northerners I do not even know." She sighed as she leaned back in her chair and he retracted his hands from her face. "And a confusing man who has stalked my dreams."

Aemon assembled a sandwich for her from the food on the tray and handed it to her. "What do you think the dream means?" He asked.

"I think it means he has a part to play, as Melisandre said."

Aemon nodded. "I agree." He said. They both sat silently for a while, eating and looking out over the Dragonmont and the ocean filled with the departing ships of the armada flying black and red Targaryen sails. Soon after, Tyrion came to inform Daenerys of Snow's return to his solar.

"He has taken supper and awaits your audience." Tyrion said as he waited by the door to escort her.

Rising, she turned back to Aemon. "You may accompany me if you wish." She said.

"No, my Queen. You are fully capable of handling this." He said confidently and she felt imbued with it. Her duty was her strength not her burden. "But before you leave, may I ask a favor?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious. "Yes?"

"May I have leave to return to somewhere familiar to me on Viserion?" He asked hesitantly. "It's safe and I will return before the end of three days. I promise."

Daenerys felt her heart leap into her throat with worry. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'll tell you after I return." He said.

Sighing, she conceded. "You may." She said. "Will you be here after I meet with Jon?"

Aemon smiled at her. "If you so wish, my Queen. I'll stay right here."


As Tyrion walked her to Snow's solar which had been positioned on the other side of the castle, he updated her on the departure of their armada and ground forces. Seven thousand Unsullied and two thousand Ironborn were on their way across Blackwater Bay. The Unsullied were headed towards Casterly Rock and would arrive in around fourteen days, eight if winds were favorable. The Ironborn would sail further into the gullet, pirating the bay and cutting off any supply ships headed in or out of King's Landing, meanwhile five thousand Dothraki were being ferried to the mainland to cut off supply from the King's Road. Tyrion explained that if all went well at Casterly Rock and with the siege they would likely hear from Cersei soon after requesting to convene and to discuss terms.

"As I've said before, Cersei could be left to stay on Casterly Rock until the end of her days. You could even put her in prison there. It would be a good show of your compassion and forgiveness, a sharp contrast to the Targaryen who sat the throne before you and a hope for change." He said as they walked. "My brother Jamie will follow any decision she makes."

Daenerys grimaced. "Sometimes I feel as if you argue for the lives of your family more passionately than anything else, Lord Tyrion. Despite their attempts to murder you."

"Cersei's attempt." Tyrion corrected. "Jamie helped me escape."

"And for that I'm to owe him some debt? My gratitude?" Daenerys asked.

Tyrion shook his head. "No, my Queen. He murdered your father. I only hope that his actions be taken into account before his sentencing. He would have done the same for me."

"We will speak of their pardoning when and if they abdicate my throne." Daenerys said firmly as they approached the door to Jon's solar, Ser Jorah standing outside.

"Davos has already departed, he's in the room across the hall." Jorah said as he nodded to Daenerys. "I will remain while Daenerys is here and will escort her back."

"Go and find a few Dothraki to man these doors overnight so Ser Jorah can sleep, Lord Tyrion." Daenerys commanded as the door to Jon's solar creaked open.

Jon stood in the doorway, hair loose around his shoulders and face unreadable as he stood back and gestured for Daenerys to enter. "I see Lord Rivers decided not to come after all."

Daenerys nodded and walked inside, noting how sparse the room was. They had not assigned him a very furnished solar. A double bed, an armoire and a table with four chairs were the only furniture the room contained. A fire was lit in the hearth and was the only source of light in the room, contrasting long and dark shadows across everything. Daenerys startled when a sudden cackle came from the window and she looked up to a mangled and homely looking crow sitting on the edge of it.

"He's mine." Snow said as he closed the door and came up behind her, pulling out one of the chairs and offering her a seat. "Found him drowning in the water on the way down. Fished him out and fed and watered him, he hasn't left me since. Named him Pebble on account of where we found him."

She sat in the chair he offered her, eyeing the bird suspiciously as it co*cked it's head sideways at her. Jon sat in the chair opposite her, the hearth behind him with the light accentuating his silhouette. "Are you in the habit of taking wild birds for pets?" She asked.

"Birds, no." He answered. "But I've been known to rescue a wild thing or two."

She nodded and made a show of looking about the room. "I apologize for the sparse living arrangements. I can have more furnishings and a tub brought to you immediately. I did not know that-"

He waved a hand at her, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "No worries, Your Grace. I've lived my most recent years in bunks at Castle Black as a man of the Night's Watch. The room is fine."

"I was under the impression that the Night's Watch was a vow only ended upon death." Daenerys wondered.

"It is." Lord Snow responded, offering no further explanation as silence fell between them.

Having exhausted her pleasantries, Daenerys looked at Jon seriously, attempting to study his face, but the man was impeccably good at hiding all perceptible emotion. She could not get a read on him at all. "Your meeting." She said, not wanting to sit in silence.

"Right, well, we found the dragonglass." Jon said. "We brought men to mine it, so they've gotten to work on that immediately."

"Immediately? As in now?"

"Yes, Your Grace. I told you." He answered. "We have great need of it."

Daenerys sighed and looked back towards the crow, who was eyeing them oddly as if he was engaged in the conversation. It unsettled her. Jon followed her gaze and lifted his arm, the crow leaping from the window ledge and gliding across the room to land on it. He pulled a few pieces of dry corn from his pocket and held his hand out, the crow happily picking up the pieces and tilting it's head backwards to tip them down it's throat. Pulling more corn from his pocket, Jon offered some to her.

"Would you like to feed him?" Jon asked. "He doesn't bite."

Leaning forward she took the corn from Jon, surprised at how ice cold his skin was even in the warmth of the hearth they sat in. Holding her hand similarly to his, she startled a little when Pebble grabbed the corn from her, lightly pecking her hand. As he gobbled the pieces down he spread his wings, flapping them a few times before gliding back to the window. Jon watched him and for the first time Daenerys noticed an emotion on his face: marvel. He caught her eyes and gave the smallest, nearly imperceptible smile.

"Creatures with wings have always fascinated me. The ability to fly is a marvelous thing." He commented.

Daenerys smiled back, his comment was true enough. "It is." She said. "It feels even more marvelous to fly with them, to soar among the clouds. I wouldn't know that feeling without my dragons, I don't have to watch from the ground like others."

An emotion she didn't recognize flashed across Jon's face for half a second before it was gone and he reached towards the wine set on the table, inclining his head to offer her a glass. She nodded. What had that look been? Amusem*nt? Smugness? It was infuriating how hard he was to read. She decided to comment on it.

"You're extremely hard to read, Lord Snow."

He smiled again as he poured her a glass, bigger this time. It lit up his face in a charming way. "You're not the first to tell me that."

"Some might call it cold." She observed as he handed her glass to her.

"I have come here to beg for the lives of my people. To convince you to lend your aid. On the way I pulled a sick crow from the ocean and I have just fed him corn from my hand in front of you. Do those things seem cold?" He asked, taking a long draught from the cup he had poured for himself.

"Am I then the cold one by comparison for denying your request?" Daenerys asked.

"I don't think so, Your Grace. I still intend to convince you." He said, grey eyes fixed on her own.

"I'm not sure how that's going to be possible." She said seriously. "Much of my army just left to start the war, I won't be able to pull out now to go and hide in the North."

"I know you don't believe me, but the consequences if you don't will be worse than anything you could ever imagine." His voice was sharp and sullen.

"How so?" She asked.

"How many people lay between here and Winterfell?" He returned a question.

"I don't know... many. Several million at least." She answered, confused.

"Those are several million bodies who will march in the army of the dead against you if you let Winterfell fall. There will be no rescue for you, not even three dragons will be able to stand against them." He said with the same sullen tone. He did not seem angry or afraid as he allowed emotion to coat his voice. He seemed defeated.

"Do you understand how insane that sounds?" Daenerys asked. "I've heard prophecy from the Red Priests and Priestesses, from Melisandre of Asshai, all speaking of an enemy to the North that requires defeat. So I want to believe you. But an army of the dead? Hundreds of thousands and one day millions strong? It pushes the ability to believe."

"Really?" Jon asked, his voice somewhat incredulous now. "The woman who birthed dragons from stone when dragons were thought to be dead struggles this much to believe something like this?"

"We aren't speaking blood magic rituals to hatch dragons. You are evangelizing about the end of the world." She said strongly.

"I don't evangelize. I could give two sh*ts about the Red God, whatever they call him, and the words of Melisandre who is an evil and dark woman despite her preachings about light. I don't come to you on behalf of any Gods, of any religion. I come to you because I have seen it." He stood quickly and went to the hearth, staring down into the fire with stress clearly marked on his face. "When I went into the North with my brothers of the Night's Watch, we were sent to investigate whispers of the wildlings gathering under their King Beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder. We thought they were assembling to wage war against us again, to join in the War of the Five Kings."

"They weren't?" She asked.

He looked to her. "They weren't." He said. "They were assembling out of fear. The ice-river clans, the cave dwellers, the Hornfoots, Nightrunners and people of the Frozen Shore all marched together for the first time in all of history in fear. The wanted to cross the wall as they fled the Night King. I let them because I watched him fall upon them, dead men with ice blue eyes walking despite injury or missing limb to kill anything in their path. There is no standing against them. None!" He half yelled the last word, frustration clearly taking him.

"And you need me and my dragons?" She asked, unflinching.

"We do. Or we all die. All of us." He said, gesturing around them to the people of Dragonstone as well.

"Let's say I believe you. I don't, but let us say that I do." She postured. "Why can't I wait until after I take King's Landing?"

"Because they march on the wall now. I have no idea how much time we have. But it isn't enough for all of that." He answered.

"And if I march North only to be attacked by my enemies coming to fight yours?"

"They're your enemies too." He insisted. "And I don't know. Maybe we could convince Cersei to an armistice for a time."

Daenerys laughed. "Cersei Lannister? A truce?" She asked, amused as she took a drink of her wine. "She would never."

"What if we could convince her?" He asked, pleading again.

"We couldn't. Besides I still have no desire to try." Daenerys said firmly, rising to her feet. "It's getting late, Jon Snow, and I've no interest in talking in circles with you."

He nodded, looking blankly at the fire as she walked towards the exit. Before she left she turned to him again. "I do want to say: I apologize for your Uncle and for your Grandfather. On behalf of all Targaryens, that is not the legacy I wish to leave."

He caught her gaze again and for once his hard grey eyes looked soft. "What if I could come up with a way to convince her?"

Daenerys smiled sadly at him. "You may mine your dragonglass, Snow. Keep me appraised on your progress." And left the room, leaving Jon gazing into the fire.


She was happy when she returned to her solar to find Aemon sitting on the balcony, looking out over the water at the moon that shone on the now empty bay. The ships had all departed, and the island felt bigger and emptier. He turned to look at her as she entered, the sheer curtains bordering the balcony billowing in the wind in time with his hair, a glistening silver in the moonlight. He was a beautiful man, truly Targaryen in all senses, and when he smiled in response to her arrival it made her breath catch in her throat. Standing, he approached her vanity and gestured to the seat in front of it.

"Come, sit." He said kindly. "Let me tend to your hair while you tell me how your meeting went."

And so she did. She told him every word of her conversation with Jon Snow, noting that his brow lowered with worry the further through her story she got. His deft hands pulled her braids loose, her curls falling around her shoulders. He ran his hands down her hair, looking at her in the mirror.

"I believe him." He said. "I know you're struggling with it, but I believe him."

She looked at him, eyes narrowed. "You say that as if there's something you know that I don't."

His face fell as he pursed his lips into a hard line. "There is."

Turning to face him, she appraised him as he backed up and sat on the end of her bed. "There is?"

He sighed. "The night after Olenna arrived, Melisandre came to speak to me in my room." He explained. "She woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me of her prophecy and of Jon Snow."

Daenerys frowned. "I've heard the prophecy." She said. "That's nothing new to me."

"I heard it as well. I heard it in my head when I saw your face in the flames. When I knew that you would be my Queen." Aemon said carefully. "I have heard a version of it before. Not from the mouth of a Red Priestess, but rather from..." He paused, seeming to struggle with his words.

"From who?"

He met her eyes and looked at her intently. "From other Targaryens. The prophecy is a dream."

Daenerys felt her veins chill with shock. "Other Targaryens?" That was impossible. Unless he had known her family. "Rhaegar? My father?"

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. All I know is that Aegon had a dream. He passed the knowledge of that dream to his heir, to be given to every heir after him." Aemon said quickly, like he was trying to get the words out fast. "From my blood come the Prince That Was Promised and his will be the song of ice and fire. Aegon dreamed of an enemy to the distant north that would come sweeping on icy winds to spread darkness and death. I believe Jon Snow because this enemy matches the Targaryen dream. It was said that unless a Targaryen united the realm against them that the world would end in darkness."

Her head spun for the second time that day with images from her dreams. Particularly of Rhaegar, talking of the Prince Who Was Promised and the three headed dragon. She always assumed that maybe Rhaegar had heard the same prophecies spoken by the followers of the Lord of Light, and maybe not, her dreams didn't necessarily dictate reality. But maybe if what Aemon said was true, maybe it wasn't from the Red God, maybe it was from Aegon's dream. At the thought of being left so out of the loop her anger flared again. How could Aemon know this when she didn't? The mystery of his past was becoming too large a cloak to ignore, regardless of how he made her feel.

"And of Jon?" She asked. Aemon looked puzzled. "You said Melisandre came to tell you of Jon Snow. What did she have to tell you?"

All of the color went out of Aemon's face and she knew immediately that he had misspoke. He had not meant to tell her that. She thought again of his secrecy, how big it was becoming. Hesitantly, he spoke again. "She told me that she had visions of the two of you... together." He almost whispered.

"Okay?" She said with frustration. "We are together now. What's the significance of a vision like that?"

Aemon looked up at her with sadness and agony, and even if her anger she felt the desire to comfort him. Even with his past beginning to loom over her like an unknown beast, deadly and unseen. She resisted the urge because she needed to know why. He didn't make her wait long. "She had visions of the two of you kissing." He said sullenly. "Visions of you pregnant."

The word was an arrow to her chest. Daenerys felt lightheaded. The room felt as if it was spinning and she tilted in her chair, Aemon immediately rushing to her side. She could hear him saying something but she couldn't understand what, it was muffled and her ears were ringing. It was like being dunked into a pool of ice. Pregnant? She had wanted to speak to Melisandre about the blood magic that had left her bare, making the dragons the only children she would ever have. It had recently been a question in her head if Mirri Maz Duur had been right, or if her claims had simply been more of her lies meant to disrupt Daenerys in her quest for the Iron Throne. The possibility that she had lied... her hand crept to her stomach. Rhaego.

Visions of pregnancy. Visions of Jon kissing her. Dreams of Rhaegar talking about the prophecy, or the dream, or maybe neither. An army of the dead marching to wipe out the world. Aemon knowing more than it made sense for him to know. It was too much. It was too much, too fast, and with her hand on her chest she felt herself gasping for breath. In the distance Drogon roared and sailed over the castle, Aemon's muffled voice growing louder as she felt herself leave the chair and fall lightly to the floor, strong arms around her. She tried to look up to the fire in the hearth and saw the door swing open, Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah flying into the room and reaching for her before the darkness in the corners of her eyes bled outwards and everything went black.





GRRM has always written prophecy messy, with room for interpretation so I'm leaning into that. Thoughts on Jon? Where do you guys think Daemon is going?

Next chapter we get some more insight as to the other side, and the following chapter our two sides finally clash against one another.

Daenerys is becoming more disillusioned by Daemon's secrecy. Should he tell her who he is? Next chapter he is going to take some things into his own hands and that Rogue Prince is going to come out a bit.

As always thanks for reading. :)

Chapter 12: The Lion's Seat


Disclaimer: This chapter may contain spoilers for Season 2 of HotD and Fire and Blood.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (12)


The wind rushed past his face and made his eyes water as his braids flung violently behind him. Up and down, up and down came the thrum of Viserion's wings as they soared through the sky, over the cloudbank and darkness creeped into the edge of the horizon to their right. Ice gathered in his hair and on his dragons scales as they flew north, several hours deep into the mountains of the Vale.

He had been stupid to tell Daenerys what Melisandre had said, there was no point to it. Even worse to tell her of Aegon's dream that Rhaenyra had passed to him without any idea on how to explain how he knew. He was making mistake after mistake and he didn't know how to fix it. She had been so overwhelmed that she had hyperventilated and passed out in his arms from sheer panic. He had done that with his partial information and half-stories. How was he being a help if conversations with him turned like that? When she awoke she asked him not to leave, but he needed time away and she had eventually conceded. "No more than three days, Aemon. Please." Even though he felt all he was doing was hurting her, she still wanted him near. That pull of the familiar was strong.

As he flew he had time with clarity to think on his position. He could just tell her who he was, but that did not come without consequences. There was the strong chance that she wouldn't believe him and then he wouldn't just be omitting information but rather lying in her eyes. Taking her for a fool with more fantastic stories of magic and Gods with real power. She may be insulted. What proof did he have besides his word? He had Dark Sister, but there were other possible explanations for that she would almost certainly attempt to use. He considered his armor, lost to the bottom of the God's Eye, or was it? He had never thoroughly searched where he was held for two hundred years, too convinced Rhaenyra was waiting for him somewhere, so he had left in a hurry. So he returned there now on Dragonback, looking for any morsel of evidence for his truth.

There was also the other option that she did believe him. He had read the histories left for them after the Dance of Dragons. He was not painted in a favorable light. Kinslayer. Child murderer. Adulterer. Rapist. Savage. The words of Maesters and common men alike were not kind to his memory. They accused him of murdering his first wife, which he did not do. They accused him of murdering the husband of Rhaenyra in order to marry her, which he did not do. They accused him more of sleeping with Mysaria and Nettles while married to Rhaenyra, false even still. They laid down the claim that he had hired men to kill a child and heir of Aegon II and Helaena Targaryen, which he had done truthfully. "A son for a son" he had said when he sent Blood and Cheese to do the deed that now brought bile to his throat. Daenerys had crucified masters in Mereen for harming children. She had freed the Unsullied after hearing how they stole babies from their mothers breast to put them to the knife as part of their training. In what world would she look past the things he had done? In what world would she believe his word over the histories she had grown up with? She wouldn't. He was stuck.

But still he flew, through the night and deep into the Mountains of the Moon he flew, hoping the sky and the air would give him an answer. Viserion was not as agile as Caraxes had been, but he was faster with a larger wing span and was covering ground much more quickly than Daemon had expected. He had left Dragonstone only that morning and they were already past the Bloody Gate and over the mountains. Viserion had impeccable endurance and was not yet worn, so they continued while Daemon napped in the saddle, Viserion knowing intuitively through their bond where to go.

The shock of the moist and icy air as Viserion descended through the cloud bank and began to slow woke him, and as he peaked around the dragon to the mountains below he recognized their formation. The area had recently had a heavy snow and the landscape was blanketed in white, but the shape of the mountain lay clear all the same. He lowered Viserion quietly, gliding rather than flapping his wings to slow so as not to make much noise. He did not know how far the clansmen camped and had no intention of finding out. As they rounded a bend in the range they came suddenly upon the cavern, with Nettles' grave down by the treeline and the small hut inside of the cave.

He noticed immediately that the animals were gone, likely taken by the clansmen, and the snow inside of the cavern that had not been touched since it fell. Viserion landed as quietly as he could, but the force of his legs meeting the rock outside of the cavern still sent reverberations through the ground. He would need to be quick.

Leaping off of Viserion he immediately made for the hut, rechecking it for anything he might have missed. He found an extra satchel with an extra set of robes that he grabbed, but nothing else out of the ordinary. The clansmen had clearly been rifling through the hut. He exited and headed towards the tunnel he had awoken from, half jogging with worry of being caught.

As he opened the door and entered the tunnel he noticed immediately the untouched debris inside and considered that the clansmen had not come inside here since he had left. He wondered if the place still held some reverence or fear for them not to dare venture inside. Leaving the door open for light he pulled a small torch from his pack, lighting it quickly with flint and making his way down the tunnel. About a quarter of a mile in it forked, something he certainly had not noticed before. He remembered following the right wall when he exited with Neatta and so he turned down the right tunnel now, confident it had not been the direction he had originally come from.

He was right and knew it when he came up to another door, this one made of stone and heavy with a metal knob. It was unlocked as he turned it and pulled it towards him, the heavy stone door scraping the floor to reveal a small room beyond. But before Daemon could really inspect the room visually he was assaulted with the sharp and metallic smell of blood. A lot of it.

Pushing his torch into the room before him he noticed it was much like the one he had awoken in. A raised stone slab in the center with cabinetry on the back wall, but this stone slab was stained brown with old blood that sat on the top and ran down the sides to pool on the floor. Someone had died here, or been cut open here, or both and more. The blood was dry and old but the smell still lingered, the metal in the fluid still clinging to the stone. He stalked past the slab to approach the cabinets behind. The first set revealed amber glass vials with stoppers of many sizes, none that he dared touch or even inspect. But in the second set he found a reason for coming here.

As he opened the second set he noticed this one did not have shelves but instead was open and meant for clothes, and hanging on hooks inside was his armor. Dark steel plate armor with scales carved ornately into it's surface, the helmet marked with dragonwings on it's side, there was no mistaking it. There was, however, a few changes. The entire breastplate was damaged, partially caved in and split open, the helmet bent nearly beyond recognition. It too, was soaked in blood. It was his armor, there was no denying it. But it was armor he had clearly died in. He grabbed it and hoisted it onto his back, satisfied with his findings but concerned about the implications of them.

He returned quickly to Viserion who quietly trumpeted at his arrival as he packed the items away in the saddle bags, thanking whatever God may be listening for his good luck in not running into any of the hill tribes. Mounting Viserion he directed him up into the sky and further down the range, finding a low valley in between two peaks to settle into and rest for the rest of the day, aiming to take flight again and head back to Daenerys come nightfall.


He woke some time later after feeling rested, curled against Viserion and under his wing. The cold of the Mountains in winter could not touch him here embraced against a dragon, he was as warm as if he laid in a bed in front of a roaring hearth. As he stirred so did his dragon, and Viserion lifted his wing to pull back against his body revealing the orange light of dusk. Perfect.

They were back in the air in no time, Viserion elated for the journey and thrumming with energy below Daemon. The true power of his dragon helped him to think, helped him to right himself.

He still wasn't sure which path to take with revealing his true identity to Daenerys. There were so many variables. So far partial information was only damaging his relationship with her, concerning and confusing her. So he would either need to embrace an identity as Aemon and leave Daemon behind for good, or fully embrace Daemon and risk her scorn and hatred if she believed him. The armor would help to convince her, but would it be enough? His stomach hurt with the indecision.

His identity aside, was he staying true to his mission of helping her to be the dragon she was? As Queen she felt crippled in her ability to use her dragons as an instrument of war so soon within it, but did he have to be? Laying siege to King's Landing was a good idea, a choice he would have made himself militarily as a precursor to attack. However the taking of Casterly Rock felt like a move of pride orchestrated by her Lannister Hand. If they won Casterly Rock it did nothing more than serve as a symbol of status. The Rock was not positioned advantageously for their war so it would not do for a base, they didn't need the room, and it would he won by conquest after taking King's Landing anyway. He was loathe to speak against Lord Tyrion so as not to pull Daenerys in two, but as with his shooting of the ravens did his undermining need to be done vocally?

An idea came to him then, an idea the old Daemon would have had much sooner and he mentally jabbed himself for not realizing it. Daenerys wouldn't approve, he wouldn't return within three days, but it would save her many men and a lot of time. The Lannister army that protected Casterly Rock was small, nearly negligible. He was a dragon rider in his own right and even without the proper name in this time he did not need her permission.

Banking on the strong westerly wind and thanking it for it's grace, Daemon turned Viserion west and urged him to fly faster. It would take nearly two days to reach Casterly Rock and take it himself with dragonfire.


He was lucky and with one stop and a strong wind from the east, he made it to Casterly Rock in a little under two days time as the sun began to set. It was obvious to him that by now Daenerys would be worried, but he hoped she would forgive him when he could bring word of the return of her armada.

Dipping from the cloud bank he noticed the city was eerily dark. As he swooped low looking for signs of torchlight he was further alarmed when no bells tolled to warn of Viserion, the dragon white and obvious against the darkening sky. No smoke rose from chimneys, no carts came and went from the city gates. He chanced flying lower, the wind from Viserion's wings flapping the Lannister heraldry on many of the buildings in their wake, with no other sound besides. No alarms, no screaming, just silence. Carefully Daemon took the chance and landed Viserion on top of the keep, peering into the streets of Casterly Rock looking for movement, anything. There was nothing.

Casterly Rock was abandoned.

Fear coursed through his body as he realized what this meant, concerned where the Lannister army had gone and what else they may have planned. He immediately wondered if Tyrion had planned this, if something sinister waited for Daenerys with him gone, but he was confident he would have discovered something amiss in the raven's letters if that had been the case. All variables aside, Casterly Rock was abandoned, it's people and it's armies moved elsewhere in some sort of trap he could not yet piece together. As he sat on Viserion deciding what next to do, a small flicker of light in one of the keep windows caught his eye.

Slipping from Viserion and onto one of the castle ramparts, he urged his dragon to stay and be quiet while he followed the path into the castle. The keep of Casterly wasn't the most unfamiliar, he had visited it a few times in his own time, so it wasn't long before he had snuck under an archway and into a hallway that lay before him. In that hallway a light grew, someone coming outwards from deeper in the castle. Daemon waited quietly, hand on the hilt of his dagger.

From around the corner came a soldier carrying a torch, obvious in allegiance in his red and gold colored armor. Recoiling behind the corner he hid around, Daemon waited until the soldier had passed him unseen before leaping up and pressing the dagger to the soldiers neck, the torch clattering to the floor as the man tried to go for his weapon. Daemon pushed the dagger lightly into the soldiers neck, drawing blood and the man gasped and threw his hands in the air.

"I'll pull your tongue through the hole I make in your throat if you try that again." Daemon said viciously as he used his free hand to grab and brace the soldiers arms between them.

"W-who are you?" The soldier stuttered. "W-what d-d-do you want?"

Daemon directed the soldier using the dagger and his hands back down the hallway, out to the rampart where Viserion lay waiting. The soldier shuffled with him hesitantly, but he came nonetheless.

"If you scream or make any noise I'll kill you slowly, that's a promise." Daemon said as they were about to exit the archway.

"My b-brothers will hear me before you d-do."

Daemon smiled wickedly as they exited and Viserion came into view, the dragon turning to bring his head to face them. Viserion growled low and allowed fire to roil behind his teeth, which he bared and looked like pure death with white scales. Good boy.

The soldier began to shake violently and Daemon smelled urine just as it hit the stone beneath them. Daemon released the soldier and turned him around to look at him, Viserion's breath hot on them. The soldier's eyes were wide with terror as he whimpered and appraised Daemon, his fear seeming to grow as he took in Daemon's appearance. "W-w-who are y-you?" He whimpered again.

"I am Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince and the White Dragon, wielder of the Undead Fire come to take back my Queen's throne. Tell me true or die where you stand: where is the Lannister army? Why has Casterly Rock been abandoned?" He asked sharply, creeping every ounce of his malice into his words.

The soldier shook but he did not respond, Daemon surprised by his fortitude. But with a look to Viserion the dragon snarled and the man jumped, half squealing in fear. "Okay, okay" the soldier said. "They didn't tell us where they went. But somehow they knew that your ships were coming. They moved the Lannister army and the Greyjoy fleet waits to the north to burn yours to the ground."

Daemon sensed truth in the man's words as he laughed at him. "The Greyjoy fleet is all the Dowager Queen holds in her pocket? A pittance against our men. Your house will fall in flames."

Even in fear a small grin escaped the solider, his body trembling as he attempted to jeer at Daemon. "Y-you don't know. You d-d-don't know the weapon that the Kraken King holds. Even your d-d-d-dragons can not stand against him."

Daemon raised his eyebrows in surprise but before he could question the solider further he noticed the man's eyes dart behind him as Viserion reacted. Without looking Daemon leapt onto the rampart and ran up to Viserion, who leaned down to allow his mount. Swinging into his saddle Daemon saw the small contingent of soliders creeping out of the archway with spears held forward, their faces immediately etched with fear as they realized they had been caught. They scrambled and tripped over one another attempting to move backwards, but it was too late. "Dracarys" Daemon commanded as Viserion let loose a nearly liquid jet of dragonflame, melting the soldiers including the one he had questioned into the stone they stood on. Launching into the air Viserion circled the keep, bathing the castle in flame so as to douse any soldiers who hid within. The stone melted beneath the dragonfire, screams echoed out of the castle before stopping abruptly into a mangled silence.

If this were to be a trap, he would spring it. If Tyrion wanted Casterly Rock to be the seat of his house and prison for Cersei after, he would melt it. There would be no reprieve for the lions, no safe hole to hide in. Dragonfire lighting the night Daemon and Viserion circled the castle, ramparts and towers falling in on themselves as the castle rubbled to nothing but liquid stone and dust, the city around the keep sitting silently in witness. Flying like a whisper over the ocean, Daemon steered Viserion like the white death he was in search of the Targaryen fleet, to turn them around back home for there was no point. The seat of House Lannister lay in smoldering ruin behind them and was no more.


He had to stop and rest before nearly a full day of flight later he found them, a hundred ships in the water shining in a sunrise. The wind had been kind to them, but they were still several days of sailing away from the Rock. As Viserion swept from the sky a horn bugled his arrival, but the Unsullied and Greyjoy men on board ran to arms as if he were an enemy. He did not blame them. He was not Daenerys.

Directing Viserion to the lead ship, the dragon glided low and slow over it, allowing Daemon to slip from the saddle and hit the deck hard as he tucked into a protective roll. Standing he was met with the point of a spear at his throat from the hands of Grey Worm, who looked at him with apprehension. Daemon put his hands in the air. "I've come to bring you a message". Daemon said.

"At the leave of our Queen?" Grey Worm asked, unflinching and not dropping the spear.

"Well, not quite." Daemon said, shrugging lightly. Grey Worm pushed the spear harder into his throat. It took every bit of his willpower to not snatch it from the slave man's hands and snap it over his knee. "But she knew I left. In my travels I discovered something important."

Grey Worm lowered the spear and twirled it behind himself, Yara coming from below the belly of the ship to join them with shock on her face as Viserion circled overhead.

"Where did you come from?" Yara demanded, her hair streaming in the salt wind. "You weren't supposed to be part of the assault."

"And you were supposed to be pirating in Blackwater Bay." Daemon countered. "Yet here you are. It seems I'm not the only one with a thirst for the war."

Yara glared, Grey Worm crossing his arms next to her. "I left Theon to man the ships at Blackwater, he's more than capable." She responded.

"The silver haired bastard was just about to tell us of a discovery he made in his traitorous travels across the continent." Grey Worm said with disgust.

"Watch your tongue, eunuch, or it will be another appendage you lose." Daemon snarled at him.

"Enough." Yara snapped, moving to stand between them. "What news have you brought?"

Daemon smiled at her. At least she was able to move past ego to care about the information he brought. "Casterly Rock is abandoned. There's no one there." He said. "I captured a guard and questioned him before laying waste to the castle with dragonfire."

"You did what?" Yara asked sharply. "You decimated the castle? On whose orders?"

"I am the White Dragon, I don't need permission." Daemon said confidently. "You should be more concerned about what the soldier told me. Maybe you can explain why a Greyjoy fleet sails north of the Rock, ready to ambush us when we arrive?"

Yara's face went white. She stepped away and looked out over the ocean, confusion on her face as she considered. "It's Euron." She said. "My uncle. It must be."

"So there's a split among the Greyjoy army. Did you inform Daenerys of this or did you just hope it would remain inconsequential?"

"I told her. Of course I told her." Yara responded. "But I didn't expect Euron to declare for the other side in this way."

Daemon nodded, walking to join her by the rail of the ship. "The soldier also mentioned a weapon your uncle holds. Said no dragon could stand against it."

Yara leaned forward on the railing and put her face into her hands. "f*ck." She whispered. "He's brought the horn."

"The horn?" Daemon inquired.

"I don't think it does what he says it does. But with my Uncle you can never tell what he says is truth and what is lie." Yara explained. "At the Kingsmoot to decide our next ruler after my father died, who I believe Euron killed, he showed up out of nowhere. He had been gone for years sailing the seas of distant lands. He claimed he was been to the ruins of Old Valyria. He brought a horn with him that was covered in glyphs and characters I couldn't understand. He claimed that it binds dragons to his will. Riled the Iron Born with promises of stealing Daenerys' dragons and taking over the world."

"Your Uncle sounds insane." Daemon said sharply. "A horn that binds dragons? From the ruins of Old Valyria? No one has been to the ruins of Old Valyria and survived to tell about it. He's lying."

"Insane he is, but he's not to be underestimated." Yara said. "He dances with darkness and blood magic with as little consideration as you or I have when we don our clothing. He drinks Shade of the Evening and has visions and thinks of himself as a God. Despite his lies he wears a set of Valyrian steel armor, I've never seen anything like it elsewhere."

"That's not possible." Daemon insisted. "I would sooner believe you don't know how to spot Valyrian steel."

"Believe what you want. If what you say is true we should turn back for Dragonstone." Yara said with malice. "Casterly Rock is pointless and I'd rather not face my uncles fleet without consulting our Queen first."

"On that we can agree." Daemon said. "Grey Worm?" Turning to appraise the Unsullied Commander, Grey Worm sharply nodded and moved off, barking orders at the men on the ship who moved quickly to begin to turn.

"If my Uncle has truly sided with Cersei we need to reconvene." Yara said sullenly. "There is more to be considered now."

Daemon could not imagine the merit of a man who drank Shade of the Evening, the drink of sorcerers and who claimed to carry Valyrian steel. He spent the remainder of the morning questioning Yara about her Uncle, growing more and more unsettled with the information he learned. Deciding to spend the night on board the ship and Viserion resting on the shore, Daemon prepared to bring the news of this madman to Daenerys while also preparing for her wrath she would surely unleash. He had promised to be gone for no longer than three days and had already been gone past that with several days of travel still ahead of him.

Before falling asleep he thought more on what he should do regarding his identity and the choices that lay before him. It had felt sobering to unfold his true name before the soldier he had captured, styling himself the White Dragon and the wielder of the Undead Fire. He did always have a good love for the dramatics of titles. But he had said those things knowing that the soldier would die and the words would never leave the air between them. He considered the possibility that he could tell Daenerys he was brought from a past time, giving her all the truth aside from the specifics of his name. In that way he could reveal a partial truth and still hide the ugliness that was the history of Daemon Targaryen. However partial truths had caused her to lose her breath and he did not wish to harm her more.

Sleep took him before he made a decision, his dreams thick with fighting dragons and a black kraken that held them all in it's tentacled grasp.





Shorter chapter now but whew Daemon went to work.

We are definitely going more book Euron for anyone wondering. I hated TV Euron. Horrible waste of a good actor and easily the most terrifying character in the books.

As far as Jon and Daemon and their character differences from the books and shows versus my fic, I want to note that I don't believe in the shows interpretation of how these characters come back from death. In the show when Jon was resurrected he came back the same Jon as he was before he died, which I found lazy. Lady Stoneheart for example had little left of Catelyn when she was revived. I'm not going to that extreme but to me it makes sense that these characters would be profoundly changed after dying and coming back to life so I am going to reflect those changes. Daemon is wrestling with the mistakes of his past self, tripping over mistakes he's making now, who would die for 200 years and come back perfect and confident without any struggle of personality? This Jon will be more ruthless, more cunning, more willing to do what needs to be done than the Jon we know in the books which is saying a lot because book Jon was already pretty ruthless. This Jon was killed by men he trusted and gave his all to and is disillusioned with all the values he held dear previously. We will see more of that as well.

Daenerys is feeling the pull of several magical forces all at once. GRRM wrote a world with a very populated and powerful unseen world, with Gods that had their finger in the pot so to speak. Our Queen is feeling the influences of prophecy, dreams, blood magic and more.

Tyrion is holding on to his family by a thread, but I'm going to snap that thread very soon.

Stick with me as I plan for this to be a fairly long fic. As always thanks for reading!

Chapter 13: Skinchangers And Turncloaks


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (13)


It was the morning of the fourth day after he had left. He had promised her he would return on the third day. Her mind raced with the possibilities of what could have happened, but she tried to calm herself remembering that Viserion was with him. What could stand against her white dragon? Through her bond she was convinced that Viserion was still alive, but when the servants brought breakfast to her chambers she refused. When Ser Barristan came to offer her a sparring match, she refused. When Tyrion came to discuss the presence of Jon Snow and any tactics they could use, she sent him away. Her mind could focus on little else, her worry consuming her.

She sat on her balcony and looked out over the water, hoping to see Viserion in the sky at any moment. As the sun moved across the sky and morning turned to noon, noon to dusk, Missandei came into her room and sat with her. She said nothing, only sat with her overlooking the water. Missandei held her own worry she knew for Grey Worm and his safety. They sat in that worry together for some time before Daenerys spoke.

"He said he would be back. He has Viserion." She said quietly.

"I know, my Queen." Missandei said sweetly, reaching out and touching Daenerys' hands which were folded in her lap. "Viserion is strong and fierce and Aemon intelligent and cunning. I'm sure whatever is keeping them is in service to you. They will return soon, you'll see."

Before night fell her friend managed to warm her enough to eat some fruit and bread and drink some wine, tucking her into bed after brushing her hair and giving her a sleep remedy. Daenerys dreamt of nothing that night as the medicine kept her mind quiet.


The next morning she awoke later than intended, the sun already falling in the sky. She shot up and ran to the balcony, hoping to see Viserion or Aemon, but neither were visible from her overlook. Running to her door she flung it open to find Ser Jorah at post, her eyes wide with the question she didn't need to ask.

"Not yet, my Queen. Not yet." He said sweetly. "I'm sure you don't need to worry."

She felt her heart fall through her chest like a stone as she turned back into her bed chambers, Ser Jorah following her inside. Sitting on the edge of her bed she put her face in her hands and tried not to weep. The mixed emotions of worry and fury coursed through her. How could he promise her that he would return and then not do as he said? How could he not consider how that would make her feel? Did he truly not know how desperately she would miss him? How much she would worry for Viserion? She would never forgive him.

The bed lowered as Ser Jorah sat next to her, putting a hand on her back. She looked up into her knights face, so distinguished and handsome and so full of love and caring for her. He had been with her since the beginning, had stood by her every step of the way. Despite his own mistakes he was here now, fought through greyscale and being banished to sit next to her in this very room in this very place.

"I want to go and get on Drogon and find him." She said grimly.

"My Queen, would you even know where to look?" He asked, his voice remaining calm and comforting.

"No. I wouldn't." She said with bitterness as she looked down to the floor. She had no idea where Aemon went. She supposed to the Riverlands, where he claimed he was from. He said where he was going was familiar to him, but she knew better than to believe the narrative of his past that he trickle fed to her. It was likely none of it was true. He'd said that there was a dream passed down among the Targaryen heirs. How could she confirm that? Who else besides Viserys or Rhaegar could she ask? They were gone now and there was no one to verify. Unless...

"My knight, could you send for Ser Barristan?" She asked and he nodded. After he exited she dressed herself, brushing through her hair but not braiding it. Her servants brought her tea and breakfast which she sat at her serving table. About half an hour later both of her Queenguard came back through her door, Ser Barristan with hair still wet from bathing.

"Yes, my Queen?" Selmy asked as he approached her and she gestured for both of them to sit at her table and they did.

"Ser Barristan, I wanted to ask you about my brother, Rhaegar." She said as she poured them each a cup of tea.

"Of course, Your Grace. Whatever I may know I will happily share." Barristan answered warmly.

"Did my brother ever speak of a dream? A prophetic dream that my father may have passed down to him?" She asked as she passed them both their cups, Ser Jorah sipping quickly at his while he looked to Selmy.

The old knight seemed to think for a moment, looking upwards as he contemplated before answering "No, not that I can recall. He did have dreams much the same as you, though I wouldn't have called him a dreamer."

"So nothing about a dream from Aegon the Conqueror? Nothing about a dream regarding an enemy to the north that we must defeat?" She asked, leaning forward and into the table.

At that he seemed to pause, almost answering and then closing his mouth again. "I don't know about dreams, Your Grace, but one of the many things your father would say in his rants and hysterics was that there was an enemy to the north and he seemed absolutely petrified of it. I never could get him to clarify, but he was ranting about it when he burned Rickon and Brandon Stark alive."

Daenerys frowned. If such a dream had existed and it had been passed down, would it have presented itself in that way in her father's madness? She couldn't be sure.

"Why do you ask, Your Grace?" Ser Barristan asked, finally taking a moment to sip his tea.

"Aemon has shared some information with me that has me concerned about things my family could have known that I do not." Daenerys explained. "He claims my family passed down the knowledge of a dream from heir to heir, all the way from Aegon the Conqueror. In this dream the Prince Who Was Promised was of Targaryen blood, born to defeat an enemy to the North."

Ser Jorah sharply frowned, Barristan's grip on his cup tightening slightly. "Daenerys," Jorah said tensely. "I know you care for Aemon. I know he has brought you a sense of family that you never had before. But the things he tells you are lies."

Daenerys sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking out of the balcony opening and to the sky beyond. "He knew things about me no one could have known. Claimed he saw my face in the flames and I believe him. He saw me hatch the dragons, saw me give birth to Rhaego. How else could he have known those things?"

"There are many people in this world with knowledge of dark arts, many artifacts and magicks that give people knowledge they wouldn't ordinarily have." He responded. "He wields the sword of your house, carries it's face. Knows things he shouldn't know. I have no explanation for him but he should be treated with caution not reverence. I fear for your heart in this matter."

Daenerys snapped her face to his. "You have always worried too much for my heart." She spat. "Regardless of how you feel about him, he has Viserion with him now. He has my child."

"I know, Khaleesi, I know. I only meant-" Ser Jorah started.

"Perhaps he is telling the truth in some things." Barristan cut him off. "And not in others. It's impossible to tell."

Daenerys thought of what Ser Jorah said. Magicks and artifacts. She thought back to the warnings Quaithe gave her. "The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and darkflame, lion and griffn, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal." she had said. Too many warnings, dreams and prophecies to keep track of. However glass candles she forgot, and a glass candle could give Aemon the knowledge he wasn't supposed to have.

"Is it possible that Aemon is in possession of a glass candle?" Daenerys asked of her guard.

Ser Barristan looked surprised. "I suppose so. I hadn't though of that. But glass candles are extremely rare and endlessly powerful. I think it would be more obvious."

"Who would know?" Daenerys asked.

"The maesters of the citadel." Jorah answered. "They have several in their possession. I was close with one who cured me of my affliction."

"Write to him immediately." Daenerys commanded, and Jorah rose, nodded and left the room.

"I should like some time to myself, if you wouldn't mind Ser Barristan."

Her old knight smiled and left her to her thoughts.


For the next two nights Daenerys drank sleep aids to keep herself from dreaming. She was afraid of what they might show her. With all of the overlapping prophecies, dreams and warnings sitting on her chest like a boulder she couldn't take it. Aemon still had not returned. She was doing all she could to keep herself busy. She had begun her training with Ser Barristan again and spent time among the Dothraki, requesting a saddle be made for Rhaegal. Even though he had no rider she did not wish for him to be left out.

Drogon and Rhaegal seemed unbothered by Viserion's absence which comforted her. She was sure that if something had happened they would know it and alert to it. She did not fly as her lack of appetite had her nauseous and dizzy and her last flight had been with Aemon. It was a lot to think about now.

Most of the time spent now was a waiting game. Waiting for Aemon to return. Waiting for word from the armada and from Casterly Rock. Waiting for the Dornish and Tyrell armies to return. She caught several glimpses of Jon Snow as he walked across the island, usually with his crow, back and forth from his room to the place she assumed they were mining the dragonglass. Several times she had considered going to see their work, but couldn't bare the thought of looking into those grey Stark eyes after what Aemon had told her.

One week past the day that Aemon left they heard back from Ser Jorah's friend at the Citadel, a maester in training by the name of Samwell Tarly. Jorah explained that he was the second son of Randyll Tarly, disowned by his father and sent to take the black where Jon Snow tasked him with going to the Citadel to become a maester and to learn as much as he could about the Long Night. He confirmed Jorah's suspicion that the Citadel held several glass candles and other magic artifacts.

"He says that glass candles are very powerful magical items that allow men to see across the world and communicate with one another at the same distance." Jorah explained to her as she was getting ready for bed. "He also claims that it's entirely possible for someone to know things they shouldn't when they are in possession of one that is lit. He promises to ask his archmaester who has a lit one more about them and to write again soon."

Daenerys nodded. "This man seems a kind one, very forthcoming with this information. Thank him for me."

"I owe him my life." Jorah said quietly. "He is a good man."

"Then thank him doubly." Daenerys said as she put a hand on her knights cheek, sorry for the way she had treated in her earlier turmoil. "Because in saving your life he also saved mine. I'm not sure what I would have done if you had never returned to me, Jorah."

Jorah smiled painfully, and she knew that he knew her remark was more about Aemon than about him. She took her hand away and he left the room, surely to send his raven. She took her sleep vial and laid down.


The next day bred more of the same, and she spent most of her time with Drogon and Rhaegal in the field past the training yard. She was laying against Drogon and tossing rocks at Rhaegal who was melting them with small jets of flame from his nose when footsteps crunched approaching her. She sat up and looked towards the training yard to see Jon walking her way, no crow today. Laying back down she closed her eyes and pretended to have been napping.

"I'm busy today, Lord. Much to do." She said as her eyelids darkened from his shadow in front of her. When he didn't answer she opened her eyes to see him staring in wonder at Drogon behind her, mouth agape and his usually impassive face instead full of awe. She watched him for a moment before he tore his eyes away from her dragon and looked down at her.

"The most powerful creature to exist in the world and here you lay, napping against one." He said incredulously. "I see now why people spoke of Targaryens with such reverence for hundreds of years. Why they said they were closer to Gods than men."

As he spoke Rhaegal swung his head over from where he sat behind him, making Jon freeze in place as the dragon sniffed him. The force of his breath moved Jon's hair and cloak, his face one of pure terror and surprise. He turned towards Rhaegal still stiff as a board and pulling the glove from his right hand, he extended his arm.

"I'd be careful with that, you did just say-" Daenerys started but he words died in her throat as Rhaegal leaned forward, pressing his snout into Jon's violently shaking hand. At the contact Jon seemed to relax a little, rubbing his hand up and down the dragons gorgeous emerald scales as he looked up into Rhaegal's face.

"What a marvel they are. I never knew to be sad that they didn't exist, but now I know to be grateful that you brought them back. Magnificent." Jon said with wonder, breathless. Daenerys stood and as she did Drogon shifted and got to his feet, moving away as his brother joined him and the dragons stalked off, leaving Daenerys staring at Jon who stared after Drogon and Rhaegal.

"You spoke truth when you said you had a way with wild things." She said coldly. "But I'd be careful in the future. They're not dogs. Dragons are not pets."

Jon dragged his gaze away from Rhaegal and turned back to her, putting his glove back on his hand. "Yes, Your Grace." He said, his mask falling back into place as his features reset into passiveness.

"You were coming to see me for something. What is it?" Daenerys asked, not hiding her annoyance. She still had not settled from what Aemon had told her and loathed being this close to Snow.

"I want to request for you to accompany me to where we have begun our escavation. There's been some discoveries I think you should see." He said formally.

"I'd rather not, my Lord, but thank you for the invitation." Daenerys said as she walked past him towards the training yard.

Surprisingly Jon reached out and grabbed her sleeve. She made to snatch her arm away but paused when she turned to look at him and caught his eyes, her mind flashing to his face in her dream, seeing them as purple for a moment before they returned to normal. The sleep aids must be clouding my mind, she thought.

"Please, Your Grace." He pleaded, taking advantage of her pause and releasing her arm. "I know you'll want to see this."

She straightened and glared at him. "Very well, lead on." Her sudden change to agree surprised even her. Something about Jon was missing, she felt pulled towards him like the moon to the earth. Caught in his orbit despite her sharp desire not to be.

She followed him down to the beach and around the island, stopping at the entrance of a thin and shallow crack in the looming grey rock of a cliff. Stepping inside all sound of the beach muffled, the distant and echoing drips of water accompanied by the sharp clangs of metal on stone replacing it. The cavern was thin with barely enough room for a person to pass but there was a torch on the wall as they continued inside, Jon grabbing it and using it to light their way as they entered a slightly larger cavern. In this opening there were several other tunnels that forked off, the sounds of the digging echoing back to them from down those tunnels.

"We were mining here when we found more." He said, walking towards the leftmost tunnel and entering it, glancing back to make sure she followed. They walked about a quarter of a mile through the darkness, no sound other than the distant rumbles of the miners and the hollow sound of the space around them. Suddenly they came upon a much larger opening, a sprawling crevass that opened upwards above them, shiny and black and made of dragonglass. The torch light reflected off of all the walls, twisting and turning in the different shapes the stone made hundreds of feet above their heads. She looked towards Jon and caught him studying her.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The entire mountain is made of it. Deep enough into its core its all dragonglass. All obsidian." He said as he walked deeper into the cave, Daenerys keeping close behind.

"And you say you need this stone?" She asked. "To fight the dead?" Her tone was apprehensive.

"When we ventured north of the wall we found a stash of it buried at the Fist of the First Men." Jon explained. "My friend used some of it to kill a white walker. We need more of it to arm ourselves against the coming army."

Daenerys felt herself growing annoyed again at more talk of the dead and of white walkers. "Is this all you wanted to show me?"

"No." He said quickly and he reached towards her and took her gloved hand in his, walking deeper into the crevass and into another narrow tunnel. She allowed him.

Deeper in the tunnel the dragonglass went away, the walls turning into stone once more before the slope angled upwards. After a bit further the tunnel opened up again and they were in a round room.

"Look, Your Grace." Jon said, tugging her forward and handing her the torch. "Look at the walls."

She did as he bid, and as the firelight illuminated the walls beyond him she gasped. Carved into the walls were ancient pictures and symbols, words she couldn't read in a language that had likely been long lost. The pictures were of men, tall men, standing with children and eating, making fire, then fighting and killing one another. "What is this?" She asked.

"We stand just below the place where the weirwood tree used to grow on Dragonstone, it's roots have petrified in the stone above us." He said in the darkness behind her. "It was here that the First Men came upon the Children of the Forest, and here the Children carved upon the walls the story of their war with them. Walk further, Your Grace."

Walking further into the room, she watched as the images turned sad. Bodies on either side, dead men and dead children. Graves and many lost on either side. Walking further on she saw pictures of them appearing to make an agreement, the fighting ceased as the men and children stood together. Then, larger than all the other carvings, stood a depiction of a man, no a skeleton, with ice blue eyes. In the next pictures the men and the children stood against several of these skeletal figures, their blue eyes stark against the white of the other figures, their importance prominent against the rest in their sheer size. The men and the children carried fire to march against them, but the pictures explained no farther.

"They were here." Jon said. "Before Targaryens, before Starks, before Lannisters, they were here. They fought each other but joined together against a common enemy."

Daenerys had heard the stories of the Children. She knew her histories. It was her understanding that the First Men drove the Children into the North, killing them to extinction. This told a different story. However as she looked at the carvings she felt her chest stir deeply, knowing in her very core they were ancient and they were real, and it made her tremble. She turned to Jon, her amazement and her fear clear on her face. She wondered what Aemon would say about these.

"They did as we need to do now. They joined together to defeat the white walkers and the Night's King." Jon's pleading tone had returned. "Your Grace, I need you. The entire world needs you and your dragons. You were born to bring them into the world and to defeat this enemy with us. You must have been. They were a gift from whatever force fights with us against this."

Daenerys stared at him harshly. He did not wilt under her gaze. "I was born to take the Iron Throne. You expect me to drop everything to fight this war for you based on cave carvings and your claim of magic. I've not seen this magic. How can I give up everything I'm fighting to do on something I haven't seen?"

"You say this as if you haven't seen magic. You've both seen and created magic." Jon said sharply, throwing his hands in the air. "Daenerys, fight with me. Fight for me. Defeat this enemy and I'll bend the knee. Help me see this through and the North is yours."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I can't give you the North, because we will all die anyways." Jon said sadly, his face falling.

"I only know my magic." She said. "I can't believe in a magic not my own, that I've never seen. The dead don't rise to walk again."

Jon straightened. He sighed and turned to look down the tunnel, checking for something. "I can't show you the magic that makes the dead walk." He said. "But I can show you other magic. Old magic. Magic that the world thought was gone, much like your dragons."

"What do you mean?" Daenerys asked, concerned as Jon looked around suspiciously.

"Don't scream, don't leave me." He said as he sat down on the stone. Before she could interject he tilted his head and his eyes rolled into the back of his skull, an eerie whooshing noise flying down the tunnel as a sudden wind sent the flame in her torch dancing madly.

"Jon!" She yelled, shaking him as his eyes twitched and his hands trembled in his lap. He did not respond. "Jon!" She yelled louder.

Looking to the tunnel, she made to walk down it when a sudden flapping of wings startled her, and Pebble materialized out of the darkness, flying past her to land on Jon's shoulder. The crow looked at her and squawked, pecking at Jon's head.

"What are you-"

"Daenerys." Came the crow and she nearly leaped out of her skin. The voice was that of a crow, but it was a mimic of Jon's voice. "Daenerys." It said again, more forceful this time. She stepped backwards.

"I don't understand." Daenerys said. "What is this?"

It was then that Jon's eyes rolled forward out of his skull, fixing themselves on her as he took a deep breath and shook his head, shook his head like a crow shakes theirs. "You wanted to see magic besides your own."

Daenerys was breathing quickly again, Jon noticing and standing to extend a hand towards her. "I'm a warg, my Queen. There's more magic in this world than you know. Wargs had been gone for centuries before I was born just as dragons had been gone before you. We were meant to come together to fight this."

He was approaching her slowly but before his hand could touch hers, Daenerys whirled and sprinted down the tunnel, trying to get as far from him as she could. He followed behind her, calling her name. Entering the larger dragonglass tunnel she fought to catch her breath as she panicked and waved the torch around, trying to find the exit. Before she could Jon caught up to her, grabbing her arms as she tried to sprint into the darkness again.

"My Queen, stop, you're going to get us lost. I haven't explored all these tunnels." He pleaded.

"What are you?" She asked sharply, trying hard to overcome her fear. She had little good experience with male sorcerers.

"Please, calm down." He said. "You've never heard of wargs? Of skinchangers?"

Skinchangers. That term she had heard. Skinchangers were people that existed long ago among the First Men that could enter the minds of animals and control their actions. They were said by some to have never existed or to only have existed long ago, yet here one stood before her. The ancient magic of the First Men and the Children, in flesh again. Her breathing slowed as realization dawned.

"I almost told you when you spoke of flying." Jon said. "Until we found Pebble I had never inhabited a winged creature, only Ghost."

"Ghost?" She asked breathlessly.

"My direwolf." He explained.

"Oh, so you just happen to have a direwolf too?" She asked incredulously. "Get me out of this tunnel so I can better catch my breath."

Without hesitation Jon took the torch from her, leading her out of the cavern and into the next network of tunnels, through the larger crevass where she could hear the miners again and out of the last tunnel back onto the beach. Her chest heaving she put her hands onto her knees and took giant gulps of air. Jon stepped forward and put a hand on her back.

"Breathe." He said steadily. "You've seen stronger magic than this. You wield it."

She stood again and looked him in the eyes. "So you're a skinchanger. That doesn't prove that an army of the dead march on the wall."

"Then why don't we go and see it?" He asked plainly. "You have dragons that can make the journey there and back in under a week. We could fly over the wall and you could see them for yourself."

Daenerys scoffed. "You're truly insane. Maybe you've spent too much time with the brain of a bird."

"I'm desperate to save my people." He said. "I have a duty to them. I have a duty to my sister."

She knew the call of duty. The weight it was to bare. Better than anyone she understood the need and the drive to protect those who relied on you. "That's exactly why I can't do as you ask." She said again. "I have a duty to my own people to earn back the Kingdom they came to help me win."

"You have a duty to keep them alive." He said. "Please. Consider my request."

"I will. If you bend the knee."

He straightened. His face going cold. "If this is the path you're determined to take, despite all I've shown you. I won't. I will not betray my people who sent me here to get help. They've suffered too much under foreign rulers for me to toss away their loyalty for no guarantees after all I've shown you." He said viciously. "If you can't set aside your ego for your duty to your people, then maybe I-"

"What do you know of my duty?" She snarled. "Of my ego? What do you know of what I've had to overcome?"

"I know you feel entitled to a throne, to a position over your obligation to protect those in your rule." He spat back. "The Daenerys I thought I came to treat with was a champion of slaves, a herald of freedom. The woman who stands before me is little more than a power hungry tyrant. I'm not afraid of your fire, bathe me in it. If you won't help me I'm dead anyways."

"Ironic coming from a man who refuses to bend the knee. Me? A tyrant? You fashion yourself King with no birthright." She began walking sharply away, determined to find her guard and have Jon thrown into his solar.

There was a pause as he did not follow her. After a moment "Then I'll go on my own." He said.

She turned to look at him, darkness falling as the sun set behind the island. "What?"

His face hardened. "Then I will go on my own. I'll bring back one of the dead. Somehow. I'll bring you the proof that you need. The proof that Cersei needs."

"You're not allowed to leave this island until you bend the knee." Daenerys said.

"Then I'll send out another party to do it. I'll send a raven."

Daenerys rolled her eyes. "Whatever fools errand you want to send. But for now we return to the castle and you're confined to your chambers until further notice."

As they stalked back up to the castle she fumed in her fire, desiring nothing more than to sentence Jon to death for his words. But she did not have Drogon or her guard and made herself vulnerable coming out here with him alone. And despite her anger something deeper screamed at her that Jon was right, that there was magic beyond what she knew and larger forces at work, and before she sentenced him she wanted to speak to Aemon. She felt so bare and not herself without him around, she didn't trust herself to make this decision truly. He had disappeared with her child and had taken all of her fire with him. It wasn't until they started on the incline up to the island that she realized she was faint, and suddenly the world spun and she stepped backwards.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jon was behind her quickly, putting a strong hand on her back.

"I haven't been eating." She said. "Not enough anyways. I've been so worried since Aemon left with Viserion. I'm dizzy." Her raw emotional state had her pouring herself out to him, a traitor who called her a tyrant.

She wobbled again and without pause Jon leaned down and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her up the slope. She made to fight him, but realized she was significantly more tired than she had originally thought. "So that's where he went." Jon said. "I've meant to ask about him."

"That's above your station." She said as she closed her eyes just as her vision began to blur and the castle came into view.

"I suppose it is. But I thought you were the last Targaryen?"

"I am." She said.

"Then who is he?" He asked, swaying as he took larger steps with the castle getting closer.

"Some riverlands bastard." She answered.

"Seems unlikely." He said and she didn't respond. For a moment there was silence before he spoke again. "I could find him, if you want me to."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. He avoided her gaze and was looking towards the castle and she couldn't help but think how handsome he was in this light, his dark features elegant and fierce. Mentally she berated herself, surely she was touch starved with Aemon gone. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"I've gotten used to the minds of birds. I can bounce between them and search large areas of land. Viserion would be hard to miss." He explained.

"You would do that for an egotistical tyrant?" She jeered.

He sighed, lightly setting her down as they came up to the steps of the training yard. He supported her weight and helped her walk the rest of the way. "I'm still trying to convince you, Your Grace. I'm still waiting for you to inspire me."

"I'm still locking you up for being a traitor." She said sharply as a few Dothraki spotted them and ran back inside to grab her guard.

Ser Jorah was only a moment behind, running out of the castle with worry sharp on his face. "What's happened?" Ser Barristan was behind him with Tyrion and a group of Dothraki.

"I took her to see the mine, she's dizzy." Jon explained.

"He called me a tyrant." Daenerys said as Jorah took her arm. "I want him locked in his chambers until Aemon returns and I can decide what to do with him."

Tyrion scoffed. "She's been drinking a night remedy, she shouldn't have been off castle grounds." He said and looked to the Dothraki. "You heard your Queen. Remit Jon Snow into custody and see him to his room."

Jon did not struggle as the Dothraki surrounded him and took him to his room, shooting Daenerys a look as they escorted him into the castle, Pebble suddenly lowering from the sky and following them through an open window.


"What's happened to you?" Tyrion asked viciously back in her room as she settled onto her bed. "Where is your head?"

Daenerys stared at him, too tired to bite back in the way he deserved. "I'm exhausted." She said.

"That's not what I mean." Tyrion said. "Letting Jon Snow call you a tyrant? Waiting until Aemon returns to make a decision? Since when did the Mother of Dragons need anyone else's approval to use her fire?"

She frowned at him. "Surely you're joking." She said. "My advisor who cautions me against my fire at every turn is surprised when I hesitate to use it? I'm tired and I'm worried. Aemon has Viserion."

"Drogon went missing for months and you never acted like this." Tyrion pointed out. "There's something more. Something about this Aemon that has you wrapped around his finger."

"That's not true." Daenerys snarled but it was half hearted. Tyrion was right. Aemon had given her the comfort of family, the reassurance of a like mind and then ripped it away. In such a short time she had become dependent on him, it felt like half of her was missing.

Tyrion grabbed a platter of food and brought it to her in bed. "Eat." He said. When she tried to protest he put a piece of fruit in her hand. "Eat. No arguing. We need our Queen. And no sleep remedies tonight, they're bad to take long term."

She begrudgingly took a bite of the apple he had handed her and then a chug of water from the chalice he handed her as well. "I'm sorry." She said as she felt some of her life return to her. "This has been hard, coming to Westeros. So many things pulling at me all at once and I feel lost. Aemon has given me a sense of family."

"I understand more than most what it is to desire security in family." He responded. "But you must keep your head. We still have a Kingdom to win. We still have houses to convince."

Daenerys leaned back and ate slowly, listening while Tyrion listed off the different houses they had account of. It appeared most of the southern portion of Westeros had heeled to her call, but the North still pivoted on Jon Snow. "I have an idea about that, by the way. A means of joining houses as old as the realm itself."

"What's that?" She asked, but before Tyrion could answer there was the loud sound of a struggle outside followed by her door swinging open and Jon Snow shoving his way in, Ser Jorah's arms wrapped around his middle.

"Khaleesi," Jorah said, struggling. "I'm sorry, I tried to keep him back. He insisted on speaking to you."

Jon stopped struggling and fell to his knees inside the door, refusing to move by making himself dead weight. "I found him." He said breathlessly. "Aemon and Viserion, I found them both."

Tyrion's eyes went wide as Daenerys felt her chest tighten. "Where? Where are they?" She asked.

"He's headed south towards your armada on the water, he's burned Casterly Rock to the ground." Jon said.

"He's done what?" Tyrion howled, jumping immediately to his feet. "How do you know this?"

Jon looked to Daenerys as Jorah allowed him up, his eyes wild and face more expressive than she'd ever seen. "That's not all, Your Grace. There's more."

Daenerys stood from the bed and approached him, mouth open and heart hammering in her chest. "What's happened?"

"The Lannister army marches on Highgarden. They have it surrounded. The Tarly forces stand with them, they've betrayed the Tyrells and have layed siege to the city." He said strongly. "They will have taken it before the night is through. They'll kill Lady Olenna before we could ever hope to arrive to counter."

She could hardly hear Tyrion screaming over the ringing in her ears. Viserion and Aemon were alive, they had burned Casterly Rock to the ground. But the Lannisters were coming for Highgarden and she could do nothing to stop them.





Daemon and Daenerys reunited next chapter. We are going full skinchanging Jon. Just wait for Bran, the show really wasted him but I'm not.

Also I know this chapter was a painful one for those who like Olenna, dislike Jon, and for those who prefer BAMF Dany. Don't worry she's coming back. She has a lot of existential pressure on her right now but Daemon is going to help her keep her head on straight and it'll be fire and blood. Lots of confusing stuff going on for her right now.

Think of the love triangle I mentioned in earlier chapters as almost a Twilight-esque type deal without the sh*tty Twlight writing 😅🤣

As always thanks for reading!

Chapter 14: They Will Know


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (14)


It took him nearly a full day to reach the beginning of the Blackwater, with the wind blowing west and Viserion growing tired. Seeing the ocean below made him remember a time hundreds of years past when he would race Rhaenys on Meleys and him on Caraxes from King's Landing to Dragonstone. It was a bright memory but a bittersweet one, to know that in this time Meleys and Rhaenys were both dead as well as Caraxes. Everything he had ever known for most of his life was gone replaced by a new world, a new purpose for himself and a new Queen.

He was worried for how Daenerys would react upon his return. He had been gone for over a week, several days past when he said he would be back. Full of apologies, he was ready to tell her all that she wanted to know and more. She was his Queen and she deserved to know, deserved to have whatever reaction she would have.

As Dragonstone came into sight on the horizon he felt his heart soar in anticipation of seeing her. It wasn't until this moment that he realized how much he had missed her, in all ways. Her beauty, her radiance, her strength and her fire. He wondered how it had been for her in comparison and felt guilty that they likely had different experiences since he knew he was returning and she didn't.

Getting closer now he noticed that the Dothraki were readying in groups on the beach, boarding the longships to be carried to the mainland. Had something happened? As he lowered Viserion to the field before the Dragonmont he heard Drogon and Rhaegal screech in welcome and come flying from inside the crevass, Viserion vocalizing in response. When Viserion landed and he dismounted, the three dragons came together touching snouts and flapping their wings in excitement. Daemon decided he would come for his saddlebags later and give Viserion time to rest.

The training yard was surprisingly empty as he approached it and it was apparent the remaining soldiers were preparing to leave. As he ascended the steps into the yard he noticed a crow perched on a ledge high above, eyeing him as it cackled and the doors going into the castle swung open.

And there she was. Dressed in her fur riding suit with her silver dragon chain and hair tightly bound, her face was all rage and he felt his stomach twist as he noticed dark circles below her eyes. She was accompanied by her sworn shields and Tyrion, who looked at him with a similar anger and he flung his guard up.

She looked down at him where he stood without descending the stairs into the yard, her mouth twisted in a hateful grimace. He kneeled immediately, bowing his head in a show of submission to curb the impending punishment. She spoke then, a question that surprised him.

"What thef*ck have you done?" She snarled, every word spat like a curse. He looked up at her with shock.

"My Queen, what are you-" he began.

"You know exactly what I speak of!" She screamed, coming down the steps at last to hover over him as he kneeled. "Casterly Rock. What have you done?"

It wasn't as if he intended to hide what had happened. Of course his intent was to tell her. He just didn't expect her to learn from anyone else but him. He kept his head down and did not meet her gaze. "I took it in your name, Your Grace. The Lannisters left it open in a trap, Euron Greyjoy's fleet waiting in the waters to the north to ambush yours." He explained. "They left the castle as a trap for you so I burned it down and alerted your armada. They've turned around and are on their way back."

"That wasn't your call to make." Came Tyrion, his voice thick with anger of his own. "Casterly Rock was the seat of my house, the castle has stood for hundreds of years."

Daemon raised his head to look Tyrion in the eyes. "And now it stands no more. No space for the lions to tuck their tails and hide in when this war is over."

He chanced a look at Daenerys, her face still full of hatred. "Why did you do that? Was that your plan all along?"

He shook his head. "My Queen, if we may speak in private-"

"We may not." She snapped. "Because while you were off gallavanting around, burning cities without leave, the missing Lannister army along with the house Tarly surrounded Highgarden and is sacking the city."

Daemon's eyed widened in horror. So that's where the army had gone. The Tarly's had turned their cloaks and betrayed their banner house.

"We must fly there now with haste to stop them. If you had returned when you said you would, we would have been able to leave immediately and possibly save Lady Olenna. As it stands I doubt we will find her alive." Her voice was coated with grief for the old woman, he knew she was fond of her.

But he shook his head. "We can't leave now. Viserion flew here slowly, he's winded and needs a break. At least half a day." He said apologetically. "You could have gone when you found out, you're more than capable of-"

"She didn't go because she's been too ill worrying about you and Viserion. Your actions were stupid and rash. She's been taking night remedies to sleep properly." Snapped Tyrion, clearing blaming him with every word like a punch. "She can't go alone, she's still off center."

"Daenerys.. " Daemon whispered, rising to his feet and extending a hand towards her. "I'm sorry."

Daenerys shot a warning glare at Tyrion and the dwarf recoiled. "Take Aemon to his solar where he will remain until I come to speak to him." She commanded her guard. "I will assess Viserion."

As Ser Barristan approached him, he reached a hand out and placed it on Daenerys' arm. "Daenerys, please..."

She snatched her arm away violently, her lip trembling as she appeared moments away from openly weeping. "Do not touch me." She said viciously. "Do not f*cking touch me."

As she walked off towards the Dragonmont and Ser Barristan grabbed his arm, he shouted after her "My Queen please, don't go alone. There are reports that Euron Greyjoy possesses a weapon that can defeat dragons. Don't go alone."

She did not respond or look at him and continued walking to Viserion, Jorah and Tyrion hot on her heels as Ser Barristan gave him a soft tug. "Let's go, Aemon. I'm sure she will come and speak to you shortly. Let her process that you've returned with her child." The old knight said softly. Wrenching his gaze away from Daenerys with his heart as heavy as lead, he followed Barristan with his head down in shame, the crow above cackling almost in jest of his mistakes.


He paced his solar feverishly, from the window to his door, hands folded behind his back and brow furrowed deep in thought. She was angry, furious, but she must forgive him. Together they were true fire and he was sure her anger stemmed more from worry born of affection. However she had seemed betrayed as if she believed him to have left for the sole purpose of burning Casterly Rock.

Honesty now would be his only choice going forward. It was time to tell her the truth. Whether she believed him or not, much pain could have been avoided had she simply known where he was going. It was excruciating for him to know that in trying to avoid hurting her he had only harmed her more. His stomach turned at the thought of the bags that had been under her eyes, the gauntness in her cheeks. Tyrion said she hadn't been eating or drinking or sleeping. He knew she craved his touch but her reaction to him being gone longer than he should have been was not what he expected. Did she truly feel for him the same way he felt for her? He agonized.

It felt like hours had passed, his hands in his face while he sat on the foot of his bed when a knock came at his door. He leaped up and ran to open it, but Ser Jorah was already walking through.

"You have a visitor." He said.

"Yes, yes please. Send her in." Daemon said, standing back to allow Daenerys entrance.

"It's not a she." Jorah remarked with a grin as he stepped aside and Jon Snow strode fluidly through the door, dressed all in black with a black fur cloak. He considered Daemon with an almost sarcastic look on his face.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my Lord. I only wanted a word or two since you don't seem occupied." He said. "They almost didn't let me since we both seem to be in hot water with the Queen and confined to our rooms."

Daemon sighed and waved Jorah off, who exited the room and closed the door. Walking to his bench, he sat down in front of his table and gestured for Jon to sit as well. Anything to keep his mind off of Daenerys until she came to see him. "What did you do to end up in her flames? I know what I did." Daemon asked.

Snow sat down across from him, pulling his cloak to the side to avoid sitting on it and plopping down, back straight. "I called her a tyrant and said she had an ego." He said honestly.

Daemon frowned. "Sounds like you deserve to be in hot water then. You'll watch how you speak to my Queen." He said stiffly. "If I had been here when you said that we might not be having this conversation."

Jon's eyes flashed with amusem*nt before it disappeared. "Noted, my Lord. Though I would say you're hardly one to judge. My words didn't have quite the effect on her that your absence did."

The comment hit it's mark, Daemon's stomach turned. "A regret of mine, to be sure. I had no idea she'd react that way. It will never happen again." He said assuredly. "Now, I'm clearly waiting on her to visit me and while you're quite pretty in your own right, I'd prefer her. What do you need so that we may cut this visit short?"

Jon smiled, a genuine smile with a slight chuckle. "That's funny." He said warmly. "Growing up my brothers used to tease me about being 'pretty', though I never got half the attention from women that my brother Robb did. He was less dark, more charming. Meant for Lordship, he would have made a much better King in the North. He did." Jon reached forward and grabbed a goblet, looking to Daemon for permission to fill it, which he gave. As he poured his wine he continued.

"That was until the Lannisters and the Freys conspired to murder him, and killed him and his pregnant wife at a wedding." He said darkly. "They beheaded him and sewed the head of his direwolf onto him, mutilating him and denying him the honor of a proper burial."

"Is this what you came to speak to me about?" Daemon asked sharply. "I read about the Red Wedding. One of many atrocities committed by house Lannister."

Jon swallowed. "I only meant to express that I hold no ill will for your burning of Casterly Rock. If I had my own dragon I would have done it myself." He said. "But no, I did not come to speak about my brother."

Daemon considered the man in front of him. He was younger than him, articulate but dark. He carried the same torch that Daemon did and for a moment he considered asking him about his resurrection. Jon must have noticed the words on his lips because he spoke before he could.

"Seeing how Daenerys, our Queen, responded when you were gone..." He shook his head. "It let me know that you're important here. That convincing you would be just as valuable as convincing her."

"Convincing her of what? Of fighting your war in the north?" Daemon asked.


"You don't need to convince me. I believe you and I think she should." Daemon responded quickly and he was met with a look of shock on Jon. "But I am here to back her in what she chooses to do. I don't control her. I advise her and I have advised her, but I support her decisions. If she wants to take the Iron Throne first, that's her choice. I will fly wherever she tells me to."

"If you care about her, you'll try harder." Jon said. "All our lives hang in the balance."

"If you care about your people like you say you do, you won't push her." Daemom retorted. "Push her and she will send you away and where will that get you?"

"You don't understand what's out there." Jon said strongly. "You don't understand what we face."

"I understand more than you think I do." Daemon said. "Melisandre told me about you."

For once, Jon's smug face paled. He sat up and turned his head to the side, considering Daemon more carefully. "Melisandre is a monster of a woman. I should have taken her head."

Daemon chuckled and leaned forward onto his elbows on his knees. "Why didn't you? More reverence for death after experiencing it yourself?"

Jon inhaled sharply, clearly uncomfortable. "I don't know what you mean, my Lord."

"Of course you do, Jon Snow. Or should I call you by another name? How much of you is left in there after your men stabbed you to death?"

Jon stood quickly, frowning at Daemon who stood as well, looking him directly in his eyes. "I don't know what you think you heard. But Daenerys-" Jon started.

"Daenerys doesn't know." Daemon said. "I won't tell her, not if you return the favor."

Jon looked puzzled, but before Daemon could elaborate there was another knock at the door. This time Daenerys came sweeping into the room, shocked when she saw them together, then suspicious as she took in the tension in the room. "What am I interrupting?" She asked coldly. "Why am I not surprised that the two you somehow got together when you're both supposed to be confined to your solars?"

Jon took the opportunity quickly to bow his head and make for the door. "Apologies my Queen, I'll return to my confinement at once." and before either of them could protest he was gone, his cloak snapping through the door behind him as he closed it.

Daenerys looked at him puzzled, her eyes much more softened from her earlier gaze of hatred. "Is there something else I should know?" She asked.

Daemon rose to his feet and approached her slowly. "He wanted to convince me to convince you to fly north." He said. "That's all."

As he approached her she slunk past him, going to sit on the foot of his bed and looking to him with sadness and disappointment clear on her face. He ached again as the light of the fire contrasted the dark circles under her eyes, the grief that seemed stuck to her. Silence hung between them thick and cloying while he waited for her to speak. She looked down at the floor, avoiding his eyes. He stood frozen in place, longing to go to her. He had missed her more than he could say.

"You're right." She said quietly. "Viserion is winded. We will have to wait until nightfall to depart."

He took the opportunity and clasped his hands together in a praying motion. "Daenerys, I'm sorry." He pleaded. "I had no idea you would react this way. If I thought for a second that you would stop eating, lose sleep... I never would have gone. Never."

Her eyes snapped up to his and he noticed they were red and glistening, brimmed with tears she wouldn't allow to fall. It was then that he realized that her earlier rage was a mask for her pain, he had hurt her very deeply. "Where did you go?" She asked shakily. "Where was so important for you to go that you had to leave me?"

Honesty, he reminded himself. "I went to the Mountains of the Moon in the Vale." He said, clipped.


"Because I'm not from the Riverlands, Daenerys. I was resurrected in the Mountains of the Moon." He said cautiously, seeing how she would respond.

"Resurrected?" She asked incredulously. "I don't understand."

"I'm ready now, Daenerys." He said strongly, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm ready to tell you who I really am and where I really came from."

She sniffed, trembling. "Is it anymore complicated than that you're from somewhere different, like the Vale?"

"Yes, much more."

"Then for now..." She said and he felt like he was going to die as her voice broke. "For now can we wait? Can we just be a Targaryen man and a Targaryen woman, about to fly to war on our dragons?" She clapped a hand to her mouth and stifled a sob as her chest heaved. "I hadn't realized until you. The weight of it all. The weight of prophecy, the weight of dreams, the weight of the deaths of my entire family. I hadn't realized how heavy it was. Until you came to help me carry it. You offered me a safe space to process all that had happened to me and that is still happening to me. Then you ripped it away. I have never felt so crushed. I thought you were gone. I thought you had taken Viserion and that you were never coming back."

He couldn't hold himself back anymore, he rushed to her and fell to his knees in front of her, taking her hands into his and gazing up into her beautiful violet eyes, pressing tender kisses against her knuckles wet from her tears. "Never, Daenerys. Never. I will never leave. Until my last breath I am pledged to you. I'll never make a mistake that will have you questioning that again." He said softly, closing his eyes and pressing her hands to his mouth. She trembled under his touch.

"Part of me hates you for doing this to me." She said solemnly, putting her head down to press her forehead against his. "I've never struggled with being alone before. Never have I cracked like this. I am a Queen, what have you done to me?"

He opened his eyes and peered up into hers, but she had them closed tightly. He reached a hand up and curled it around the back of her neck, rubbing it with his thumb. "I'm sorry, Dany. Really I am. I went because I thought it would help you. I thought leaving would give me time to think and I thought taking the Rock would help ensure your fire by taking away any possible retirement for Cersei." He explained. "I was very wrong. It will never happen again."

She opened her eyes and looked into his, a swirl of emotions within them. Tenderness. Hatred. Confusion. Anger. Sadness. All in one. How could he have been so foolish as to abandon her with the pressure of the world upon her? The pressure to take back the throne. The pressure to save the world from the darkness. The voice in the flames made more sense now than ever, he had been commanded to drive her and support her. This is what it meant. Without him these forces may have consumed her, they would certainly have consumed him. She was light and he was her shield in the dark, whole together and strong together.

"Can we start with one thing?" She asked as she looked at him.

"Anything, my Queen." He answered.

"What's your name?" She asked cautiously. "Your real name?"

He paused and released her neck, sitting down on his feet and putting his hands in his lap. "My name is Daemon Targaryen." He said with his heart in his throat. "That's my real name, my Queen."

"Daemon." She said softly and he felt his heart flip as she said his true name for the first time. And she smiled, the first smile he had seen in too long. "It's quite similar to Aemon, I see why you chose it."

He sighed and smiled back at her. "I needed something I would be able to answer to easily."

"And you'll tell me the rest?" She asked. "When we get back from Highgarden?"

"I'll tell you the rest." He agreed. "Whatever you want to know."

She looked sad again and he raised his eyebrows with silent question. She looked away, over his head to the wall behind him. "And you won't go again?" She asked, her voice trembling as her lip quivered and her eyes filled with tears again. "I've never felt so weak, so scared, so alone. In my dreams last night I was being pulled apart by vicious creatures, Gods and men and everything in between. A Kraken, a dragon, a wolf and a lion pulled me limb from limb. There's forces at work I can't face alone in this. I need you."

He reached a hand up to touch her face and she broke again, a choked sob escaping her throat as she spasmed. "I missed you so much." She said.

Standing, he took her face into his hands and leaned down, kissing every tear that fell off of her face. "I missed you, too. I didnt realize how much until I saw you again. And Gods, you were so f*cking beautiful even in your wrath and in your grief. You're beautiful now, even as you cry. Hauntingly so. I missed your face, your voice, your touch, your skin..." He said as he dragged a thumb across her cheek. She brought her hand to his and turned slightly, kissing his palm. He ached and turned his head upwards, looking towards the ceiling and biting his lip.

She snaked a hand back up as she rose to stand in front of him, her body flush against his as she pressed her hand to the back of his neck and tried to pull his face down to look at her again. He softly resisted. "Please." She whispered. "Daemon."

And his true name on her lips was his undoing. He looked down at her, nose brushing against hers as she looked at him through her eyelashes, eyes bright and beautiful and he tangled a hand in her hair. "Daemon." She said again as he brought his lips to hers, tenderly, slowly, barely making contact as he looked at her. Then her eyes fluttered closed and he lost himself in her, crushing his mouth to hers as she wrapped her arms around him. Her lips were soft and supple, everything he had dreamed they would be. He wasn't sure where her hands were, where his were, as she opened her mouth and his tongue brushed hers, feverish and ravenous. All sensation fell away except for the sensation of her lips moving against his as he tasted her deeply and fully, a ragged moan escaping her as he pulled her body tight against him.

He removed his mouth from hers for a moment, cherishing as she gasped for air and he brought his lips to her neck, sucking and nipping as she arched her back into him. Pulling away he cupped her face in his hands, loving the pink tint to her lips from his kisses and the blush across her cheeks. "Is this okay?" He asked her. "Are you okay?"

"More than okay." She said breathlessly. "I missed you. I want you so bad it hurts."

He grinned at her then, loving her language. "My Queen." He said as he pushed her back until the back of her knees hit the bed, lowering her down onto it with one arm wrapped around her. She gladly complied, laying back on the bed and looking up at him as he stood, lips parted and eyes hungry. "Allow me to worship you."

Without prompting she reached up and unclasped the front of her furs, pulling them back at the front opening to reveal her shift underneath and her leather pants. He helped her shirk her arms from the fur suit, leaving it laying beneath her as he pushed her shift up, revealing her breasts that puckered in the cold air. He took one into his mouth, sucking the nipple while he massaged the other, rewarded with a soft moan as she tilted her head back and tangled a hand in his hair.

Remembering their guard, Daemon stood for a moment. "One second." He said as he strode across the room, struggling from the tightness in his pants. He grabbed one of the wooden chairs around his table and braced it against the door, not wanting to chance any interruptions this time. As he turned back around, she had removed her pants and was laying on the bed waiting for him, completely bare and legs open. She was the most godly thing he had ever laid his eyes on, and he found himself silently thanking whatever force had made him this lucky as he approached her and leaned over her, kissing her again as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He had meant it when he told her that kissing was almost as erotic to him as the act itself, his co*ck pulsing against the tie of his pants. She was open and pliable, her tongue frenzied against his as he kissed her hard, then kissed her tenderly, alternating between until she was gasping and writhing beneath him. She was grinding herself against his pants, slick and warm and he could barely handle himself in the heat of it. Slowly he pushed a hand between them, sliding it down over her breasts, down her stomach and in between her thighs, bringing his mouth to her neck as he slipped a finger inside of her. She was soaked and brought her hips up to meet his hand, pulling him deeper as he pushed a second one in to join the first.

"I missed this." She said, breath hot against his ear as he began to pump his fingers in and out of her, dragging his thumb in lazy circles around her cl*t and she moaned. "You make me feel like I'm flying."

He kept his fingers inside of her, curling them upwards to hit a spot of pleasure while she ground her hips against him and he dragged his body down hers. He looked up at her face as he parted from her, kissing down her chest, her stomach, each of her hips as he brought himself to kneel at the foot of the bed. He dragged her down it, bringing her core to rest on the edge of the bed while he pushed her thighs open, marveling at the beauty of her sex.

"I want to taste you again." He said hotly and she looked at him with eyes glazed as she put a hand on the back of his head. "This time without interruptions."

"I want you to have pleasure too." She said, pleading.

"I will, my Queen." He said as he inserted a third finger from his right hand inside of her, the wetness shining up to his wrist as he worked her. She stopped looking at him as she slammed her head back onto the bed and groaned. "But for now I want you to lay back, relax, and let me show you what it is to be truly revered."

At that he put his mouth on her, his tongue circling her cl*t in steady motions in time with his fingers pumping inside of her. She began to pant, her hips bucking in time with his thrusts as she whispered his name. He took his left hand and replaced his right, renewing the friction inside of her and taking his right hand to undo his breeches. The ties were wet from her earlier grinding and he worked her slightly faster with his tongue, loving the way she bucked in response. Undoing his pants he freed himself, unable to stifle the moan that vibrated against her from his mouth as he took himself in his right hand, her wetness slick upon his fingers and now on his co*ck.

Balancing himself on his left elbow he pounded into her with the fingers of his left hand, feasting on her with his mouth and tongue while he stroked himself with her wetness on his right. She raised her head and looked down at him, noticing his arm movement beneath the edge of the bed and reached for him. "Please, I want you."

Pulling his mouth from her momentarily but not ceasing the movement with either of his hands he shook his head. "I told you when the first time you feel me would be. For now this is for you. Lay back and let me give you this. I want to taste you when you come." And he put his mouth back, feeling his own climb to climax tightening as he felt her rising to it as well, her walls gripping his fingers tighter and tighter.

Keeping the same steady movements she began to tremble, and with his name on her lips she came, slamming her thighs together around his head and quivering around his fingers and wetness seeping from her. Her speaking his name while she climaxed brought him to his own release, and he groaned while he came onto the floor, meeting her eyes as she cupped his face with her hand. He quickly pulled his pants back up and brought himself up and over her, kissing her madly and laying next to her with his arms around her. They slid together up to the pillows of the bed and he pulled the furs around her, her eyes on his as they sat for awhile in silence, taking each other in and coming down from their moments of pleasure.

He stroked her face lightly as she stared at him with her beautiful eyes, drinking in her expression as she brought his other hand to her mouth and kissed it. "I never knew it could be like this with anyone." She said. "It'll be hard to convince me to get out of this bed and go to war."

"I'll be going with you." He said in response. "You should try to sleep in the meantime. I'm here. I won't go anywhere."

She smiled lightly and let her eyes flutter closed as he brought the furs around her shoulders and pet her hair, watching her until her breathing was even and he was sure she was asleep.


After she had been asleep for sometime, her side rising and falling steadily and her face pristine in a restful peace, he carefully slid off the bed. She did not stir as he stood and he felt regret that he could not sit and watch her angelic face until she opened her eyes again. In sleep all the tension fell off of her, face relaxed and brow unfurrowed, lines of worry gone for the moment. Her dark circles remained, lighter now than they were earlier in the day, and he knew with the conviction of fire that he would never do anything again to harm her that way.

Walking to the door he removed the chair and opened it quietly, not surprised to find Ser Jorah still at post. The knight did not turn to face him, he only straightened and asked in a hushed tone "Is she asleep?". Daemon was sure that he had heard them but felt no embarrassment or concern. Despite the obvious feelings the guard held for Daenerys he must have stood at her door while she took her previous lovers and Daemon internally respected the man's fortitude. He could never.

"She is." Daemon said, still whispering. "I figure once she's had a good rest we will take flight. Could you have some food and tea sent up for her? And some goats for Viserion and Drogon as well."

After Jorah nodded and departed, Daemon feigned closing the door but opened it again, peaking out into the hallway. Technically he was still supposed to be confined to his room, but he had words he needed to exchange with Jon Snow. Stepping out into the hallway he made to walk down it but only made it a few doors down before he came upon Tyrion and Varys talking and walking together, all three of them freezing in place as they saw each other.

Tyrion looked absolutely livid as he appraised Daemon. "Sneaking off again to destroy more familial history in fire? Or did you have some other fantastically stupid plan in mind?" He asked savagely, Varys raising his eyebrows in pretend shock.

Daemon straightened and made a point to look down his nose at the dwarf. "My dearest apologies for destroying the home you had hoped to protect your murderous Mad Queen of a sister in after the war. I'm sure we can find a more suitable hovel for her to squat in after we take King's Landing."

Tyrion's already twisted features somehow looked more malicious. "You know not of what you speak." He said.

"Don't I?" Daemon whispered, leaning down to look at Tyrion's ugly, noseless face. "How is it that the Lannister army knew we were coming? Who warned them?"

Varys looked sideways this time. "I hope you aren't suggesting our Lord Hand had anything to do with that. He is a pure and staunch supporter of Daenerys, despite your issues with his ideas." The spider said smoothly.

"I only wonder, Lord Varys." Daemon responded.

"Who knows, with the magic that appears to be loose and wild in the world as of late. Maybe someone was warned in the same way we were warned about your actions and about Highgarden." When Daemon looked confused, a horrible smile crept across the imp's face. "Oh, she didn't tell you?"

Daemon shrugged, refusing to be rattled. "I figured a raven had come."

Tyrion shook his head and looked to Varys, he joined him in their tut-tuting. "No, Lord Rivers." The dwarf said haughtily. "You were seen by none other than Jon Snow himself, through the eyes of a bird he inhabited. Apparently the man is a skinchanger, and a talented one at that."

His shock must have been plain on his face because Tyrion laughed openly. "It must be hard to realize that you are not the only advisor who brings power in magic to the table." Tyrion prodded. "He brings more in other ways, as well. I've done my best to advise Daenerys to take advantage of them."

Daemon felt his face grow hot with anger as he frowned at Tyrion. "I see. You're losing your position with her because your plans are failing so you're attempting to install another puppet."

"Not a puppet, Lord Rivers. A husband." Tyrion said sharply. "What better way to bring the north into the fold than to marry their leader? Daenerys understands the benefits of a political marriage."

"She has no interest in marrying the Stark bastard." Daemon snarled. Tyrion's thorns had found their mark.

"She spent most of her time with him when you were gone." Varys pointed out. "Did you assume she was going to marry you?" The eunuch laughed.

Daemon could have spat on them. He thought about throwing it in their faces that Daenerys currently lay naked in his solar, tired from the pleasure he had given her, but felt better of shaming her in order to gain the upper hand against these slimy men. Tyrion had slowly been growing his trust but with his reaction towards the burning of Casterly Rock, it was two steps forward and four steps back.

"Tell me, my Lord." Daemon whispered with a hiss. "Were you hoping to become Lord of the Rock yourself after the war? To marry some Lady assigned to you that never would have blessed you otherwise and to give her gnarled imp children as twisted and dogged as yourself?"

Before Tyrion could open his mouth to retaliate a gruff and sharp "Enough." came from further down the hall. Ser Barristan was walking up the stairs to where they stood, in full regalia with a fierce look on his face. "Will neither of you be happy until you have torn our Queen limb from limb with your bickering?"

Limb from limb. Daemon recalled the dream Daenerys had described to him from last night. A kraken, a dragon, a lion and a wolf pulling her apart. He was standing in this hall, the dragon, bickering with the lion and fulfilling her worst fears. Again. How would he ever overcome his nature to stop harming her? He immediately dropped his head.

"You speak true, Ser Barristan." He said solemnly. "I will return to her side now."

Ser Barristan nodded as Tyrion and Varys continued on their way, saying not a word to the Queensguard Commander. Daemon reentered his solar where Daenerys still lay sleeping, ignorant to the squabble that just occurred.

So he watched her again. He watched her and thought of her dreams and their meaning. He watched her and thought of Jon Snow, whether she would really marry him in order to take the north. A skinchanger, he was shocked. Though it made sense for that old magic to resurface now, and it made even more sense that it came back in the form of a Stark, who carried more thickly the blood of the First Men than any other house of men. Daenerys said she felt larger forces at work and their fingerprints were evident on all the pieces moving now. The return of dragons, men coming back to life even after hundreds of years, skinchangers materializing from ancient houses. He wondered if they would see more magic awaken, like Greenseers and the use of blood sacrifices in front of the Weirwoods. He hoped not.

Several hours passed as the light outside of the windows began to lessen, late evening turning into dusk. Nobody disturbed them, everyone aware of how important it was for Daenerys to feel rested before they flew on Highgarden. But as dusk turned into night she stirred, opening her eyes to see Daemon kneeling on the bed beside her, offering her a cup of tea.

She wiped the sleep from her eyes and sat up, gratefully taking the cup from him and smiling at him as she drank. "Have you been watching me the whole time?" She asked softly.

"Not the whole time, no." He said. "So, Jon Snow is a skinchanger?"

Her eyebrows raised. "He is. Who told you?"

"Tyrion threw it in my face while telling me about his plans to make Jon Snow your husband."

Her face fell. "Daemon, I-"

He shot a hand up to cradle her face. "No, not now. We don't need to talk about that now." He said sweetly. "How are you feeling?"

She seemed suspicious for a moment before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and rising, the furs falling off of her and revealing her naked body to him again. Her pale skin prickled with goosebumps, and he rounded the bed with her shift to help her get dressed.

"I feel better." She said as she raised her arms for him to pull her shift over her head, dragging his hands down the side of her body as she shivered. "Much more like myself."

He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, tender and quick. "Are you ready for what needs to be done?" He asked her.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of you kissing me like that." She said as she reached out to grab his face, pulling him into another kiss that she deepened, threatening to drag him back into bed with her. He pulled away and laughed at her.

"Woman, you know not the power you hold. But we have an army to burn."

She gave him a grim smile and she pulled her pants on, grabbing her fur suit still on the bed. "Is that the plan? We fly there and set fire to the Lannister army?"

Daemon straightened. "What do you want to do? It's your call. You're the Queen."

"I have an idea for a stop we can make on the way back." She said, smiling wickedly a mirror image of his own deviations.


"I'll tell you after, but yes. That's what I want to do. I want to fly to Highgarden and melt the Lannister and Tarly armies into the ground for what they've done." She said fiercely, clasping her furs around her neck. "Tell me about this weapon you heard of later as well. There's no time now."

Her fire was returning and he was more than glad to fan the flames. "At your lead, Your Grace." Daemon said, bowing and waving his hand for her to walk ahead and she did.

Through the castle they walked, Ser Jorah catching them at the door and reprising to them the preparations they had made. Drogon and Viserion had been fed and like Daenerys, Viserion had spent the time napping and appeared refreshed. Their saddle bags had been filled with more than two weeks worth of food and provisions, overkill but they wanted to be sure. As they made their way to the Dragonmont they were joined by Ser Barristan and came upon Missandei, Tyrion and Varys waiting for them in the training yard.

They walked as a group towards the dragons who waited, Daenerys approaching Rhaegal first. Putting a hand on his face she kissed him and whispered "Umbagon kesīr, ñuha jorrāelagon. Mīsagon se sombāzmion hen ñuha kepa while gaoman skoros ēdruta sagon gaomagon." Stay here, my love. Protect the castle of my ancestors while I do what must be done. Rhaegal understood immediately and retreated, allowing Drogon and Viserion to come forward.

Turning to the group who had gathered, Daenerys smiled at her advisors and her pledged. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could, Jon Snow came out of the castle doors and through the training yard, the crow Daemon had spotted earlier on his shoulder. His skinchanging companion he assumed, though he has heard that inhabiting birds became dangerous, giving the shifter the unending desire for flight. Everyone turned to look at him in surprise.

"I had to come and see you off." He said loudly over the group as he cut through them and approached Daenerys. "You have my support in this endeavor, I hope to see you return. For now, take Pebble." He took his hand and put it to the birds chest, Pebble stepping onto his fingers as he brought him before Daenerys. She hesitated.

"This is an immediate line of communication to us." Jon explained. "You can tuck him under your arm or put him in one of the saddle bags, he'll be fine to come with you. But it's pertinent that he comes with."

Daenerys nodded and took the crow onto her shoulder, Pebble clacking his beak together in excitement. She looked to Daemon and he approached her, removing Pebble from her shoulder and taking him to her saddle bags, the bird eyeing him with one solid black eye full of suspicion. However he willingly allowed Daemon to tuck him into one of the empty sacks, curling himself inside and closing his eyes to nap.

As Daemon returned to Daenerys' side, Jon Snow had retreated to regard her from among the group. Tyrion stepped forward. "My Queen." He said, head low. "May I request to accompany you?"

Daemon was shocked he would ask such a thing. "This is no leisurely flight my Lord. We are flying to war." He said firmly.

Daenerys raised a hand and Daemon quieted. She looked to Tyrion and frowned. "No. You may not accompany me. We fly to finish a problem you created. We should have taken our first chance to blockade the capital, this was your oversight." She said firmly. "I will expect for you to use this time to reflect on how you can better serve me in the future. You will not convince me to pull my punches past this."

Tyrion did not question her but stepped back among the group. "Of course, Your Grace."

Daenerys stood tall and looked again at everyone around her. "For the first time in Westeros I fly to war." She said, projecting her voice into the night air as the wind whipped her hair behind her, shining like silver in the moonlight and looking like the Queen she was. "The bards and the maesters will speak of this moment for hundreds of years to come. The day Daenerys Targaryen flew to set fire upon our enemies. They will try to use it to lessen me, to claim me as mad. But let all of you stand in witness, I do this to protect the realm and all who inhabit it. My enemies have killed women, they have killed children, they have killed unborn babes in the wombs of their mothers. No more. It will not stand. Now they have taken Highgarden and likely killed it's Lady, a woman no bigger than a child. We all met her. Now I fly to show them what happens in my Westeros when an evil Dowager Queen calls for such disgraces. They will never again ask what will happen when they stand against Daenerys Targaryen. They will know. Lannister and Tarly alike, they will know."

Daemon was never more proud of her than in this moment. He smiled strongly and as she finished her speech he looked to Ser Barristan. "Ser," he asked. "Will you give me a sword?"

Daenerys looked at him with confusion. "A sword?" Her face matched that of Ser Barristan's.

Unbuckling his own weapons belt, he unclipped Dark Sister from it and approached Daenerys, falling to his knee and presenting the valyrian steel to her. "You once requested this sword as the heirloom of your house and I told you that you could have it when you learned to wield a blade. You are still learning, but you have done that." He said confidently. "Dark Sister belongs to you. You should carry it into battle."

She took the sword from his hands and clipped it to her side, unsheathing it and weighing it in her palm as he stood. She smiled widely at him, every person around them smiling in turn as she flourished the sword and held it beside her, looking as fierce as Drogon himself. Ser Barristan rushed up and brought him a replacement sword, nodding in approval. Daemon placed it on his hip, not Valyrian steel but it would do. Turning, Daemon made to mount Viserion.

"I'm not finished, my Lord." Daenerys said and he turned to look at her, surprise etched on his face. "Kneel."

He did as he was told. Kneeling before her she took Dark Sister and placed the flat of the blade on his shoulder, bringing it over his head to sit on his other shoulder as the people before them held their breath.

"In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave." She started fiercely and he couldn't help his smile as his heart hammered in his chest. "In the name of the Father I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and the innocent. In the name of the Maid I charge you to protect all women." She was rewriting him, imbibing him with strength and character he had never held before in much the same way he was doing for her. He knew as he raised his head to look her in the eyes that he would follow her anywhere.

"In the name of the Crone I charge you to be wise." She continued. "In the name of the Smith I charge you to be strong and unyielding. In the name of the Stranger I charge you to respect and revere death, for it comes for us all."

As she removed the blade from his shoulder and sheathed it again she smiled, wide and beautiful and remarkable. "Rise now." She started again and he did. "Rise and be known here and now and forever with witnesses to know you as Daemon Targaryen, true, natural-born dragon of my house. I declare this as Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, you are my blood and my kin. You are Ser Daemon Targaryen of the House of the Dragon, the White Dragon and my Master of War. Let no one ever question your name from now until the end of your days, until the end of all days."

His heart swelled as the onlookers clapped and it took everything in him not to pull her into a fierce kiss and he could see her struggle herself in her eyes. She was everything he could have ever dreamed of, the force that kept his soul on this plane. In her energy he felt the strength and beauty and grace and ferocity of Rhaenyra, never without her as it felt like she stood right here. Stronger and renewed and endless.

Standing he bowed his head. "You honor me, Your Grace. My sword and my life are yours." He said. "Until the end of my days."

Beaming she turned and nodded to her advisors and her people, pivoting on her heel to approach and mount Drogon. He did the same on Viserion and with a war cry that she echoed, answered by the raised swords of her Dothraki below, they launched into the air. Turning eastward with the moon at their backs they flew, ready and prepared to lay fire upon their enemies and take back the world that belonged to them.





They are a force when together, that's for sure. This was by far my favorite chapter to write so far.

Next chapter in the works, I hope you guys are okay with how often I'm updating. Would you rather me release multiple chapters at once with longer periods in between or do you like quicker single chapter posts? Let me know.

As always thanks for reading!

Chapter 19: UPDATE

Chapter Text

First off, I want to apologize for the long hiatus without warning.

I got a new job, had some family things, depression hit real bad.. etc.

I have 5 chapters currently completely written and am working on the 6th. With the new season coming out soon I'm re-motivated to get through this.

I want to post several chapters at once as things are starting to move faster, these moments are pivotal and hard for Daenerys as she is being pulled by strong, Godly forces and trying to make sense of that.

I'm excited and nervous for the next chapters. There will be things y'all love and things y'all hate. I'm excited for the chapters beyond that as well when the North and the army of the dead become more relevant.

Anyhow, I'm sorry for the hiatus, I promise chapters will come soon and I hope none of you hate me too much!


Timeless Dragons - BookishBabs - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.